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Awakened Chastity(OC,Others,RP Open)
"Three against an army. I should hardly call it fair."
"Struggle while you can then, every second you waste here, another second is spent while those people die. When I bury you three, I hope you feel you wasted it well."
"Right... Right." *The Doctor exclaimed calmly, before exerting his own red force. This aura would flash out like an angry Tiger, as the cast's eyes would begin to turn red. Already a chunk of the ceiling was falling on Haven as the Doctor would make one nail grow large. He'd stick it in the ground, right where he was standing. Almost like a tent peg.*-E
Once again Anthem ignored the man like he wasn't there, focusing more on preparing the technique than answering the useless banter. She weaved a few hand seals, familiar to some and completely foreign to others. The scroll began to glow hunter green, ice blow, and earthen brown as Japanese kanji appeared in Locust, Hex, and Anthem's fists and feet. "Just hit him as much as possible!" She said to her comrades, her crimson orbs fixated on the man of her nightmares.
Hex is very familiar with men just like Haven seen them rise up and fall soon after. A pity. Someone always has to come and save the day. Sometimes Hex wished that the Villain won occasion but still it never happens. Even in the many books he has read over the years. He's such the bookworm but it is why he knows of different ways to fight and how he adapts to fighting styles. This is why he can keep up with other people even if he doesn't seem like the type to be able to do that. Hex nods to Locust knowing what needs to be done. In the Shadow of Locust he hides and waits for the perfect strike.
(There, we will pause until the same starting time until tomorrow. Thank you all for attending! Apologies for rushing it a tad ^^; Hope you all return for the event tomorrow, where the plot will thicken! Battles to be had, villains to be tackled, and drama to unfold!)
(-applaudes the DM! It's mostly my fault. Sorry all, but I hope to see you tomorrow as Anthem unleashes her secret technique(s?) on Haven!-)
(The Japanese kanji on your fist/feet reads Seal, if your curious!)
The RolePages 13th Anniversary Marathon
Role playing is a form of storytelling where you take on the persona of a fictional character, and then interact with others through various mediums to tell dynamic stories. On RolePages this is done by signing up for an account as that character, filling out a profile according to what they would actually say, and choosing an appropriate avatar picture. You can then interact with other people playing fictional figures using forums, blogs, profile posts, pictures, videos, and this chat.
Our role playing chat rooms allow you to interact with other members of the community in real time using narrative text as the medium. When you post, everyone present sees it immediately, and has the ability to respond as quickly as they can type. That means that the action can get pretty quick, and sometimes the rapidity of reading and responding to people in a crowded room can be difficult.
Our chat system currently has the ability for users to log in as guests. This allows you to enter and get a feel for the action and conversation, while you wait for your official profile to be approved by the Administrative staff. However, guests are still subject to all of RolePages posted rules and guidelines.
The chat system that we employ contains multiple rooms which can be used for roleplaying purposes, each representing a different location. Descriptions of the environment can be found by hovering over the room name in the list. At the same time, any unoccupied space can be used for any location that is required by your story, and rooms such as “The Multiverse” and “Hellifyno” are set up to act as blank canvases that can become any place that you need.
The important thing to remember is that when you enter a room, you are the character. Any actions that you take, and any words that you type, should be done as if you were actually the person you are roleplaying as. This is called staying In Character (IC) and it is vital for maintaining the integrity of the stories being told.
If you absolutely have to say something Out Of Character (OOC) then you should try to do so in private messages to the specific person. In those rare cases where you need to communicate an OOC message to an entire room you should place parentheses ( ) around your words so that people know they are not being expressed by your character.
There is a specific OOC room that is set up for these interactions. Excessive use of Out Of Character comments in any other room where role playing is taking place is against the rules, and can result in administrative action.
There are two basic ways that your character can interact with others in a chat room. There is dialogue, where you can have them say or communicate something to someone else, and then there are actions where you actually cause them to physically do something.
Actions: In a roleplaying chat room, action is generally indicated by saying exactly what your character is doing, and then placing those words inside of opening and closing action marks. There are a variety of symbols that are used by people to indicate that a phrase is an action. The important thing is that the words get marked off, and separated from any other writing so that people know an action is taking place.

You can choose to use either the present or past tense and can write with either a first person or third person perspective depending on your personal preferences. However you should try to maintain tense consistency throughout your writing.
Dialogue: In literary form this is generally delineated by having words placed in quote marks “ “ That is an acceptable way to express dialogue in the chat, however the common convention on RolePages is to simply leave text which is intended as dialogue unmarked.
It is perfectly acceptable to use both actions and dialogue in a single sentence, paragraph, or post. This allows you to bring your character completely to life.
:: Steps into the bar. Looking around, he catches sight of Sheila and moves towards her. :: Somehow I knew you’d be here. You’re always here. :: His face is stern, holding back a seething anger.::
Do you know what time it is? *She smiles, catching the man by the sleeve of his jacket* I have an important appointment at 3 and I don’t want to be late. *Suddenly realizing herself she lets the sleeve go, an embarrassed blush coloring her cheeks.* I’m sorry, I’m… just a little nervous is all.
Die you foul creature!
Proper spelling and grammar is highly encouraged, and while not required, the community does tend to show more respect towards those who know and apply the basic rules of writing.
You must follow all of’s posted rules at all times, whenever accessing any feature of the site, including this chat system. Failure to adhere to these rules can result in administrative action including deletion of content, silencing of accounts, and temporary, or permanent banning from the site.
In addition, you are not allowed to kill, or drastically alter anyone elses character in any way without their permission. Everybody has the right to control their own creations, and to dictate how their stories and artistic efforts proceed over time. If you wish to start a story that would result in harm or a change to someone elses character then you should send them a private message to discuss it. In this way you can collaborate, working together to tell a tale that satisfies you both.
Directional Moderators (DM’s) are members of the community who work to create elaborate interactive chat events, adventures, and games. When you enter into an event being held by a DM, you forfeit control over your character, and give them the right to alter or kill that persona if it is necessary for the story. Before a permanent change is enacted a DM will be required to message the person in question to give them a chance to avoid the situation.
If you believe that the integrity of your character is being compromised by a DM you always have the right to simply *poof* away to safety. However it is important to remember that the DM’s are volunteers, who give of their time freely to try and make this a better community. As such you need to show them respect at all times, and if you disagree with something they are doing you should mention it to them in private, rather than making a public spectacle.
It is always better to talk out a situation and resolve disputes in an amicable and open manner.
When you open this chat system you are automatically logged into the Blue Moon Tavern room. That acts as a kind of center stage for the community, and is the default location where roleplaying events and activities take place. It is also the place where most of the DM run events and missions occur.
The environment consists of a rustic Tavern, set in the city of Consequence, which is the capital of the magical planet Hellifyno. The bar is run by a man named Harry, and staffed by a group of strange green imps. Food and drinks are always free, but if you hang out there long enough you’re bound to run into trouble… of one sort or another, which could get you the distinction of being called one of the vaunted Heroes.
The main story arc consists of a single narrative, which started when the site opened in 2009 and has continued unbroken to this day. This is maintained by the RolePages DM’s under the direction of Narrator, and is supported by periodic events including wars, elections, plagues, invasions, and the occasional apocalypse. Everyone is welcome to participate in the main story arc, however it is not required, and you are also more than welcome to use the variety of rooms, locations, and features of RolePages in whatever way your story requires.
The authority of the administrators is absolute. They have the right to silence, kick, or ban anyone that they feel is breaking the rules or being a disruption to the community. Generally a warning will be issued before administrative action is taken, however this is not mandatory. Trolling, spamming, and flaming is not acceptable, and all rules and posted guidelines must be followed at all times.
We are all storytellers, trying to express the beauty of our souls in a new and interactive way. Because of this, passions can run high around here, and that sometimes leads to conflict. It is important to remember that we are all here for the same reason, and we all share a love of creativity that binds us as a community. When conflicts occur, you should try to resolve them in an amicable manner by talking things out with the other party.
With role playing you also have to be careful to maintain the mental distinction between IC and OOC. Just because your character hates someone, doesn’t mean that you have to actually hate that person’s player. Rather you should work with them directly to create even more conflicts for the two antagonists to deal with. That’s how great stories are developed.
As mentioned earlier OOC interactions should be reserved for private chats, and the OOC room, or in rare cases placed within parentheses when used in a main role playing room. If you have to suddenly leave your keyboard you can use the terms AFK (Away From Keyboard) or BRB (Be Right Back) to let people know you are absent for a time. You can also use the “Not Available” status indicator on your profile.
Role playing in a chat environment can be exciting, challenging, and fun. Just relax, and try to enjoy the creative process. If you make mistakes, learn from them, but don’t let them hold you back. In the end this should be a space where you are free to be anyone, and do anything you can imagine.


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