Sex Game Rules

Sex Game Rules


Sex Game Rules
Farrah Daniel is a freelance writer based in Colorado. She has a bachelor's degree in Digital Media Studies from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Her work has been published at The Penny Hoarder, The Write Life, and elsewhere.
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Start the game with you both wearing the same number of clothing items. You both remove one piece of clothing when the spinner lands on red, but only after moving to your designated spot. If one of you falls or an elbow or knee touches the mat, you're either out of the game, or you can spank each other for breaking the rules. When taking off clothes, only lift one hand or foot from the mat at a time, then hurry back to your spot before you lose your balance.
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Pick up some sex toys for couples . Try experimenting with different types of orgasm , from squirting to hands-free orgasms . Get creative with foreplay ideas . Add in more dirty talk . Try these sexy conversation starters for couples to turn each other on. Experiment with virtual sex —even if you're not in a long-distance relationship. Try sexting to build anticipation that'll have you both racing home. (Here's our sexting guide .) Play with prostate milking . Exchange tantric massages . Tease each other with mutual masturbation .
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Sex games can help couples discover their erotic language, according to sex psychotherapist Ashley D. Sweet, M.A., LPC, LMHC, CCRC . Because bonding and playfulness are essential to your intimacy, Sweet says sex games for couples can be a fun and nonthreatening way to approach the adventure of sharing your sexual desires.
From dirty spins on board games to sexy apps you can download, here are a bunch of expert-recommended sex game ideas for you and your partner to get hot and heavy.
Sometimes, the best sex games for couples are ones you make up yourself, especially if you and your honey put a twist on classic games—or even household items: 
"My favorite one to suggest to the couples I work with includes each person in the couple to write out 10 to 15 sexual-based questions, topics, or likes/things they'd like to try, then place them in the jar," certified sex therapist Michelle Herzog, LMFT, CST, tells mbg. Once you've got the jar filled up, she says to take several moments throughout the week to pick randomly from the jar. Whatever card you pull out, that's what you and your partner get to verbally or physically explore, "With consent, of course."
With this DIY sex game, take some time with your boo to create a sensual and comfortable space in your home where you'll both feel at ease being naked, or as close as you want to get to it. After that, Herzog says to "take different colored Post-its and place them on your partner's body" to signify the areas you find sexy and/or attractive or the areas you want to explore with kisses and caresses. When you're both ready, act on your desires until you tap out. 
Who wouldn't love a scavenger hunt that leads to one or more types of orgasms ? Sweet recommends you remix this fun game with soft handcuffs, a vibrator, a piece of lingerie, or even a blindfold. Include a note with each item, and hide them in different places. The notes serve as "a hint on where you find the other [items], and at the end, you bring them all together and have a fun sexual experience." 
If you have this classic party board game, don't hesitate to turn it into a sexy stripping game that'll have you sweating by the time you're both naked. 
To incorporate some kink into this makeshift sex game for couples, follow these rules plus the standard Twister rules: 
Get intimate and play by candlelight, or heat things up and enforce a rule where you can lick, kiss, bite, or tickle your partner while they aim to keep their balance. 
Jenga's an easy game to find if you don't have it already, so pick it up the next time you and your partner want to build anticipation ahead of a sex-filled evening. It's simple: On each wood piece, sex and relationship therapist Courtney Geter, LMFT, CST, says to write sexy dares, like a striptease or a tell-all about your favorite sex dreams. You can even use this game to communicate about your sexual preferences and fantasies, so only write truth-dares to expose both of your deepest desires (and limitations!). 
That bottle of honey in your cupboard is multipurpose. This DIY sex game for couples is easy, but there's no guarantee it won't be messy: Place honey somewhere on your lover's body, and then blindfold yourself. When you're ready, only use your mouth or tongue to find the honey—whatever happens once you find it is totally up to you. 
To experiment even more with this sensory experience, Geter suggests you try to find the honey with other items, like a feather or something silky, to learn what most stimulates you both. 
Have you ever imagined your favorite scene in a movie or TV show ending in passionate sex? If not, now's a great time to start. With this sex game, Geter asks couples, "If you could be a character in a movie or a game, who would that character be and how can [you] act it out in real life?" Take this game to any level you're comfortable with, and don't feel confined to the costume design of your characters—they might not have been shirtless in your favorite scene, but you can be. 
If your attitude toward sex is curious but hesitant, this DIY sex game might become your go-to. Like Beyoncé turns into her bold, sexy, and more aggressive alter ego Sasha Fierce when she hits the stage, it's possible an alter ego is what you need to shed some inhibitions and explore sexuality in a way that might make the real you blush. 
When Geter helps couples navigate this sex game, she encourages them to pick a name, decide their personality traits, and even decide on how to initiate the game when you're not in character. 
If you're stuck in the house, that doesn't mean your imagination has to be—that's why Sweet recommends you and your lover create a sex game where you fantasize about future love spots. "Where do you want to fuck in the future? Where do you want to get fucked in the future?" she asks, encouraging couples to daydream together about their sexual fantasies. 
You can even search these locations on Google Images to get an idea of how you'd turn it into an erotic experience. If it inspires you both to pretend your living room is a burlesque club in Paris, let yourself go with it. 
The 5,000-year-old practice of tantric sex involves tons of ways to explore the bounds of your sensuality without the common aspects of penetration and physical stimulation of your erogenous zones. 
Set the timer to five minutes, and start with this passionate tantric kissing game: Bend your lover over the edge of a comfortable surface, then kiss them softly (only on their face or neck) as you simultaneously caress them. Trace their lips with your tongue, gently suck their lips and/or tongue, and explore their face with your mouth. 
To open this game up, try a version where you and your partner surrender to each other's kisses and caresses, except the entire body is fair game. 
"There are a ton of apps on the market that provide inspiration and creative direction for lovemaking," Herzog says. If you need new ways to connect with your partner sexually, here are 10 of the best app store sex games: 
With more than 12,000 questions over three levels, this online sex questionnaire for couples will help you and your mate discover each other's kinkiest (and not-so-kinky) fantasies.
"I love this because it's like an inventory of all these different types of sexual acts," explains Sweet. "You take it and your partner takes it, but neither of you can see the other person's responses unless you match." That means you get to skip any awkward conversations if your naughty fantasies don't align. 
"The best thing a couple can do is to first communicate about what kinds of games or activities are of interest to try," shares Herzog, adding that it establishes boundaries and trust from the beginning. Since's emotional and physical intimacy nurturing and building exercises are rooted in communication, this app store sex game for couples is a worthy option to help you and your partner try new things, open up, express desires safely, and reconnect.
With this online sex game, you and your partner can explore your desires with more than 1,000 ideas to spark your imagination, personalized wild cards, and activity ideas to inspire intimacy, plus more. "When trying new things sexually, I always encourage couples to do some research or planning together so it feels like a joint experience," says Herzog—Kindu is the perfect way to do that.
Perfect for couples both fresh and long term, Desire will challenge you and your love to get more creative with romance and intimacy. You'll discover new ways to spice up your sex life with its fun twist on truth or dare (you can rack up points!), eLove messages you can send your partner, daily quizzes to learn more about each other's desires, and even private couple journals to remember unforgettable moments. If you've been lacking ideas, you'll find some here. 
If sound plays a large role in enhancing intimacy between you and your partner (sometimes referred to as auralism ), this Herzog recommendation will get you in the mood and keep you there. Before you have sex, choose one (or a few) of more than 400 erotic audio stories that will spark your imagination. They're only between five and 20 minutes long, plus all kinds of stories are available: straight and queer stories, diverse themes, and more. 
The Coral sex game app for couples promises to help you achieve three things: Alleviate your boredom in the bedroom, improve your sexual performance, and increase your level of desire. Because it's "backed by science and created by sexual health experts," Herzog recommends this app to help you "incorporate something different into sexual play." Through stories and practical exercises, you'll know exactly how to take your sex and intimacy to the next level.
To have even better sex, check out the Lovely app on your next date night. Although it's created by a sex toy company, you and your mate can still enjoy this online sex game with nothing but your body parts. Whether you need kinky sex ideas or want to explore new stimulation techniques, Lovely's free and premium features—like its tips to improve your sex-related communication—can help you and your partner reveal your dirty bedroom desires to each other.
Feeling adventurous? Let this app store sex game for couples expose and satisfy your most carnal needs for a night (or day; heck, weekend) of romance and pleasure. Here's how it works: The app comes with five sex games from dirty "Never Have I Ever" to Kama Sutra sex dice that cater to all kinds of orientations and relationships. You can choose from three modes that include softer ways to make your temperature rise as well as steamier sex games designed to make your secret fantasies come to life. 
(Download it here for Apple and here for Android.)
There's nothing wrong with sticking to your favorite sex positions, but don't forget to experiment with new ones, too. With this app, you and your lover can choose from more than 100 sex positions across nine categories. Illustrations accompany each position, plus an explanation of how to do it. You can enjoy the app's offering of light sitar music to play in the background as you grow from a novice to a Kama Sutra Grand Master. 
Formerly known as Do You App, this app store sex game for couples presents an interactive way to explore choose-your-own-fantasy experiences. If "50 Shades of Grey" or erotic and harlequin novels inspire you, use this app to play as the characters in your favorite erotic stories. 
It's up to you both to decide the roles and how you interact with one another; the app is just there for inspiration. If you don't know what sex scene to recreate, check out Eforia's growing library of erotic subgenres.
Created by sexologist Shamyra Howard Blackburn, LCSW , this sex and relationship conversation starter pack comes with 50 cards that will help you and your partner explore each other's desires when you don't know where to start. These questions will trigger open and honest communication, which is key to a healthy sex life. "Our biggest sex organ is the brain," shares Sweet. "If we can get our brain going, we can get our body going, in most cases."
Playing truth or dare as a sex game might take your intimate moments from 0 to 100 in an instant. To slow it down and build desire, check out this card version of the game that comes with 50 naughty truths and 50 challenging dares that range in levels of intensity.
If you don't want to gamble, no worries—Geter recommends you and your partner go through the cards ahead of time, then assemble them in PG, PG-13, and Rated-R piles. That way, you can enjoy the element of surprise while playing and prioritize your comfort at the same time. 
Take the thinking out of foreplay and use this card game to lead you and your partner into moments of ecstasy. Following up intense foreplay with sex might feel like the obvious next step, but cards instructing you to satisfy your partner in several creative ways might be all you need to take you over the edge. 
Dice games should be a staple for a couple's bedroom. Depending on where the dice lands, you and your lover get to explore dozens of kinky sex ideas, like a set amount of time to tease each other, different places in your house to please each other, plus body parts to lick, kiss, or suck. 
Whether you play this board game to stimulate open conversations or erotic experimentation, the variety alone makes this one of the best sex games for couples, providing a unique experience each time you play. The board spells out "sex," and pleasure intensifies over three levels as you advance from one letter to the next: You can go from Seductive to Erotic to X-rated. Since you start the game by writing your ultimate fantasy—which becomes the winner's prize!—you'll spend the game being as daring as possible to move your way across the board. No matter what, there are no losers in this game. 
In this kit, you get sex activities and scenario cards, a blindfold, a feather tickler, a paddle and flogger, and even a massage candle. If you've been interested in exploring light bondage, check out this option to get started. 
Everyone wins big with these dirty scratch-off tickets that give you a new sexy position or foreplay activity to liven up your date night. If you run through them all but loved the sex game, don't stop there—get creative to make your own sexy scratch-offs with new options inspired by these.
If you and your partner enjoy a competitive angle to your sex games, this one might be right up your alley. While still sexy and romantic, Bedroom Battles is a strategic card game that gives you and your partner fun and steamy dares to act out. To win, collect the most reward cards wins, then you get to pick a special dare that ends the game.
One 5-star Amazon review said this well-designed sex game for couples is "one of the best purchases" they've ever made. Because it effectively spices things up, they say, " won't be bored for a very long time." 
Games aren't the only way to get playful with sex. Here are a few more ideas:
Your sex life is yours to design however you'd like, and these sex games are just one way to make your fantasies a reality.
Farrah Daniel is a freelance writer based in Colorado. She has a bachelor's degree in Digital Media Studies from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Her work has been published at The Penny Hoarder, The Write Life, and elsewhere. Daniel manages and creates content for small businesses, nonprofits, and lifestyle publications. With five years of professional writing under her belt, her diverse portfolio includes topics such as wellness, personal finance, sales and marketing, shared micromobility and equity, and more.
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Whether you love your sex life the way it is, you’ve been a little bored for a while or you’ve recently come to realize that your sex life isn’t as wild as you once thought — thank you, Internet! — you might want to try out one or more couples sex games. From role playing (more here ) to actual board games that you can play with your man, and sometimes your friends, we’ve got the lowdown on the best sex games for couples!
Sex dice are an age-old game you’ve probably heard of. One die typically lists body parts such as the neck, breasts or genitals while the other lists actions such as kissing, blowing or sucking. Many sex dice have six sides like traditional dice, but some have a different number of sides. You have to obey the dice or pay a penalty. You can up the ante by having to strip or take a drink if there’s something you’re not willing to do such as sucking on his toes.
Do you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or masturbation? If you do, then you may want to learn about the Easy Orgasm Solution . It will teach you how to have multiple vaginal and full body orgasms during sex and masturbation. It works even if you currently struggle to orgasm during sex or when masturbating. You can find out more here .
Side Note: I put together this in-depth assesment that will uncover just how good you are at sexting and talking dirty to your man. It may uncover some uncomfortable truths, or you may discover that you are already a queen at sexting & dirty talk. Click here to take my quick (and shockingly accurate) “Sexting & Dirty Talking Skills” Quiz right now and find out how good your sexting & dirty talking skills really are...
In a pinch, you can adapt a regular pair of dice. Each number would stand for another body part or action. Check out our guide to foreplay for more ideas. Bonus points if you’re nerdy and use specialty dice with 10 or more sides! This will add a lot of variety to your sex dice game.
Beer pong is a popular drinking game, and you may have some great memories — or not remember at all! — the times you played it with school friends. Set up your plastic cups filled with water on either end of a long table. Each team or player takes turns trying to toss a ping pong ball into the cups across the table. Whenever you make a shot, your partner has to strip, but you’ll lose clothes if he’s a better player than you!
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