Sex In The Street For Money

Sex In The Street For Money


Sex In The Street For Money
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Image credits: Jimbo Albano Jimbo Albano

LAST August 26, I was invited by edamama, a new children’s online platform, to their first Family Expo…

Xi Jinping renewed calls for China to step up the development of technology critical to national security, issuing…

AND just like that, the next few days and months are gonna be busy-busy-busy for lovers and avid…

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Relationship psychologists have concluded that couples/partners—regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or identity —argue about three topics: sex, money, and children in that order.
The “children” topic is mainly confined to the “if and when” and duties and responsibilities for childrearing after the kids come along. Sex and money are a day-to-day discussion and sources of contention.
In former times the elites married for money and power as two kingdoms joined in the holy matrimony of the prince and princess. There might be love but the children were to secure a royal legacy. The peasants married for sex and more kids to work in the fields and much less for money except in those cultures where a bridal dowry is required even from the poor. Both are still prevalent in the 21st century.
The vast majority of us do not fall either in the “wealthy/elite” or “peasant” classes. But we ordinary folk are the ones arguing most about sex and money. And the reason is rather obvious. Spouses, “significant others,” and partners argue because they are not satisfied with the sex or money in the relationship and 99 percent of the time it is because of not getting enough.
However, there is an interesting dynamic. Life is all about trade-offs and do not confuse that with the idea of “compromise.” A compromise is a negotiated settlement between parties. A trade-off is different, and it particularly applies to “sex and money.”
We may not like it or feel comfortable to admit it, but when it comes to sex and money in a relationship, more often than not, an abundance on one side can offset a lack on the other. It may not be the ideal situation, but a lot more wealth can make up for less sex. And the other way around.
A popular song during the US Great Depression when everyone was broke had these lyrics: “Oh honey, through all kinds of weather, What if the sky should fall? Just as long as we’re together, It doesn’t matter at all.”
But in “normal” times, a recent survey found that 68 percent of Americans in relationships say that finances cause more tension with their partner than their sex life does.
If you look deeper, you see this dynamic is an integral part of all human relationships far beyond spouse, “significant other,” and partner. No better, the dynamic of the “sex and money argument” is found between “We the People” and “The Government.”
Understand that in every country the government is the most “Significant Other” for all of us and has been doing a version of the sex and money tradeoff for 2,000 years.
Roman poet Juvenal wrote in the first century A.D. that “The People anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.” From a precious metal content of 98 percent, the government was well into currency devaluation and high inflation when Juvenal wrote that. By 150 A.D. the metal content was 50 percent less.
Bad economic times and less money required more “sex” from government then as now. And the global financial situation has never been any worse because of catastrophic government debt.
What is the modern “bread and circuses” in the West? Abortion on demand? Euthanasia? Pedophilia as a “choice?” Ignoring “minor” crimes? War? No problem. Just keep your attention away from the government’s financial statement.
This is not in any way a matter of morality. Notice that the US prohibition over evil alcohol, begun in 1920, was lifted in 1933 during the depth of the Depression.
After decades of strange lights in the sky, now the US Congress—authored by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence—suddenly seems to have admitted that it does not believe all UFOs are “man-made.” Who benefits from US government claims that the UFO threat is increasing “exponentially?”
California is banning gasoline-powered cars by 2035 even as “Californians Told Not to Charge Electric Cars—Not Enough Electricity.” High oil prices? The US Secretary of Transportation says buy an EV, with an average price of $55,676. A new gasoline powered compact car is $25,240.
In periods of great economic distress, nothing that government says makes much sense as they struggle to offer more “sex” in the time of no money.
E-mail me at Follow me on Twitter @mangunonmarkets. PSE stock-market information and technical analysis provided by AAA Southeast Equities Inc.
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