Sex Rough

Sex Rough


Sex Rough
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Sex can suit any mood or moment from intimate and romantic to hot and dirty. Another point on that scale is just plain rough sex . And that doesn’t have to mean incorporating any strange fantasies, difficult positions, or floggers. All you have to do is tweak the positions you already know and love to amp up the roughness factor for an unforgettable romp. Trust.
Need some ideas? Check out these sexy suggestions from Emily Morse, Ph.D., founder and host of the Sex with Emily podcast, and then try them with your partner tonight.
You'll be breaking barriers, one spank and hair pull at a time.
Even though you’re upside down here, you both have control of the motion and depth of penetration. Yours might be more of a workout, but any extra work and sweat in a sex sesh just makes it hotter (and rougher). If you want him to take control, he can use his hands for some spanking or anal play .
How to do it: Place your hands on the floor and have him pull your waist so your legs are on either side of his hips.
This one is super-intimate, as he can wrap his arms around you to hold you tight, but he’s also hands-free to explore your body—he can squeeze your nipples or grab onto your hair.
How to do it: Have him sit on the edge of a bed or a chair and lower yourself onto his shaft facing away from him.
You probably recognize this one as doggy style, known for being a hot position for both of you. And with some tweaks, you can up the rough factor by hair pulling, spanking, and positioning yourselves in front of a mirror so you can both watch.
How to do it: Get on all fours and have him kneel behind you. He enters from behind while holding your hips or boobs .
We asked men and women what they think of dirty talk. Here's what they had to say:
With you on top, you’re rocking the movement, depth, and speed, and he’ll love seeing your body in action. To kick it up a notch, you can also tie his hands together or pin down his arms down with your knees to really take control. Another option: Have him wear a penis ring for maximum mutual stimulation. (Try this vibrating ring from the Women's Health Boutique.)
How to do it: Straddle him with your knees bent. Push off of his chest to slide up and down.
Giddy up, reverse cowgirl. This one combines the hotness of doggy with the sexy dominance of you on top. He’s hands-free here to explore and to get a little rough. This one is also ideal for anal play , since he’s got easy access and you’re on top to guide him down there.
How to do it: He lies on his back while you straddle him, facing away from him.

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The Art of Rough Sex


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Dinner at the restaurant was romantic, and together, you finished off a bottle of red wine. The full moon is bright. She’s happy. It’s all happening. Together, you walk back to her place, touching fingertips, clasping and unclasping hands, flirting in whispers, and as you approach your building, the flirting gets heavy and a little dirty.
And then she tells you she’d like something a little different tonight. You’re amused, and you like that she’s asking — and then, she says that tonight, she wants it rough. You hear the words, which don’t quite match up with her demure profile and perfectly applied makeup... and wonder how you’re going to manage this.
Rough sex is not vanilla. It’s about becoming mutually aroused by discomfort and integrating hair pulling, pushing around, manhandling and even spanking with sex. Gone are the tender caresses, and in their place are commands. The tone of rough sex is different than the sweet, sultry allure of a typical night. Rough sex gets physical and it can get vigorous. It can be intense because the line is there to be crossed. There’s an element of role-playing , but a good actor gives of himself so it’s not all about the role — it’s also about what you bring to it.
If this sounds interesting, then this is probably something for you. And, at the right time, with the right partner, it can a lot of fun and can bring you closer. It’s also a great way to work out some feelings and let your partner know this other, more exciting, slightly dangerous side of your personality that you can’t show in real life because it’s perceived as threatening and therefore inappropriate. But in the bedroom, between consenting partners , this is where you have a little fun with rough sex.
Of course, you should always use common sense. There are times when rough sex doesn’t work and shouldn’t. If you have a partner who has a history of abuse or violence, this isn’t a good idea. In spite of your good intentions, the rough sex can trigger flashbacks and bad memories. Or, when you’re in a relationship with someone who’s adamantly against rough sex or has a negative reaction to anything that’s rough and tumble, you’re better off avoiding it. And if you know that you, yourself, have problems with impulse control and have trouble stopping once you’ve gotten started, this probably isn’t for you.
That being said, rough sex can be very enjoyable for all involved.
There is a widespread perception that women are delicate flowers and the fairer sex, so the idea that they would tolerate or inflict — let alone want to initiate or even ask for — rough sex seems far gone. But it’s not.
Truth be told, women are into sex a lot more than men realize. And they don’t just want polite sex or demure sex or hotel sex . Today’s woman is psychologically, socially and emotionally complicated and layered, and her sexual appetite is just as intriguing as she is. Simple women with simple lives are a lot more rare than they used to be, so men would be wise to take this as a heads-up. Chances are you’re with a woman who has at least a fleeting interest, if not a full-blown desire to partake in a little rough sex.
Men are often surprised by this, and wind up caught off guard when it’s the women who are the ones who tell them that they want it rough. It’s not always apparent when meeting these women, especially when they’re baking cookies, playing with kittens and wearing floral print dresses, that they’ve got a dark side when it comes to sex. They just don’t look the part! If they were slaying Wall Street while wearing leather and downing shots between stock trades, men might not be so surprised when these types of women want it rough.
But the women who don’t seem like they would want it, but do, are the shockers. And when it becomes apparent that they do, it’s a definite game-changer. Sometimes, guys are so taken off guard by their women wanting it rough that they don’t realize that it was difficult for women who don’t live looking as if they want it rough, to express themselves and come out and ask for it. They know you don’t see it coming and they’re afraid to scare you away, or get rejected, so they sometimes bite their tongues and hope you’ll bring it up.
A woman wrote to me on my relationship advice forum and said about she and her boyfriend: “.... We like kinky sex, but he's never been one to take charge or to be rough or anything like that. I was even disappointed he wasn't more aggressive with me….” Some of these women just don’t mention it to their men at all, simply because they’re concerned about the man’s reaction, so instead of a sexy reality, rough sex remains a tacit but vibrant fantasy for them.
Men love rough sex because it gives them a chance to express their dominant selves in a sexual way. They basically have permission to be aggressive and intense — feelings that they normally rein in. And they get pleasure out of watching their partners become aroused from the rough, sexual exchange.
Rough sex is a treat for men who normally feel that it just isn’t right, and it isn’t polite. In other words, it’s not the way you treat a lady. They get stuck on the “Madonna and the whore” conflict, where a woman can’t be both good and bad. She has to be one or the other — and the man has to choose which she is so that he can know whether to treat her as one or the other, as good or bad. Following this simple construct brings psychological and social comfort.
So, when she suggests rough sex, or he suggests it and she agrees to have it, that construct and the comfort the construct brings, is overturned. All bets are off. And when this happens, men who were hesitant at first, and who then do get into the flow of the rough sex, and really hit a good groove, tend to discover facets of themselves they weren’t familiar with before (maybe even new fetishes ) and in this sexual adventure, they have even an even more profound experience because this wild, intense and dominant side of their personality was, up until the rough sex, suppressed and even latent — sometimes for years on end.
Having rough sex feels as if they’ve freed themselves. The intimacy that the bond created by rough sex creates between a man and his partner is more than just a sexual connection. It’s a deep feeling that a partner has brought out in her man, his true self. Great rough sex allows a celebration of this part of a man’s identity as well as of the sexual experience. Having rough sex doesn’t have to be just a release or just a connection. It can be a way to learn about one’s self and discover parts of one’s personality, and a partner’s personality, that you hadn’t realized before.
Having rough sex can be just a hot romp between the sheets, but it also serves as a validation for male feelings of self and the layered and complex feelings about a partner, and women, in general.
If rough sex is new to you, or if it’s not and you just want some tips to get things going...
If she brings it up first, then you can skip this step. But if she doesn’t, there are a few ways you can bring it up. Don’t spring it on her in the middle of sex. Instead, consider bringing it up next time the two of you talk about sex, or watch a suggestive film with some hot rough sex scenes in it, then ask her how she feels about the idea. Let her know it turned you on and see how she reacts. If having a conversation isn’t your thing, you could go the silly route — show her you’re interested by buying a pair of furry handcuffs or a Catholic schoolgirl costume, and asking her if she’s ready to be a naughty girl. This will get the conversation going. Role playing sometimes helps people get into a mood that they otherwise can’t, so choose your role for rough sex. And, even if you get a good reaction, make sure she actually wants to do this, too. Get her consent ! If she's not into it, you'll have to accept that. 
That being said, if she is into it, you'll need to agree on a safe word before engaging in any rough sex. A safe word is a word, which when spoken, means "stop everything." It’s your mutually agreed-upon quick exit, and it's necessary so you can engage in sex where the normal signs that you should stop don't necessarily mean stop. Without a safe word, rough sex could be rape. Talk about it beforehand, agree on a safe word and stop as soon as you hear it. 
It can be useful to get comfortable beforehand and loosen up a bit. Whether it’s a drink or something else, whatever you use to offset nerves and relax your inhibitions — this can help you feel more uninhibited during the act and free to try things you haven't in the past.
Feeling dominance and then exercising it is the basis for rough sex. Taking forcefulness to the limit is exciting for many people. If you’re having trouble feeling it, don’t worry. She may be the natural who gets your juices flowing. Sometimes it takes her getting dominant as your catalyst to become even more dominant than she is. Anyone with a streak of dominance in their personality can really let go and let it roll here. If you’re not sure what to do, instead of undressing her — rip her dress open, yank her skirt up. Tear her bra and panties off. (You get the idea!) This can be inspiring and a lot of fun.
Once you’ve ripped off each other’s clothing, consider her hair. Pulling on her hair is sensual and it can be a show of force. Couple pulling her hair with some other sexual maneuver. On its own, hair pulling doesn’t pack the power that it does while you’re doing something else that’s sexual. Pull from the roots, not the ends. The latter isn’t going to elicit the pain that she enjoys. You want to suggest a little bit of pain — without causing her so much that it’ll ruin the mood.
Try biting at the nape of her neck (not hard enough to draw blood!). Then work your way down — nibbling and biting as you go. Leaving your mark — whether by nibbling or more — defines rough sex from vanilla sex. Some men love when women leave nail marks on their backs, so if that sounds good to you, ask for it. Leaving a mark is often very much a part of rough sex.
Yes, pretend she’s a bad little girl (Call her that!) Then, bend her over your knee and spank her . Or slap her, doggie style — a hallmark of rough sex. As with biting, you can also find yourself leaving a handprint on her skin through hard spanking.
Get demanding. Tell her what to do. Instruct her. Get loud. Talk dirty . And don’t hold back making noise. Your vocalizations will turn up the mood. Certain sexual positions naturally lend themselves to rough sex because one of you is dominant and the dominant one is leading the dance that is rough sex, so be the one on top, standing while she’s not, or directing the positions and calling the shots because that is, truly, what rough sex is really about.
If you're just starting to dip your toes into the world of rough sex, restraints are a great place to start. They instantly incorporate power dynamics into your bedroom fun, and power dynamics are fun – trust us.
If you're just starting to dip your toes into the world of rough sex, restraints are a great place to start. They instantly incorporate power dynamics into your bedroom fun, and power dynamics are fun – trust us.
If you're just starting to dip your toes into the world of rough sex, restraints are a great place to start. They instantly incorporate power dynamics into your bedroom fun, and power dynamics are fun – trust us.
Lastly, there are few things you should avoid to make this a success. First, no laughing. The second you start to laugh at the situation, is the second you relieve the intensity that’s required for this rough sex to work. Humor breaks the mood. If you’re uncomfortable or unsure, you may want to laugh. Try not to. Stay in the moment.
Second, no apologizing. Part of what makes this work is that you’re not the nice guy during rough sex. You’re the rough guy. The minute you apologize, you’ve broken the spell. Keep your persona to keep the rough sex hot.
Third, don’t fall back into the Mr. Nice Guy you usually are. Mr. Nice Guy doesn’t get hot sex. So veer away from softness and don’t fall into being gentle. Gentility is the gateway behavior towards vanilla sex you’re trying to avoid by engaging in rough sex, tonight.
Fourth, no damages. You can’t hurt her during rough sex — and she shouldn’t hurt you. This is supposed to be hot and sensual while pushing the boundaries, not breaking them because you’ve gone too far. Keep it safe, while keeping it edgy. Read up on sexual consent. Use your safe word.
And fifth, while you’re getting things going and finding your groove, less is more and it’ll keep you from feeling like you’re just out of your element — unless of course, things are going well and more is more. Good communication while you’re into the rough sex is what will allow you to gauge this.
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A SHOCKED hotel guest filmed two randy couples romping openly in their hot tubs below his balcony - and now HE could face jail.
The man said he got out his camera to aid law enforcement, but now he could fall foul of indecency laws in Hong Kong.
The footage shows the view from one of the balconies at a tower block hotel in the North Point area of the former British colony.
One floor below, a half-naked woman is seen tucking into a bowl of noodles while sitting on the edge of their open-air jacuzzi.
Her partner submerged in the water appears to perform a sex act on her.
Meanwhile another randy pair are getting steamy on the balcony hot tub next door.
The woman can be seen writhing up and down on the man's lap.
Both couples can be seen and heard by other guests, while families splash in the swimming pool below.
The man who filmed it denied he was spying on the lovers.
He said they should not have been romping in the outdoor jacuzzis and intended to pass the footage to police
He said: "The rooms were not private. They were aware that other hotel guests could see them.
"This is why I recorded their inappropriate behaviour. I did not expect to see people doing this when I stood on my balcony."
Hong Kong barrister Albert Luk Wai-hung said people having sex "in public view" could be jailed for up to six months.
However, anyone who films it could also land in hot water.
The lawyer told local media: "A person who, without lawful authority or excuse, in any public place or in view of the public, indecently exposes any part of his body, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction of a fine and imprisonment for up to six months."
He added: "Further to this rule, the video taker may have also violated the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance and could be duly punished."
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