Sex Games In Real Life

Sex Games In Real Life


Sex Games In Real Life
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I.O.U, Adult Game For Couples and Lovers
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Open Your Mouth, Close Your Eyes ...

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No more falling into a routine — especially when it comes to foreplay.
Listen, having a sex routine isn't bad. But it is important to mix things up every once in awhile to help you learn and explore what you enjoy. Play these games that'll make you concentrate on the journey , resulting in a final act that's especially fun.
What You Need: The board game "Twister"
How to Play: It’s the classic you know and love — only with less clothing. Every time somebody falls, they have to remove a layer.
Why: It's a fun way to show off your flexibility, and who knows — you may discover new positions.
Buy the classic game in the ultimate size (which features a bigger map) to make it more interesting.
What You Need: A hat (or small jar or bowl), small pieces of paper, and a pen
How to Play: Each of you will write down fantasies you have yet to share with your partner, be it having sex in a certain part of the house or trying out a new position. Put the slips of paper into the hat, then take turns unfolding them, one by one. (The next step, obviously, is executing them.)
Why: Sharing fantasies will you bring you closer together, and you’ll get to try out a whole bunch of new, super-sexy things.
Keep a notepad and pen in your nightstand so you're always prepared for an impromptu game.
What You Need: A large bag full of costume props — for example, a fireman's hat, a cheerleader's skirt, and a maid's feather duster.
How to Play: Reach into the bag. Whichever prop you grab is a role play fantasy you have to act out.
Why: There’s nothing wrong with indulging in some cheesy porn stereotypes. And a little role play never hurt anybody!
Our advice: Work up to more elaborate costumes and start with low-pressure accessories like a hat.
How to play: Pick a time interval — 20 minutes, let's say. For whatever interval you choose, tease each other with kissing, touching, and other forms of foreplay . But no matter what, absolutely do not allow penetration until that much time has elapsed.
Why: Most busy couples have foreplay down to a science, or rather, a routine. "Time Bomb" refocuses you on the pre-game show, the part that used to be so much fun before you lived together. You'll be surprised by how much slowing down changes things. You get really creative and really turned on.
You can play this game for up to 60 minutes when you use this timer, which can be set for any 1-minute increment up to an hour.
You need: A scarf, necktie , or a blindfold.
How to play: Blindfold him. Lead him to the bed or other locale . Then proceed to ravish him — slowly, recklessly, teasingly — however you feel like doing it. You call the shots. Let his arousal be your guide.
Why: Not being able to see during sex has two major effects—it dramatically increases both sensitivity and psychological vulnerability. Either one is a powerful aphrodisiac (maybe you've heard of Fifty Shades of Grey ? Together they can create a love explosion ).
You won't mind using a blindfold (or potentially messing up your hair) when it looks this pretty and feels this soft.
You need: Four neckties, or more elaborate restraints available at sex-toy stores or online; a bed, preferably one with bedposts.
How to play: He ties your wrists and ankles to the bedposts and has his way with you .
Why: It can be incredibly erotic to be completely powerless, to be the absolute center of his attention and to have no responsibility for or sway over what happens.
Variation: If you don't have bedposts, you may be able to tie your wrists to some part of your headboard or tie them together over your head or behind your back. You can get extra-long ties and be tied to the legs of the bed.
Don't use your husband's favorite ties for this game. Instead, buy an inexpensive set of four specifically intended for your nighttime fun.
You need: A hairbrush, riding crop, or just his hands.
How to play: Tell your partner all the things you did wrong today. (You failed to take your coupons to the grocery store. You forgot the name of your new receptionist at work. You told your adolescent son to go to hell.) Then kneel on the bed. Your man spanks you using his hand or a hairbrush or a not-too-scary disciplinary accessory.
Why: Spanking feels good, actually. A smart smack on the butt creates a tingly, alert sensation that combines well with the other feelings of sex.
Variation: The sensations are especially interesting if he combines them with playing with the other body parts on display during your spanking. This is an excellent time to try inserting a vibrator .
A soft, plastic brush is the best way to ease into this game.
You need: A big towel or blanket and a bottle of massage oil or cream.
How to play: Spread your towel on the bed or carpet and grease each other up with massage oil — legs, torso, breasts, everywhere. Now roll around for awhile and... see what happens.
Why: You will really be surprised at the difference a little lubricant makes in the feeling of skin on skin. Sure, it's a little messy. But worth it.
Variation: If you have a favorite secluded spot, this is fun to do outdoors , even on your own patio.
Tip: Don't put mint or eucalyptus oil on sensitive genital areas. But if you have a non-irritating lubricant, greasing up the sexual equipment can be part of the fun. But remember that oil-based lubricants, including massage oil, can degrade latex. So don't play this game if you're using condoms or a diaphragm.
If the sensual massage your partner gives you doesn't put you in the mood, the relaxing lavender scent of this oil surely will.
You need: Scissors, a brand-new razor, and shaving cream.
How to play: Your partner shaves your pubic hair . First, take a hot bath to soften your skin and hair. Second, use scissors to trim the length. Third, lie on the bed or on a table and let that shaving expert, your mate, foam you up and shave you. It's scary at first, but if he's gentle you will not get nicked. He can shave everything or just neaten you up.
Why: Even though guys know what they see in porn isn't realistic, you'd be amazed at what a little one-time novelty can do for your sex life.
Variation: Shave yourself without telling your partner, and let him discover what you've done. Be careful when shaving parts you cannot see (this is what mirrors are for). Also, once you've shaved, decorating yourself with the edible treat of his choice — whipped cream, warmed fudge sauce, frozen orange-juice concentrate — can be fun.
Note: Later, use baby lotion or another gentle cream to soothe the freshly shaved skin. And yes, it does get a little itchy when it grows back. Totally normal. But here's how to tell when it's not .
You'll definitely want a three-blade design for this sexy version of the trust fall.
You need: If you'd like to get the action started with a board game , try one of the below options.
What to play: I.O.U The Game of Hidden Pleasures , Sexopoly , and Kaamastra You and Me are all easy-to-play games that'll ease you into playing sexy games with your partner.
Why: This could be a funny (but hot!) birthday or anniversary surprise for both of you.
Keep your significant other on their toes all day long with this clever board game.
You need: A deck of cards and a timer.
How to play: Give each suit a sexy meaning: hearts represent kissing , diamonds equal a massage, clubs signify hands-on stimulation, and spades are oral . The number on the card represents the number of seconds each sexy act should last. Take turns picking cards and teasing one another.
Why: This exciting game of foreplay will make you move at a teasingly slow pace that will leave both of you ready for more.
Variation: Make the moves even more intense by doing them for minutes, not seconds.
You might want to buy a new set of cards just for your nightstand. Hey, it's just an idea.
How to play: Use this as an opportunity to learn more about your guy and try your craziest sex fantasies . Take turns playing the classic game, making sure your requests really reveal what you want.
Why: Turns out Truth or Dare shouldn't have been left behind in middle school. Sexpert Dr. Ava Cadell, author of The Power To Mindful Love And Sex , says any couple can make it a very sexual game that leads to lots of laughs, fun, and carefree lovemaking.
Variation: Take your dares outside of the bedroom and get down to business all over your house.
If you need some inspiration or are feeling shy, use this game to get you started.
You need: Just you, your man, and possibly a pillow.
How to play: Try engaging in an intense tickle war or a naked pillow fight. The one to surrender first has to perform a sexual favor for the winner.
Why: Cadell believes that creating these new memories with sex games will make you associate fun times in your marriage with intercourse.
Variation: Slow it down by starting with clothes on and for every "surrender," the loser has to take off a piece of clothing. Play until you're both naked.
Just in case you don't want to use the pillows you sleep on every night, this two-pack will do the trick.
You need: Nothing but your own body.
How to play: Have your dude either lie back or kneel with his eyes closed and mouth open. Then tease him by placing different parts of your body against his lips or tongue, like a nipple or finger, encouraging him to please you. Then you can switch places.
Why: Aside from how pleasurable it is for you to get those parts licked and kissed, it's erotic for him to wait in anticipation of what piece of you will arrive next.
Variation: Switch things up and have him play this game on you .
If you really want to make it interesting, incorporate these fuzzy accessories.
You need: A squeeze bottle of honey (and maybe some wet wipes nearby).
How to play: Plant little dollops of honey on parts of your body that you want your partner to kiss. You could draw a little treasure map toward your underwear, or use the sticky markers to note erogenous zones he hasn't explored yet, like your toes or collar bone.
Why: It's an easy version of getting food involved in your foreplay , and a more fun way of telling your partner what to do — like a softer, sweeter dominatrix.
Variation: Try it with flavored lube, if you don't want food on your body.
Honey's not just made for tea. Use this perfectly-named sticky condiment the next time you're looking to spice up your night.

Master the skills to Build A Stronger Relationship

45 Sex Games For Couples To Play In Bedroom

By David Small • 
Updated: 03/22/18 • 
38 min read

Master the skills to Build A Stronger Relationship

David Small
is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author.

Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Master the skills to Build A Stronger Relationship

Sex games for couples are an integral part of any romantic relationship or marriage. How often do you and your partner engage in it?
Do you even know the best sex games and sex toys out there you can try ? In this post, you’re going to get so many ideas you can try out.
They are fun, lively, entertaining, and engaging games that will bring some spark into your relationship and improve your sex life. You also learn about a particular game that eliminates the taboo associated with mutual masturbation.
These games will help you to move past your inhibitions by letting the rules of the game dictate your actions, removing the pressure to be creative.
Uninhibited individuals will find ideas for stoking the fires of passion to burn just a little bit hotter. Either way, you will discover new and creative variations that will bring laughter, joy, and if all goes well, a lot of great sex in your life.
Intimacy If you are still reading this and haven’t skipped forward to find the perfect game to put you on the receiving end of white-hot passion, then I congratulate you.
*This page contains affiliate links to products that I recommend. If you purchase something from this page, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.
Everyone has inner fantasies that they wish would be accomplished; about sex that is. Taking part in a sex game where all of these fantasies get fulfilled will not only make couples become closer but will transform their experience altogether.
This bedroom game is very simple, as all you need are pieces of paper, a pen, and a hat. The two of you should write down all the sexual fantasies you have but are yet to try out in the paper, fold it, and dump it in the hat. This could be anything from having sex in the kitchen to a new sex position .
The next phase in this cool sex games for couples is to try out these fantasies. Make sure what you write down is something that your partner will be comfortable with. You know yourselves, don’t you?
One of the best sex games for married couples is to find their favorite movie sex scene and then reenact it. Sex scenes in movies are trendy for the way they portray characters and get people to connect with the storyline.
Your job here is to make these sex games for couples provide some fun and relaxation for you and your partner so you can have more fire in your relationship. But please beware, some of these sex scenes may be dangerous so be careful.
This game will help you know how unrealistic some of these sex scenes in the movies can be when tried in real life .
Every man loves a good blowjob. It gives them pleasure and makes them feel you really care about their satisfaction. Why not take it to another level by making it a special thing to give them on their high time.
You see, every man has a team or two they are supporting, whether in football, basketball, hockey, baseball, etc. Look out for the time when your man’s favorite team just won a crucial match and give him a surprise blowjob as a reward for their victory.
This is the perfect time to do it because he is already heightened and excited about something he cared about so much. Giving him a blowjob at this time will make him happy and prove that you love him so much and you’re ready to do anything to make him a happier man.
Competitive games that make you get naked are couples sex games you should never ignore. They are fun, relaxing, and you can even learn one thing or two.
The usual concept is to use a poker, but try to go beyond that. Turn almost everyday thing into a sex game for couples that allow you to get naked competitively.
Use your favorite TV show, sports, or get new ideas from eBooks, like the 100 sex games by Michael Webbs to spice up your sex life. That contains juicy information and unique methods to increase passion and intimacy in lovemaking.
This sex game for couples is easy to set up but takes a long time to complete. It, however, guarantees complete fun and pleasure and offers a lot of surprises for the couple.
To perform these sex games couples, you’ll need a deck of cards or anything you can write on. You and your partner will share the cards into two and then write down sexual acts you want to be done on each other.
Once you’ve achieved this, you can then hide those cards in different parts of the house. Every day, you and your partner with taking turns to find each other’s cards, and play out the scenario mentioned on the card.
Couples have plenty of fun before they started living together. But now that they are both busy, and penetrative sex doesn’t take much time at all.
The time bomb is one sex games for couples that will help you correct all that.
All you need is a clock that you set at an interval that both of you would agree – let’s say 15 minutes.
Once this is done, one of you will start the turn by doing all sorts of foreplay including kissing, teasing, etc., without allowing penetration.
With this game, both of you will learn more about how much you stand to gain by slowing down on sex and refocusing on the things that bring the fun.
Everyone knows what gets him or her off. In a relationship, especially the new ones, it is hard to just know about all of them at once.
This is the essence of this very cool erotic sex games for couples.
In this game, the aim is to show your partner how you masturbate to get on. You can start by doing it in the bedroom – which is the most comfortable place for most people to start anyway.
You show your partner the moves that get you on, and they show you in turn.
This sex game is both romantically rewarding and at the same time very educational. If you find yourself feeling embarrassed, minimize it instead of avoiding the awkwardness.
Not being able to see during sex can create a sexual explosion that will lead to great things. This sex game for couples is easy to carry out and is one of those you want to try very soon.
All you need is a blindfold – could be a scarf or necktie.
Blindfold your man and then lead him to bed or any other places, before you gradually begin to tease him any way you feel.
You are the one taking the shot here and he doesn’t have any choice but to follow suit. This game is great because it helps to increase physiological vulnerability and sensitivity.
If you are with a partner, you trust entirely you can have a sex bucket list of the things you have wanted to try with another person.
Sex bucket list is one of the best free sex games for couples that will transform your relationship and put you two on another level.
While a bucket list can be very enticing, you don’t have to try everything in it.
Just make sure you do as much as you wish. To fulfill the ideas on the bucket list, pick a week or month when you’ll try all of these things and then go down with your partner.
In these sex games for couples, you’ll learn how much oil and towel can do to your sex life. Place the towel on the floor.
After that, rub each other up in massage oil or cream thoroughly, and then roll around over each other for a while.
Robbing each other with cream has an impact on the skin on skin connection and changes your entire perception about sexual feelings.
Be careful having oil with mint in sensitive parts of your body.
If you plan to have sex with a condom, understand that oil-based lubricants tend to degrade latex so, consider that as well.
You should also try adding oil to sex equipment you’re using for the sex game to increase the sensation.
Again, this focuses on foreplay, and the importance of a long stretched one to achieve the ultimate sexual fantasy and pleasure.
You are also going to need a timer again, this
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