Sex Drugs

Sex Drugs


People have a long history of mixing drugs with sex, and have turned to all sorts of mood enhancing substances proven to alter one’s sex life in some way. There are drugs which improve all sorts of aspects of sex, including: increasing or suppressing sexual desire, improving sexual performance, improving pleasure (or de-sensitizing), conception and fertility, gestation, and even disease. The most commonly used drugs seem to be either those which reduce sexual inhibition (and increase the likelihood of sexual activity occurring), or improving sexual performance. Many times, drugs are used on people involuntarily, even more so against their knowledge; however, many people use drugs themselves or with their partner both willingly and with great excitement. Still, for thousands of years people have used various herbs, drugs and pills to alter sexuality.
The purpose of this particular article is to extract the most “sexually pleasurable drugs to take” and rank them in order of popularity. Only drugs which are used to improve sexual desire, pleasure, and/or performance will be listed.
There are both legal and illegal drugs popular for enhancing sex or one’s sex life in some way. This list is a list of drugs which are most useful, in the order by which they are most popular and most used. The drug is flagged [LEGAL], if it is a legal drug in most countries and states, and will be flagged [ILLEGAL] otherwise.
Ecstasy is one of the most desired drugs for enhancing sexual pleasure and sex drive. Having sex on ecstasy is an experience most people explain as being the most euphoric time of their lives. There is an increase in the desire to be close to other people, and closeness, or “extreme empathy,” typically results in an expression of intense sexuality. Ecstasy (or MDMA), is an amazing way to experience sex like never before, and is best experienced when both partners engaging in sexual intercourse have also indulged in the e pills. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find ecstasy.
Cocaine is a very popular drug that has transcended through the generations, to be enjoyed even by the young partiers of today. Cocaine provides an energy boost and euphoria that makes doing just about anything really fantastic. It is also known to be an aphrodisiac, increasing sex drive in fantastic fashion! Although cocaine is typically illegal (in nearly every country, United States included), it is frequently found in clubs and at parties all around the world, but has more recently become a little harder to find without a hook up.
Pirate Blast is very frequently associated with better intimacy and better sexual experiences. People take it to party, both for energy and to enhance euphoria. Pirate Blast comes in a resealable bottle, 30 pills per bottle. Most people seem to take 2 capsules and then the other 2 later on, hours later after the first 2 begin to fade in effect. The mood enhancement is hugely noticeable, and sex is extremely pleasurable. Pirate Blast is an aphrodisiac, vibrantly increases sex drive, and is known to create a “closeness to others” (increased empathy) type-effect. Despite it being extremely euphoric and a strong sex enhancer, it is both legal and causes no hangovers. It can be purchased from
Activ8 relies upon a nice combination of herbs to create an organic, proprietary formula that naturally boosts sexual appetite and increases sexual pleasure. Activ8 seems to be popular throughout college dormitories and amongst college students, also providing an energy boost that lets them stay focused on having sex longer. It can be purchased from
Some people greatly enjoy puffing or toking a little mary jane before engaging in some psychedelic, laid back love making. Marijuana lowers inhibitions of all kind, though, so it can become a little tough to get motivated…but after beginning to get it on, plan to last a lot longer than usual! Marijuana decreases sensitivity and thus increases the ‘duration to finish;’ ultimately, this means more time to enjoy the experience and ultimately a greater increase in oxytocin levels, and a longer-lasting pleasure. Depending upon country (and if you are in the United States, depending upon the State), weed may or may not be legal.
Sextreme is marketed as an aphrodisiac and is available in some gas stations around the world. It comes in very similar packaging to Sex Intense. The “horny goat weed” ingredient may just be a buzz word, as the product barely does anything at all. The bottles contain a lot of pills, however, they only seem to be good to slightly increase energy. Increasing energy might help some people who need a little boost before going into the bedroom, however, they are hardly strong enough to be a true aphrodisiac.
This company’s version of a legal sex enhancing drug like ecstasy, is called “Sex Intense” and features a tripping abstract drawing of a woman on the front of the bottle. Unfortunately, there seem to be a few different versions of the product available depending upon where you buy it from. One of the products is relying on a wild lettuce opium extract to attempt to draw an intensified mood boost for increasing sexual desire and pleasure. However, the wild lettuce is more like an opium substitute, and much less like ecstasy. Another version of the product relies upon a special extract that is meant to help with erectile dysfunction, however, is not specifically for enhancing sex in any other way, nor desire. Regardless of which version is purchased, packages also seem to take a good 1-3 months to show up, and apparently it is all being shipped from Asia/India.
Stiff Nights are sold at gas stations and come in a black packaging with red lettering. Typically, there are only two pills in a package. They receiving an honorable mention due to their ability to increase erectile function and increase the duration one can last.
Notice: We do not condone date rape, date rape drugs, or giving drugs to other people against their will, and thus, date rape drugs have been kept off the list (they also do not enhance sexual pleasure).
Sex enhancing pills are one of the most commonly needed drugs, and there is a large market of both legal and illegal substances available for almost any desire or ailment. However, only a few really shine under the spotlight as living up to their reputation and popularity. Thus, purchasing the products that are proven, reviewed, and well-known to work and be effective is essential to having a positive experience. After all, NO ONE likes to work themselves all the way up to never finish!
Disclaimer: Mr Hyde and Drugs and Bad Ideas, cannot be held responsible for any of the drugs you take or sex you have. Have a horned up day!
Tags: best drugs to have sex on 2017, best legal drugs to have sex on, euphoria, ecstasy, legal ecstasy, legal sex enhancer, legal mood enhancer, legal aphrodisiac, sex enhancing pills, pills that enhance sex, pills that boost sexual desire
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>Blog > What Are The Best Drugs To Have Sex On?
What Are The Best Drugs To Have Sex On?
Sex and drugs have been used together for ages. Some drugs can enhance sex. Others, however, are highly dangerous and should be avoided. We take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly.
What are the best drugs to have sex on? This sounds like a loaded question. However, drugs have been used to enhance sexuality for as long as they exist. That said, there is obviously a large area for abuse. If you are going to use any mind-altering substance during intercourse, use them responsibly. Make sure your partner is aware of the same. And most of all, don't be too enthusiastic.
Alcohol is probably the most commonly used drug for initiating or enhancing sexual intercourse. According to some studies, it might be involved in as much as half of all sexual interactions involving young people. That said, most people report that this drug is used mostly to remove social inhibitions. It does not appear that people actually enjoy sex more after drinking.
In fact, many people also report that they enjoy it less. If using a particularly intoxicating liquor, be sure to understand its effects. Trust your drinking partner. That said, what better way to woo a potential partner with your technical expertise?
For something a little stronger, try Absinthe. Absinthe was widely used around the turn of the last century to enhance spiritual experiences. It is very easy to make at home with a pre-ordered kit. It is also very tasty, with a high alcohol content.
Marijuana usually gets top spot on sex-enhancing drug lists. That is for several reasons. It is safe. It is becoming more and more legal. It also relaxes users, can loosen inhibitions, and creates a peaceful high. Many users find that their sexuality is enhanced by the drug because it allows them to reach a spiritual connection with their partners. That said, like any other drug, proceed with caution. Always engage in consensual sex – and consensual use of drugs during sex.
It is also worth noting that a small bit of cannabis can increase enjoyment, but a lot can cause things to go the other way - especially with men. Large quantities of THC can cause levels of testosterone to temporarily dip - causing problems with stability down there.
Acid can enhance sex by heightening awareness. This increases the intimacy you might achieve with your partner. Timothy Leary was a big proponent of this. That said, it is not something you should do the first time you try acid. You also should not try this with a first time or fairly casual sex partner. Mutual consent is also required. Micro-doses of the drug have, anecdotally been found to help treat depression. It might be that micro-dosing does the same thing for sex. Not much has been written about this so far.
This is a party drug also known as ecstasy. The drug creates a feeling of euphoria that many users say dramatically enhances sex. Unfortunately, the drug remains on the black market. As such, its source and purity are always in question. However, like LSD, MDMA is also being studied for use in psychological conditions by micro-dosing. It may be that eventually, like cannabis, this drug will be better understood, legalised and properly regulated.
Like some of the other drugs on this list, magic mushrooms can have one of two effects. They can either increase intimacy, particularly between regular partners. Or, as they often can, turn off sexual desire altogether. Just don’t expect magic mushrooms to turn you into a sex stud as they are more likely to turn you into a teddy bear. Not a good idea to use with a partner unless you know them fairly well.
The Boner Booster is the king of natural aphrodisiacs. It’ll boost your energy and stamina, allowing you to keep going all night long! The Boner Booster contains fruit extracts, vitamins, and adaptogens, giving your body everything it needs to bring your sexual performance to a whole new level. While it contains taurine, a stimulating amino acid, it doesn’t contain strong stimulants, so you shouldn’t have trouble falling asleep afterward. Effects kick in 30 minutes after ingestion, giving you plenty of time for foreplay. If you want an all-natural alternative to Viagra, pop one of these back before love-making for a night you won’t forget!
While cocaine has a reputation as a “major party” drug, don’t expect to enjoy sex if you take it. While it make you feel revved up and ready to go, your equipment may well have another opinion. Not recommended.
Sometimes referred to as “Foxy,” this is a designer drug designed in the latter part of the last century. It was also intended to be “better loving through chemistry.” There is nothing natural about Foxy. It is also illegal just about everywhere. While it is not a new drug, it has increasingly become of concern to authorities. It is a cocktail of chemicals that pose real risk.
Crystal Meth, as these drugs are also known, are very, very dangerous drugs. Their addiction rate, even via casual use is high. They loosen inhibition. They also allow male users to have sex for long periods of time. However, no matter what you have heard, stay away from these drugs at all costs. Frequent users frequently experience severe psychotic hallucinations and experiences. They also lose teeth.
This is a party drug made famous on the gay party scene. It is still also used by vets as a horse tranquilliser. Special K, as it is also known. It makes users feel relaxed. It also loosens up reflexes (such as the gag reflex and clenching of orifices). That said, it also loosens inhibitions to the point that it is not recommended for those who want to practice safe sex.
So there you go. There is a lot of wonder to explore when it comes to drugs and sex. Just make sure you do your research and are safe.
Written by: Zamnesia
Zamnesia has spent years honing its products, ranges, and knowledge of all things psychedelic. Driven by the spirit of Zammi, Zamnesia strives to bring you accurate, factual, and informative content.
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