Sex Mom And Stepdaughter

Sex Mom And Stepdaughter


Sex Mom And Stepdaughter
'I can't accept it': A mum has revealed her heartbreak and disgust after making the shocking discovery.
Amy Sinclair / Lifestyle / Updated 18.10.2020
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Warning: Content in this story may distress some readers
A mum has revealed her heartbreak after discovering that two of her children are in a relationship together.
The mother said she was shocked to learn her son and step-daughter - who’ve been living together as a family since they were toddlers - had formed a romantic bond.
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Sharing on Reddit, she said she refuses to accept their relationship and says it makes her “sick and angry”.
“When my son Nathan was two, he met a friend in his daycare class, who we’ll call Abby,” she said.
“Her dad, Jack, was one of the only other single parents there, as his wife had left after Abby was born.
“Jack and I bonded over our children and ended up dating for a year and a half before getting married, and we had our daughter Eliza less than a year later.
“Jack and I always raised all three of our children the same, and though they knew that Nathan had a different dad and Abby had a different mum, we had never thought to question if they saw each other as siblings.”
The mum went on to say that her life was tipped upside down last week when Nathan and Abby admitted they’d been in a romantic relationship for the past few years.
“She said that it happened after they were both adults, that they had gone to relationship counselling when it first started and that they were seriously thinking about marriage,” she said.
“Nathan then told us that they had admitted to having feelings for each other as teenagers, but had never acted on it because they were afraid of ruining their friendship, hurting each other, and most of all what we would think.
“At this point, Jack looked at me, grabbed my hand and hugged our children.
“He told them that he was sorry for us keeping them apart and that he ‘could tell how happy they are together’.
Since Nathan and Abby confessed their love, the mum said she’s struggled to cope.
“I haven’t responded to any of their messages or calls, and pretended I wasn’t home when they tried to visit during the day,” she said.
“I’ve been fighting with Jack since this happened, even so far as telling him ... they would never have my blessing, and I would put them both in therapy for having incestuous desires.
“This really upset him, and the fighting got so bad that I had him sleep in the guest house.
“I’ve never gone this long without talking to my children. I’ve never fought my husband. He’s even threatened me with divorce.
“I have no idea how to navigate this, and every time I think about it their whole relationship just makes me sick and angry.”
Many Reddit users sympathised with the mum’s reaction.
“Nathan and Abby were raised as siblings since they were toddlers and share a sibling not much younger than them,” said one.
“This isn’t a case of you and Jack meeting when your children were all grown, or possibly a much younger sibling they didn’t see much or even living in different houses throughout their childhoods.
“They were raised as brother and sister, and while they don’t share blood, they do have a sister together.
“I think your reaction is completely normal and justified.”
Added another: “It doesn’t matter if they technically don’t share blood.
“They were raised together as siblings since they were three years old, which is about as far back as any of us can remember. This is messed up.”
But others believed there was nothing wrong with the siblings dating, given they’re not related by blood.
“They are adults and it sounds like they took the correct steps before starting a relationship,” said another.
“Perhaps, you should consider therapy to work through your issues with their relationship.
“After all, they aren’t biologically related so this isn’t incest.
“You can’t force them to feel like siblings just because they grew up together.”

by: Harvard University Press

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Front Matter

(pp. i-iv)

Table of Contents

(pp. v-vi)

Author’s Note, 2000: In Memory of Lisa Hirschman

(pp. xiii-xvi)

Introduction: Cinderella or Saint Dympna

(pp. 1-4)

1 A Common Occurrence

(pp. 7-21)

2 The Question of Harm

(pp. 22-35)

3 The Question of Blame

(pp. 36-49)

4 The Rule of the Father

(pp. 50-64)

5 Incestuous Fathers and Their Families

(pp. 67-95)

6 The Daughter’s Inheritance

(pp. 96-108)

7 Seductive Fathers and Their Families

(pp. 109-126)

8 The Crisis of Disclosure

(pp. 129-143)

9 Restoring Families

(pp. 144-161)

10 Criminal Justice

(pp. 162-176)

11 Remedies for Victims

(pp. 177-201)

12 Preventing Sexual Abuse

(pp. 202-218)

Afterword, 2000: Understanding Incest Twenty Years Later

(pp. 219-250)

Appendix: The Incest Statutes

(pp. 253-292)

Back Matter

(pp. 316-316)

Through an intensive clinical study of forty incest victims and numerous interviews with professionals in mental health, child protection, and law enforcement, Judith Herman develops a composite picture of the incestuous family. In a new afterword, Herman offers a lucid and thorough overview of the knowledge that has developed about incest and other forms of sexual abuse since this book was first published. Reviewing the extensive research literature that demonstrates the validity of incest survivors' sometimes repressed and recovered memories, she convincingly challenges the rhetoric and methods of the backlash movement against incest survivors, and the concerted attempt to deny the events they find the courage to describe.
Every little girl knows the story of Cinderella, who was persecuted by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, and who was rescued at last by her prince. The fairy tale most commonly repeated in Western culture warns girls to expect nothing but abuse from women, and teaches them to look to men for salvation. But the currently popular Cinderella story is only one variant of an old tale which has been preserved in folklore for many centuries. In other versions, the tale is about the sorrows of a girl who has lost her mother, and her persecution by an incestuous father....
Female children are regularly subjected to sexual assaults by adult males who are part of their intimate social world. The aggressors are not outcasts and strangers; they are neighbors, family friends, uncles, cousins, stepfathers, and fathers. To be sexually exploited by a known and trusted adult is a central and formative experience in the lives of countless women.
This disturbing fact, embarrassing to men in general and to fathers in particular, has been repeatedly unearthed in the past hundred years, and just as repeatedly buried. Any serious investigation of the emotional and sexual lives of women leads eventually to the...
Denial has always been the incestuous father’s first line of defense. For a long time it has served him well. The belief that incest is extremely uncommon, and the tendency to discredit children’s reports of sexual encounters with adults, have until recently remained entrenched in the public consciousness. With the collusion of the larger society, the incestuous father has thus been largely successful in preserving his secret.
In the last decade, as increasing evidence of the wide prevalence of father-daughter incest has been amassed, and as the victims themselves have become emboldened to speak out, it has grown more difficult...
If it must be conceded, first, that father-daughter incest occurs commonly, and second, that it is not a harmless pastime, then apologists for the incestuous father are thrown back upon their third and final excuse: he is not responsible for his actions. Most commonly, they blame his daughter, his wife, or both. Thus we make the acquaintance of the two major culprits in the incest romance, the Seductive Daughter and the Collusive Mother. Ensnared by the charms of a small temptress, or driven to her arms by a frigid, unloving wife, Poor Father can hardly help himself, or so his...
The incest taboo is universal in human culture. Though no single definition of the taboo applies among all peoples, no known culture permits unrestricted sexual union among kin. Almost all cultures prohibit intercourse and marriage within what is known as the nuclear family, that is, between parents and children, brothers and sisters.¹ The particular forms of the incest taboo, the types of behavior forbidden, the range of persons to whom the prohibition applies, and the punishments that attend its violation vary endlessly from one society to another. What is common to most cultures, however, is the seriousness with which the...
Forty women who had had incestuous relationships with their fathers shared their stories with us. Most were young women in their twenties or early thirties. At the time we met them, most had already married and some had already divorced; half had children. They worked at common women’s jobs; they were mothers and houseworkers, typists and secretaries, waitresses and factory workers, teachers and nurses. About half came from working-class and half from middle-class families.¹ Their ethnic and religious backgrounds reflected the predominant Catholicism of the state of Massachusetts, where most of them lived (see Tables 5.1 and 5.2). To all...
Many years had passed in the lives of our informants since their incestuous relationships had ended. All of the women we interviewed had been living on their own for several years, and many had raised families of their own. All had attempted, as best they could, to put their incest experiences behind them and to get on with their lives. But the memory of incest persisted, shaping their relations with others and their image of themselves. All, without exception, felt somehow branded or marked by their experiences:
Marion: How do you get over this? I know it eats away at...
Twenty women whose fathers had been seductive, but not overtly incestuous, told us their stories. Their class, ethnic, and religious backgrounds were similar to those of the incest victims whom we interviewed (see Table 5.1). Like the incest victims, most were young white women in ordinary women’s occupations. Like the incest victims, all were patients in psychotherapy.
We defined seductiveness on the part of fathers to mean behavior that was clearly sexually motivated, but which did not involve physical contact or a requirement for secrecy. For example, some fathers constantly talked about sex with their daughters, confiding the details of...
Most incest victims both long and fear to reveal their secret. In childhood, fear usually overcomes any hope of relief; most girls dread discovery of the incest secret and do not reveal it to anyone outside the family. They believe that no recourse is available to them and that disclosure of the secret would lead to disaster. But as the daughters grow up, the burden of secrecy becomes increasingly difficult to endure. The child who has remained silent for many years may finally be driven to seek outside help.
Unfortunately, given the current state of law enforcement, child protective services,...
After the crisis of disclosure comes the slow, laborious task of putting lives back together. For all family members, the time of reconstruction is a time of extreme anxiety. Return to the status quo ante is impossible, yet particularly for the parents, it may be equally impossible to conceive of a new way of life. The incestuous father has immense difficulty imagining how life can be bearable if he loses control over his wife and children and sexual access to his daughter. He cannot be expected to give up his accustomed power and privileges without a fight. If he meets...
Sexual relations between adults and children are forbidden by law in every state. Curiously, however, most incestuous relations between fathers and daughters do not meet the statutory definition of the crime of "incest," but rather fall under the definition of somewhat lesser crimes, such as "carnal abuse of a child," "indecent liberties with children, "or "corrupting the morals of a minor." Incest statutes are primarily concerned with prohibiting marriage and inbreeding among kin, not with protecting children. The definition of incest is therefore usually restricted to sexual intercourse between blood relatives. Only five states include sexual conduct other than intercourse...
Most incest victims reach adulthood bearing their secrets intact. It is not known how many successfully bury their past and go on with their lives, and how many continue to suffer the effects of their victimization. There is reason to suspect that a substantial proportion, perhaps even the majority of incest victims, feel lastingly scarred by their childhood experience. The complaints of the women we have interviewed about their experiences are so similar as to suggest the existence of a syndrome common to all incest victims, a syndrome that often leads to repeated disappointments in intimate relationships in adult life....
The sexual abuse of children is as old as patriarchy itself. Fathers have had sexual relations with their children from time immemorial, and they are likely to continue to do so for a long time to come. As long as fathers dominate their families, they will have the power to make sexual use of their children. Most fathers will choose not to exercise this power; but as long as the prerogative is implicitly granted to all men, some men will use it.
If incestuous abuse is indeed an inevitable result of patriarchal family structure, then preventing sexual abuse will ultimately...
This book, like so many feminist writings, began with two women talking. Our simple acts of speaking and listening joined us to a world-wide liberation movement. In the "free space" we created in our intimate dialogues with our patients and with each other, we joined with numerous other women who were uncovering the secret crimes at the heart of patriarchal order’.¹ When Lisa Hirschman and I began our study in the mid-1970s, incest was publicly invisible, yet the private confidences of numerous victims led us and a number of other feminist writers to suspect that sexual exploitation of women and...
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