Sex Genie Story

Sex Genie Story


Sex Genie Story
Tony Rodgers had been so preoccupied with thoughts of his ex-girlfriend
that he hadn't even realized he stopped walking. When he did, he
looked up and saw the sign, A Witch's Potion spelled out in fancy letters.

The first thing that grabbed his attention upon entering was a collection
of miniaturized life-like dolls. A different isle had a variety of
knickknacks and a humming bird in particular caught his attention. 
Cheryl loved humming birds and if she hadn't abruptly left him a month
ago, it would have made the ideal gift.

Then he spotted a beautiful turquoise bottle, about twelve inches in
height and shaped just like one of those Genie bottles. He picked
it up and turned the bottle upside down to look at the price tag.

"Damn," he muttered to himself, hating that. There was nothing
more annoying to him than an item for sale without a price tag. He
looked around and saw a young woman stocking a shelf near the cash register,
and suddenly had to do a double take. The woman looked a lot like
his ex! Except for maybe the girl�s hair was dark where Cheryl's
was blonde. "Excuse me, miss, but could you tell me how much this
bottle goes for?" he asked, holding it up for the girl to see.

"$299.95," the girl replied with a smile.

"Thank you," he replied, thinking it was a rip off, but instead of placing
the bottle back down on the shelf, he continued to inspect it. There
was something about this bottle he liked, but he couldn't put his thumb
on it. He turned back to the girl to complain about the price when
he was startled to see that the girl�s hair had turned a lighter shade,
making her resemble his ex even more.

The girl must have sensed him staring because she stopped what she was
doing and approached him. "Are you interested in the bottle?" she
asked, smiling.

"I'm not sure," he responded, blushing at having been caught staring.

"You are aware that this particular bottle is very special, right?"
the girl asked.

"It�s special because of who lives inside the bottle," the girl replied
with a grin.

"Yeah, sure� I suppose you�re going to tell me a genie lives inside
it, huh?" he responded with a smile.

"How did you guess?� the girl asked, adding, �But please note that the
genie inside this bottle isn�t the run of the mill type, but in fact the
type that grants sexual wishes.�

Tony just smiled at the girl, still amazed at how much she looked like
his ex.

"You don�t believe me, do you? You know� you might want to start
believing given your recent breakup with that gorgeous blonde 'hottie'
I resemble.�

Tony's eyes lit up in shock. How the hell did this girl know about
his ex girlfriend?!

"And I bet a Sex Genie could really help you," the girl added.

"...Cheryl?" she asked. "Surely you noticed the sign above the
entrance to my shop, but then again if you don't believe in genies, you
probably don't believe in witches, either," the girl responded.

Tony wondered if he might be going crazy but there was that off chance
that what this witch was offering was true� but if not, then it would certainly
cost him a lot of money to find out.

"You�re concerned about being taken for a ride, aren�t you?" she asked
with a grin.

"$300.00 is a lot of money for a bottle," he responded.

"Would you buy the bottle if you had proof?"

"Proof that there�s a genie inside of it?" he asked, surprised.

"I�ll let you take the bottle home with you without paying. You
simply make your first wish, see the results, and then come back to the
shop and pay me," the girl suggested.

"You'd really let me do that?" he asked in shock.

Tony looked around the shop, wondering if he was in one of those Reality
Television shows where every day people made complete fools of themselves. 
He was tempted to just put the bottle down and leave the store, but because
of that remote possibility that this girl was really a witch and what she
said was legit and that there was a genie inside the bottle, it was too
hard to resist.

"Remember, Tony. This genie won�t grant you wishes for money or
a brand new car. All your wishes must be of a sexual nature.�

Tony felt an erection grow as he nodded his head and left the store.

Cheryl Seavers scanned the bedroom one last time. She wanted to
make sure she had everything. The suitcase she had brought was filled
to the brim and she was surprised that she had left so much behind. 
Tony had been bugging her to pick up her things, but she didn't want a
confrontation with him. So, she had to plan it when he was gone and
she was just thankful she had the foresight to make herself an extra key
when they had been going together.

They're break-up hadn't gone too well and the last thing she wanted
to deal with was an irate ex. To this day she hadn�t told him why
she broke it off with him other than the fact that the chemistry didn�t
work. She was reluctant to tell him the whole truth because she didn�t
want to hurt him anymore than she had already.

It was still amazing how much her life had changed. How was she
to know that she would find more pleasure in a woman�s arms than with Tony? 
Of course, if she had paid attention to the earlier signs, both in high
school and college, she never would have gone with Tony in the first place.

She still felt wet when she reflected on her awakening. Never
in her life had she cum harder, and afterwards, she felt no embarrassment,
only happiness. It was like the woman who made love to her knew exactly
where to touch her, where to lick her, and where to kiss her. But,
of course... why wouldn't she?

The woman's name was Katrina Starr and they had met at a convention. 
While they had basked in the afterglow of that magical first time, Katrina
admitted to her it was lust at first sight. Katrina was blonde, beautiful,
and in her twenties. Ironically, they could have passed for sisters. 
It took Katrina all of eighteen minutes to seduce her, and she still blushed
at how easy it had been for her.

They ended up spending the entire weekend together and lost count at
how many times they made each other cum. When they weren�t making
love, they were talking and cuddling and just being near one another. 
Then like all flings of this nature, when it was time for Katrina to go
back home, which was two thousand miles away, she was left with going back
to Tony.

As Tony waiting in the lobby of his apartment building for an elevator,
he was pleasantly surprised to see Lori Wells, his next-door neighbor,

"Hi, Tony," Lori greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, how�s my favorite model?" he asked, smiling.

Lori could have portrayed Aphrodite herself as she possessed long sleek
legs and an incredible curvaceous ass.
"I'm beat," Lori replied in her soft sweet voice, "I was up early for
a shoot this morning and right now all I want to do is soak in a bubble

Tony's mind surfaced an image of Lori, stark naked, in her tub and smiled.
"Nice bottle, where did you get it?" Lori asked, gesturing to what
he had in his hand.

"Oh, this?" he asked, holding it up for her. He had forgotten
he was even carrying it. "It's a little something I picked up for
my girlfriend."

"Cheryl�? I haven't seen her in awhile.�

"I didn't even know you knew her," Tony mumbled.

"We used to bump into each other in the hallway from time to time, I
used to tell her she should model because she really is quite attractive,"
Lori responded with a smile.

�Yes, she most certainly is,� Tony replied as they walked together down
the hallway. It suddenly occurred to him who the subject would be
for his first wish. Of course, he didn't expect to find a genie inside
the bottle, but it was nice to fantasize, and it was certainly doing numbers
to him down below.
�You enjoy your bath,� Tony told Lori, who smiled back at him before
entering her apartment. Tony then entered his own apartment and placed
the bottle on his coffee table before heading off towards the kitchen. 
He took a box of Lean Pockets out of the freezer and threw them in the
microwave. Then he stripped down to his briefs and grabbed a Bud
from the refrigerator.

It was on his way back to the living room that he stopped in front of
the hallway mirror to look at himself. He never complained about
his looks, standing slightly over 6 feet and weighing a solid 180. 
Occasionally, when he was in the mood, he worked out and had the muscles
to prove it. He knew his face wasn't Hollywood handsome, but all
the girls he dated said he was very attractive.

�Yeah, right� he mumbled out loud, thinking if he was so damn attractive,
then why had Cheryl dumped him?

Tony envisioned his ex and felt an erection grow. Cheryl was a
blonde knockout and by far the best looking chick he'd ever been with. 
She was also the first girl that left him, and this kind of pissed him
off. He missed her and wanted her back, despite Cheryl being a mediocre
lay. What was it about Cheryl that sex seemed rather mechanical for
her? If she had only loosened up a bit then she would have enjoyed
their sex more.

After retrieving his Lean Pockets out of the microwave, he took a seat
on the couch. As he searched around for the clicker, he was reminded
of the bottle. What the hell was he thinking? Then again, he
hadn�t paid a cent yet so what did he have to lose?

Tony reached over and uncorked the bottle and then�

"What the fuck!" he cried out when he saw white smoke pour out of the
bottle, and was further stunned when the smoke swirled around to shape
itself as a girl� and not just any girl, but Cheryl�s exact double and
she was stark naked!

�Prove it!� Tony demanded in anger.

The genie who looked like Cheryl, suddenly transformed into the most
bodacious, blonde hottie he had ever seen, and this girl made Cheryl look
like the cute girl next door. Of course, the girl was naked and looking
every bit of perfection. She stood about 5'5", didn't look a day
over 18, and possessed an incredibly huge pair of tits!

"Hi, Master!" the girl greeted him, and, �Sorry I upset you with Cheryl�s
image, it was my weak attempt at trying to please you.�

"Oh, fuck... I've really gone crazy, haven�t I?" Tony responded.

�No, Master, I�m your sex genie, but you can call me Jeanie,� the genie
replied with a smile.

�Would you mind putting something on? Those tits of yours can
be very distracting.�

The genie snapped her fingers, and quite instantly she was dressed in
a skintight black jump suit that looked painted on.

"I... I�m having a hard time believing my own two eyes," Tony

"Then why did you buy the bottle, Master? If I'm not a genie,
then who am I? Believe me, I�m not an illusion."

"Yes, but... but a genie? That's impossible,� Tony responded.

"Obviously, not the case,� Genie replied with a giggle.

"So what do I call you, Genie?" Tony asked.

"I�d prefer Jeanie spelt J E A N I E,� Jeanie responded.

"This is so fucking incredible," he responded.

"If you're impressed now, then wait till you start wishing," Jeanie
replied with a smile.

"My first wish..." he started to say, but Jeanie held her hand up to
stop him.

"First, I�d like to go over some ground rules," Jeanie interjected.

"Mind you, they're pretty standard and I usually don�t bother, but there
has been a rash of ignorance as of late. Not to mention stubborn
pigheaded stupidity. So, let me go over what you can wish for� and
what you can't wish for."

"Go right ahead," Tony responded, nodding his head.

"First, I'm classified as a sex genie so your wishes must be of a sexual

�I knew that already,� Tony replied.

Suddenly, one of Jeanie�s huge boobs suddenly popped out from her jumpsuit! 
Obviously, she hadn�t been wearing a bra, and she giggled as she stuffed
it back in and zipped up higher to contain them better.

"Now, if I can't grant your wish exactly, I'll grant you something very

"Second, you must make all three wishes within a 24 hours period or
forfeit the balance.�

"That won't be a problem," Tony responded, thinking that he'd reserve
his last wish for Cheryl.

"Third, once you wish you can't reverse it unless of course you have
another wish coming.�

"Then I'd better be careful, huh?" he asked with a smile.

"The fourth rule, no two wishes can be exactly the same.�

"What does that mean? Who would wish for the same thing twice?"
he asked in confusion.

"It means that you can�t make the same wish for two different people,"
Jeanie elaborated.

"And finally, the last rule doesn't allow you to force someone to truly
love you.�

"Hey, that's not fair," Tony quickly replied.

"Oh, relax. There's a whole variety of wishes that come pretty
darn close to making someone love you. Think about it... there's
lust, infatuation, and all sorts of other enchantment, and trust me, I
can be very creative.�

"So, go ahead and make that first wish," Jeanie stated.

"I wish that the beautiful model that lives across the hall from me
by the name of Lori Wells feels sexually aroused for me every time she
sees or thinks of me. In fact, every time I think of her, I want
her to feel sexually turned on for me! I also want her to be very
submissive in my presence.�

"You must really want to fuck this girl, huh?" Jeanie asked with a giggle.

"Can you do it?" Tony asked, anxious.

"You know, if I wanted to be a real bitch of a genie, I could insist
that you used all your wishes up with that first wish, but given I have
a ring that will do everything you want� and more for that matter, I'll
allow it to slide."

Suddenly, a ring appeared and dangled right before his eyes. "I
call it the Ring of DESIRE," Jeanie stated.

"And what exactly does this Ring of Desire do?" Tony asked, staring
at it.

"Put it on your finger," Jeanie instructed.

Tony grabbed the ring and slipped it on to his ring finger.

"Now, I first must warn you. If you voluntarily give up the ring,
you are in essence, transferring ownership of Lori.�

"Why the hell would I want to do that?" Tony asked.

"I�ve seen some stupid humans before, believe me. Anyway, to activate
the ring, kiss Lori. She'll be permanently bonded to the ring and
since you�re wearing it, you will own her."

"This is incredible!" he responded, and it was about this time that
he caught Jeanie glancing down at his crotch. Quickly, he looked
down at himself and saw that he was hard. It was poking straight
up through the fly of his briefs, forcing him to use his hands to cover

"Would you like me to take care of that for you?" Jeanie asked him,
licking her lips.

"I mean... I am a sex genie," she stated with a giggle.

�Would it mean using one of my wishes?�

"Then thanks, but no thanks. Lori will take care of me soon enough."

"Suit your self," Jeanie replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Do I need to rub the bottle to summon you again?"

"Only if you re-cork me, otherwise you can summon me by thinking of
me," Jeanie replied.

"Then I'll leave you uncorked," he responded.

Jeanie giggled before she transformed into a cloud of white smoke and
poured back into the bottle.

Tony sat there in stunned silence, wondering if he might have imagined
the whole thing. Then he brought up his hand and saw the ring. 
He hadn�t imagined anything! Then he glanced over at the clock before
heading to the bathroom and stopped at the hallway mirror again. 
He smiled and felt his cock growing again. If the ring worked the
way it was supposed to work, then he didn't need to take a shower, or shave,
or anything for that matter. Once he kissed Lori, she would want
him regardless.

Quickly, he threw on a pair of jeans and headed across the hall. 
It was hard to believe that his fantasies of fucking Lori were about to
come true. He knocked on the door and waiting a few minutes.

"Tony," he replied, feeling nervous and unsure despite the ring.

"What is it?" Lori asked, sounding peeved.

"I... I need to see you for a second," he stammered.

"Please, it's very important and it'll only take a moment," Tony pleaded,
and he could hear his heart beating with anticipation.

"Just a moment... I have to put something on," Lori finally told
him, and this surfaced an image of Lori standing naked on the other side
of the door.

Cheryl stepped out of the closet with nervousness. If she hadn't
seen it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears, she would never
have believed it. A living, breathing, wish-granting, genie!

This was incredible! Genies were supposed to be fiction! 
Make believe! Yet, Tony had somehow got his hand on a bottle possessing
a genie! Then she suddenly felt afraid, thinking that Tony was bound
to use one of those wishes on her. She shuddered to think what Tony
was doing to Lori right now.

Slowly, she walked over to the coffee table and picked up the bottle,
and then almost dropped it when the familiar white smoke poured out of
it. Cheryl quickly placed it back down on the table and waited for
the beautiful genie to appear, and just like before, she did so, naked.

"Hi, Cheryl," Jeanie greeted her, looking ever so sexy. "I was
wondering if you'd try summoning me.�

"Oops, sorry," Jeanie replied with a giggle as she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, Jeanie was dressed in a pair of tight denim cutoffs and a
white tee shirt.

"This is amazing," Cheryl whispered.

"Well, I suggest you get over it quick and tell me what's on your mind,"
Jeanie replied.

"How do you know me?" Cheryl asked, while staring at Jeanie�s boobs.

"I knew you were hiding in the closet.�

"I can't believe how beautiful you are. I'm really, really attracted
to you," she stammered, blushing and feeling more aroused by the second.

"A newly awakened lesbian would be, so I'm not surprised," Jeanie responded,
and then added, "and given I'm bisexual, we might be able to�"

Cheryl's eyes lit up at the implication, but then asked, �Can I have
three wishes, too?"

"Sorry, Cheryl� I'm Tony's until 24 hours elapse.�

"Then my bottle is transported somewhere around the world either to
find or buy depending on the story.�

"Oh," she whispered, feeling disappointed.

Jeanie smiled at her and took her hand, leading her back to Tony's bedroom. 
"I can't grant you wishes, but I can pleasure you like you've never been
pleasured before."

"Is Tony going to do something to me?" Cheryl asked as she began stripping,
but Jeanie snapped her fingers, leaving her instantly naked and her clothes
in a pile on a chair.

"Yes, I'm afraid he is," Jeanie finally replied as she gazed at her
naked body.

"Can't you stop him? He wants revenge!" Cheryl responded, blushing
due to her nudity.

"I'm bound by law to grant his wish, Cheryl, but I promise if there's
a loophole anywhere in his wording, I'll take advantage of it," Jeanie
responded as she spread her legs.

Cheryl climbed on the bed and positioned herself between Jeanie�s legs. 
Jeanie quickly shifted around as she positioned herself between Cheryl�s
legs. "Let's forget all about those worries of yours and focus on
our petals," Jeanie stated, prompting Cheryl to lower her mouth down on
Jeanie�s pussy and began licking. Soon both girls were groaning with

Lori couldn't for the life of her understand why Tony wanted to see
her, but apparently it was important enough for him to interrupt her bath. 
"What is it?" she asked, standing in just her bathrobe. Then everything
happened so fast and because of the suddenness of it and the unexpectedness
of it, she just stood there and let it happen. Tony was holding her
head still while he kissed her, and only after a fi
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