Sex On Your Face

Sex On Your Face


Sex On Your Face

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These creatures eat bacteria, fungi, oil, and dead skin cells and are most active when we are asleep. They often crawl across our face where they eat and reproduce. After they reproduce, the female buries into a hair follicle or sebaceous gland. She lays the eggs here and in two days they hatch. It takes baby mites about six days to reach adulthood, and they live for about five days after this.
Although Demodex mites are common, they increase in numbers with age. Demodex infestation is present in 84% of the population at age 60 and 100% at age 70. 
Signs that you have an eye might infestation
Mites can actually be helpful when present in small numbers. However, when their population grows out of control, this can lead to inflammation and infection. Here are some signs that you might have too many mites taking up residence on your eyelids and lashes:
Natural remedies for mite infestation
Luckily, there are a number of natural ways to reduce the numbers of mites on your eyelids to a manageable level. Here are some that you can try.
Stop using eye makeup – It is thought that using mascara and other eye makeup can make you more prone to an eye mite outbreak. If you have symptoms of mites, try stopping all eye makeup. Throw away all old makeup and if you start wearing eye makeup again, purchase high-quality organic products only.
Wash your face and eyelids daily – There is no greater deterrent to eye mites than a polished hygiene routine. Keep your face clean and don’t forget to wash your eyelids. You can use a gentle soap and gently scrub the top of your lids and eyelashes daily to keep them clean.
Get rid of your old pillowcases and sheets – To reduce the risk of reinfestation, it is best to throw away your sheets and pillowcases and get new ones. If you can’t do that, wash your old ones in very hot water and a little bit of bleach.
Check your pets – If you have pets, be sure to have them checked for mites by your veterinarian.
Oregano oil – Oregano oil is loaded with antibacterial properties and can help boost your immune system and allow your body to fight against any infestations. Take oregano oil orally daily.
Warm compress – Apply a warm compress to your eye area a few times a day. This will help ease inflammation, redness, and itching. Be sure to use only a clean, organic cotton cloth for this remedy.
Macadamia nut and tee tree oil – Macadamia nut oil has the perfect balance of fatty acids and is hydrating and moisturizing. Tea tree oil has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. For this powerful remedy, combine half macadamia nut oil and half tea tree oil. Gently exfoliate eyelids and lashes with a clean cloth. Apply the oil mixture to lashes, eyelids, and eyebrows. Be careful not to get in your eyes.
Tea tree shampoo – Dilute some tea tree shampoo with water and lather. Apply to your lash area, being careful to avoid your eyes. Rinse with warm water and repeat a few times a day as needed to relieve symptoms.
Organic coconut oil – Coconut oil is loaded with antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Use a clean cotton pad and apply coconut oil to your lids and eyelash area. Allow the coconut oil to set for about twenty minutes and remove. Repeat several times a day.
Tea bags – Reduce inflammation and pain by placing cooled tea bag on your eyes. Chamomile tea, in particular, has soothing properties that can bring much relief to sore eyes. Steep tea bags in boiling water and allow them to cool. Let the tea bags rest on your eyes for about twenty minutes and remove.
Potato slices – Although it may seem strange to put potatoes on your eyes they really do reduce inflammation and pain, especially if you are suffering from blepharitis. Wash an organic potato thoroughly and slice into modest slices. Place slices over your eyes for at least twenty minutes. Do this several times a day.
Baking soda – Baking soda has antibacterial properties and can reduce inflammation. Mix a little baking soda with water and apply to your eyelids and lashes using a cotton pad. Rinse with warm water.
Don’t itch or rub your eyes – Try not to itch your eyes, this will make matters worse.
– Good hygiene goes a long ways towards keeping a mite infestation at bay.
Drink water – Stay hydrated so that your immune system will function properly.
Increase vitamin C and Zinc – Be sure that you are getting enough vitamin C and Zinc in your diet. Eat plenty of foods with vitamin C and Zinc to boost your immune system.

By Madeline Howard Published: Jul 5, 2020
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Got your laptop or phone handy? Great.
FaceTime sex (while fun) can be also super awkward, especially if you're not used to video chat sex . Like, how do you know where to angle the camera? Should you use your phone or your laptop? Is it better to point the camera toward your face or your ~downstairs~ area? All valid questions.
To start: "Remind yourself that everyone feels weird about it at first," says Gigi Engle, Promescent brand advisor and author of All The F*cking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life . "Tell your FaceTime partner that you're nervous and feel awkward to defuse the tension." Sometimes just acknowledging that there's a weirdness in the room can make things less weird—go figure!
It's all a learning process, and it *will* take some getting used to even after the first time. Your fave lube or vibrator are always a good idea, says Engle.
Now, if you're feeling a little more comfortable with the concept of getting sexual on-camera, keep reading for the 12 best positions for FaceTime sex.
If you're a FT sex first-timer, Engle recommends trying out this super easy position as a starter. "Place your laptop on a few pillows to get a nice, flattering downward angle," she says. Get into a kneeling position so that your partner has the entire view of your bod, with no focus on any one part. This position gives you the hands-free ability to touch yourself anywhere and, bonus, your partner gets a hot full-frontal view.
Now, if you're ready to try something new, take that same computer-and-pillows stack and pull it in so the camera is really close to your genitals and legs. Both you and your bae can do this, giving each other an up-close-and-personal view as you touch yourselves until climax, says Engle. (Related: Exactly How To Have Phone Sex Without Feeling Awkward )
If it's not your thing to have your genitals all up in the camera, no worries. You can also lay on your side and place your pillow stack by your tummy, which offers a full-frontal view of what you're doing without being too invasive.
FaceTime sex isn't all about flailing your genitals at the camera. "If you're shy, then you might want to start with only showing your face," says Janet Brito , PhD, a clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist in Honolulu, Hawaii. "This can be quite sexy, as the person on the other end can let their imagination go wild and think about how you might be pleasuring yourself based on your facial expressions and moans." TLDR: Your face is a huge turn on!
Use your front camera and point it toward your face, then give your partner a verbal play-by-play of *exactly* what you're doing with your hands. "Let your partner know how you're touching yourself," says Brito. "And what you'd like them to be doing to you as you both gaze at each other’s eyes." Sounds kind of romantic, right?
Take hands-free FaceTime sex to the next level by bringing in a tripod for your phone, says Brito. Set it up so it's right next to your bed, so your partner gets a full-view of your at-home sex setup. Spice things up with a little strip tease or by slowly touching your body from head to toe.
Sometimes you just want to make the sex session about *you*. Become the ~sexy~ commander (with your partner's consent) and tell them exactly where, when, and how to touch themselves for the entirety of the FaceTime, and you'll have a craaazy orgasm as a result.
You know the drill. If you're comfortable, now it's time to listen to your partner while they coach you through all the lovely ways they want you to touch yourself or talk to them on-camera. This may feel a li'l weird at first, but TBH, sometimes it's nice to let your mind go and have someone else calling the shots.
Think your partner has seen your every angle at this point? Wrong. With your computer on the bed or stacked on top of pillows, turn around so that your booty is facing the camera. This will give your partner a new angle, and they can watch as you rock and move your butt around, pleasing yourself with your hands or a vibrator. (Related: Yes, Anal Orgasms Are Real—Here's How To Have One )
As mentioned above, sometimes the beauty of FaceTime sex is in what you can't see. Try turning the lights down super low (both of you) so that your view is a little unclear. In this setting, you may be able to see each other's silhouettes but not the up-close-and-person details. That means there's waaay more left up to the imagination and begs for sexy description.
Put your computer or phone on a high-enough surface so that your partner can see most of your bod while you're standing straight up (and have them do the same). This will not only offer a new angle, but it will also give your hands access to your erogenous zones in a totally different way. (Who doesn't love to mix things up?)
If you don't feel all that comfortable masturbating in front of a camera yet, this one's for you. Both you and your partner get into the tub and draw yourself a soothing-AF bath. Then, you can set the camera up on a stool or chair next to you and start masturbating underwater, maybe sensually touching your chest, neck, and mouth to give your partner a little more of a visual.
Now that you've got all of the best FaceTime sex positions at your disposal, it's time for you to schedule a moment to try them out. And remember! Only have FaceTime sex if *you* want to. This experience is all about making you feel sexual, confident, and turned on.
Madeline Howard is a writer, editor, and creative based in Brooklyn. Her work has been published in Esquire, Nylon, Cosmopolitan, and more. Among other things, she was formerly an editor at Women’s Health. Subscribe to her newsletter ‘hey howie’ at 
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THEY'VE got eight legs, feast on your skin cells and come out at night to mate on your face.
Thousands of teeny, tiny face mites live around the face, eyelashes and even NIPPLES of almost every person on Earth, and scientists have finally unravelled their genetic secrets.
In a study published Tuesday, researchers at the University of Reading described how they sequenced the genome of the Demodex folliculorum, also known as the skin mite, for the first time.
They found that the microscopic critters are becoming so dependent on their hosts that they may soon "become one with humans."
And they also confirmed that the creatures – thousands of which can live on any one person – have anuses, contrary to previous claims.
Just about every adult alive has a population of face mites passed on during birth, and they're nearly impossible to get rid of.
They burrow into your pores, eat your natural skin oils and climb back out to mate while you're asleep.
After having their wicked way with one another, the bugs crawl back into your pores to lay their eggs – paving the way for the next generation of bugs.
As grim as it sounds, and while it might send a shiver down your spine, the good news is the mites are relatively harmless.
The first genome sequencing study of the critters found that their isolated existence and resulting inbreeding is changing their DNA.
D. folliculorum is shedding unnecessary genes and cells and is moving towards a transition from external parasites to so-called "symbionts".
That means they'll soon effectively live as one with humans.
Uni of Reading biologist Dr Alejandra Perotti, who co-led the research, said, "We found these mites have a different arrangement of body part genes to other similar species due to them adapting to a sheltered life inside pores.
"These changes to their DNA have resulted in some unusual body features and behaviours."
Those unusual behaviours include the mites' preference for nighttime romps.
That's because they've lost the genes that provide UV protection and cause organisms to be awakened by daylight.
Unique DNA has also contributed to males' upward-facing penises, which forces them to position themselves underneath the female while both cling onto human hair.
The team's research, published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, busted a long-standing face mite myth.
Researchers had previously assumed that they did not have anuses, instead accumulating faeces before releasing it when they die, causing skin inflammation.
The new study, however, confirmed they do have anuses and so have been unfairly blamed for many skin conditions.
D. folliculorum was discovered by the Frenchman Berger in 1842 while he was studying earwax.
During the day mites feed on dead skin cells within hair follicles, while at night they emerge to mate and lay eggs.
Heavy infestations of mites can arrive in adolescence – thanks to the sebaceous glands during puberty – and can last up to middle age.
Their distribution varies from person to person, but men are likely to have heavier infestations because they have more sebaceous glands.
A study published in the journal PLoS ONE in 2014 found that, in a small sample of 29 people, 100% of subjects older than 18 had mite DNA on their face (for 18-year-olds, the number dropped to 70%).
"It's hard to speculate or quantify but a low population would be maybe in the hundreds," study researcher Megan Thoemmes, of North Carolina State University, told BBC Earth .
"A high mite population would be thousands."
A second mite species, Demodex brevis, is similar but survives in sebaceous glands near hair follicles, for example, around the eyes.
During a severe infestation, people may experience adverse effects such as rough, dry and itchy skin.
There are therapies that kill demodex mites but you can’t get rid of them forever as they rebound every six weeks.
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By Jordyn Taylor Published: Mar 18, 2022
Jordyn Taylor is the Deputy Editor of Content at Men's Health. She's covered health, wellness, fitness, and lifestyle since 2013, and has previously worked as a reporter and editor at Mic and the New York Observer.
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You can kiss and gaze into each other's eyes...AND it feels amazing.
We probably don't have to tell you that orgasms feel amazing , but there can be so much more to sex than mind-blowing physical sensations. Sex can also deepen the emotional connection between you and your partner, especially when you do it in an intimate way, like the face-off sex position.
The face-off is all about getting close, physically and emotionally. Yes, you're having sex, but you're also kinda snuggling and gazing into each other's eyes (and whispering sweet nothings, if you so choose).
"Face to face intimacy intensifies the emotional connection between the couples," explains Dr. Valerie Poppel, clinical sexologist and founder of the Swann Center . "Another benefit would be a stronger orgasmic release due to the emotional energetic connection between the couples."
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