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What are the benefits of having sex?

Is It Necessary?

Is it necessary to have sex every day?

Weight Loss

Can you lose weight by having sex?

How Many Calories Can You Burn

How many calories can you burn by having sex?

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10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex. Available at:

Sexual Activity and the Cardiac Patient. Available at:

What is Penile Trauma? Available at:

Mann D. Get Sexual for Ultimate Weight Loss. WebMD.
Feintuch S. Calories Burned During Sex May Surprise You. Healthy Women.
Groshura. How to Lose Weight During Sex.

What do men really want you to know about them? For better intimacy, learn these 18 secrets guys wish you Knew about sex, love, and marriage.
Everyone has sensitive touchpoints or erogenous zones on their bodies. The seven most erogenous zones on a woman are the ears, fingertips and palms, nipples, inner thighs, clitoris, A-spot, and the bottom of the feet.
A pelvic exam or a vaginal exam cannot reveal with absolute certainty that a woman is a virgin or has been sexually active. A gynecologist can't tell if you are a virgin by doing a physical exam because of the variation in different hymens and the absence of a hymen isn't an indicator of sexual activity.
Did you ever wonder how chocolate came to be so universally loved? Explore the fascinating history of one of the world's most delicious foods.
Everyone feels pleasure differently during sex. Both men and women can feel great pleasure during sex.
Safe sex in loving relationships leads to greater happiness and well-being for individuals and couples. It's not just sex that is important, though. Instead, it's the affection that sex brings to your relationship.
The traditional belief is that every person should seek a single soulmate and they should commit to that person completely. There are people who don’t believe that a single individual can fulfil all their needs in a relationship, so they prefer having many partners. Polyamorous relationships definitely benefit from regular counselling sessions to cope with feelings of jealousy and anxiety, which may surface in the long run.
Relationships, sex, and love! Could it be that what motivates physical attraction in us may be all in our minds? Take the Sex & Love Quiz to challenge yourself on healthy human sexuality!
Noticing a lack of intimacy with your partner? Here we explore how stress, lack of sleep, weight gain, depression and low T can cause low sex drive in men and women.
Male sexual dysfunction can be caused by physical or psychological problems. Common sexual problems in men include erectile dysfunction (impotence or ED), premature ejaculation, and loss of libido. Treatment for sexual dysfunction in men may involve medication, hormone therapy, psychological therapy, and the use of mechanical aids.
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem that arises during any phase of the sexual response cycle, preventing an individual or couple from experiencing sexual satisfaction. Physical, medical, and psychological conditions may affect sexual functioning, resulting in inhibited sexual desire, inability to become aroused, lack of orgasm, and painful intercourse. Treating the underlying physical and psychological problems usually resolves most female sexual problems.
The term sex addiction describes the behavior of someone who has an unusually strong sex drive or sexual obsession. Sex and thoughts of sex dominate a sex addict's thinking, making it difficult to work or engage in healthy personal relationships. Sex addicts may engage in exhibitionism, voyeurism, prostitution, compulsive masturbation, or cybersex. Treatment for sex addiction includes individual counseling, marital and/or family therapy, support groups, 12-step recovery programs, and in some cases, medications.
How would you like a stronger immune system or better sleep? Action between the sheets can help you get all of this and more. Read on to discover the surprising health benefits of sex.
There are four phases to the sexual response for men and women. Couple do not usually reach each phase at the same time, and they are dependant from individual to individual. The four phases of the sexual response cycle include phase 1, excitement; phase 2, plateau; phase 3 orgasm; and phase 4 resolution.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the most common infectious diseases in the United States. STDs can be spread through any type of sexual activity involving the sex organs, the
anus or mouth, or through contact with blood during sexual activity. Examples of STDs include, chancroid, chlamydia, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, lymphogranuloma venereum, syphilis, genital herpes, genital warts, trichomoniasis, pubic lice (crabs), and scabies. Treatment is generally with antibiotics; however, some STDs that go untreated can lead to death.

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Sex is known to be a proven stressbuster that elevates your mood instantly, and yes, it is completely normal to have sex every day. There are phases in life when you have sex more frequently. For example, in the initial period of dating or marriage known as the “honeymoon phase,” couples have sex as many as three to four times a day. This also happens when a couple is planning to have a baby and want to increase their chances of conceiving.
If the person is single or if their partner is not available when they want to have sex, they may satisfy their sexual urges by masturbation , which is also normal.
Sex, especially with multiple partners, carries the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) apart from unwanted pregnancy . Hence, no matter how much sex you have, it is vital to adopt protective measures such as the use of condoms and birth control .
Sex not only makes you feel good but also is good for your health in the long run. Doctors recommend having sex regularly not only for progeny but also because of some of its health benefits. These health benefits include:
People who have sex at least once a week have been shown to benefit from higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that protects from illness.
Sex not only fulfills your physical needs but also establishes an emotional connection between the two partners in a relationship. The emotional connect factor is more important for women than for men. 
Sex indeed comes with multiple benefits but that does not mean that it should be a daily and compulsory chore of life. It is completely fine for you to restrict the number of times you have sex in a day or week. This is because it does not always happen that both the partners want to have sex at the same time or as frequently as the other one. Moreover, it is the willingness of both partners that makes the carnal act more gratifying and enjoyable. Forcing someone to have sex is known as sexual coercion and is not advisable.
Hence, you should always feel free to talk to your partner about your current needs so that the two of you can settle on one thing—to have sex or not. After all, sex is not the only way to experience physical intimacy. Sometimes, even kissing and cuddling can make up for sex.
If sexual problems are hampering your relationship, you can always consult a sex therapist or sexologist.
Believe it or not, studies have shown that having sex can burn almost as many calories as a quick jog. And while it’s not necessarily the most effective form of exercise to shed unwanted pounds, it’s definitely a fun activity to spice up your weight loss program.
Of course, whatever your reason for getting down and dirty more often, remember to practice safe sex to protect yourself and others.
A recent study showed that during one 30-minute sex session:
Another study showed that a vigorous 30-minute sex session can burn as many as 150 calories, which is equivalent to a 15-minute jog. 
Of course, chances are that you aren’t going to have sex that long every time. However, sex can be considered a mild to moderate physical activity.
Although there are incidents of death from sex, only 0.6% of sudden death cases are attributable to sexual intercourse. Most of these people have cardiovascular insufficiency. Other sex risks include:
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Source: by Ondine32; iStock - used with permission

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Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Here’s what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not.

Posted September 2, 2018


Reviewed by Matt Huston

Morning sex vs. evening sex – it’s an age-old conflict, usually with men on one side and women on the other. Men wake up aroused, so morning is prime time. But women often prefer evenings, when things have relaxed a bit – after work and chores are done and children are put to bed. Why does this happen and how can you resolve the issue?
Testosterone difference – Men do have a spike in testosterone between six and nine o’clock in the morning. They naturally like to capitalize on a good morning erection. Unfortunately, women have their lowest amount of daily testosterone in the morning and a minimal increase by evening.
Difference in hormone cycles – Men can experience a daily 25-50% differential in testosterone in the morning, translating to a huge appetite for early sex. For women, however, significant changes in testosterone don’t happen daily, but monthly, with the largest increase happening mid-month during ovulation (and that increase is not nearly as dramatic as what men experience).
Cleanliness – Many women have a thing about being clean before sex. So, for her, the thought of morning breath and a night’s worth of sweat and genital odor can squash any desire for wake-up sex. These issues may be the last thing on a man's mind as he feels the warm closeness of his partner’s relaxed body.
1. Focus on the benefits . For example, after sex, the hormone vasopressin rises, prompting men to feel more emotional attachment .
2. Start slower. Spend time cuddling and lay on the compliments. British gynecologist and researcher Gabrielle Downey says that the single biggest interference with female desire is her body image . So, tell her you love her tousled look and naked face (and body) first thing in the morning.
3. Go to bed earlier. Sleep deprivation lowers testosterone levels in both genders. Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining maximum hormonal balance and for limiting the stress hormone cortisol, which interferes with desire in both genders.
1. Watch competitive sports. Research indicates it increases his feelings of aggression and boosts his testosterone. It’s a great deal if she’s a sports fan, too.
2. Build anticipation about being together throughout the day to capitalize on the small increases of testosterone in her body. Sending loving, appreciative texts builds the emotional connection that might be an even more powerful trigger for her than testosterone.
3. Work out together at the end of the day. Thirty to forty minutes of intense resistance or endurance exercise increases testosterone levels. Arousal remains easier in the thirty minutes after exercise.
Be aware that sometimes the decision about when to have sex can be more about an emotional power struggle than personal preferences. In this case, it’s important to have an honest conversation to get to the root of the problem (and you may want to include a counselor if the problem is ongoing).
Each of you may have a favorite time of day, but pleasing your partner occasionally during their best moment brings fairness and fun. And when that happens, you both win.
Laurie Watson is an AASECT certified sex therapist and the podcast host of FOREPLAY - Radio Sex Therapy on iTunes. She lectures at Duke and UNC’s medical schools and can be reached at

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Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Here’s what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not.

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