Sex Is Just Sex

Sex Is Just Sex


Sex Is Just Sex

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Key points

Sexual libertarianism promoted by second-wave feminists tended to exalt sex without emotion or attachment—the animal model of sex—as the ideal.
The sex-positive feminism of the 1970s and beyond did not change the animal model of sex.
Reproductive consciousness is a new paradigm to understand human sexuality, where sex is viewed as a partnership rather than a transaction.

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Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Here’s what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not.

Posted April 29, 2022


Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

I recently wrote a post about “second-wave," or 1970s, feminists being absolutely pro-sex, pro-pleasure, and pro-freedom. Author and journalist Michelle Goldberg wrote three articles about how this “sex-positive feminism” has been falling out of fashion. 1,2,3 Goldberg cites one of the original sex-positive feminists who says that the sexual libertarianism that evolved out of this pro-sex stance failed women. The sexual libertarianism of this era also has been used by men to equate the desire for love and commitment as repressive and to exalt sex without emotion or attachment as the ideal. These articles are good reads about women continuing to figure out what sex means to them.
What did come with the feminist revolution of the '70s was an increasing number of women scientists interested in women’s sexual desire, sexual pursuit, and performance.
The feminist revolution did bring a critical mass of women scientists into the male-dominated field of human sexuality . Women like Teri Conley and Sari van Anders lead research teams that challenge the received view of human sexual response, which was thought to apply to both men and women but was closer to how men describe their sexual experience.
Conley’s research introduced both methodological and conceptual insights into female sexuality. 4 Van Anders took a deep dive into the functioning of testosterone in male and female sexuality. 5 Meredith Chivers and Lori Brotto took on the challenge of sexual desire and arousal in women laying to rest the old raps about women having “ low sexual desire ” and misunderstanding about female sexual arousal because of misapplying the male model to women. 6
The good news is that we no longer must view women’s sexuality in terms of a male model of sex. However, “sex-as-just-sex,” i.e. the animal model of sex we have inherited from the evolutionary theorists still prevails. This view undervalues or even devalues the interpersonal quality of human sexuality.
To challenge this view, we need a paradigm shift in understanding human sexuality. And we have it. Read on.
Evolutionary scientists, particularly evolutionary psychologists, have a theoretical box for human sexuality: animal mating . For these scientists, sex is just sex, which is true for most animal species. Not so for human beings.
Holly Dunsworth and Anne Buchanan have introduced a paradigm shift in the way to think about sex between human beings. 7 They argue that for humans, sex is about baby-making. What?
Human beings are uniquely aware that sex makes babies. This awareness upends all the mostly evolutionary psychology stereotypes that dominate our thinking about sex between humans. Dunsworth and Buchanan identify this awareness as reproductive consciousness . Reproductive consciousness, which we humans probably figured out about 100,000 years ago, is based on two things human beings can do that no other animal can do:
By the way, since we can reason about the relationship between sex and babies, we also have figured out how to have sex without making babies. We have come to know that sex is pleasurable in its own right—a wonderful human discovery.
So, sex is really a partnership about making babies. This is a startlingly different way to think about sex. This does not mean that sex only occurs in committed partner relationships. That’s not the point. A sexual partnership can be defined in any number of ways. It can be a one-time encounter. Every single sexual encounter is a partnership. This partnership is not a business partnership, which is a transactional relationship. It is a personal partnership in which the people involved are engaged in a baby-making activity even if they do not want to make a baby.
Consent Is Supposed to Make It Be tter
The #MeToo movement drew attention to the sexual violence against women of color, evolving into women of all colors to tell their stories—speaking up. 8 Not only did this movement validate women’s speech, but it also became almost mandatory for women to speak up about their experiences.
Speaking up about women’s sexual experience along with the growing literacy about women’s sexual experience began to influence ideas about what it takes for women to have good sex: consent and self-knowledge . 9 Consent and sexual literacy were supposed to cure the ills of our sexual culture. It hasn’t. Women’s consent and sexual self-knowledge do not change the animal paradigm for sex as “sex-is-just-sex” that we continue to live with. The old paradigm still conceives of sex as transactional. Consent and self-knowledge have not changed that.
Porn is transactional sex from the perspective of male sexual desire, which demands satisfaction. Traditional porn Is conventional “erotic” porn, which mirrors Hollywood’s storytelling style, having a conventional male focus. “Gonzo” porn depicts a sexual performance in which a male actor appears to harm a female performer during sex acts that no actual woman would want to engage in. 10
Unfortunately, today’s teens have internet access to a virtual buffet of porn. 11 And, it has been the most-mentioned “helpful” source of information about sex for 18-24-year-olds. 12
The problem with pornography as it is currently created is not that it is about sex. It is a problem because it reinforces stereotypical ideas about human sexuality as animal sex. It is a problem because it depicts sex as transactional. It is a problem because it elevates male sexual desire and satisfaction over the quality of the relationship that is occurring.
Partners negotiate their sexual relationship and the sexual activity in the context of the relationship that is happening. The negotiation between sexual partners is not the transactional kind that is based on the obligation you incur, e.g., "I perform fellatio on you and you owe me cunnilingus." This is the business model that we have inherited from the idea that sex-is-just sex—it’s like animal sex. Historically, it's about male “need.” Now, it is also about female “need." These so-called “needs” are exchanged in a sexual transaction.
In contrast, human sexuality is defined in terms of the kind of relationship you have with a partner—even if that “partnership” is a one-time encounter. What you want sexually is not a static thing. It will change from time to time with the same partner and will change from partner to partner. You must work it out each time in the context of the relationship that it is happening.
Good, partnered sex can be had with: 13
Negotiating sex in a truly partnered sexual encounter is a new exploration of what each of you wants each time you have sex. Do you want sex for pleasure? Do you want sex as an intimate relationship encounter? Do you want sex because you are feeling lonely , anxious , etc.? Do you want sex because you adore your partner?
Partners talk to each other, every time, about why sex Is important to them at that moment. And, they also talk about the way in which you want to have sex. You can make the negotiation about sex fun. You can make the negotiation about sex an adventure.
Let’s pledge to get rid of the idea that sex between human beings, whatever form it takes, is like animal sex. Human sex can be about emotional connection, love, kindness, giving to a partner, or commitment. It is whatever you and your sexual partner decide together as equal participants what it will be. Sex is not performance art, it is the art of being together intimately in the way you choose to be as two equal human beings.
1. Goldberg, Michelle. “A Manifesto Against Sex Positivity.” New York Times , March 21, 2022.
2. Goldberg, Michelle. “Why Sex-Positive Feminism is Falling Out of Fashion.” New York Times , September 24, 2021.
3. Goldberg, Michelle. “Not The Fun Kind of Feminist.” New York Times , February 2, 219.
4. Conley, Teri D., Amy C. Moors, Jes L. Matsick, Ai Ziegler, & Brandon A. Valentine. “Methodological and Conceptual Insights that Narrow, Reframe, and Eliminate Gender Differences in Sexuality.” Current Directions in Psychological Science 20, no. 5 (2011).
5. Van Anders, Sari. “Testosterone and Sexual Desire in Healthy Women and Men.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 41, no.6 (2012).
6. Chivers, Meredith L. and Lori A. Brotto. “Controversies of Women’s Sexual Arousal and Desire.” European Psychologist 22, no 1 (2017).
7. Dunsworth, Holly and Ane Buchanan. “Sex Makes Babies.” Aeon , August 9, 2017.
8. Angel, Katherine. “Why We Need to Take Bad Sex Seriously.” The Guardian , March 11, 2021.
10. Rosen, David. “Is the Rise of Filthy Gonzo Porn Actually Dangerous, Or are People Overreacting? Alternet . June 7, 2013.
11, Herbenick, Debby. “Pornography is No Substitute for Sex Ed.” New York Times . November 4, 2012.
12. Pappas, Stephanie. “Porn is the Top source of ‘Sex Education’ for Young Adults.” LiveScienc e. January 26, 2021.
Catherine Aponte, Psy.D. , was previously a clinical psychologist and an adjunct professor at Spalding University.

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Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Here’s what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not.



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by Captain Matthew & Kristina Spencer
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How Wives REALLY Want Husbands to Prepare for Sex
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by Captain Matthew & Kristina Spencer
Fight for Your Marriage, Not Your Political Party
How Wives REALLY Want Husbands to Prepare for Sex
Why Waiting Is Better | Chad & Tori Masters
Relationship Red Flags: 5 Things to Watch Out For
What we are about to say may seem controversial in a contemporary context: Sex isn’t just sex.
It isn’t just a physical act with obvious physical benefits. That sounds counter to what we hear on TV, on the most recent music playlist, or in what a lot of university professors are teaching. We repeat, sex isn’t just sex. It’s so much more and far better than any cheap knock off our culture might portray it to be.
Sex isn’t just sex. It’s much better than that.
The Sexual Revolution took place in the US and the western world in the 1960s and 70s, but it was nothing like we see in today’s culture, where everything is hyper-sexualized. It’s a whole new revolution. Nudity and hookup culture are not everything that modern sex is in our society, but they contribute to a sex-focused environment. If what we are witnessing and experiencing isn’t sex at its best, then what is it supposed to be?
Here are 3 important truths about sex the world, and maybe even the church, isn’t telling you:
God created it! How cool is that? He didn’t have to make it pleasurable, but He did. We might even take a few minutes to worship Him for that. Sex really is a beautiful thing, especially when it’s done in the way God intended. He designed it in the first place as good for our good. Dave and Ashley Willis have a really good teaching on this topic where they show sex isn’t supposed to be shameful, even though some people, even in the church, treat it as taboo. It’s part of God’s perfect plan, and when we participate in the right way, we are giving honor and worship to God.
We always say this: The enemy will do anything in his power to get you in bed before marriage and out of bed during marriage. We believe this statement is true because he knows it is more than just physical: it is also spiritual. When we have sex with another person, we are binding our souls together—this is commonly called a “soul tie.” The Bible demonstrates this fact by telling us “the two become one.” It is so much more than a physical act that satisfies a fleshly craving. Soul ties and deep bonds are created through sexual activity. Before modern birth control options, there were very practical reasons to keep sex within the marriage relationship because there were very obvious results when it wasn’t. However, medical science has now removed those visible consequences, so our culture has normalized casual sex, and sex out of marriage is rampant. Even so, there are still serious spiritual consequences.
Sex is also about emotionally connecting. What happens outside the bedroom has a major impact on what happens inside the bedroom. For example, when a wife doesn’t feel heard, seen, or pursued outside the bedroom, then she will find it much harder to connect emotionally inside the bedroom. Focus on building your friendship during the day, then watch your intimacy grow at night—or whatever time of the day suits your relationship best.
Sex isn’t just sex. It’s much better than that. And you have an opportunity to create an amazing spiritual and emotional bond with your spouse, far beyond anything physical you’ve ever known before.
By Captain Matthew & Kristina Spencer
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