Sex Games Over The Phone

Sex Games Over The Phone


Sex Games Over The Phone
Originally Published: Sep. 30, 2016
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From Plan Our Next Adventure to Sexy Song Swap.
It can be hard to keep the fire burning in a long-distance relationship , and it's equally difficult to find ways to connect when you're spending time apart. There are plenty of ways to spice things up from afar, and keep your relationship flirty — even if you can't hang out face-to-face. And sexting your partner is one of the best ways to go about it. If you're shy, you might even find that it feels way more comfortable to send sexy messages than to say things out loud. And if you're having trouble getting started, you can always begin by playing a sexting games with your partner.
"[Sexting] builds anticipation and desire," Shavonne Jones, LCSW , a licensed clinical social worker, tells Bustle. When there's distance between you, sexting can really keep the connection going, she says.
According to a 2020 study of 1,559 adults from The Kinsey Institute about sexual behavior during COVID, sexting was the most common technology-based addition to people’s sex lives in 2020. While sexting can be a hot way to connect when you’re apart, it can also be super helpful. If you're shy or have trouble expressing your sexual needs, you might find that sexting feels more comfortable than saying your dirty thoughts out loud.
With that in mind, here are 23 dirty games to play on text with your partner when you're long-distance or temporarily apart.
You’re probably already familiar with this classic game. You can turn it into a sexting game making all of the questions sex-related. For example, “would you rather have me kiss your neck or your ear?” You can keep the questions relatively tame at the beginning, especially if your partner’s shy. Then slowly work up to making them more graphic. This game is also a great way to get to know your partner and their sexual likes and dislikes.
If you had a particularly steamy sex session in person, you can rehash all of the details together over text. Again, start simple if your partner is shy. “Remember when I was sitting in your living room and you came in and gave me that little smile?” If your partner doesn’t respond right away, keep going. “And then remember when I told you to come over and sit next to me?” If you’re still not getting a bite, ask, “what happened next?” Trust me, your partner won’t mind that you’re asking them to “remember” something that just happened!
This is a really adaptable game that’s similar to Would You Rather. Text your partner a series of options that you could do in that moment, and ask them to pick which one they would like best. For example, you could send, “I’m sitting here at home alone, thinking of you. I could either scroll through some of the pictures you sent me, take a shower, or try to distract myself. What should I do?” Once they’ve made their decision, send them a few more options that would unfold after the first step. For example, “Look at the pictures of you, OK! I could either stay here in the living room, go into the bedroom, or go out onto the balcony. What should I do?”
This is a small but exciting sexting variation of Choose Your Own Adventure. In this version, have all of your options be things that the two of you could do the next time you see each other. For example, “You’re going to get in at nine at night. We could either get really dressed up and go out to dinner, take a quick shower together, or go straight into the bedroom . What do you pick?” You can either take turns giving options and making decisions or have your partner plan out the entire date. Make sure to follow through the next time you see each other!
The next time you’re at your partner’s house, leave something sexy behind, like a pair of underwear you wore when you were together, a new lingerie set they’ve never seen you in, or even a sex toy . Once you’re gone, text your partner that you left something special for them to find. You can give your partner clues if you feel nice, or let them figure it out on their own.
This is a good game to sexting play with partners who might feel a bit shy about discussing your personal sex life via text. Tell your partner you want to write a story together, where you take turns coming up with sentences. You can start the story off innocently enough, but slowly start to make it more sexual. You can play this game for weeks, or even months! Consider making a Google Document together, so you can write some smut at the same time.
If you or your partner are too shy to write your own erotica (or have writer’s block in the moment), you can read other people’s erotica instead. When you know your partner has some free time, send a link to an erotica website . Ask your partner to read it at the same time you’re reading it. Copy and paste the specific sentences that you really like, or discuss your favorite scenes. You can also do this with porn.
Text your partner and ask them to guess something about your clothing. You can ask them to guess the specific underwear you’re wearing or the color. If they guess correctly, send them a picture of you wearing the item. (You can show just a snippet of the fabric if you don’t want to get too graphic.)
In this sexting game, one person gets to be King For A Day, and tell the other person exactly what to do. If you and your partner like a bit of the Domination/submission dynamic, you can have one partner choose every single daily activity and decision. Take turns the next day if you want.
Whenever you stumble across an intriguing-sounding sex tip online, like an idea for a new sex position or an oral sex technique , send the link over to your partner. Send a little message like, “thinking about the two of us doing this together” or, “would you want to try this?” This is a great game for people who don’t feel that creative on their own.
Similarly, you can also send your partner links to sex-related items you’d like to buy, like lingerie, sex toys , or accessories. You can send a cheeky message like, “just a little hint for my upcoming birthday.” Or try sending over a couple of links, and sending the message, “I got you one of these things. You’ll have to wait and see which one I picked.”
Together, come up with specific sexual experiences that you want to share together. You can add things like, “ have sex while camping ,” “ have multiple orgasms ,” or “ have a threesome .” Create a shared Google Document, and set it to notify the other person when one of you makes a change.
When you know your partner is home alone, send them a message asking if they would like to have a have a masturbation race . See who can get to the finish line first. No cheating!
While you might not want to text each other full body shots , sending a seductive photo or two can make for a fun game, especially if it's tough to tell what you're looking at. Is that a close up of their shoulder? Is that your stomach, or the small of your back? Send these slightly blurry pics back and forth, and have a good time guessing.
Dream up a scenario that seems sexy (perhaps you're a cop, and they're under arrest?) and then try role-playing . Take turns creating a steamy dialogue for the situation, and see if you can get a bit adventurous.
This is a fun way to live out a few fantasies, while also getting ideas for sexy games to play in person, as soon as you get the chance.
Find a time when you're both alone to play a sexting game of truth or dare. Let the "truth" ease you in, as you share a few secrets and answer a few burning questions. And from there, venture into the "dares."
Truth questions can include things like "what's your favorite part of my body?" or "what's something you've always wanted to try in bed ?" For dares, silly things are always fun, like "eat a piece of fruit in a seductive way." But they can also be incredibly steamy, especially if you say things like, "for the next 60 seconds, touch yourself the way you'd like to touch me."
For this one, take turns describing your ideal evening in bed. But end every other sentence with ellipses, and let your partner fill in the blank. Together you'll come up with a sexy (or completely hilarious) story.
Edging means bringing yourself (or your partner) close to orgasm but stopping before the full climax. When you do it a few times, it can make your eventual orgasm last longer and feel way more intense. Edging can be a great way to combine masturbating, sexting, and a little dominance play. Take turns being in control of the others’ orgasm over text, giving them instructions on when to touch themselves and when to stop.
This isn’t the 20 Questions of your childhood road trips. Make the categories X-Rated, favorite positions, best sex toys, types of contraceptives, then have fun guessing what the other one is thinking about.
Never Have I Ever can be a hotter way of learning about your date’s sexual history without sitting them down and asking for a play-by-play of the past. Start with something you know they haven’t done — like had sex with a celebrity or got it on in a race car, then move into more realistic things. Ever do it in a public place? Threesome? The sky is the limit.
Consider this sexting game the nicer version of Kiss, Marry, Kill. Think about celebrities, athletes, or other notable people, and trade-off saying who you would date, do, and dump. To keep things comfortable, you may want to refrain from using people you actually know IRL.
Sometimes music says everything you want to say. Trade-off sending sexy songs to each other, making the ultimate sex playlist. Additionally, send each other your favorite raunchy lyrics to set the tone.
If you and your date have a time difference or if you’re looking for a dirty game to play over text to spice things up during the day, let them know what times you are available to sext (read: when you’re not at work or at your grandma’s house) and have them surprise you with a sexy message. This is like the virtual equivalent of a surprise quickie.
With additional reporting by Carolyn Steber and Griffin Wynne .
Shavonne Jones, LCSW , licensed clinical social worker
Justin J. Lehmiller, Justin R. Garcia, Amanda N. Gesselman & Kristen P. Mark(2021)Less Sex, but More Sexual Diversity: Changes in Sexual Behavior during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic,Leisure Sciences,43:1-2,295-304,DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1774016
This article was originally published on Sep. 30, 2016

Home Homepage » Relationship Tips » 11 Sexy Texting Games To Play With Your Partner

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Anna Perkins
April 4, 2017
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When in love, staying away from your partner is truly one of the most challenging tasks. Sometimes even nights can be long. However, you can replace your tossing and turning by playing sexy texting games with your partner in order to make your night exciting and interesting. Believe it or not, but sexting games help your relationship a lot in many ways. It provides you a whole new opportunity and a comfort zone to revive your relationship. Apart from that it also takes you to the world of sexual exploration when you play sexy texting games with your partner.
As we all know relationship gets dull and boring with time. You get bored of your monotonous life, you sound frustrated, you take no interest in each other and that affects your relationship way more than you think. To make sure that your partner does not ignore you or love you any less, you need to put some efforts time to time in your relationship. It is your duty to make sure that he still takes an interest in you by doing things that excites him and make him love you no matter what. And trust me, there is no better way to bring back the interest of your boyfriend in you than playing fun and sexy texting games with him. It is in fact a wonderful way to strengthen the bond you share with your partner. These games can instantly fill your relationship with spark, passion and tremendous energy.
1. Truth and Dare – I am sure you have heard of this game million times in your life and have played it as well. But playing truth and dare via text with your partner can be a mind boggling idea as it is not just fun to play, but help you unfold the sexy side of your partner as well. Thanks to the technology, you can even dare him to do anything you like. Give him any task and ask him to send you the picture or the video of the same to show that he did it. You can even ask him questions that he otherwise ignore to answer. Come on lady, this is your chance to know your partner’s inside out. Try it. You will surely have a great time playing sexy texting game truth and dare.
2. Stripping Over Text Game – You are going to love this game. Stripping Over text is a game that allows you to be sensual with your partner. It helps you to engage in steamy exchanges, and make your relationship lot more passionate and wild. In this game, you can make your partner strip over a text, quite literally. You can start by asking him questions like how many clothes he is wearing and reveal the same to him. But remember, apart from asking questions, this game involves undies as well.
You can ask questions like when do you guys first met? What color you were wearing the first time you went on a date with him. It could be just anything. Whoever gets the answer wrong will remove a piece of clothes. Isn’t it exciting? What else could be more exciting than playing this game with your partner next time you guys text each other.
3. Fill in the blanks – I know, the name of this game must have reminded you of your school days and the examinations. But it is not what you think. This game is a lot more interesting than you have ever imagined. This sexting game is quite simple and you don’t have to struggle much to fill in the blanks. Just be yourself and answer whatever comes first in your mind. Just be quick and natural.
In this sexting game, a girl can ask a question like “how do you feel when I…” Or “ You had the best with me when…”. It is that simple. This game is quick, interesting, fun as well as provide you both an opportunity to know each other more. You can make the questions as sexy as you want. You will be surprised to know the answers.
4. SMS Flirting – Nobody can deny the fact that flirting is the bedrock of almost all relationships. Thanks to smartphones, you can now try SMS flirting with anyone you like and any time you like. It allows you to involve in a romantic exchange of messages with your partner. It also helps you to show your naughty sides to each other and to get involved in some teasing and flirting. For instance, you can start with telling your partner that his moves make you go crazy, tell him you love the way he touches you. These SMS will surely make him want more. You can also make this SMS flirting lot more sensuous and exciting- the choice is all yours.
5. The role-playing game – This is one of the sexiest sexting games one could play with their partner, especially when you play it over the phone. The game is also quite easy and allows you to unveil your creative side. All you need to do is to start by telling a story and let your partner add to the story. You both have to take the story ahead one by one.
You can start with a story like, “One day a guy met a girl in a birthday party”, then he will add, “and he liked her alot and got attracted towards her”, then you will add, “they both introduced each other and talk for hours”, and the story will go on and on. You can also use the story to tell, each other your favorite desire. You can even tell each other about your favorite sex position through the story.
6. 20 questions – Though this game is interesting, but quite a challenging one too. All you need to do is to ask your partner to think of anything. It can be anything, a name, a place, a dish or whatever he likes. And what you have to do is to guess what it is by asking 20 questions. But remember, you cannot ask more than 20 questions. You can even play this game in a different way and ask each other 20 questions at a time and answer all the questions one by one. Playing this game will not just bring you closer, but it will also help you both to know each other better.
7. Would you rather? – This is definitely one of the sexting games that we have been playing for years and never get bored. So why don’t play it with your partner too? You can make this game even more exciting by putting up kinkier and naughty questions to your partner. To play this game, you need to offer two choices to choose from and he has to pick anyone of his choice. Ask him naughty questions like Would he rather like to do foreplay in the bedroom or taking a shower together?
8. Text sex – Text sex is always interesting, especially when you want to make your partner crave for you. Use all your wildest fantasies to make your text sex filled with passion, romance and sensuousness. Play with words and tell him how his one touch turns you on that you can’t resist yourself from coming close to him. How his one kiss on your lips makes you lose all your control. Tell him things that can turn him on and have a great time doing text sex.
9. Translate the Emojis – We all love Emojis. In fact, we cannot even imagine texts without Emojis as they do not only save us from typing text at times, but also help us to explain what we are feeling in the best way possible. To play the Emojis translation game, you need to put the bunch of Emojis together with a hidden message in it. Then, ask your partner to guess it. But make sure that you know the meaning of Emojis to convey your message correctly.
10. The Confessions Game – We all make confessions time to time, but what better way can be to confess things to your partner than playing the confessions game . In this sexting game, you both will take a turn one by one and make the confessions. You can start with light and funny confessions and then can turn the game towards sex and lust. Make confessions about your wildest fantasy and the wildest moment you ever had in your life.
11. Celebrity Friendship – This game offers you an opportunity to play the role of any celebrity couple of your choice. You can pick both on-screen and off-screen celebrity couple and create a scene and act like them. Playing this game is also the great way to flirt and make romance on text in your favorite celebrity style.
So what are you waiting for? Pick up your phone and play any of these fun and sexy texting games with your partner tonight.
Anna Perkins is a relationship writer who offers her own forthright opinion over the worlds of dating, romance, relationships , marriage and friendships. She loves cats, traveling, spending time with her son and husband.
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