Sex And The City Sex Scene

Sex And The City Sex Scene


Sex And The City Sex Scene

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by Ashley Oerman Published: Jan 11, 2016
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Flying semen was not just the product of someone's wild imagination.
Anyone who's watched Sex and the City , especially in all of its uncensored HBO glory, remembers those episodes that made your jaw drop — and secretly worry that your sex life was about as exciting as watching paint dry. 
Well, according to a recent IMDB Asks interview with Cynthia Nixon, a.k.a. Miranda, everything you saw on the show actually happened IRL. Let that sink in for a sec.
“Even though crazy and outlandish things happen in Sex and the City ," said Nixon, "they had a rule in the writers' room that they couldn’t put anything in the show that hadn’t literally happened to anyone in that room or someone that they knew firsthand."
While we're very thankful that some brave souls out there dared to share their hilarious and WTF-worthy stories via the series, we're still in shock that some of these actually happened.
Here, six SATC moments we can't believe are true. 
1. When Miranda Gets Sprayed with Semen at a Tantric Sex Workshop
Remember that old lady demonstrating the art of tantric sex using her husband's ding-a-ling? What about when said ding-a-ling projectiles sperm at Miranda's face? Gah!
2. When Samantha Throws Her Back Out from a Strap-On
When Ms. Jones takes a dip in the lady pond, she experiments with a strap-on. Sure, it's believable, but when's the last time this happened to you?
3. When the Cleaning Lady Goes Too Far
We heart Magda, but when our favorite Ukrainian housekeeper replaces Miranda's vibrator with a statue of the Virgin Mary, we assumed it was just good TV. We we're wrong.
4. When Charlotte's Face Gets Licked
During their first kiss, the guy Charlotte calls "perfect" licks her whole face. Her. Whole, Face. He says, "It's my thing." We believe him and hope we never encounter him at our front step. 
5. When Samantha Returns a Neck Massager
That one time when Samantha pops into Sharper Image to return her vibrator and the manager tells her, "We don't sell vibrators." Then she gives in, calls it a neck massager, and counsels a couple of women on "neck massagers" that double as vibrators. We wish we were there to witness this in real life.
6. When Charlotte Lets a Guy with a Foot Fetish Feel Her Feet
She got free shoes, and he got off by touching her feet. Who does this—and is he still accepting new feet?
Ashley Oerman is the lifestyle director at Cosmopolitan, covering fitness, health, food, cocktails, and home. You can follow her on Instagram @AshleyOerman. She is pro-carbs.
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The four leading ladies of “Sex and the City” certainly filmed their share of steamy, bizarre and sometimes questionable sex scenes, but Kristin Davis hates one raunchy romp from the hit show in particular.
The actress who played Charlotte York on the HBO series says that one scene filmed almost 20 years ago still sticks in her mind in a negative way.
During an appearance on Monday’s “Watch What Happens Live,” host Andy Cohen plays a game called “Sex and the Gritty” with the 54-year-old and asks her some softball questions, including which character’s wardrobe is the least desirable. Davis answers that the ultra-sexy clothes of Samantha Jones (played by Kim Cattrall) would not make it into her dream closet.
Cohen also asks about her favorite and least favorite Charlotte storylines, and Davis doesn’t mince words about filming a very awkward sex scene in Season 3.
“I have a least favorite,” she says. “OK, there was this one time where this guy I’m having sex with had to shout ‘Bitch! Whore!’ in my face.”
In the episode “Are We Sluts?,” which aired in 2000 , Charlotte finds the ultimate gentleman who meets all of her dating criteria — that is, until they reach the bedroom, when he utters the words that shock prim, proper and prudish Charlotte (and Davis in real life).
“I really, really hated it. I hated it so much,” Davis tells Cohen.
The actress also gets the ultimate surprise thanks to Cohen, who invites co-star Sarah Jessica Parker to ask a question that involves food they always ate on the set of “Sex and the City 2.”
Davis, who is promoting her new Netflix movie “Holiday in the Wild,” also weighs in on the oft-argued Mr. Big-vs.-Aidan debate regarding who was a better match for Parker’s character, Carrie Bradshaw.
“I love John Corbett so, so much,” she says of the actor who played Aidan, “but I do think she was meant for Big.”
Later in the interview, Davis also offers her thoughts about a third “SATC” movie, which Parker has publicly shot down .
“I’m a hopeful person, obviously, and I have a whole, rich imagination,” Davis tells Cohen. “I have all different fantasies, Andy. I have a whole short movie planned.”

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