Sex Incest In The Home

Sex Incest In The Home


Sex Incest In The Home
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A DAD who headed an incest clan allowed family members to have sex with its children in return for beer or cigarettes.
William Goler and his family were described as a “hillbilly sex ring” and when the authorities began digging into their past, it was found incest had been a way of life for over 100 years.
Thirteen adults from the notorious clan were jailed after being found guilty of 100 charges of incest and other sexual offences with children aged between six and 14.
William, his common law wife Wanda Wiston and his brother Tom, along with other male and female members of the family, were among those convicted.
Living in an isolated mountain community in rural Canada far from prying eyes, they created a twisted way of life in which girls gave birth to their siblings’ babies.
Twenty people were crammed into house - aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, and brothers and sisters.
Their story mirrors that of the Colts - dubbed the world's most inbred family - in which patriarch Tim Colt an "incest" farm in Australia where he raped his daughters with his sons and fathered their children.
The Goler clan’s sordid secret was revealed when one of William's children went to one of her teachers sobbing and described what happened to her in 1984.
The 14-year-old said she was treated as her dad’s wife and was raped up to 14 times a month by him since she was nine and she was trying to get her pregnant.
Her teachers contacted the police and they began questioning the kids, who slowly opened up after being coaxed by officers.
Two years later the case eventually came to court where Sandra’s 11-year-old sister Donna gave a harrowing testimony about what happened.
“The first time I can remember I was five, just going on six, because I had just graduated from Kindergarten going into grade one,” she said.
“I came home and that was the first time I had been raped and it was by my father.
“If somebody wanted to have sex with one of his kids he would let them for a case of beer or a carton of cigarettes, or even a pack of cigarettes.
“They got to pick out whichever child they wanted to have sex with.
“We had nothing to say, we couldn't prevent it, we couldn't stop them.
"We were basically lined up against the wall and they chose the one they wanted and we were forced to do it.”
Sickeningly she said that “some kids were even forced to watch when someone was having sex.”
The prosecutor described the case as “something out of the movie Deliverance” – which famously depicted in breeding in the deep south of America.
Decades of inbreeding had taken its toll on the family and their defence lawyer Bob Levy told Canadian TV the family were “on another planet” and “borderline retarded”.
Their intelligence levels were in the “bottom one or two per cent” of society, he said.
They didn’t have any idea what was happening to them during their trial and one of the defendants had no idea what the word incest meant.
The court was told that all of the defendants had themselves been sexually abused as children.
But it didn’t end there and incredibly it was found that incest had been a way of life for generation, as Acadia University sociologist Jim Sacouman testified.
“There’s census material that makes it very clear that in breeding and incest were occurring in the 1860s and 1870s in the Goler family,” he later said.
William Goler was jailed for seven years for incest, gross indecency and buggery.
His common law wife Wanda Wiston, was sentenced to four years for sexually assaulting eight children.
His son Tom was jailed for three years for buggery with a nephew and niece and his former brother in law Roy Hills, for one year for buggery with a seven year old girl.
Another family member, Charlie Goler junior, was jailed for two years for having sex with an underage cousin.
Cranswick Goler, received six years and nine months for buggery with a 12-year-old male cousin and his sisters Josie and Mary, 12 months for sexual assault.
Lawrence Johnstone two and a half years for buggery with a niece.
The family’s 12 children were sent for adoption to families to begin new lives with new identities and were reportedly making good progress.
Donna went on to campaign for the rights of abused children and for a change in the law so that the young relatives of paedophiles can never be left alone with them.
"They can't babysit their niece, they can't babysit their cousin or their own child," she told CBC.
"They cannot be alone whatsoever with a child under the age of 14, unsupervised."
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A Michigan mom who fell in love with her biological son says a rare “genetic” phenomenon is responsible for their red-hot romance.
Kim West, 57, got pregnant as a teenager, and gave up her baby boy, Ben Ford, for adoption in the mid-1980s.
Ford, who is now 38, tracked down his mother eight years ago, and the pair formed a close bond. Things quickly turned sexual, and they went public with their incestuous relationship in 2016, with West boasting she had “mind-blowing sex” with her son.
The couple has subsequently kept a low profile in a bid to avoid being prosecuted for their illegal sexual relations, but say science is the reason they can’t keep their hands off each other.
“This is not incest, it is GSA. We are like peas in a pod and are meant to be together,” West declared to New Day, speaking about a phenomenon known as “genetic sexual attraction.”
The phenomenon was first identified back in the 1980s by Barbara Gonyo, a woman who ran a Chicago-based support group for adoptees and their newfound relatives. She coined the term “GSA” after noting that numerous people associated with the group became sexually attracted to their family members when they first met as adults. 
Psychologist Corinne Sweet previously told New Day that she has come across the phenomenon while treating patients who had been in foster homes.
“At a genetic level, we are conditioned to find people who look like us attractive,” Sweet stated. “We have an almost tribal connection with family members with similar features. At the same time, people who are adopted or fostered feel deeply rejected. They have experienced a profound wound which isn’t easily healed.”
She further explained: “So when a son meets his birth mother, he feels a great rush of need. There’s an attraction and a longing there, and when it’s combined with the appeal of genetic similarity, it becomes a very powerful and complex cocktail which is incredibly seductive.”
However, other medical experts are skeptical of GSA, with New York City sex therapist Ian Kerner telling Women’s Health that the phenomenon has never been scientifically studied.
“I think that our mating systems tend to seek out genetic difference more than similarity,” he declared. “In the case of incest or romantic love between family members, I think you have to look at it case by case instead of generalizing it as a disorder or genetic condition.”
Meanwhile, clinical psychologist John Mayer bluntly told the magazine: “My professional opinion is that GSA is an excuse to give these people permission to break social norms.”
However, West and Ford say GSA adequately explains the instant attraction they felt for one another.
“I know people will say we’re disgusting, that we should be able to control our feelings, but when you’re hit by a love so consuming you are willing to give up everything for it, you have to fight for it,” West told New Day.
The loved-up mama continued: “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance and something Ben and I are not willing to walk away from.”
Her equally shameless son stated: “When I met Kim, I couldn’t think of her as my mom but instead as a sexual being. I had seen a therapist at an adoption support group and had learned about the GSA phenomenon.”
Making their relationship more shocking was the fact that Ford was married at the time they met. The smitten son soon dumped his wife in order to be in a relationship with his mom.
Ford told New Day that he couldn’t get his mother off his mind, saying to his spouse: “Every time I have had sex with you since I met her, I imagine it’s her I am kissing, otherwise I can’t perform.”
Meanwhile, West said it felt as if she and her son had “known each other for years” after they met as adults, describing their sex as “incredible” and “mind-blowing.”
But the couple should be careful about bragging about their hot sex, as incestuous relationships between adults are punishable by up to 15 years in prison in their home state of Michigan.
Anyone found guilty of such an offense would be required to sign the sex offenders registry for life.

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The Gentle People
Courts have permitted the Amish to live outside the law. But in some places, Amish women are sexually assaulted with no recourse


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Mary gave the letter to a friend, who drove 30 minutes northwest of the house where Mary was staying in the Wisconsin town of Viroqua, past a couple of dirt roads, a string of red barns, and frozen cornfields. He waited until nearly midnight on a cold evening last February, and then put the letter in the mailbox at the white shingled home of Sam Mast, an Amish minister in the community where Mary's family lived during her teenage years.

Mary's father was killed in a buggy accident when she was 5; she remembers him pulling her onto his lap and fondling her at their home in the small town of Sugar Grove, Pa. After her father's death, Mary's family moved 100 miles south to New Wilmington, Pa., another small town, where the back roads are filled with brown buggies and white shingled homes. There, Mary's two older cousins and brothers began molesting her. Johnny told the police that his cousins encouraged him, "as far as breaking her in." (The cousins denied that, but admitted to molesting Mary.) By the time Mary was in her teens, she was being raped regularly by Johnny, who is seven years older, and her brother Eli, who is four years older. Once, Eli climbed on top of her while Johnny held her down.

There was no escape. Mary was grabbed in the bedroom, in the barn, in the outhouse, milking the cows in the morning, and on her way to school. "It did not matter how hard I tried to hide," Mary would explain in her letter to Mast, which she also sent to other Amish clergy. "If I ran upstairs to go to bed or to hide because I was at home with the boys, I'd be locking my door and turn around and there was someone crawling through my window. So my windows were always locked . . . Then they started taking off my door."

To the hordes of tourists who travel to Pennsylvania Dutch country each year to go to quilting bees and shop for crafts, the Gentle People, as the Amish are known, represent innocence. They are a people apart, removed in place and arrested in time. They reject the corruptions of modernity-the cars that have splintered American communities and the televisions that have riveted the country's youth. The Amish way of life is grounded in agriculture, hard work, and community. Its deliberate simplicity takes the form of horse-drawn buggies, clothes that could have come from a Vermeer painting, and a native German dialect infused with English words.

The myth of the Amish is amplified in movies like Witness and television shows like Amish in the City. It's also fed by a series of practices that reinforce the group's insularity. The Amish want to be left alone by the state-and to a remarkable extent, they are. They don't fight America's wars or, for the most part, contribute to Social Security. In 1972, noting their "excellent record as law-abiding and generally self-sufficient members of society," the Supreme Court allowed the Amish to take their children out of school after eighth grade.

The license the Amish have been granted rests on the trust that the community will police itself, with Amish bishops and ministers acting in lieu of law enforcement. Yet keeping order comes hard to church leaders. "The Amish see the force of law as contrary to the Christian spirit," said Donald Kraybill, a professor at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania and an expert on the group. As a result, the Amish shy away from sending people to prison and the system of punishment of "the English," as the Amish call other Americans. Once a sinner has confessed, and his repentance has been deemed genuine, every member of the Amish community must forgive him.

This approach is rooted in the Amish notion of Gelassenheit, or submission. Church members abide by their clergymen; children obey their parents; sisters mind their brothers; and wives defer to their husbands (divorce is taboo). With each act of submission, the Amish follow the lesson of Jesus when he died on the cross rather than resist his adversaries.

But can a community govern itself by Jesus's teaching of mercy alone? It is sinful for the Amish to withhold forgiveness-so sinful that anyone who refers to a past misdeed after the Amish penalty for it has ended can be punished in the same manner as the original sinner. "That's a big thing in the Amish community," Mary said. "You have to forgive and forgive."

In some church districts, which encompass only two or three dozen families scattered along back roads, there appear to be many crimes like Johnny and Eli's to forgive. No statistics are available, but according to one Amish counselor who works with troubled church members across the Midwest, sexual abuse of children is "almost a plague in some communities." Some police forces and district attorneys do their best to step in, though they are rarely welcomed. Others are slow to investigate or quick to let off Amish offenders with light punishments. When that happens, girls like Mary are failed three times: by their families, their church, and their state.

Kathryn Byler, who counts Mary and her family as distant kin, lives more than 600 miles from them, in Morrow County, Ohio. The Amish don't own phones (some use them only for emergencies). Still, news gets around. Kathryn knew Mary's story.
Before her father's death, Mary told her mother, Sally, that he was molesting her. At first, Sally didn't believe her daughter. Mary said that her mother told her, "He says he's sorry and you have to forgive him." After her husband's death, Sally raised Mary and her eight sons on her own. Her household wasn't the tidiest, and the children didn't always listen to her. Sally got particularly frustrated with Mary, who had inherited her large almond-shaped eyes and tendency to talk out of turn.

When Mary's brothers began raping her, she turned to her mother again. Sally scolded the b
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