Sex Booster Oil

Sex Booster Oil


The Best Essential Oils for Sex and Increase Libido Updated February 23rd, 2020


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The Best Essential Oils for Sex and Increase Libido

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At times it seems like we barely have enough energy to breathe much less cart kids around town, get everyone fed at a decent time and then get ready for bed. And then your partner turns to you with that look in his eye, and you just can't find the drive to start the intimacy.
Exhaustion and stress is not the only reason we find we've lost our want for sex. Medical issues can happen, and the side effects of medication can keep us from enjoying ourselves intimately. Here you can find some of the best essential oils for sex and increase your libido.
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This flower has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. Its floral scent has been shown to help release stress and uplift mood, a must for anyone feeling too tired to even think about sexual relations with their partner. This oil also decreases blood pressure, a sign of stress, and can increase blood flow to other areas of the body. ( 1 ) Ylang ylang has also been used as an anti-depressant, affecting fatigue and helping you get yourself in the mood for intimate contact. ( 2 ) This property may also help if you are taking medicine for depression and improve sex drive that is usually dampened by pharmaceuticals.
There’s a reason the rose is considered the flower of love and is probably one of the best essential oils for sex. Its scent brings to mind first dates and when you were first beginning a relationship, and the romance was new and energetic. It isn’t just nostalgia but an actual property of the rose oil. It can have an anti-depressant effect and is even helpful for men who have erectile dysfunction caused by medication. ( 3 ) Between the nostalgia and mood-lifting power of the rose oil, it’ll certainly put you and your partner in the best frame of mind.
Clary sage is another oil which works to reduce the stress that impairs the desire for sex. Depression is often a culprit when it comes to low libido, and clary sage has been known to lift the mood and even reduce cortisol levels after inhalation. ( 4 ) It has also been shown to assist in balancing the hormones that affect libido, in men and women, and has been recommended to positively influence the loss of sex drive which often accompanies menopause. It can also help alleviate other menopausal symptoms and make it less stressful on the body so that the libido can return naturally. ( 5 )
An uplifting scent created from flower petals, jasmine has been used in aromatherapy for years. Discovered in India, it has been used for ceremonies and to create ointments for centuries. Its pleasing scent and arousing potential have made it very popular as a perfume marketed to attract sexual partners. ( 6 ) Studies have shown that the body’s indicators of arousal, like heart rate and blood pressure, increase with the topical application of jasmine. ( 7 ) Participants even reported that they felt more alert and vigorous, with more energy along with their arousal. Jasmine can even be added to green tea for an aromatic drink.
Cinnamon has many health benefits which help with other medical conditions that may be affecting libido and sex drive, especially in men. It has been shown to decrease the side effects of diabetes, such as erectile dysfunction, and increase male hormones. It can also help to lower blood glucose and help fight the nutritional deficiencies that lead to decreased libido. ( 8 ) Used in synergy with ginger, it can stimulate blood flow and help combat fatigue and low mood. It can be used as an oil, a supplement as a pill, or even just as an additive to food. ( 9 )
This oil may be of particular interest to menopausal women who are experiencing a marked decrease in libido due to the decline of hormones in the body or side effects of medication to relieve menopausal symptoms. It is widely used in perfume since it blends well with other oils and scents. As a citrus oil, it already has stimulant properties that can help to increase energy to combat the fatigue brought on by everyday stress. It has been shown to affect perceived sexual desire, even though it did not shift female hormones. ( 10 , 11 ) This perception also applies to men, who may find their desire increased as well with the use of this oil.
I’m guilty. I’m one of those people who has overscheduled their lives to the point where I’ve almost forgotten what my husband sounds like most days. And when we are together, both of us are too stressed from the day or too tired from working that sex is the last thing on our minds.
This is not a healthy state to be in. I consider sex and intimacy to be very important to a healthy relationship. It shows a level of trust that I can’t give to other people and that my husband shares with me. Many relationships start to feel the stress when intimacy, not just sex, isn’t part of your connection to each other.
Putting about 5 drops rose oil with 5-10 drops of lavender in the diffuser has helped both of us relax enough, to begin with the little intimacies of touching, kissing, you know, all the teenage stuff you think you’ve grown out of but start to appreciate when it’s gone. I’ve also added lavender to a sweet almond carrier oil for an intimate massage. This is almost always our foreplay. We do this as many nights as we can, planning to go to bed earlier just for this purpose. It doesn’t hurt that the lavender helps us both sleep better, so we’re less stressed and fatigued through the next day.
I’ve also had trouble feeling aroused due to medication. Personally, I find neroli oil to be helpful when I just can’t seem to get on the same page as my husband. I have the want, but I need a little help with the physical side. Neroli’s citrusy scent reminds me mostly of oranges and in turn, the morning when I’m most energetic. Sometimes, just the return of some of my energy is enough to help me feel in the mood and steal away into the bedroom for some afternoon delight.
If you’ve been missing your sex drive and intimacy with your partner, trying some of this oils in a diffuser or adding them to a carrier oil for a sensual massage can help reduce the stress of the day or even combat some of the side effects from medication. I hope this list has given you some ideas on how to get back the sexual pleasure in your life. I, for one, am going to continue to make it a priority and having our bedroom filled with the scent of roses certainly doesn’t have a downside to me. Please comment let me know what you think of this list and be sure to share with someone who would like to have more arousal in their lives.
Disclaimer: The information on this website does not necessarily imply that there is adequate scientific research to demonstrate the safe and/or effective human use of any herbs or essential oils listed. These statements are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this information. With medical conditions, consult a doctor before using herbs and essential oils.
Like any other Mom, Catherine would do anything to keep her children happy and healthy. As the chief editor of Wellness Aromas, Catherine has made it her life mission to help people access Essential Oils practice.
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All content found on our website is created for informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.

Last updated on December 16th, 2020
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Using essential oils for sex has been something our ancestors have enjoyed for thousands of years. Let’s see what the Bible says about the two famed lovers from the Song of Solomon…
Enjoying a strong and vibrant sex drive is normal. Sadly, low, low libido and erectile dysfunction affects more people than you can imagine. If you can relate to this, it’s important to realize that sexual desire is the product of many factors and natural therapies like essential oils for sex can help boost libido like few things can!
Before we dive into the best essential oils for sex, the first thing to understand is that you are not alone. For men, low libido often culminates in erectile dysfunction, which ranges in prevalence from 5% in younger men to 25% in men over 65. ( 1 ) In women, low libido is common in all stages of life thanks to fluctuating hormones.
Suffering from low libido periodically or chronically is nothing to be ashamed of. Bringing your concerns into the open with your spouse can start the path toward health, intimacy, and resolution. Our hope and prayer is that your and spouse can support each other with no judgement or criticism and seek the Lord for a viable, loving solution.
We are on a mission to helping our Natural Living Family community master the art & science of using essential oils to make your own healing remedies and transform your home & body products into non-toxic, abundant life giving masterpieces. That's why we are giving you a FREE hard copy of our National Bestselling book. 
Causes of low libido and erectile dysfunction vary from person to person and range from lifestyle influences to serious disorders. Some of the most prevalent factors include:
Check the resource list at the bottom of this article for more about low libido and its various causes. If you are one of the many who struggles with low libido in the face of stress and normal hormonal shifts, essential oils to boost libido may soon become your new best friend!
As gentle and relaxing aromas, these oils can be used in diffusions, sprays, topical applications and more. Get creative to see how you can boost libido by incorporating these essential oils for sex into both your daily life and romantic life.
As an anxiety-relieving, calming oil, it comes as no surprise that rose essential oil is also traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. As a pricey oil, though, rose is most efficiently used in blends or heavy dilutions.
Application: Blend into a perfume to carry this romantic floral scent with you, or diffuse periodically throughout the day for both partners to enjoy.
A precious and pricey oil derived from delicate flower petals , jasmine has proven itself well in studies. Researchers tested alertness and “behavioral arousal” after a topical treatment of jasmine oil. The participants were found to be more refreshed, with their senses on alert. ( 5 )
Application: Apply jasmine topically in a perfume or sensual massage oil for men and women. Note that the delicate petals sometimes require the use of a solvent to extract the oil. Check labels carefully, especially for an organic certification.
A 2014 study undertook the question of menopause symptom relief and essential oils . The found that simply inhaling hormone-balancing clary sage essential oil had an anti-depressant effect on menopausal women. ( 6 ) When libido is low due to hormonal shifts like menopause, clary sage is a balancer that may bring some relief.
Application: Diffuse or inhale periodically to relax, balance hormones, and get in the mood.
Ylang ylang is widely used as an aphrodisiac throughout the aromatherapy world and is one of the best essential oils for sex. Its gentle floral scent is appealing to nearly everyone, and its application potential is diverse. Enjoy with other floral oils or deepen the fragrance with sandalwood .
Application: Diffusion, inhalation, or diluted into a carrier oil as a massage oil for both men and women.
Essential oil derived from orange blossoms instead of the fruit’s peel is called neroli , a precious and very useful oil. In one clinical trial, researchers found that “inhalation of neroli oil helps relieve menopausal symptoms, increase sexual desire, and reduce blood pressure in postmenopausal women,” making it another helpful option when libido is low due to hormones or stress. ( 7 )
Application: Diffusion or inhalation a couple of times each day for calming, balancing effects.
As a whole herb, “Fennel seeds have been reputed to increase milk secretion, promote menstruation, facilitate birth and alleviate the symptoms of the female climacteric, increase libido and alleviation of the dysmenorrheal symptoms.” ( 8 ) Fennel essential oil retains some of these estrogenic effects, making it a beneficial addition to your libido-increasing, hormone-balancing diffusion or massage blends.
Application: Include fennel essential oil in DIY lotion blends or massage oils for balancing effects.
Learn what the research REALLY says about using essential oils for libido & PMS in the 7-Video Women’s Health Series You can learn more here and get access to all 7 videos HERE.
Men and women of all ages have faced low libido and have found hope and renewal. There is no shame in admitting the struggle and seeking a solution! As a bonus, openness and partnership in finding a remedy or resolution as a couple will help to increase intimacy, as well.
To relieve the stresses of every day life, boost libido and begin to ignite a spark with your significant other, try this DIY libido boosting blend diffused or diluted into a carrier oil (almond or coconut are excellent!) for a soothing massage. Simply blend:
Directly into an ultrasonic diffuser (you could alternatively add this blend to an inhaler).
To use this blend topically, add one drop of each of these oils to a 10ml roll on bottle and fill the remaining space with your carrier oil of choice. A light carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil, is a great choice for this kind of application. Apply your finished roll on to your pulse points!
When it comes to essential oils for sex, ylang ylang, clary sage, rose and jasmine are go-to oils that can be safely used as long as their dermal cautions are observed and make great options for massage oils.
Learn how to make your own healing remedies, convert all of your home and body care products into non-toxic, abundant life giving masterpieces, and take your confidence in using essential oils safely & effectively to the next level.
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