Sex S Animals

Sex S Animals


Sex S Animals
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This porn site contain ONLY animal sex videos. No fakes - enjoy porn movies, in which dogs and horses have sex with girls, and sometimes with men! A lot of bestiality action, horny animals, sexy pets with their owners and comming girls during filming zoo porn!

This porn site contain ONLY animal sex videos. No fakes - enjoy porn movies, in which dogs and horses have sex with girls, and sometimes with men! A lot of bestiality action, horny animals, sexy pets with their owners and comming girls during filming zoo porn!

Zoophiles mostly prefer dogs, horses are in second place. © Temelkov

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Cruelty to animals – yes or no? Zoophiles and animal rights activists have been arguing about this for decades when it comes to sex with animals. What exactly zoophilia is, why it is no longer called sodomy and what the legal situation is in Germany.
There have always been deviations from the norm, everywhere in the world and in all areas of life. There are also many people in the sexual field who live far from the legal and / or social norm. Among others, people who fall in love with animals, so-called zoophiles.
Many know animal love under the colloquial and no longer current term sodomy. Until a few years ago, this included all sexual practices that were not used for reproduction. In addition to anal or oral sex, sodomy meant sex between two men, for example. Nowadays, scientists use the term zoophilia for relationships between humans and animals that clearly exceed normal affection.
They refer to people who find animals sexually attractive. Similar to interpersonal relationships, factors such as appearance, gender, availability, character and animal species also play a role here. If people have a relationship with an animal, sexual acts such as penetration do not necessarily occur. The desire for this is strong among zoophiles, which is why they often give in to it.
Zoophilia is a so-called paraphilia. Psychologists use this to denote sexual tendencies that deviate significantly from the norm. If the affected person is impaired by this different tendency and / or if they or others have suffered from it for at least six months, their paraphilia has a disease value. Experts such as Lydia Benecke, a criminal psychologist with a focus on violent and sexual crimes, then classify it as a paraphile disorder. Paraphilic disorders can be found in the relevant classification manual for mental disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). If necessary and desired, the tendency to sex with animals is treated with cognitive (recognize deviant behavior), aversive (associate deviant behavior with negative stimuli) or drug therapies.
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Since there are hardly any studies on zoophilia, the causes are not entirely clear. Possible reasons why some people are attracted to animals are:
Previous studies have found that men are more likely to have zoophilic tendencies than women. In total, about five to eight percent of the population are affected, although experts estimate the number of unreported cases to be significantly higher.
In general, zoophiles reject violence against animals and instead see them as equal partners. However, the attitudes of those affected differ:
Zoophiles distinguish themselves from other groups:
Most people prefer dogs, followed by horses: a total of 75 percent of zoophile contacts are from these two types. In the third place are cows. Some animals show impulses during sexual contact – these can be attributed to the animal species, hormone levels, the experience and conditioning of the animal, among other things.
When two people have sex with each other, they consent to each other at a pre-sexual time. This usually happens non-verbally through gestures, touches or looks. How do zoophiles know whether their animal wants to have sexual intercourse or not? In an interview with "taz" in 2012, a zoophile explains: "An animal can show very precisely what it wants and what it doesn't." They want to recognize their "yes to sex" through non-verbal signals from the animal.
However, this method is criticized because the signals can be misinterpreted, the animal simply submits to a hierarchical order (especially dogs), it does not know how to defend itself (or fears punishment) or has been appropriately trained. One hundred percent safe knowledge So zoophiles cannot tell whether their animal likes the sexual acts.
Until 1969, Section 175 of the German Criminal Code made "unnatural fornication with animals" a criminal offense. Then the paragraph was deleted. It wasn't until 2013, more than forty years later, that a similar law found its way back: According to Section 3 of the Animal Welfare Act, it is forbidden "to use an animal for its own sexual acts or to train or make it available for third-party sexual acts and thereby to behave contrary to the species to force." In contrast to the previous version, zoophilia is only an administrative offense that can be punished with a maximum of 25,000 euros.
Many zoophiles do not feel addressed by the law, like Z.E.T.A. explained on his page. Because it would only target people who do sexual violence to their animals and thereby force them to have intercourse, for example. Zoophiles, on the other hand, would not inflict violence on their animals, nor would they see them under any pressure if there were sexual acts between the animals and their human owner.
They also believe that intimate interactions between different species are not improper. You are referring to an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung that reports on inter-sexual intercourse, among other things, in the history of mankind. The text was always about closely related animal species, for example humans and gorillas, both of which belong to the family of the great apes. On the other hand, there was no mention of completely different species such as humans and dogs.
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