Sex Cheating Story

Sex Cheating Story


Sex Cheating Story

Francesca Di Meglio is a writer, reporter, and editor with nearly 20 years of experience covering everything from relationship to business.

Stonewalling in Marital Relationships
What Kind of Woman Marries The Passive Aggressive Man?
9 Things to Do If Your Wife is Cheating
Why Is A Love Affair So Intoxicating?
Why Children Come First in a Blended Family
What to Do if Your Spouse Threatens Divorce Too Often
6 Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce
How to Surprise Your Husband with a Vacation
How to Surprise Your Husband with a Vacation
The Fears of Dads-To-Be and How to Address Them
How to Come Out to Your Husband as a Lesbian or Bisexual
11 Rules for Supporting Your Aging Parents and In-Laws
Best Jokes About Fathers and Fatherhood
4 Tips For Dealing With The Other Man or Other Woman
Why Married Couples Should Not Live with Roommates

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In the years since becoming the Guide to Newlyweds, I have learned more about infidelity than I ever thought I would. Frankly, most of it makes me sick to my stomach. I've learned of many real stories of cheating - not what you see in the movies but real people being unfaithful - and the consequences of an affair are so grave that I'm not sure how someone can actually go through with it. Cheating on your spouse can end your marriage. If it doesn't end it, it can damage it so badly that it will never be the same.

The stories below are true, but I've left out names and identifying characteristics to protect people. I'm not sharing these stories to air dirty laundry but rather to give you an idea of how embarrassing and devastating cheating can be. If it helps anyone think twice about being unfaithful, then it was worth it. Here goes:

A father and young daughter (about 7 years old) surprise mom at the dance studio where she works. They find her in the altogether with another man. The daughter is confused and traumatized by what she saw. She confides in her classmate, who is the same age, hoping she will get answers. Instead, the classmate just tells the story to her own parents, who now know what's happening in this other couple's marriage. The mother lives with the shame and guilt of cheating on her husband but also cheating on her children - and getting caught by both.

A woman brings another woman into her marriage. Eventually, she prefers the couple's girlfriend to her husband. They divorce and she and the woman continue their relationship while living in the house she had built with her husband. The couple tries to be cordial, but the husband feels awkward. He feels as though he was second best when they had been committed to one another for life at their marriage ceremony. Even though he wants to create a good relationship with his ex for the sake of his kids, his ego has taken a shot and he is not sure how to get over it. He misses his wife, and he feels like a failure .

A couple is all set to walk down the aisle. They have an apartment together, have set a date for their wedding, and even met with a priest. The bride seems to get cold feet a few weeks before the wedding. People think she's just a runaway bride. But it turns out she was having an affair for a long while and was in love with someone else throughout the wedding planning. She moves out of the place with her fiancee and moves right into a new place with her boyfriend.

Two lovebirds start dating in their youth. The years go by and they seem to be heading toward marriage. They take each other - and the relationship - for granted. Next thing you know, the guy is standing outside some other guy's apartment at 2 in the morning to confirm his suspicions of his long-time girlfriend having an affair. Guess what? She walks out around 4 a.m. He was right and young love is good and dead.

A guy gets some bad news, goes to a bar, gets drunk, gets oral sex from a woman he barely knows - and claims to have forgotten when he gets home to his girlfriend, the one he begged to return to him.

Wife receives an anonymous letter suggesting her husband of one year, with whom she has recently lost a baby, was cheating on her with one of her best friends for years. The husband and friend both deny it. But the damage is done. The wife is left wondering - for always - if it's true and why they were mentioned in this letter in the first place. She stays with her husband because she believes in marriage and has no solid proof that he was unfaithful. She doesn't even know who wrote the letter. But she can never look at her husband the same way. Her relationship with her girlfriend is over. They haven't even spoken since the denial.

A woman runs off to Miami with her boyfriend and leaves her teenage children and husband of nearly 20 years with barely an explanation. Even her own father can't forgive her.

Wife finds receipts for jewelry that she never received, and she recognizes signs of trails of affairs her husband has had over the years. Their own sex life ended years earlier. Still, she puts up with his cheating heart - even when he flirts with other young girls right in front of her - until the day she passes away. Now that she's gone, her husband wishes he had been faithful and treated her differently. He misses her. It's a classic case of not knowing what you have until it's gone.

Husband, who has been married for more than 25 years, takes off with the young foreign woman who has been a housekeeper for him and his wife for the last few months. Even though his wife is angry with him for the affair and for leaving her, she still wants him back . She even asks his cousin to try and convince him to return to her. She still loves him.

Hi I’m Jill. This is a story of my first time cheating on my husband, Scott. Neither of us had had sex with anyone else ever. I did not plan it, I just got seduced. I was 23 at the time and had been married for 4 years. My husband was working full time and going to school part time so when he was home he was either busy with studies or too tired to do anything. To say our sex life was bad was an understatement. It wasn’t that he didn’t try, he was just too busy. We had moved into a mobile home court where you buy the land and move your home onto it. There were a lot of nice people there and we became friends with several of the families. The couple next door, Larry and Dianne, had a 3 year old girl and since both worked they wanted to know if I could baby sit for them. I said I would love too. The extra money would come in handy. Dianne would drop her off about 7am and Larry usually picked her up about 3pm. My husband usually got home about 4:30. Larry would come in and have a cup of coffee and we would talk about 15 to 20 minutes. He would then take her home. This went on for about 4 months. It was Tuesday and I was surprised when Larry got here about 1:30. I was wearing a jump suit that could not have been taken as sexy. He said something had happened at work and they let everyone go home early. I told him that his daughter was taking a nap and he could just stick around until she got up. I went over to fix him his cup of coffee. I got the coffee started and Larry came over and put his arms around me. I tried to pull away but he held on and started kissing my neck. I put my hands on his and pushed back against him. I turned around and started to kiss him. He pulled me close and we kissed for several minutes. The next thing I know is he is unzipping my jump suit. I wanted to stop him but I didn’t either. He broke the kiss long enough to pull it off my shoulders then resumed the kiss and unsnapped my bra. He slid my bra off and pulled my jump suit along with my panties down. He walked me to the couch and laid me down. The next thing I remember is his cock pressing against my pussy. I wanted to stop him but knew that it was too late. He pushed in and started to fuck me. I don’t remember anything else until he pulled out and I had cum dripping out of my pussy. I looked at Larry and noticed he had only pulled his pants down. I guess that he knew if he had taken the time to get undressed I would have come to my senses and stopped him. He ask me if I was OK. I said I was and got dressed while Larry got us a cup of coffee. He sat there for another 20 minutes and said next to nothing. The kid woke up and he went home. If I had been smart that would have been the end of the story. I was feeling so guilty that I could not sleep and all I could think of was how I had messed up my marriage. I thought it was best to tell my husband before he found out from someone else. On Friday evening I told him I had sex with someone else. He was stunned and wanted to know who it was. I didn’t want to tell him but he insisted. I finally told him it was Larry. Scott told me that I had to tell Larry that I told Scott about the sex. I told Scott that I didn’t want to do that but he insisted. I went over to Larry’s and told him Scott need him to help with a project. When we walked in Scott went to the bedroom. I told Larry that I had told Scott and we would not tell anyone but he needed to know that Scott knew. The color drained from his face and he wanted to make sure I was not going to tell Dianne. I assured him we were not going to tell anyone. He got up and left. About 5 minutes later Dianne and Larry came over. She had hate in her eyes. She came in and called me a whore and slut. It was not something I had not called myself the last few days. Scott told her to come over and sit by him so they could figure out what to do. He put his arm around her and both of them looked really sad. Dianne put her hand on his leg and her head on his shoulder. He said something in her ear. She looked surprised for a few seconds and then said Yes I think that would be a good punishment. Scott looked at us and said that Dianne and I are going to the bedroom and have sex. You two will come back there and watch. If you do not we will both ask for a divorce. Do you both understand? Larry and I looked at each other and he said can we have a minute to talk about it. Scott said Ok but do it quickly. We went into the Kitchen and Larry said he did not think we had much of a choice. I said that I was not sure I could watch Scott having sex with someone else. Larry said wasn’t that better than a divorce? I took a deep breath and agreed. We told Scott and Dianne that we would do what they ask. We walked to the bedroom and Scott and Dianne started kissing. I thought I was going to pass out and closed my eyes. Scott looked up and told me I had to watch or the deal was off. I opened my eyes to see Dianne’s top coming off. Then her bra. Scott started sucking on her tits. Dianne seemed to be enjoying it. Then off came her pants and panties. That was the first time I had seen a woman nude in a sexual way. Scott, who was still dressed, had Dianne lay on the bed and started giving her head. Dianne’s hips were moving and she was making those sounds of pleasure. Scott got up and started to take off his cloths. He got his shirt off. Dianne then sat up and had him come to the bed where she took off his pants and underwear. She took his cock in her mouth. I was not sure I could take any more. Larry put his arm around me as we watched. Scott pulled his cock out of her mouth and got on top of her. Scott told her to hold her legs up so we could get a good look at them fucking. Scott put his cock at Dianne’s opening and pushed in. He started pumping her hard. Both of them were enjoying it. Larry and I were both in shock. He held me close and we watched them fucking. Scott was going faster and then pushed deep and stopped releasing his cum deep inside Dianne. They were still for a short time and Scott pulled out. His cock was wet with his and Dianne’s cum. He then looked at Larry and I and said one more thing for you two. Larry, you clean your wife’s cunt and Jill you clean my dick. You can only use your mouth, no hands. Larry and I looked at each other and he hung his head and walked over to Dianne. I did the same. As my head got close to his cock I could smell Dianne’s pussy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and took his cock in my mouth. It did not taste too bad, in fact if it had been under different conditions I would have liked it. I looked over and Larry was giving Dianne’s pussy a workout. Her squeals let everyone know she was enjoying it. Scott’s cock started to grow in my mouth. Scott leaned over and kissed Dianne and said something in her ear. She smiled and said yes. Scott and Dianne sat up and looked up at us. Scott ask Larry if he enjoyed the sex with me. He hung his head and said yes. He then ask me the same question and I said I did not remember the sex. Both he and Dianne grinned and told us to get undressed and fuck if we wanted to. Larry looked at me and pulled me to him. We got undressed and started foreplay. Scott and Dianne were doing the same. The four of us fucked for hours. Scott and Dianne got dressed and went into the living room. About 20 minutes later Larry and I did the same. When we sat down, Scott looked at Larry and I and said here are the rules. Dianne is going off her birth control today. For the next 5 months she and I will fuck whenever we want. You two may fuck if both Dianne and I say it is OK. There will be no more fucking on the side for you two. After the 5 months we will all agree on what we will do after that. I looked at Larry and ask if Larry and I could have a few minutes to discuss it. Scott looked and Dianne and she said OK 5 minutes. Just remember if you do not agree we will both file for divorce Monday. They got up and went to the bedroom. Larry looked at me and said I don’t think we have much of a choice. I agree I said. Do you think they will let us have sex I ask? I really enjoyed the sex this afternoon. Me too. You are really good in bed said Larry. We talked until Scott and Dianne came back in the room. We told them we would agree to the terms. During the 5 months of punishment, Scott and Dianne usually let Larry and I have sex whenever we wanted but we always ask first. A few times one of them would tell us no and to hold the thought until they got home. Now that the 5 months are up Larry and I fuck a few times a week. Dianne became pregnant. We do not know if it is Scott’s or Larry’s. Scott and I have now gotten into the lifestyle and I have found that I like to be a sub and also like to have sex with the ladies. Scott and I have had many MFF and a few MMF. I do like both. We are thinking of having one of our girlfriends move in with us.
This content appeared first on new sex story .com

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> might do. The story, like other stories about cheating, must
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> Turned out to be me. I swore u..

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