Sex Daddys Girls Org

Sex Daddys Girls Org


No Madea in mature Tyler Perry melodrama.
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There's plenty of gritty material in this drama, and characters certainly behave in very questionable ways, but there are also take-aways about the importance of family.
Positive Role Models & Representations
A drug dealer and his girlfriend seek and briefly take custody of her daughters -- despite their obvious inability to care for them -- and eventually abuse them (bruises on one girl's back are shown); a vengeful father crashes his car into his ex-wife's -- technicalities (and lack of witnesses) allow him to escape justice until the film's end; complaints about the ineffectiveness of politicians and police in underclass neighborhood; haughty upper-class women disparage a mechanic's status and "intentions" regarding their friend.
Child abuse is suggested (visible bruises, etc.); fights involve shoving, punching, and kicking; Jenny clobbers a dealer who owes Joe money, then watches and laughs as Joe's crew kicks the guy (when her children cry, she laughs at them, too); Willie appears with a cut face and a bandage on the arm, attributing it to a knife attack; the climax is initiated by a violent car crash, then a fight in the street (bloody, aggressive punching and kicking, followed by attacks with a pan and a pole). Reference to a rape.
Flirting between romantic leads; sexual activity implied by kissing; sexual activity initiated by drinking; some tight and/or cleavage-revealing outfits; some slangy allusions (wannabe rapper admires a woman's "sexy-ass lips" and wants her legs around his waist and face); some derogatory sexualized language ("tramp," "slut," "whoring around"); Cynthia appears in bed with her boyfriend, both in their underwear and under the covers.
Mostly mild language, including "hell," "ass," and "damn," as well as derogatory remarks concerning Monty's work as a limo driver ("little massa's boy," "slave," "Steppin' Fetchit").
Reference to TV show Punk'd; shot of a Pepperidge Farm treats bag.
Jenny smokes cigarettes (even after her mother, also a smoker, dies of lung cancer); repeated references to Joe's drug dealing; reference to "crackhead" and brief, opening-credits-sequence shot of man who appears to be a junkie; Sierra brings a joint to school, having been instructed to sell it (Joe and her mother believe she needs a "hustle"); characters drink wine, beer, and liquor; after a night in a bar downing shots, Julia drunkenly pursues sex with Monty, who goes along until she bolts off screen to vomit in the bathroom (repeatedly).
Parents need to know that the movie includes scenes that show and imply child abuse. One character reportedly hits her youngest daughter (bruises are visible on the girl's back), a drug dealer sends a 12-year-old to school with a joint to sell, and an irresponsible mother yells at her three daughters, offers her 12-year-old a drink, and insists they all watch a brutal beating in order to make them "tough." The mother smokes cigarettes and wears revealing clothing. The kind grandmother dies of lung cancer. There's yelling and some pushing and hitting between a father and a bad boyfriend; the showdown begins with violent car crash and ends with ferocious beatings in the street. Reference to a rape. A drunken sexual initiation leads to off-screen vomiting instead of sex. Brief kissing leads to off-screen sex. Language is mild, but the derisive terms "Steppin' Fetchit" and "slave" are used.
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Parent Written byJohn_Cena_Fan December 26, 2010
I loved this movie. Yes, it may have some abuse involved, and drugs and alcohol. But it has one more thing in it, people seem to forget about. It has love in it... Continue reading
Parent of a 17-year-old Written bycstewart March 2, 2010
Daddy’s Little Girls is one of a kind for sure. I think the whole plot is amazing. The detractor really new what he was doing and what he wanted. The picture an... Continue reading
Teen, 13 years old Written byQueen_Vic April 1, 2021
I love the movie! Its 13 year olds and up. Movie could have been cleaner though but awsome!
i love that movie
and is a great movie to
watch with the family
Monty (Idris Elba) is a good-hearted mechanic who works to support his three daughters: 5-year-old China (China Anne McClain), 7-year-old Lauryn (Lauryn Alisa McClain), and 12-year-old Sierra (Sierra Aylina McClain). They're living with his ex-mother-in-law (Juanita Jennings), until, at the film's start, she dies of lung cancer. Monty briefly brings the girls home to his one-bedroom apartment, but then their long-absent, excessively trashy mother Jenny (Tasha Smith) arrives, demanding custody -- not because she actually wants them, but because she wants to make Monty miserable. She and her live-in boyfriend -- drug dealer/local menace Joe (Gary Sturgis) -- gain custody of the girls and proceed to use them for various evil ends. Jenny provides Monty with an estimable obstacle while he tries to nurture his relationship with his new girlfriend, high-powered lawyer Julia (Gabrielle Union).
None of Tyler Perry's movies are subtle, but in DADDY'S LITTLE GIRLS, he makes the mistake of omitting his broadest invention: the wildly popular drag character Madea. Instead, this film digs into Perry's most melodramatic and stereotypical inclinations to date, exploring class conflicts, single parenting, and the horrible ways that drugs, violence, and gang-bangers affect regular folks in an Atlanta neighborhood.
A disappointingly outsized villain, Jenny fills up the space left by Madea -- only she's not as strong, entertaining, or even convincing as Perry's alter ego.
Families can talk about the dynamic between the girls and their respective parents. How do you feel about the child abuse shown in the movie?
Which characters are sympathetic or unsympathetic, and why?
In theaters: February 14, 2007
On DVD or streaming: June 12, 2007
Cast: Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba, Louis Gossett Jr.
Director: Tyler Perry
Studio: Lionsgate
Genre: Comedy
Run time: 95 minutes
MPAA rating: PG-13
MPAA explanation: thematic material, drug and sexual content, some violence and language
Last updated: September 21, 2019
Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners.
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An image from an animated film called "Sara: The Trap," produced by UNICEF and designed to teach young girls in Africa about sexual exploitation by older men, or "sugar daddies."
Sima (not her real name) lives in a small, dilapidated house in a sprawling township on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. Most nights, she and her siblings go to bed hungry.
“We don’t have food at home,” she said. “We just drink water and go to sleep.”
Her mother works part-time as a cleaner. Her father is unemployed. Her parents fight all the time.
“I wish I could just go away — not be with them while they are fighting,” she said.
A few months ago, while visiting her older sister who lives a few blocks away, Sima was washing clothes near the road. A man approached her. She thought he looked stylish and interesting.
She gave the man her phone number. He called her that night. The next thing Sima knew, they were dating.
Sima didn’t know the man’s age, but she guessed he was in his mid-twenties. Sima is sixteen.
According to health experts, sexual relations between older men and younger women have been a significant driver of the AIDS epidemic in Africa. These relationships, common in many areas, have enabled HIV to move quickly from one generation to the next.
In fact, studies have shown that the rate of HIV among school-aged girls in South Africa is nearly three times higher than among school-aged boys. The reason for the gap, South Africa’s minister of health said last year, is "sugar daddies" — older men who have sex with much younger women.
Like many schools in Africa, the Centre of Science and Technology (COSAT) — a public high school near Cape Town — cautions girls about these relationships. In a recent class at COSAT, students discussed the dangers.
“You don’t expect to be the only one in [a relationship with] that sugar daddy,” said Sihle, a junior. “There can be, like, five of you [with] that same guy.”
But while some girls focused on the risks of dating older men, others spoke about the benefits.
“Sometimes it’s nice to have a sugar daddy, because you live a fancy life, you wear posh clothes, and people will notice you,” said Zethu, a junior.
When the class ended, I spoke with the teacher, Zoe Bikwana. She said she often has a hard time convincing girls to end relationships with older men.
“It really gets difficult to get through to young people, to stop [dating older men],” she said.
After years of counseling students, Ms. Bikwana has come to a rather chilling realization — that most girls know what they’re getting themselves into.
“They do see the risks,” she said. “But they’re prepared to take them.”
Sima, the sixteen-year-old who recently got involved with an older man, is a case in point. She was a junior at COSAT and she had been warned of the risks. Yet she started spending a lot of time with the man.
Sima could tell that some people judged her harshly. They would stare at her and make snide remarks.
“Sometimes you just wish you could put the person who is judging you into your shoes [to] feel how hard your shoes are,” Sima said.
After all, she said, the older man was giving her love and support — unlike her father. For her, the relationship meant food, clothes, and a comfortable place to stay.
But the relationship interfered with other aspects of her life. Sima began missing school. It was then that Ms. Bikwana, the teacher from COSAT, stepped in. She arranged to give Sima some money, thinking that might pull her out of the relationship.
“She got support from school, she was given groceries at some point,” Ms. Bikwana said.
But it didn’t work. Sima stopped showing up for classes altogether. Eventually, she was expelled.
Ms. Bikwana said she felt like she had done everything she could. “[It] really saddens me as an educator, because I feel that I cannot do anything,” she said.
Meanwhile, Sima said she had fallen in love with the man. She felt she was finally enjoying life. But then, the man called her and delivered some unexpected news. He was moving.
“He told me that, the next day, he is going to Pretoria, and he has the tickets and everything,” Sima said. “I was so shocked.”
“I asked, ‘How could you do that? Are you just now leaving me just like that? Just going away and leaving me with all the loneliness?’” she said.
The man didn’t say much. He was sorry. He would call her.
Sima was devastated. She had to move in with her parents again.
“It’s back to that normal life, that old life, and I don’t want to go back there,” she said.
Sima is now trying to pull her life back together. She is hoping to re-enroll in school this year. She thinks she should probably avoid relationships for a while.
But she said, honestly, if she is approached by an older man again, she is not sure what she’ll do.
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