Sex New February

Sex New February


Sex New February

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Maressa Brown (she/her) is a journalist, author, and astrologist who acts as one of Shape's resident astrology experts covering topics such as retrogrades and full moons, and predicting weekly and monthly horoscopes. She has nearly two decades of experience as a writer, reporter, and lifestyle editor for a variety of digital and print publications including InStyle, Parents, and Cosmopolitan. She graduated from Emerson College with a B.S. degree in journalism and is currently based in Los Angeles while she works on her first book.

If your love life has felt stagnant for the past month and a half, rest assured that there's more than just the winter doldrums to blame.

From December 19 to January 29, Venus, the planet of love, was retrograde in industrious cardinal earth sign Capricorn, requiring us to do internal work on relationships, self-love, pleasure, and beauty. But leave it to the month that hosts Valentine's Day to bring a whole new vibe, courtesy of Venus moving forward. Not to mention that Mercury's retrograde wraps up on February 3, bolstering communication after a three-week confusion fest.

It also won't hurt that action-oriented Mars, the planet of sex, continues to move through bossy Capricorn until March 5, potentially inspiring more experimentation with Saturnian BDSM and power play. (P.S. Here are the best sex positions for every zodiac sign .)

And with both Venus and Mars traveling through Cap, they meet up on February 16, marking one of the steamiest days of the year in which you'll be better able to tune into and act on your desires. The same day, a full moon in sexy fixed fire sign Leo will inspire you to embrace bold self-expression and say exactly how you feel, which can be truly empowering.

And while the confident sun moves through romantic mutable water sign Pisces from February 18 to March 20, we'll all feel a bit dreamier and apt to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to matters of the heart.

Want to know more about how February's astrological highlights will affect your sex life? Read on for your sign's February 2022 sex horoscope. Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, as well as your sun sign. You can find your ascendant with this online rising sign calculator or by getting a natal chart reading to find out . (Also read your sex and love horoscope for 2022 to see what's in store for you in the whole year ahead.)

The sexiest moment of all of February could very well come for you right around V-Day — possibly even a bit after — when the full moon hits your fifth house of romance, firing up your self-expression and desire to break free of mundane, snoozefest-y responsibilities and routines. You'll want to be spontaneous and have fun, whether that means diving into a creative project with your S.O. or hitting it off with someone new during an outdoor HIIT workout class. The same day, romantic Venus and sexy Mars pair up in your tenth house of public image, so it's possible desires you have around your relationship status and how you're perceived by others may be fulfilled now too. Might be a smart time to become IG official or to switch up your app profile to best reflect what you want. (

Sweet Venus, your ruler, is finally moving forward through your ninth house of adventure, for the first time since mid-December, which should feel like a true relief. You can finally begin to take leaps of faith — like asking that potential partner out on a date or proposing a long-distance trip with your sweetheart — that you might have found more challenging to do over the last few weeks. And when Venus joins forces with action-oriented Mars there on February 16, you'll really feel compelled to move the ball forward — and you have a super-high chance of seeing your wishes fulfilled. And while the confident sun moves through your eleventh house of networking from February 18 to March 20, you might find it's easier to plan fun-loving group dates or meet someone intriguing through your friends.

Once your ruler, messenger Mercury moves forward in your eighth house of sexual intimacy from February 3 to 14, you can breathe a sigh of relief that any past hookup ghosts who resurrected themselves over the past several weeks can now be left squarely in the past. But hold tight to any realizations that you had as a result of your emotional past, because they could serve you as you kick off your next chapter of self-exploration . That could arrive on February 16 when Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of sex, pair up in your eighth house, helping you key into what you want most out of your closest bond — current or ideal — and take bold steps to making it a reality. (Want more? Here's how to decode zodiac sign compatibility .)

A slew of planets — Venus, Mercury, Mars — have been lighting up your seventh house of partnership for several weeks now, thanks to retrograde season, and this month, they'll all finally be moving forward, giving you the green light to make progress toward big one-on-one goals. Messenger Mercury ends its retrograde there on February 3, facilitating smoother communication when sharing what's in your heart until the 14th. Then, from V-Day to March 9, it'll be in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, cranking up your desire to be more vulnerable with your S.O. or a potential partner. And circle February 16, because that's the day sweet Venus and go-getter Mars cozy up in your seventh house. If you're single, re-investing in swiping could turn up surprisingly positive results, and if you're attached, talking about what you want your future to look like will result in sexy fireworks. (

Annually, Aquarius season throws the spotlight on your one-on-one connections, thanks to the confident sun, your ruler, moving through your seventh house of partnerships until February 18. And while you're enjoying a boost of confidence in building your closest bonds, having so many planets piled up in your sixth house of daily routine lately has caused you to run yourself nearly ragged with everyday to-dos. Thankfully, Valentine's Day marks a shift when Mercury will move into your seventh house, emphasizing more harmonious, forward-thinking communication in love until March 9. And then around February 16, you'll feel the vibes of your full moon, which could have you feeling a bit more sensitive but also empowered to stand up for your greatest desires. Venus and Mars pair up at almost the exact same moment in your sixth house, which inspires you to push for more balance and fulfillment in your day-to-day. It's possible you'll find new ways to squeeze in fulfilling partner workouts — or more morning sex .

Messenger Mercury, your ruler, finally ends its three-week retrograde on February 3, in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, which may make you feel like spring fever has hit early. You'll want to throw caution to the wind and start sending a flurry of sexts to your sweetheart or a potential S.O., say yes to any spontaneous date proposals, and — perhaps most importantly — move toward your future as you close the door on past lovers who might've been on your mind during this past retrograde season. On February 16, Venus and Mars pair up in your fifth house, helping you to feel even more empowered in this decision and boosting your allure and charm with a current or possible partner. Whether you want to go on an impromptu road trip with your honey or surprise yourself by being more assertive with a sexy stranger, this is a moment to be bold.

Your ruler, sweet Venus, and as of February 3, messenger Mercury, will both be moving forward in your fourth house of home life, making you feel like you're on more solid footing as the month kicks off. It should make it easier to enjoy the fact that the confident sun has been illuminating your fifth house of romance, presenting you with more opportunities for fun, self-expression, and spontaneity in love. And from February 14 to March 9, messenger Mercury lands there, too, taking your already naturally flirtatious nature to a whole new level. And when relationship-ruler Venus and go-getter Mars pair up in your fourth house on February 16, you could feel more self-assured sharing your most heartfelt feelings with your partner or someone special. Letting your sentimentality drive your actions can get you on the same page.

Once messenger Mercury ends its retrograde in your third house of communication on February 3 and moves forward there until the 14th, you might feel freed up to more readily speak your truth in your relationships, because you'll feel like you'll be better understood. This could also apply to sharing your hottest fantasies, discussing a vision for your romantic future, or adding more detail to a dating profile that might resonate with someone amazing who's very much on the same page. And when romantic Venus and sexy Mars, one of your co-rulers, pair up there on February 16, you'll feel even more fired up to take action. Trust that by being vulnerable and putting yourself out there, you'll get even closer to turning your steamiest and most emotionally-charged dreams into a reality. And while the vitality-bringing sun moves through your fifth house of romance from February 18 to March 20, you'll be even more confident in following your heart. (

Around February 16, when the full moon lights up your ninth house of adventure, you'll feel even more passionate than usual about getting out of your comfort zone and having an eye-opening experience. Research any of those jaw-dropping destinations you've been considering booking a sexy trip to, or talk to your partner about shaking things up by pursuing a mutual fantasy in the bedroom. You could find that simply acknowledging your fantasies can offer a sense of fulfillment now. And while the confident sun moves through your fourth house of home life from February 18 to March 20, you could be inspired to spend more time with loved ones or tending to your nest with your S.O. Heartwarming downtime gives you a chance to rest , recharge, and care for yourself in a way that makes it even easier to connect emotionally.

A crew of planets have been moving through your sign for what feels like forever, which should hopefully feel more empowering this month than last, particularly once messenger Mercury ends its retrograde there on February 3. Until February 14, it'll move forward, urging you to translate your wildest fantasies and most intense desires into words. And on February 16, romantic Venus and sexy Mars join up in your sign, boosting your confidence to pursue your most heartfelt wishes — and make them come true with less effort than usual. And the same day, the full moon in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy can inspire you to reflect on what you need to feel comfortable and satisfied in your closest relationship. Basically, whether you've been wanting to take your existing relationship to the next level, tune into your intuition, or put yourself out there while dating, you can trust that the sky is on your side this month. (See: How to Manifest the Kind of Love You Deserve )

It's technically been your season since mid-January, but if you've felt like it's been tough to see any forward movement, you can breathe a sigh of relief that the second half of your time in the sun will be totally different. Messenger Mercury will move through your sign from February 14 to March 9, making it easier to say what you feel and, in turn, connect with your sweetheart or someone special. And around February 16, when the full moon lights up your seventh house of partnership, you'll be beyond ready to move the ball forward on a goal you share with your S.O. — or to put yourself out there in a way that could lead to hitting it off with a potential partner you see eye-to-eye with. The same day, relationship-ruler Venus and go-getter Mars pair up in your twelfth house of spirituality, so be sure to listen to and trust your intuition. (See: Potential Red Flags In a Relationship You Need to Know About )

Mercury moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from February 14 to March 9, which could emphasize the self-reflection and meditation that's so spotlit for you this time of year. You could find that inner work is actually sexier than it sounds though, because what you're discovering about yourself and your needs and what you're healing now can bolster your self-assuredness in relationships. And from February 18 to March 20, the confident sun will be in your sign, helping you to feel more self-assured, and in turn, magnetic. You can't help but shine. If you're single, you could meet someone through a mutual friend, and if you're attached, you and your S.O. might adore meeting up with loved ones or your fave couple friends. And on February 24, when sweet Venus in your eleventh house of wishes forms a friendly sextile to dreamy Neptune in your sign, don't be surprised if a long-held fantasy suddenly becomes very much a reality. (See: How to Tackle Personal Growth and Self-Work In a Healthy Way )

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With the end of January, comes February, the shortest month of the year, Because February isn't just the shortest month of the year and sort of a hopeful reminder that spring isn't too far away, we might as well celebrate it... with new sex positions to try. Because why the hell not? And it's still pretty cold AF in February, and there really is no better or more fun to stay stay warm then to have sex.
But instead of sticking to your usual, go-to sex positions, as wonderful as they may be, it's time to break out of your regular routine and explore a bit while you have all that time indoors before spring starts.
Below, you'll find 28 sex positions for every day of February, from X Marks The Spot to Side 69 to the Lotus sex position. There are positions that are perfect for quickies, and some that are better for slow, lazy sex. There's also enough variation here to keep you and your partner happy all month long, with some oldies, but goodies, and some that you may not have even heard before... meaning it's time you should and give them a try. And what better time than now? Here are 28 sex positions to try this month.
How to do it: While on your hands and knees, have your partner, while on their knees, penetrate you from behind.
Why you should do it: Well, it's February 1, so let's start off with a ~bang~, shall we? Also, doggy gets high ratings across the globe , so it's a good place to start for that reason, too.
How to do it: While on your back on a flat surface, lift your legs straight up and cross them at your knees. Next, from a standing position, have you partner penetrate you.
Why you should do it: This position is great for a deeper sensation, making it ideal for male partners with smaller penises , but also a fantastic position all around for everyone, regardless of size.
How to do it: With your partner laying on their back, straddle their face so they can orally stimulate you.
Why you should do it: A better question might be, why shouldn't you do it? If you and your partner are big fans of oral , then this one should be very close to the top of your to-do list — hence the reason I put it at the third day of the month.
How to do it: After finding a sturdy chair, have your partner sit down on it, while you straddle them, lowering yourself onto them. Although this image is of the two people facing each other, you can choose to face away. Whatever work best for both of you.
Why you should do it: Because chair sex is fun sex. It's a mini-adventure and sex lives all need some mini-adventures sometimes.
How to do it: While in traditional doggy, add a vibrator to the position so you can stimulate your clitoris.
Why you should do it: Since doggy style position remains a favorite among most people, and most women need clitoral stimulation to climax, it just makes sense that this position should be given a try.
How to do it: While on your back with your partner facing you and on their knees, have them lift your hips so they can penetrate you. From here, you can stimulate your clitoris manually or grind against each other to get that stimulation.
Why you should do it: This position is fantastic for the female orgasm , so that's your selling point right there.
How to do it: With your partner in a seated position, straddle them, lowering yourself onto them.
Why you should do it: This position isn't just intimate, but because you're on top you have more control, meaning you can make yourself climax when you're ready.
How to do it: With your partner on their knees and you on all fours, give your partner oral.
Why you should do it: If you've been thinking about experimenting with dom/sub positions , this one is good place to start.
How to do it: While on your back, with your butt pulled to the edge of the bed, have your partner lift your hips and penetrate you, while continuing to hold your hips up.
Why you should do it: Not only does it feel good and your partner has a lot of leverage, but if you do it long enough, maybe you can explain to me why it's called the butterfly.
How to do it: With your partner laying flat on their back, straddle them while facing in the opposite direction.
Why you should do it: The two big reasons for doing this one are that the angle at which you're being penetrated is in a position that's great for G-spot stimulation and your partner gets to check out your butt, as an extra incentive for them.
How to do it: While in the cuddling spoon position, proceed to have sex.
Why you should do it: It isn't just easy, but cozy and perfect for lazy days. And we all know February has a lot of lazy days that need coziness.
How to do it: With your partner flat on their back, straddle them, then "ride" them — hence the name.
Why you should do it: The cowgirl position is pretty much the position when it comes to having a clitoral orgasm — and maybe even a vaginal one at the same time, too! Also, since you just spent yesterday doing a lazy position, you might as well put some effort in today.
How to do it: Start in doggy style, then lower yourselves down.
Why you should do it: It feels just as good as doggy, but with less pressure on your arms and wrists, making it even more enjoyable.
How to do it: With your partner sitting cross-legged, lower yourself into their lap, wrapping your arms and legs around them tightly. Then begin to sort of rock back and forth, while grinding against each other. It requires a lot of hip movement.
Why you should do it: It's basically a hug — the perfect Valentine's Day position !
How to do it: With your partner laying down, with one leg bent, straddle the bent leg, while lowering yourself onto them. Next, you want to, well, pretty much hump their thigh while being penetrated.
Why you should do it: While the word "humping" may conjure up images of high school dry-humping, in this case we're talking about some serious clitoral stimulation .
How to do it: While standing and facing in the same direction, have your partner penetrat
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