Sex Love And Everything Else

Sex Love And Everything Else


Sex Love And Everything Else

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3.0 out of 5 stars

6 ratings

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X (Mature Audiences Only) Product Dimensions


7.75 x 5.75 x 0.53 inches; 3.2 Ounces Media Format


Multiple Formats, Color, NTSC Run time


1 hour and 25 minutes Release date


November 2, 2004 Actors


Raelyn Saalman, Everett Rodd Language


Unqualified Studio


Alexander Institute ASIN


B0000633QK Number of discs



3.0 out of 5 stars

6 ratings

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This DVD was dull. It could just come out and give you tips and guidelines for a healthy sex life, but the story gets in the way and makes things more dull than anything else.

The main story plot was not very interesting or informative.

This is a good movie. Very unique. A young couple is endangered not only by a violent episode/person from the woman's past, but also by their bad communication when it comes to sex. Either can ruin a relationship, right? The movie deals frankly with their sexuality and the extremes the man will go to in order to fix it. We thoroughly enjoyed it. It does have a little bit of everything - including the sex and love!

Good sex scenes, a suspenseful story, and an interesting take on sex surrogates. Haven't seen a movie with all this in it before. The lead couple were attractive and we would watch it again.

5.0 out of 5 stars

We enjoyed it!

By ScoobyDoo on December 8, 2010

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Sex, Love and Everything Else
(2002 Video)



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created 23 Jan 2013

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by Jason O'Neal Williams

The past and present Finally coming out No more secrets No more doubt Experiences and memories That I keep to myself Love, Sex and Everything Else

February 5th 2009
by Createspace

(ISBN13: 9781441472823 )

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College graduate (May 19, 2002) Grambling State University, Grambling, Louisiana Bachelor of Science degree in marketing "I write poetry for therapeutic healing. I write poetry to help others release their emotions. I write poetry to entertain and discuss social values. I write poetry to emotionally move the reader. I have a true and sincere desire to share. I won't be satisfied until I've shared m
College graduate (May 19, 2002) Grambling State University, Grambling, Louisiana Bachelor of Science degree in marketing "I write poetry for therapeutic healing. I write poetry to help others release their emotions. I write poetry to entertain and discuss social values. I write poetry to emotionally move the reader. I have a true and sincere desire to share. I won't be satisfied until I've shared my poetry to the whole world. I want to leave my mark on the whole world. I want to encourage the sharing of thoughts and emotions. I have a talent from which others can benefit. I enjoy the satisfaction of unleashing my poetic voice. I started writing poetry in 2001. This was my last year of college. I was 23 years old. When I start writing poetry, I just wrote for motivation. When I felt like quitting or giving up, I wrote a poem to help encourage myself to keep trying. I write poetry for relief. Because there are a lot of intense emotions and thoughts inside of me. This is my way of releasing these feelings and thoughts. This is how I express myself. This is how I communicate. I believe that my poetry can relate to a lot of people. My poetry is rhythmic (rhymes). My poetry is easy to understand and follow."-Jason O'Neal Williams

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