Sex Education Green Day

Sex Education Green Day


Sex Education Green Day
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As we catch our collective breath after witnessing the nightmare that was the Kavanaugh hearings, it’s become clear that while the #metoo movement has found solid ground on which to grow, we’re up against a problem that is undeniably systemic.
Brett Kavanaugh, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, our President—if nothing else, we’ve learned that these guys aren’t exactly few and far between; it just so happens that these men are among the more powerful ones whose allegations of sexual misconduct have been forced into the spotlight because of their celebrity status. But given the outpouring of survivors coming forward with their own stories after each new allegation, all echoing and therefore validating the familiarity of these experiences, there is no denying that sexual misconduct is a deeply rooted problem with far reaching and long lasting effects.
We’re just beginning to scratch the surface in considering how we can rectify these horrific, often life-altering wrongs, and it will be a long time before we can reflect that in our justice system. That said, while we might not have the answers to fix what happened in the past, this moment in the #metoo movement can surely provide the grounds for cultivating change now and in the future. In fact, many organizations with missions to bring an end to abuse and rape culture have already been doing this important, forward-thinking work, aiming to reach young people in an effort to promote healthy relationships and subsequently prevent abusive ones.
The best way to effectively eradicate a problem as old as history itself? Education, hands down.
In this case, it’s sex education that makes the difference. And I’m not talking about the abstinence-only, have-sex-when-you’re-married kind of sex ed. I’m talking about the real, science-based, this-is-not-taboo sex ed. And it’s nothing new; it’s certainly a hot topic right now, but experts have been saying for years that factual sex education can reduce the likelihood of violence and abuse in relationships.
And yes, the younger children are when they start learning about the concepts covered in sex ed, the better. Some parents get up in arms about the prospect of their eight-year-old learning about condoms, but here’s the thing: when they’re that young, they’re not learning directly about sex, but rather they’re learning about the basics of consent, respecting others’ space, listening when someone says “no” or “stop”—all things that are notably absent in incidences of sexual misconduct and dating abuse.
It’s this exact education that was lacking in the public schools I attended growing up. And it’s this exact education that, had I been exposed to it, would have made it clear that what happened to me was not okay.
Had I been introduced to the concept of consent, or even the notion that sex and relationships in general should not be violent or forced, it wouldn’t have taken me ten years to understand that a boy raped me when I was 14 years old, during the summer before my freshman year of high school.
You might wonder how I, a 14-year-old girl, was unaware that what happened to me was in fact rape. For starters, it’s all very much a blur; it happened quickly, though the memory of it makes my time in that dark bathroom, where I was left mostly naked on the floor, feel like a year. I was in physical pain and inevitably forced myself to throw up. I will spare you the other details.
Second, and most topically, this was how I lost my virginity, the first time I had ever been involved in any kind of sexual interaction. (I had kissed a boy before. That was it.) When I managed to get myself off the floor and turn on the light, I looked in the mirror, felt the deepest pang of self-loathing, and almost immediately justified the incident as something I must have seemingly wanted. I told myself that I probably asked for this just by showing up, but I also distinctly remember thinking, “this must be what an intimate relationship looks like, this must be what sex is.”
It didn’t feel good. I was terrorized, frozen in fear, unable to say the words “no” or “stop.” As I mentioned, I was in pain. But yet, somehow, I managed to convince myself that this must be what sex is all about—which wasn’t hard for me to do, since I had no experiences with which to compare it.
I showed up to my friend’s house that day because she had told me that her boyfriend’s friend thought I was cute and wanted to meet me. I was so excited, and I wondered if maybe he would be my first “real” boyfriend. I asked my parents if I could go to her house, and they said sure; I didn’t tell them that her parents wouldn’t be there because I didn’t know that would be the case. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter; it wouldn’t have meant that I deserved what happened.
I didn’t know that my showing up would be enough to get me raped, but evidently it was. And like so many survivors do, I justified what happened to me by deciding that it was entirely my fault. Whatever guilt or shame that boy should have felt for doing what he did, he left it on the bathroom floor, right where he left me. I picked it up and carried it like it was my own for over a decade.
People question survivors all the time about why they didn’t come forward sooner, why they didn’t report what happened, why they didn’t tell someone who could have helped. And for every survivor, that answer is different. For many, it’s the fear of not being believed, which we see play out time and time again; for others, it’s the shame they absorbed from having “brought this on themselves,” which, again, we see all too frequently, and it’s a big part of what kept me from speaking up sooner.
But the single greatest factor that prevented me from saying anything was that I had no idea that what happened to me was actually rape. I could not understand that using violent, physical force was not okay, because I’d never had sex before—and I most certainly had never been exposed to what sex was “supposed” to be, i.e., safe and consensual.
How would I have known? There was nowhere I could confidentially look for this information. I could use a family computer, monitored by my parents, but I didn’t have a smartphone, so the level of accessibility was certainly not what it is now. Even still, I wouldn’t have even known to look for it; I wasn’t trying to have sex.
Ultimately, I couldn’t have known because no one taught me. It’s as simple as that.
But someone could have. And now, it’s becoming a more popular notion that we should teach children about the characteristics of healthy relationships. We should teach them about good communication skills, long before they’re sexually active. We should do whatever we can to ensure that stories like mine don’t happen anymore.
We have the ability to do that, to pave the way for a future that’s free from sexual violence and abuse. There are organizations (like Day One) that have been doing this work for years, and their work makes a difference in the lives of the youth they serve.
It would have made a difference in mine, too. It might not have changed what happened to me, but it could have saved me the decade I spent unknowingly suffering from PTSD, very much alone in my struggle, not understanding why I couldn’t just “snap out of it.” I could have told someone what happened sooner. I could have begun healing sooner. I could have gotten my life back sooner.
I’m grateful to be able to say I’ve done that now, as an adult; but still, that’s over ten years of my life—consumed with depression, eating disorders, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and strained relationships—I’ll never get back.
That’s why this work of providing real sex education needs to be implemented in all schools, for all ages: It’s an opportunity to ensure that our children are informed, aware, and capable of creating healthy relationships—because clearly, what they observe while coming of age through the lens of rape culture doesn’t turn out well.
It’s how men like Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump walk away unscathed from credible allegations of sexual assault, somehow rising above it all to occupy the most prestigious offices in our country; we, as a culture, see their alleged behavior as normal. We see violence as a right of passage for boys, a sign of good old fashioned masculine strength for men.
But no matter the specifics of gender identity (anyone of any gender and any sexual orientation can commit assault), we can no longer afford to enable such a perpetrator-victim dynamic. We can address that and so much more through sex education.
This cultural overhaul is long overdue, and it’s on all of us to demand it nationwide. Real, inclusive, developmentally-appropriate sex education is the way to do it, and I hope the rest of us pay attention to what organizations like Day One are doing and follow suit. Providing educational opportunities for all ages, in all schools, far and wide, is the key to raising these next generations with what hopefully becomes a violence-free understanding of relationships and sexuality.
Stories like mine don’t need to keep happening; we have the power to change that. Given the intensity of this moment in the #metoo movement, I see no better time than now for us to make it happen.
Day One partners with youth to end dating abuse and domestic violence through community education, supportive services, legal advocacy and leadership development.
Day One does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity (as defined in paragraph 249(c)(4) of title 18, United States Code, sexual orientation, or disability in the delivery of services.
Day One is a registered (501)(3) non-profit organization. Our EIN/Tax ID # is 06–1103000. Donations to Day One are fully tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. © 2012 Day One. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 3220 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008

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Decisions about sex education are usually made at the state and local level — no federal laws dictate what sex education should look like or how it should be taught in schools. 
Almost every state in the U.S. has some guidance around sex education. Currently, 39 states and the District of Columbia require that HIV and/or sex education is covered in school. However, there’s no guarantee that the sex education students get is high quality or covers the topics young people need to learn about to stay healthy. 
Of the states that require sex and/or HIV education, fewer than half require it be medically accurate. And more states require sex education to stress abstinence than ensure medical accuracy. Fewer than half of high schools and only a fifth of middle schools are teaching the sexual health topics that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers “essential” for healthy young people. This is unacceptable.
Lawmakers in statehouses and city halls are the ones making decisions about what is (and isn’t) taught in school-based sex education. That means they decide whether or not educators can discuss birth control, how educators can talk about LGBTQ+ experiences, and how much educators must stress abstinence.
While most states have some kind of law or policy about sex education, day-to-day decisions are often left up to individual school districts. This means that students in the same state attending different schools could have totally different sex education experiences.
Because sex education laws and policies are developed at the state and local level, sex education is constantly under attack. Politicians have used a variety of tactics to limit access to sex education, promote conservative agendas, and push Planned Parenthood sex educators out of schools. 
These restrictive bills are just a way for politicians to block access to sexual and reproductive health information, education, and services — especially from Planned Parenthood.
Learn how backwards politicians in states across the country are attacking access to reproductive and sexual health care through dangerous bills, regulations, and executive actions.
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund works to advance access to sexual health care and defend reproductive rights.

© 2022 Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc.

Chinese graduates dressed in academic gowns take a selfie during a photo shoot in Beijing, 23 May 2016.

Story highlights Lack of formal sex education is linked to a spike in HIV infections New apps hope to fill the gap and promote safe sex
That was the limit of her formal sex education. For millions of young Chinese people, it's more than they ever got.
As China marks World AIDS Day Thursday, the effects of that missing knowledge is more evident than ever, with growing numbers of HIV infections and staggeringly high abortion rates.
In 2015, there were 115,000 new HIV infections in China, according to China's National Center for STD/AIDS Prevention and Control. Of those, 17,000, or 14.7%, were in the 15-24 age group.
While the overall figure is fairly low compared to China's massive population, the year-on-year growth rate among young people is around 35%. As of September 2016, there have already been 13,000 new HIV infections within the 15-24 age group.
Some universities have even installed vending machines selling HIV home testing kits to students.
"Machines alone can't solve the problem unless there's follow-up education to help students," said Xiong Binqi, vice president of the Beijing-based 21st Century Education Research Center.
Xiong praised Chinese universities for making "huge progress in sex education," but warned that "there's a lot to do."
"Sex education faces great challenges in China," said Jing Jun, a professor of sociology at Beijing's Tsinghua University.
"At Tsinghua, students take sex education classes where they learn basic knowledge about sex safety, condom use, etc. As far as I know, this is the first time most of my students have ever taken such a class."
Time travel, cleavage banned from Chinese TV shows 02:15
Some sex educators, frustrated at the lack of official action, are taking it on themselves to spread the message via apps and social media such as Buzz and Bloom and Yummy .
Launched last year, Buzz and Bloom (蜜丰兰花) provides sex education and health advice over messaging app WeChat.
Shanghai-based Buzz and Bloom provides free sex education and advice via WeChat.
Co-founder Stephany Zoo, 24, came up with the service after she visited an abortion clinic in Shanghai with a friend and discovered how unprepared for the procedure several of the young women in the waiting room were.
"So many of the girls were going in for abortions without having any idea what was going to happen," she said.
For many young women, abortion is their primary form of birth control.
According to official statistics, more than 13 million abortions are performed in China every year, a figure experts say is a vast underestimation, as it does not include non-surgical abortions or those carried out in unlicensed clinics.
"Many women have abortions because they lack basic sex education, especially contraceptive education," Yummy founder Zhao Jing said.
"They think having an abortion is like taking a nap, which is how it is described in adverts."
Yummy founder Jing Zhao in her office in Beijing.
Zoo and Zhao's start-ups, along with a handful of other groups, are working to create spaces online and off where young Chinese people can discuss all things sex -- something that can be an uphill struggle.
"Even talking about things like periods they would be immediately uncomfortable," Zoo said. "There's still this culture of shaming when it comes to sexual health and bodies."
With nowhere else to turn, Zhao, 33, said young people often look for information and advice in the wrong places.
"Men learn from Japanese pornography. Women learn from having one night stands," she said. "The attitude is like 'ok, just try it,' without contraception."
Even some women who know better can be "too shy" to tell their partners to wear condoms, she said. "China still has the stereotype where men are the conqueror and women are submissive in sex."
This can lead to pointless risks, Zoo said. "I had a girl tell us once that her boyfriend said if she held her breath during sex she couldn't get pregnant."
Volunteers hand out condoms in a subway station in Wuhan on World AIDS Day.
While concerns over rising HIV infection rates have led to some official action, Zhao said that too often government interest spikes around high profile events like World AIDS Day on December 1, and doesn't translate into long-term change.
Wu Zunyou, director of the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, said that while HIV infection rates among college students have risen in recent years, it is still "not that high."
"Many teenagers and students have not fully understood the gravity of AIDS, and take it for granted that it is irrelevant to them," he said.
Tsinghua professor Jing said that young gay men are particularly at risk, as they face a double stigma.
"No effective measures have been taken by the Chinese government to curb the high HIV/AIDS contraction rates among homosexuals, despite being effective at tackling infection rates among prostitutes, blood-sellers and drug users," he said.
This because the government often takes a hands off approach to LGBT organizations, even those engaged in public health initiatives, Jing said, leaving them without much-needed funding or support.
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As they prepare for official interest in promoting safe sex to wane again, women like Zoo, Zhao and Xiao Niao are only just getting started.
Zhao said educators are expanding from targeting young people to also working with parents to help them talk to their kids about sex and break the cycle of sex-ed silence.
Now 30, Xiao Niao has attempted to bridge the gap within her own family, with limited success. "I spoke to my brother about how he needs to wear condoms," she said. "He immediately left the room."
In Shanghai, Buzz and Bloom has begun holding offline events, combining the sharing of funny sex stories with open, no-holds-barred discussions of sexuality and sexual health.
"It's about making sex fun and accessible and not something that's being held on a pedestal," Zoo said.
"If you think when you have sex your world is going to explode and change, obviously you're never going to have great sex."
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Updated 1213 GMT (2013 HKT) December 6, 2016
(CNN) When Xiao Niao was in high school, her teacher gathered all the girls in her class and told them if they were raped they should take the morning after pill.
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James Griffiths reported from Hong Kong; Nanlin Fang and Serenitie Wang reported from Beijing.

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