Sex Linked Inheritance

Sex Linked Inheritance


BioTechnology Notes Exclusive Notes on Biotechnology
In this article we will discuss about the meaning and characteristics of sex linked inheritance.
Besides carrying genes for determining sex the sex chromosomes also bear genes for other characters. These genes are carried from generation to generation and are called sex linked genes and the characters controlled by these genes are called sex linked characters. The inheritance of sex linked genes or a trait is known as sex linked inheritance.
Sex linkage was first discovered by Morgan in 1910 in fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The fruit fly has XX and XY sex chromo­somes in the female and male respectively. The gene for eye colour is located in the X chromosome and there is no corresponding allele in the Y chromosome.
The male will therefore express the sex linked trait, even if it has a single gene, dominant or recessive. This is known as hemizygous condition. Hemizygous is when an organism possesses only a single allele for a trait. In contrast, in the homozygous and heterozygous conditions, two alleles are present for a trait.
Morgan conducted the following crosses to prove that the gene for eye colour is located in the X chromosome. The normal eye colour is red and is dominant over the mutant white eye colour.
Cross I – Red Eyed Female x White Eyed Male:
If a homozygous red eyed female (WW) is mated with a hemizygous white eyed male (wY), all the flies, irrespective of their sex are red eyed. When the red eyed males and females of F1 are inter crossed, the F2 flies are in the ratio of 2 red eyed females, 1 red eyed male and one white eyed male. Thus, red and white eyed flies are in the ratio of 3:1 in F2 generation (Fig. 12).
Cross II – Heterozygous F1 Female x White Eyed Male:
When the heterozygous female (Ww) of F1 obtained from the cross I is crossed with the white eyed male (wY), the results obtained are illustrated in the Fig. 13. This shows that the white colour is not limited to the males, but can occur in either of the two sexes.
Cross III – White Eyed Female x Red Eyed Male:
The cross between the white eyed female and the red eyed male is a reciprocal cross of the first cross. The results obtained in not the same as expected from the normal Mendelian ratio (Fig. 14). All the males are white eyed and all the females are red eyed. This shows that the pattern of inheritance of eye colour parallels the behaviour of the X chromosome. Therefore it was concluded that the gene for eye colour is located on the X chromosome.
Non-disjunction is the failure of separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. It was first reported in Drosophila by Bridges where the X chromosomes fail to separate and results in the formation a gamete with a XX condition and another with no X chromosome (Fig. 15). Union of the XX gamete with a Y sperm resulted in a XXY condition, which is a female. Non-disjunction can also occur in autosomes.
The characteristics for sex linked inheritance are as follows:
a. The pattern of inheritance of sex linked trait is criss-cross. The father passes the X linked allele of a trait to the daughters who pass it on to the grandsons. The father cannot pass a sex linked allele to a son directly.
b. The mother can pass the allele of a trait to both daughter and son.
c. Only homozygous females can express a recessive trait, while heterozygous female are carriers and do not express the trait.
d. Males express the trait immediately because of the absence of a corresponding allele. This is the reason why males suffer from sex linked disorders more than females.
e. Most of the sex linked traits are recessive. Some examples of sex linked traits include Haemophilia or Bleeder’s disease, Daltinism or Colour blindness (Fig. 24 and 25).
Characteristics of Sex-Linked Inheritance
Disorders in Human
Inheritance of X-Linked Dominant Genes
Inheritance of Y-Linked Genes
It has been observed that the genes occurring only in the X chromosomes are represented twice in female (because female contains 2X chromosomes) and once in male (because male has only one X chromosome). The differential region of each chromo…
Перевести · Meaning of Sex Linked Inheritance: Besides carrying genes for determining sex the sex chromosomes also bear genes for other characters. These genes are carried from generation to generation and are called sex linked genes and the characters controlled by these genes are called sex linked characters. The inheritance of sex linked genes or a trait is known as sex linked inheritance.
Наследование, сцепленное с полом — наследование какого-либо гена, находящегося в половых хромосомах. Наследование признаков, проявляющихся только у особей одного пола, но не определяемых генами, находящимися в половых хромосомах, называется наследованием, ограниченным полом.
Перевести · 11.12.2020 · One special pattern of inheritance that doesn’t fit Mendel ’s rules is sex-linked inheritance, referring to the inheritance of traits that are located on genes on the sex …
Перевести · Key points: In humans and other mammals, biological sex is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes: XY in males and XX in females. Genes on the X chromosome are said to be X-linked. X-linked genes have distinctive inheritance …
Перевести · The inheritance of a trait (phenotype) that is determined by a gene located on one of the sex chromosomes is called sex linked inheritance. The expectations of sex-linked inheritance in …
What's the difference between sex linked inheritance and sex-linked inheritance?
What's the difference between sex linked inheritance and sex-linked inheritance?
Sex-linked Inheritance. Sex-Linked Inheritance is the inheritance of a trait (phenotype) that is determined by a gene located on one of the sex chromosomes. Sex-linked Inheritance. Sex-Linked Inheritance is the inheritance of a trait (phenotype) that is determined by a gene located on one of the sex chromosomes. Skip to content
What is the inheritance pattern associated with sex linkage?
What is the inheritance pattern associated with sex linkage?
The inheritance pattern associated with sex linkage was recorded by Greek philosopher for the first time. An inherited character was observed in a father but not in any of his children (either male or female) and then it reappears in the males of next generation. It is the criss cross pattern, from father to daughter to grandson.…
How are X-linked genes related to inheritance?
How are X-linked genes related to inheritance?
Rather than homozygous or heterozygous, males are said to be hemizygous for X-linked genes. We can see how sex linkage affects inheritance patterns by considering a cross between two flies, a white-eyed female () and a red-eyed male ( ).…
How are sex linked traits different from autosomal genes?
How are sex linked traits different from autosomal genes?
In general terms, traits determined by genes on sex chromosomes are not different from traits determined by autosomal genes. Sex-linked traits are distinguishable by their mode of transmission through successive generations of a family. In humans it is called X-linked or Y-linked inheritance.
Перевести · Sex Linked Inheritance The inheritance of a trait that is determined by a gene located on one of the sex chromosomes is called sex linked inheritance. Genes present on the differential …
Перевести · Sex-linked inheritance is a genetic phenomenon that is only observed in organisms with a chromosomal sex determination system. In these cases, there is a pair of chromosomes, … ınheritance_6.pdf
X-Linked Dominant Inheritance •Affected fathers transmit the disorder to ALL of their daughters none of their sons •The pattern of inheritance through females is no different from AD pattern •Each child of an affected female has a 50% chance of inheriting the trait, regardless of sex •Rare X-linked …
Перевести · The inheritance pattern associated with sex linkage was recorded by Greek philosopher for the first time. An inherited character was observed in a father but not in any of his children …
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