Sex Little Girl Comics

Sex Little Girl Comics


Sex Little Girl Comics
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A teen is reverted to babyhood. An age regression story. 4 min read.

Ralph set off at a speed that had his Lexus fishtailing, as if he was in one of those movie chase scenes where cars scatter trash cans, demolish vegetable carts, and turn on two wheels onto busy avenues. “There’s been an incident.” the voice from the hospital had said. “The victim is Chris Spooner of 605 Parkdale Ave, according to the ID found in his high school blazer. Are you the parent?”

He swerved into the lot and parked as if a cup of hot coffee had just spilled onto his lap. Shirt hanging limply from his shoulders, sagging, misbuttoned,
A college student goes on an unexpected online date. An age regression story. 13 min read.

A muffled roar and a fusty breeze heralded the subway train’s arrival. The roar grew deafening as it squealed to a stop and its doors slid open. They boarded, and Blythe chuckled when Jason peeled off his shoes and socks, clambered up and knelt down on the hard plastic seat, pressing his face against the window.

The train had barely left the station when her phone erupted in a series of angry buzzing. Must be Mum again, she gnashed her teeth as she swiped away the stream of alerts and turned off notifications. Ever since what had happened with R
Summary: A weary man awakens to a new beginning. An age regression story. 4 min read.

The soft, mellow light of dawn caressed the sides of the iron bedstead. Jake yawned, stretched, and opened his eyes. Outside the window, snow-covered houses crouched like little white bears, curled asleep under the hushed descent of a sky full of snow.

The invitation had been unexpected, but welcome. The past year had flattened and scoured him – the dreaded pink slip when his job was offshored, the ominous red digits on his bank balance, the helplessness of crouching on the front lawn watching foreclosure agents toss his furniture onto the sidewalk l
A college student discovers that her kisses have an inconvenient side effect. An age regression story. 6 min read.

Wide bands of sunlight streamed thru the side windows of the apartment’s living room. Madeline lay on her couch, exhausted but unable to sleep.

All her years of babysitting hadn’t prepared her for Brett. Alternately screeching, storming and sobbing, he proved inconsolable and persistent in demanding the return of his manhood.

When his body remained stubbornly juvenile, he exploded in a hurricane of froth and fury, knocking over shelves, flinging her books against the wall and even smashing her table lamp. For a whi
A college student befriends her rejuvenated classmate. An age regression story. 3 min read.

Celestine dashed across the iron footbridge, her backpack riding up her shoulders, her lacquered black hair escaping its ponytail. Ten storeys below in the gorge, the shimmering coil of Trout Creek sparkled like polished jade, a handful of sunbathers stretched out over car-sized boulders.

Thank God for this shortcut, she thought. If she had to go the regular way across the the Arts quad and around the Student Union building, she’ll almost certainly be late, something she could ill-afford – this house cleaning job paid well and she was way
A grade-schooler visits his former teacher. An age regression story. 6 min read.

I was bummed when Mom told me that I had to go visit Mr Harrington at his house this afternoon. Mr Harrington used to be my school teacher, until an accident turned him into a little boy. His mom said that he had been unhappy and crying a lot, and thought that having another boy his age over to play with would cheer him up.

I found it strange that Mr Harrington was sad, since he could now play video games and eat ice cream all day. And I was not so sure he would be happy to see me, given that he used to yell at me and my buddies in class, saying that we were im
A man slowly adjusts to his new reality. An age regression story. 2 min read.


The concrete ground is rough and hot against my bleached feet. I run towards the swimming pool and plunge into its aquamarine waters, glad to be free of the flaying sun.

There is a middle-aged woman in the lane beside me wearing a swim cap with raised rubber flowers. She moves at a leisurely pace and I can easily out-lap her. But she must have been warming up, for she gets faster and faster and I have trouble keeping up. I blame it on my goggles, they are leaky and the water rushes in and stings my eyes. I have to constantly stop to tighten them, and th
An unfortunate high-schooler gets cursed by his ex-girlfriend. An age regression story. 3 min read.

“I’ll have the Ratatouille.” Maple said.

“Excellent choice, mademoiselle.” the waiter said in a faux accent. “And for our young monsieur here?”

“We’re going to share.”

“Of course. I’ll bring an extra plate.” He glided away, fingering the plug in his ear that extruded a corded coil into his collar.

“Isn’t this place so romantic?” Maple said as she leaned back, taking in the flagstone courtyard, the trickling fountain in the corner, the huge twist
A police detective investigates a suspicious preschool. An age regression story. 6 min read.

The morning sun drooped behind the windowpane, pale as a nectarine. Erik drummed his fingers on the preschool’s reception counter, absently scanning the autographed artwork on the wall. There was a splotchy red fish by Ryder, hand-smeared tulips by Paige, and what looked like a papier-mâché caterpillar by… Nicolas.

The name uncorked a torrent of anger and resentment that he’d been trying to suppress all day. When the station commander had departed for her conference, he’d expected to be the one left in charge. Inste
A college freshman and his girlfriend attend a life-changing magic show. An age regression story. 4 min read.

When Tony opened his eyes again, he was lying on the bed in his apartment, a cone of brilliant sunshine poking through the blinds. Rising to his feet, he realized at once that something was wrong, and dashed to the full-length mirror.

A chubby boy, about ten years old, stared back at him. Freckles speckled his face like a ripe banana, his teeth were crooked with missing gaps, and once shiny chestnut hair had lightened to dirty-blonde curls mashed down into weird patterns. Gone were his pumped-up biceps, the long burnished muscles, t
A college student goes on an unexpected online date. An age regression story. 4 min read.

Blythe sat in the middle of the bustling coffee shop, surrounded by people nibbling pastries at small marble tables, little yelps and laughs from their chopped-up conversations raining down around her. White-gold sunlight seeped through the plate-glass windows, the air was fragrant with croissants, cinnamon & butter. She held the string of her tea bag, swaying it back and forth in her cup. Richard liked to say that swaying the tea bag brought out the best flavors in tea.

Richard would have approved of this date too, though not her chosen attire. Her bi
An unfortunate high-schooler gets cursed by his ex-girlfriend. An age regression story. 4 min read.

The warm evening light fingered the neighborhood streets with long slender swatches. Maple strode briskly down the sidewalk, oblivious to the cars that drifted by silently, pinked by the setting sun.

Thoughts clattered around in her mind like dice in a cup. There was Mason, the football captain. She hadn’t found him especially attractive – a little marsupial face balanced atop a weight lifter’s torso – but had been flattered by all the attention. He perched atop her high school’s social hierarchy, and while she w
Summary: A teen turns the tables on his older brother. An age regression story. 4 min read.

The boy is sitting on the floor, legs splayed apart, his back slouched forlornly against the wall. The fading sun from the room’s solitary window bathes him in a honey-colored light. He looks so sweet and vulnerable, his heavy-lidded eyes gazing out from under a tangle of ash blond hair. But as I approach, he turns, his face tightening into a dark scowl.

“Have you come to lord over me?” he lashes out bitterly. “To gloat over how you’ve reduced me to your kid brother? Look, you’ve won, I get it! Now GET OUT and LEAV
A college freshman and his girlfriend attend a life-changing magic show. An age regression story. 4 min read.

The wood-paneled walls of the circular theater soared to a starry blue dome, like a medieval planetarium. Tony jostled his way down the aisle, it was a full house, there were snatches of excited conversation all around as he jammed his Tarzanesque frame into his seat. He felt guilty about missing basketball practice – the big game against the Cascade Jaguars was next week, and his team was counting on him to win. But the magic performance was only on for tonight, and he couldn’t resist.

“Here you go.” A bag o
A college student discovers that her kisses have an inconvenient side effect. An age regression story. 8 min read.

The baby lay wiggling on his back, flailing his arms and trying to speak, but managing only a string of grunts and squeaks. Hearing footsteps, he lifted his head to look around like a turtle but dropped it again because it was too heavy.

“Did you get the right size?” Madeline asked.

“I think so.” Ty replied as he pulled out a diaper and leaned over the squirming infant, who upon grasping his intent, let out a sharp cry and tensed his muscles so hard that his legs flew up from the mattress.

A college freshman and his girlfriend attend a life-changing magic show. An age regression story. 4 min read.

“What do you mean he’s not playing tonight?” The irate man with Medusa dreadlocks loomed over Shelley.

“He’s still sick, I’m afraid.”

“But it’s the big game with the Cascade Jaguars!”

“Chad, you’ll just have to make do without him.”

She turned her back to his vulgar swearing and hurried along. The sky was spitting rain and
light fell across campus in great wide smoking bands. As she pushed open the door to her apartment, she froze at the chaotic scene
A pair of friends start a new life with the woman they love. An age regression story. 3 min read.

Tim leaned back in his swivel chair, surrounded by a U-shaped skyscraper of textbooks, journals and lecture notes. It was already dark outside, and his head hurt from a day of studying. Probably time for a break and some instant ramen, he thought as he rubbed his eyes.

There was a soft knock on the door.

“Can I come in?”

Tim looked up with surprise. It was his flatmate, Dave. They had met years ago at elementary school and quickly became fast friends. After completing college and winning admission to the same out-of-state postgrad
A college freshman and his girlfriend attend a life-changing magic show. An age regression story. 4 min read.

Flickering screens of color rushed by as the car wound its way through the lush countryside; dappled patches of road, tidy farmhouses and snug villages, cows the color of See’s lollipops speckling the burlap fields. Tony put down the window and hung his arm out, watching his flesh ripple in the wind.

They arrived at a drowsy small town with mustard colored buildings and a church spire that looked like a mutant cuckoo clock. Shelley stopped beside a jaunty complex in a rambling arts and crafts style, a happy jumble of gables, d
A teen uncovers an inconvenient secret about her past. An age regression story. 10 min read.

Lena patted him on his back, comforting the boy the best she could, rocking him gently in her arms, while the steady thunder of her heart pounded through her chest.


“Your mum used her magic on me.” he said, wiping the tears from his eyes. “She thinks she erased my mind, but I managed to hang on.”

“Why did she do this to you?”

“Because I wanted to tell you the truth. I think you’re old enough to know.”

“The truth about what?”

“Your parents, Lena. You’
A broke young man revisits his childhood summer job. An age regression story. 3 min read.

The fluorescent diner glowed like a bug lamp in the night. It had been a long walk, but the monotony of oscillating between his home and the Callaghans’ and the agony of enduring Ayla and her friends had grown too much for Trevor to bear. He needed to go somewhere, a familiar nook where he could relax and chill. A hard rain was beginning to fall, and he ducked in thru the doors just in time.

The place smelled of coffee and home fries and was steaming with the bustle of the waitresses. Rain whapped at the windows, and a college football game hover
A broke young man revisits his childhood summer job. An age regression story. 6 min read.

The sun was a firebrick in the sky as Trevor trudged his way to the Callaghans’ mansion. The wooden front door was shaped like a gravestone and guarded by manicured bushes shorn neatly into teepees. He knocked, and Mrs. Callaghan opened the door, holding the pup in her arms.

“Hello!” she beamed at the man-turned-boy. “Isn’t that your old shirt you’re wearing?”

“Yes.” he said as he tugged sheepishly at the faded fabric. “My Mum never throws anything away.”

“You’re so thought
A college student discovers that her kisses have an inconvenient side effect. An age regression story. 3 min read.

The sandstone walls of the old college buildings reflected the evening sky in tints of coral. Madeline strolled down the courtyard, weaving her way along crisscrossing gravel walks, pausing now and again to admire some tracery of corbel or bell tower.

It was like a dream come true. After the tedium of growing up in Hazelwood, with its single stop light, stuffy general store and cows everywhere, she had finally escaped. Whidbey College sprawled on the banks of a rushing river, nestled beside a pulsing metropolis where the traffi
An unfortunate high-schooler gets cursed by his ex-girlfriend. An age regression story. 3 min read.

Maple was retrieving her backpack from her high school locker when the shouts rang out. They were coming from the cafeteria commons, she recognized Harvey’s voice at once, shot through with terror, and she sprinted in his direction.

There was a small crowd, food trays upset on the floor, Harvey in the midst of it all, being circled by Tara and two other girls – more of Mason’s minions – lips puckered, ready to strike. In a flash, she was by his side, whirling her backpack like a war hammer, driving off the trio.

Summary: A man makes the mistake of denying candy to a trick-or-treater on Halloween. 3 min read.

We are just getting into the swing of things when the doorbell rings. I try to ignore it, but there it goes again, louder and more insistent, like a clingy toddler pining for attention.

“I think you’re going to have to get that…” my girlfriend purrs into my ear as I growl with annoyance. Disentangling my body from hers, I lurch off the couch, pull up my pants and grope for my shirt in the darkness, nearly knocking over the wine glasses.

With a sigh, she turns over to one side and pulls the lusciously plush throw blanket




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This painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1933.

Penlee House Gallery & Museum

This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue.

Eileen Mayo
Penlee House Gallery & Museum

Aunt Lilla
Penlee House Gallery & Museum

Sketch of Burmese Children
Atkinson Art Gallery Collection

Little Sister
Penlee House Gallery & Museum

The Quiet Hour
The New Art Gallery Walsall

Early Morning
Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust, Brighton & Hove

Ancilla with an Orange
Royal West of England Academy (RWA)

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