Sex Dolls Ass

Sex Dolls Ass


Sex Dolls Ass
by Javier Zavala Last updated: April 09, 2022
If you’re the type of person who loves big butts (or just prefers anal sex to vaginal intercourse) then an ass sex doll is probably the right type of sex toy for you. Of course, you’ll have many options when shopping online for an ass sex doll, and while they’re almost universally appealing, the actual quality varies widely from product to product. Depending on how much you’re willing to invest, these types of dolls can get quite expensive, so you’ll want to make sure your new ass sex doll will last for years to come. Below, you’ll learn not only which products are the best, but also how to keep your new toy in good condition for many years to come!
The best material overall are silicone, glass, and stained steel because are the only materials that can be sterilized, speaking about ass sex dolls the best option is silicone, but mostly all the ass sex dolls are made out of porous materials like TPE or Soft plastic, which are good but you have to put a bit more effort to clean them since these materials can harbor mold and bacteria.
As long as you (and your partner if that's the case) are totally fine with the idea, everyone can use it, it can be a good option if you are on your own or to spice things up if you have a partner.
The best option so far is a water-based lube, I think it is the best overall, easy to clean, and last decently well, but if you are into a different lube you must check first the manufacturer recommendations just to be sure it is totally safe for your toy to use a different kind of lube.
Of course.
There are some materials that can be better than others but all the materials are safe as long as you clean them properly and dry them well, some materials are easier to clean and some others you need to do an extra effort but in the end, all the options are totally safe.
Complicated question.
An ass sex doll life can vary a lot depending on many variants, since the use you give, the place is stored, how well you clean it, etc... But if you do everything well, you use it a few times a week and you keep it well it can last very long! & (Adam & Eve) are two great online resources for finding your next ass sex doll! Compare prices to potentially save money on your purchases.
You don’t “need” renewer powder for your ass sex doll per se, but using renewer powder can help extend the life of your sex doll while also preventing the toy from becoming sticky.
want one of the best ass sex doll options
are not good by cleaning (porous material)
Weight (can be hard to move around)
Compatible with bullet vibrator but not including one
What it is: Buzzy vibrators have a high frequency that stimulates the surface (like a high pitch).
What it is: Rumbly vibrators have low-frequency vibrations that stimulate deeper into the tissue (like the bass in music).
if you are looking for a bigger size
Light weight can move the ass sex doll if you get too excited
are gay-bi, women straight, or you want to have fun with your partner
are not into ass sex doll with penis
not intersested in to the ass doll man shape
Good for using solo or with a partner
Heavy, which can make cleaning part a bit tricky
The delivered package is too big (to make it discreet)
What it is: Buzzy vibrators have a high frequency that stimulates the surface (like a high pitch).
What it is: Rumbly vibrators have low-frequency vibrations that stimulate deeper into the tissue (like the bass in music).
are looking to have a great experience
With so many ass sex dolls available online, we knew it would be challenging to recommend just five (after all, there are a lot of great products out there!). After limiting our list to our five selections, we used our standardized “Bedbible Rating” system to compare our selections, identifying both the positives and the negatives of each toy. By analyzing an ass sex doll’s design, ease of use, and overall quality, we were able to assign the products a Bedbible Rating. We also gathered customer ratings from multiple vendors and combined these into the “User Ratings” score for some outside input. In addition to these ratings, every product has its own overview and summary sections, where you can read our thoughts on each item for more insight. After spending nearly 22 hours creating this list, we’re sure you’ll be able to find the product below!
Although they’re available in sizes ranging from miniature to lifesized, in general, an ass sex doll will take up more space than an ass masturbator . This is because an ass sex doll seeks to add realism to the experience by providing the full anatomy of an ass, rather than just the hole. Many ass sex dolls also have a vagina or a penis, which adds to their size. Alternatively, ass masturbators are simply strokers that have an anus entrance instead of a vagina entrance Compact and often fitting inside of a casing, these ass masturbator stroker sleeves sacrifice realism for the sake of saving space.
Although many ass masturbators look the same in the pictures, there are some specific details you’ll want to look over before settling on your choice of ass sex doll. Consider the points below before whipping out your credit card on an impulse buy!
An ass sex doll is a small sex doll used to have a realistic experience of what a sexual act could be, the materials and the textures are great and mostly life-like feeling. Most of the ass sex dolls can be found with two canals (anal and vaginal) and some other versions just one canal, the sizes, colors, textures, and feelings may vary depending on the model and the price of the ass sex doll.
Thrust Pro Elite Alana is a great option if you are looking for an ass sex doll, with two canals (anal and vaginal) your fun is never going to stop.
The size is good and the weight too, the weight helps you to keep her steady whilst you are having fun. It is so real like that you can make her wear underwear. So if you have kinks, this is a good option for you. Totally waterproof and great soft plastic material, if you are not concerned about the price, this is a good way to go.

Despite the price, the Thrust Pro Elite Alana is so far one of the best ass sex dolls in the market. The textures and the realistic feeling are going to give you a lot of pleasure, you are paying for a top-quality toy and that’s what you get, it is heavy, so if you use it on a good surface it is going to be sturdy, at the same time this makes a bit tricky to clean it, but nothing that patience and good technique can’t do. If you are looking for a top-quality toy to start or to add to your collection, definitely, this is an option you have to consider.
Thrust has cheaper options if you are interested want an ass sex doll. Taylor is a crafted realistic stroker designed for a doggy style position that is compatible with bullet vibrators to increase the fun, Internal length is 4.5 inches and is made of good quality soft plastic. You can take it to the shower because it is waterproof and no matter if you use it alone or with your partner, you are going to enjoy this cheap option.
If you want a cheap option, so far this is one of the best toys you can get, no matter if you are just starting or you want something light, this ass sex doll is going to meet your expectations. Of course, you have to bear in mind that for the price you can’t expect anything fancy or top quality, but Taylor does her job. It is a bit tricky to clean and the canal might be a bit too short, but on the other side it is compatible with bullet vibrators and it is cheap. So if you accept that this toy might have some flaws due to its price, then you are going to be fine and happy.

With two canals, different textures, and a couple of bullet vibrators, Doggie-Style Debbie is going to give you a great session.
With different diameters, you can explore your fantasies with this ass sex doll, it is easy to clean, very easy to move due to her low weight and the vibrators are powered with 2 x AA batteries. Material is great and realistic feeling, made out of TPE, soft, tight, and stretchy. You just need water-based lube and you are set to go (or come).

If you are looking for a decent ass sex doll with great features, then Debbie is a good opportunity for you, the price is just a bargain, you get a decent-sized ass sex doll with two bullet vibrators to enhance even more your playtime, the TPE material is good, just remember you have to wash it well because it is a porous material. Cleaning it is easy, but drying it is not, it can turn a bit complicated to do so, but if you are patient you can do it well. Water-based lube is recommended and you must get 2 x AA batteries to make the vibrator work, we recommend you to get 2 sets of rechargeable batteries, so you are always ready to have fun! despite the price, it is a good investment, only if you keep in mind that you are not getting a top quality toy, for that price, it does the job and it is a decent acquisition!
When speaking about ass sex doll the first thing that comes to mind is a doll with a woman shape, but luckily for more people, nowadays is easy to a male shape, Pipedream Extreme Fuck Me Silly Ride-on Dude is one example, the details of this ass sex doll are amazing if you are a man, and you are interested into pegging, gay-sex, or anal, this ass sex doll is going to be good for you!
On the other hand, if you are a woman, then you are going to love this! no matter if you are into pegging or not! the feeling of this ass sex doll is so realistic!
The penis comes in 8-inch length and you get 7 inches of internal length in the canal. It is heavy, which means if you are on a good flat surface, the ass sex doll is not going to move at all, providing you with a good hands-free session. For the price, this should be an ass sex doll you must consider getting!

If you are looking for a man shape ass sex doll then you have found the right choice!
Pipedream Extreme Fuck Me Silly Ride On Dude is a well-priced ass sex doll that is going to help you to live your most desired fantasies. The quality and the feeling of this ass sex doll are amazing, no matter what are your kinks and if you are soloing or with a partner, you (or both) are going to enjoy it!
You have a few extras that come with the toy so you are ready for the first run! This ass sex doll, like every other single doll, needs good care, so as long as you clean it, dry it, and “powder it” well, it is going to last long! especially because of the material that is made off which is porous.

If one of your true kinks is dirty talk or if you are planning to explore! then the Dirty Talk Interactive ass sex doll was made just for you!
This interactive ass sex doll works with your movements, every time you thrust, spank, or touch, the ass sex doll is going to reply to you with dirty talk!
You can decide which of the two canals you are going to use, both with different sizes and textures, the vaginal canal comes in 0.75-inch opening and 7 inches depth whilst the anal canal is just 0.25-inch and 4.5-inch dept for great and tight pleasure.

For the price, the materials and the quality overall is great, this ass sex doll is made especially for those who like the dirty talk, but even if you are unsure as to if it’s your thing or not, this works perfectly great without the speaker.
The speaker is rechargeable and you can plug headphones if you want to have the sound just for yourself, it is a bit heavy but sturdy when placed on a flat surface, it is a bit tricky to clean and the material is porous, so careful cleaning it.
The two canals are great, both with different measures and textures so you can have different experiences.
If the price is not a concern to you and you like the dirty talk kink, then we highly recommend you consider adding this ass sex doll to your collection.

Sometimes space is what we need and even when we can afford to get the best sex toys in the market we just can’t because we have no place to keep them, in this case referring to an ass sex doll.
In this kind of situation, the only thing that we can do is to find the best toy that can give us the same type of experience and pleasure, in this case, a pocket pussy and next we are going to show you 3 good options regarding ass sex doll that you can use with less space and same pleasure!
When comes to sex toys one of the most important things is the cleaning part.
Sex toys are in contact with our intimate areas which can expose ourselves and others to get a disease.
But what if I just use my ass sex doll and no one else does?
We have listed a few points that are going to help you to understand the importance of cleaning your ass sex doll.
There isn’t anything worst than not cleaning your toys after using them. There is no good excuse, if you want motivation, prevent you get sick, or you get any disease just for letting your toys without washing.
You can save yourself a trip to the hospital and a very uncomfortable situation.
It is tedious to clean an ass sex doll, but in the end, is better to spend that time than end up being in the hospital!
If you can afford to buy an ass sex doll, I’m sure you can afford yourself some time to clean it after using it. I mean, you could buy one of the cheapest ones and throw it away a few days later because you didn’t clean it or do exactly the same but with a top-quality ass sex doll.
No matter if you spend a few tents or a few hundred is your money and you are just wasting it by not washing your ass sex doll.
When there is more than one (A.K.A. you) person involved using an ass sex doll or any kind of toy, it is very important the cleaning process because you can prevent any disease in you or your partner(s), which in the end are going to end up being with you again at some point, and if they get diseases, definitely you will too!
At the end of the day, there are many good reasons to clean your ass sex doll, not only for a good habit but because it can prevent diseases and also you take care of your toy because that will keep it in good shape and you will be able to use it for long making it a good investment.
Using an ass sex doll can be a pretty easy task if you think about it. But the real thing comes with all the preparation you have to do after and before. Not everything is fun (sadly) but we will help you out!
Do not worry, we are going to list the next things you should consider before and after using an ass sex doll!
It is very important to think about what you would need before, during, and after your session, because it is very uncomfortable to have to stop just in the middle because you forgot something or that you have to go to the very end when the only thing that you want is just to relax and enjoy!
So gather everything you think you might need, this includes lube, paper, wet wipes, towels, other toys, batteries (if needed), and many other things it can enhance even more your experience.
Lube is super important when using an ass sex doll, using lubricant generously is going to make your experience to be superb, don’t ever think it is too much lube, it is never too much and as long as you are enjoying and not having any problems, everything would be great!
Our recommendation is to go with a water-based lube because it is the best all-around.
One of the most important parts of owning an ass sex doll (and pretty much any toy in general) is that many owners just don’t go beyond the main purpose of the toy, they are focused on the type of the toy than the “toy” itself. It is a toy, and you are meant to play with the toy, experiment! as much as you feel comfortable with it, because in that way you are going to know better what do you like and what you don’t.
The most important part is to enjoy it, no matter if you are using it alone or with your partner, enjoy it safely and have fun, and don’t forget to use lube! it is always better!
Unfortunately, not everything is fun, so the last step is to clean. If you want to ensure you are going to be using your toy for long you have to clean it well because that’s the only way to keep it good after using it.
In the next section, you will get more specific details about how to clean your ass sex doll, but for now, we have two recommendations, check the manufacturer’s instructions or use warm water and let it dry well!
Something that nobody is going to lie about is the cleaning process of an ass sex doll.
And there isn't anything to worry about, for the exception that is a tedious and perhaps a bit long process compared to other toys.
But, isn't fair that having such great toys like an ass sex doll we have to spend time cleaning it?
I think it is worth it!
The only real issue for me is porous materials. Porous materials are a bit more tricky to clean (but not impossible) because these materials if are not well cleaning can harbor mold and bacteria, but if you do it well, using warm water if the manufacturer recommends using soapy water or a toy cleaner then is the best to go, then let it dry well! very very well and apply afterward revive powder to keep the material like new (regarding the life-like feeling), and that's it! isn't that complicated in the end, right?
Next, you will see a small infographic where you can read a bit more about materials and have a better idea as to how it is best to clean them!
Soft plastic, hard plastic, jelly, rubber, Cyberskin are all porous materials, meaning that small particles and bacteria can penetrate the surface. This makes it impossible to completely clean these types of materials.
Therefore, it is recommended that you use a condom with these types of toys, especially if you are sharing them. Clean these toys with mild soapy water and dry gently with a towel. These materials are more easily damaged, so be sure to be gentle and make sure your toys are completely dry before storing.
Silicone, glass, stainless steel and some hard plastics can all be washed using a mild soap (like you would use on your body) and warm water. Just be careful if your toy contains electrical parts.
Silicone and stainless steel toys without any electrical parts can also be boiled for sterilisation.
If your toys contain electrical components, be extra careful when cleaning them and always check the instructions provided with the toy. You can use a gentle cloth and soap to wipe or sex toy cleaner or cleaning wipe to down your toy, making sure that no water comes into contact with the electrical parts. is your one and only source on the journey to better sex. We’re 100% reader-supported, so when you buy products through links on our site, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.
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Internal 5 inches / External 7.5 inches
No, 2 xx AA batteries (not included) 
Penis is 8 inches

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