Sex Exercises For Couples

Sex Exercises For Couples


Перевести · 12.01.2016 · A spoiling session is a magical, sexy, multi-purpose exercise that allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your own sexual needs and the sexual needs of your partner, while simultaneously reconnecting you as a couple and melting away the subtle shame and resistance that each partner may or may not have towards sex …
Перевести · 09.04.2018 · This particular breathing exercise involves sitting across from your partner and leaning your forehead against theirs. Close your eyes, then breathe in and out as slowly and deeply as you can. Most people begin to feel a benefit by around the seventh breath, …
Have Sex for No Reason! Sexual Exercise for Couples
Intimacy Exercises Using Sensate Focus, Exercise Part 6
Breathing Exercises For Couples / Breathing Techniques / How To Increase Intimacy
Перевести · 21.10.2020 · Breathing connection exercise. Soul gaze. Three things. Two ears, one mouth. Additional bedtime couples exercises and tips for …
Перевести · Intimacy exercises for couples The art of being present, open, sensitive and willing to meet Intimacy exercises are exercises where love and …
Перевести · 03.05.2019 · What this article will do is give you a good idea of some homework sex therapy exercises for couples to do to make your sex life more fulfilling for both of you. And like …
Перевести · 04.10.2019 · These exercises for couples are aimed specifically at building new ways to express intimacy in your relationship. The connection exercises for couples encourage …
Перевести · 16.12.2019 · Many of the same muscles worked in the rider or cowgirl position are going to be used in this contortion, making it ideal workout sex: the core is engaged to stabilize …
Перевести · 28.02.2021 · Hearts are kisses, diamonds are a massage, clubs are naughty stimulation by hands, and spades are oral. Take turns drawing cards and tease the hell out of …
Перевести · 15.01.2021 · Trying a new sex position can be a good excuse to make that happen,” Jenny Wade, PhD, sex therapist and couples therapist at tells us. …
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Five Contemporary Intimacy Exercises for Married Couples
By Kelli H , Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Some of us may still fall victim to the belief system that “true love happens naturally” and the implication that “work need not apply” to loving relationships. If you are guilty of this type of thinking, you may be in trouble.
The reality is, real love takes real work and effort, long after the move-in date or the exchanging of vows. But knowing how to build it is another subject entirely.
Intimacy in marriage is a combination of physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual closeness that you develop with your partner as you share your lives with each other.
Building intimacy in a marriage is essential for strengthening the bond that a couple shares. So what can couples do to build intimacy in their marriage?
Be it couples intimacy games, intimacy exercises for married couples, or relationship-building activities for couples you should always keep striving to find ways to keep your relationship intimate.
Let this article prepare you to get started with some marriage intimacy exercises for couples to reconnect which are frequently recommended in couples’ therapy.
These ‘couple exercises for intimacy’ by relationship coach Jordan Gray will work wonders for your married life!
Let’s kick things off with an easy one. Choose the time, whether at night or in the morning, and spend that precious time just snuggling for 30 minutes at least. If you normally snuggle for this length of time, increase it to an hour.
Physical closeness is one of the hallmarks of bonding. The pheromones, kinetic energy, and chemical reactions that happen just by snuggling with your loved one create the sense of connectedness necessary in healthy relationships.
Not only does this work as a sex therapy exercises but also as an emotional intimacy exercise.
Like many intimate activities, this one may seem silly at first, but open your mind to trying it and you may just love it. You and your partner will face one another seated, and lightly touch your foreheads together, eyes closed.
You will begin to breathe, deep, intentional breaths in tandem. The recommended number of breaths in tandem starts at 7, but you and your partner can participate for as many breaths as you like.
The touch, and the experience of the touch, aligned with the breathing, brings about natural feelings of connectedness through the shared energy exchanged via the brow or “third eye” chakra.
This may tap into some of our most primal resources in our ability to engage in spirituality and to exchange energetic forces through organic means.
In this building intimacy exercise, you are merely sitting faced to one another and will stare into one another’s eyes, imagining that the eyes are a “window into the soul”. As many of these types of exercises may seem corny at first, this one is a classic.
Though you may indeed feel awkward in the beginning, as you get used to sitting and gazing into one another’s eyes the exercise becomes relaxing and meditative. Try putting it to music so that you have 4-5 minutes of timed focus.
This type of exercise tends to slow things down. It should be done several times per week for maximum benefit. In today’s busy world, focusing for 4-5 minutes just gazing into one another’s eyes helps the couple to relax and regroup. 
Yes, it is okay to blink during the exercise, but try and avoid talking. Some couples use a 4 or 5 minute song to set the background and time.
You and your partner can play this one however you like. One of you may state your things all in one go, or you may alternate. Think of the questions you want to ask; write them down if it helps. 
The questions will be phrased as such:
What 3 things will you want to eat for dessert this month?
What 3 things will you be sure to take with you on an adventure to a tropical island?
What 3 things do you hope to do together that we haven’t tried?
These are merely examples; you get the idea.
This is an intimacy and marriage communication exercise. It enhances the bond between you by increasing communication skills and provides knowledge of one another’s thoughts, feelings, and interests. 
It is also helpful as interests can change over time. The answers will also yield information that will most likely prove useful in the future.
In this active listening exercise, one partner talks or “vents” on a topic of their choosing, while the other partner must sit facing them, merely listening and not speaking. 
The both of you may be amazed at how unnatural it can feel to actually just listen without speaking. After the five minutes, three minutes, or eight-minute rant is over, the listener then is free to express feedback.
Active listening practice is another communication exercise that enhances our ability to truly listen and take in another’s stream of consciousness.
Focusing on them intently without distractions gives them the sense of our undivided attention; something of vital importance but of which is rare in today’s busy world.
Intentional listening also reminds us to stay focused on the other person without asserting our opinions prematurely. At the end of this exercise, you will exchange places as speaker/listener.
Here are some amazing bedtime routines to incorporate into your daily lives for better intimacy:
Dedicate at least 30-60 minutes of your day on couples therapy exercises with your spouse and witness the upward spiral effect of it in all areas of your lives.
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage?
If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.
Kelli H Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Kelli Hastings is a writer, social worker, and proud advocate for women. She earned her B.A. degree from the University of Oregon in 2007, and worked as a behavior support specialist and program manager. She is inspired to support couples, teach them skills that lead to healthy, happy and romantic partnerships. Her interests include cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, visualization practice, and related therapies.

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