Sex After Taking Plan B

Sex After Taking Plan B


Sex After Taking Plan B
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Home Sexual Health Can You Have Protected Sex After Taking Plan B

by Megan Forster
May 28, 2022
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The morning-after pill is a great way to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex. But, you should know that it won’t work for any kind of future contact – so if your partner uses the Morning After Pill and then has more intimacy without protection things can get complicated!
The levonorgestrel is supplied as a single tablet in an exact strength, so there’s no chance of over-dosing when used as directed. Take only one at once and don’t take more than that unless your doctor says it’s okay!
The morning after pill does not have any effect on someone who has smoked.
When you use Plan B the morning after having unprotected sex, it is possible to get pregnant. But if taken within 72 hours of your expected period ending then there’s a good chance that this will work and prevent pregnancy from happening altogether!
You can take Plan B as many times and in whatever intervals works best for you. There’s no such thing of over-doing it when it comes to preventing an unplanned pregnancy!
The medication known as Plan B is a safe and effective means of preventing pregnancy. If you have missed two doses or more in the past, it’s important that your doctor be informed so they may provide further guidance on how best to resume taking this drug without any complications occurring from neglecting its prescribed schedule
It should also go without saying but just in case: always ask questions when starting out new medications – don’t assume anything!
The makers of Emergen-C advise that no one consumes more than 2,000 milligrams per day. The ODS confirms this is also the UL for pregnant and breastfeeding women over 19 years old
Morning-after pills work by preventing pregnancy, but they won’t be effective if you’ve started ovulating. This is why timing becomes so important when using morning after pill types like ella and plan b – it’s closer to the time of fertility than levonorgestrel based ones are!
Levonorgestrel is a medication that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It’s also known as the “morning-after pill,” but you don’t need to wait until morning! In fact, levonorgesterol works better if taken soon; one dose will do for an effective prevention of fertilization into completion
It’s really quite simple: just take your ONE PILL immediately—and never forget about its effectiveness when given promptly at timepoints optimal within 24 hours post coitus (or less)!
Taking Plan B as soon as possible after having unprotected sex is the best way to ensure that you will have a successful pregnancy. The sooner it’s taken, within three days of ejaculation or vaginal penetration with no contraception used respectively, then more time remains before potentially negative side effects like nausea and vomiting set in which can be very uncomfortable but also brief if treated correctly by your doctor/family physician accordingly!
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Kate Smith
answered this
Plan B Side Effects Or Pregnancy Symptoms?

So my bestfriend and I had sex on Sunday and he ejaculated in me do the next day (Monday) we went to PPH to get the plan B (morning after pill) I took it that night . And I started gettig spottings . But 2 days after we had sex again and it was unprotected but he never ejaculated in me . Im suppose to get my period on monday sice thats 2 weeks after takin the plan b . Do you think I'm pregnant ?

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