Sex 2022 2023

Sex 2022 2023


Sex 2022 2023

Maressa Brown (she/her) is a journalist, author, and astrologist who acts as one of Shape's resident astrology experts covering topics such as retrogrades and full moons, and predicting weekly and monthly horoscopes. She has nearly two decades of experience as a writer, reporter, and lifestyle editor for a variety of digital and print publications including InStyle, Parents, and Cosmopolitan. Maressa is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)Β and theΒ Authors Guild. She graduated from Emerson College with a B.S. degree in journalism and is currently based in Los Angeles. Her first book, Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology ,Β (Artisan) will be out on February 14, 2023.

Shape is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishingΒ family.

Even before the ball drops, you can't help but have a particular vision for the year ahead β€” including what your love and sex life will look like over the course of the new year. Maybe you're sure moving in with your partner or getting engaged is inevitable. Or you're newly single and psyched to dig into working on yourself and eventually getting back on the apps. And if you're feeling less than optimistic, that's completely normal as well β€” especially because we're starting the year off with Venus, the planet of love, compromised in a retrograde transit. But that's far from the whole story when it comes to the astrology of love and sex in 2022.

Read on for some general 2022 astrology predictions in the love and sex realm, and then scroll to read your personal love and sex horoscope for the year, according to your zodiac sign.

First of all, Venus retrograde is not here to destroy healthy, happy relationships. Instead, it's backward turn in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn β€” which goes until January 29 β€” serves as a review period for relationships (as well as beauty and financial matters). And really, what better time than New Year's resolution season to take a step back and smooth over the rough edges in your bonds with others β€” and yourself? Thankfully, because Capricorn is so industrious and goal-oriented, the vibe of this transit allows for much-needed reality checks and pragmatic thinking that could ultimately lead to creating the love life of your dreams. (See: How to Manifest Love β€” and the Kind You Deserve )

At the same time, you'll be enjoying a bit of newfound benevolence from lucky Jupiter, which has returned to dreamy, empathic mutable water sign Pisces, where it briefly spent time between May 13 to July 28, 2021. From December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, this romantic transit offers up a spiritually-charged, healing vibe that could be apparent in relationships. A particularly sweet highlight of this period: April 12, when the planet of fortune pairs up with mystical Neptune, kicking off a whole new cycle in terms of how you'll express your dreams and imaginations.

From September 9 to 22, you'll get a chance to reflect on and reimagine your closest partnerships, thanks to communicator Mercury spending part of its third (but not final) retrograde of the year in Venus-ruled, love- and partnership-oriented cardinal air sign Libra. Ghosts of relationships past could come back to haunt you ; it's important to bear in mind that a breakup happened because something broke. This retrograde probably isn't about fixing it so much as it is about evolving beyond it. After all, from September 22 to October 2, Mercury will move backward through mutable earth sign Virgo, aka the queen of self-improvement. (P.S. It also pays to know what your Venus sign means about your love life and partnerships .)

Just as romance got the retrograde treatment at the start of the year, the end of 2022 could make for a more self-reflective β€” versus assertive β€” tone in the bedroom, because Mars, the planet of action and sex, will be retrograde in intellectual air sign Gemini from October 30 to January 12, 2023. During this period, you might find talking and thinking about your desires is the focus over making major moves to ensure they're fulfilled. (See: What Your Mars Sign Means About Your Anger, Energy, and Sex Life )

And the year's four eclipses β€” all of which are happening in this brand new Taurus-Scorpio series, which kicked off β€” could spur necessary change within your most intimate connections. Around the following dates, you might find you're compelled to shake up how you're relating to others, in an effort to be more vulnerable and forge even more meaningful, fulfilling bonds:

Want to know more about how 2022's astrological highlights will shape romance and romps between the sheets? Read on for your sign's 2022 love and sex horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality , if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out .)

Until the fall, take advantage of the fact that your ruler, go-getter Mars will be moving direct, offering a blazing green light to get after anything you've had your heart set on. It'll be in your ninth house of adventure until January 23, stimulating your appetite to get out of your comfort zone and pick up new skills. Try new sex toys, positions , or to plan a steamy getaway with a partner . From May 10 to October 28, lucky Jupiter will be in your sign, offering a fortunate, expansive energy you can apply to any major goal β€” particularly those that are innately tied up with how you're perceived. So whether you're single and hoping to meet someone special or attached and want to take your relationship to the next level, this period could be a fruitful one for manifesting your romantic vision β€” simply by believing you're worthy of it. And around May 15 and October 25, you'll feel the game-changing power of a lunar and then a solar eclipse in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, which could signify major shifts in your experience between the sheets. You'll be realizing it's time to feel truly seen and understood emotionally by a partner in order to feel fulfilled physically.

The year starts out with your ruler, sweet Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, moving backward in your ninth house of adventure until January 29, inspiring you to reflect on the ways in which you could shake things up a bit more in your current or ideal relationship. Maybe you're realizing that travel or broadening your horizons through education could be emotionally satisfying and lead to feeling more fulfilled romantically. This period lends itself to slowing down and clarifying what exactly will bring you the most pleasure. You'll also be working quite a bit on solidifying your sense of self β€” especially in terms of how you're showing up in your closest partnerships β€” thanks to this year's eclipse series lighting up your sign and seventh house of partnership. Around April 30 and November 8, the focus is on your wants and needs while around May 15 and October 25, you'll have big epiphanies about your closest one-on-one relationships. And watch out for exes or hookups from the past coming back to haunt you when messenger Mercury is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from September 22 to October 2. If you're tempted to rationalize a case for a second chance , tune into your intuition. It'll tell you everything you need to know.

The year kicks off with sweet Venus retrograde in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy until January 29, requiring not only some heavy-duty soul searching but also a deep clean of skeletons in your relationship closet. If you're feeling uncomfortable in a situationship or financial alliance, it's time to reclaim your power. Or perhaps you'll find you're having troubling dreams and flashbacks stemming from this same theme. Prioritizing your healing is your superpower during this transit. From May 10 to October 28, lucky Jupiter moves through your eleventh house of networking, fueling your social life in a way that could lead to being introduced to someone special through a friend, if you're single, or enjoying more relaxing, heartfelt time with your friend group, if you're attached. This transits can also boost your luck when it comes to seeing long-term wishes β€” including those related to your love life β€” come true. And one of the most fulfilling aspects of the year will be sexy Mars moving forward in your sign from August 20 to October 30 (when it goes retrograde there until January 12, 2023), which will make it easier to be assertive and pursue your hottest desires. This period could mark a particularly intense one for an existing relationship, thanks to just how fiery, passionate, and magnetic you'll be.

From sensual kissing to lots of time spent cuddling, you know exactly what you like in the bedroom, but while lucky Jupiter is in your ninth house of adventure from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, you could find yourself fired up to push the limits of what generally brings you pleasure. Now's the time to experiment with exhibitionism , erotic massage, rope bondage , or anything that feels eye-opening, thrilling, and new. The year also starts off with romantic Venus retrograde in your seventh house of partnership until January 29, urging you to reflect on exactly how you want to show up in your most intimate one-on-one bonds β€” current or future β€” and what you want from your S.O. as well. Around May 15, the first lunar eclipse of the year hits your fifth house of romance, spurring you to take a chance when it comes to sharing what's in your heart. You might be feeling vulnerable and nervous about expressing yourself differently or with someone new, but this moment is all about learning how crucial it is to own your voice. This very same theme echoes into the fall around October 25 when the solar eclipse lands there, setting the stage for heartfelt new beginnings in love and creative pursuits.

Last year, your focus was mostly on partnership β€” and you probably got a sneak peek of just how off-the-charts hot your sex life could get. Now, from December 28, 202 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, lucky Jupiter will be in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, amplifying your ability to explore your sexual desires, fantasies, and what makes you the most comfortable in your closest relationships. Circle April 12 as an especially romantic, sensually satisfying day, as fortunate Jupiter will pair up with dreamy Neptune, boosting your imagination and setting a creative new tone for your sex life. And when Jupiter dips into your ninth house of adventure from May 10 to October 28, you'll be fired up to switch up your go-to routine , aiming to have eye-opening experiences in and out of the bedroom with someone special. Planning or enjoying long-distance travel could set the stage for a particularly steamy time. And because the eclipses this year hit your tenth house of career (on April 30 and November 8) and fourth house of home life (on May 15 and October 25), the big changes coming your way center around better balancing your personal and professional lives . In other words, if you've been aiming to lay the groundwork for a more secure, cozy, less stressful future with your current or future S.O., this is a year to do it.

It's been a minute since you've had a blast of planetary luck and action affecting your love life, but that's about to change, because lucky Jupiter spends most of 2022 β€” December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20 β€” in your seventh house of partnership. If you're single, these periods could give way to meeting someone who's very much on the same page in terms of their future romantic vision. And if you're attached (maybe because you met your S.O. back when Jupiter was in your fifth house of romance in 2019-2020), you and your honey will be strengthening your bond, possibly talking about moving in together and/or committing on a deeper level. Either way, your closest one-on-one relationships should definitely be a bright spot this year. And when the expansion-bringing planet dips into your eighth house of sexual intimacy from May 10 to October 28, you'll be even more in touch with your needs between the sheets , which can lead to feeling more fulfilled emotionally, mentally, and physically. Because this year's eclipses light up your third house of communication (on May 15 and October 25) and ninth house of learning (April 30 and November 8), being open to learning and picking up new skills can only heighten your satisfaction.

Fortunate, expansive Jupiter is spending most of the year keeping you super busy as it moves through your sixth house of daily routine, so you'll need to be intentional about squeezing in time for romance β€” with the exception of May 10 to October 28. That's when lucky Jupiter moves through your seventh house of partnership, offering a preview of 2023, in which your focus will very much be on expanding and nurturing your closest one-on-one bond. If you're attached, you and your S.O. could be even more in sync on shared long-term goals, and if you're single, the spring, summer, and early fall should present plenty of opps to meet someone like-minded with whom you could create a fulfilling future. And thanks to two of this year's eclipses hitting your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy (on April 30 and November 8), this is setting up to be a year of major change when it comes to relating to others in a deep, meaningful β€” and perhaps above all else, truly healthy β€” way . If you've been leaving the door open for exes or casual partners who've been energetically draining you, this is the year to set some seriously self-protective boundaries . If you're in a relationship, you'll be learning more about how you handle shared resources and financial issues with your S.O. and the emotions that are underlying your behaviors . Yep, it's heavy stuff, but facing it head-on and in a take-charge, pragmatic way can help you feel more centered and connected to a current or future partner.

You've likely already noticed that 2022 is setting up to be a year of big change for you, Scorp, and that's possibly even more true in your love and sex life than any other part of your life, because the eclipses hit your sign β€” on May 15 and October 25 β€” and your seventh house of partnership β€” on April 30 and November 8 β€” this year, illuminating your need to clarify how you're presenting yourself in the world and how you want to show up in your most significant one-on-one bonds. If you feel like you need to address losing yourself in a recent or existing partnership , have been wanting to commit on a deeper level or to show even more of yourself as you meet potential partners, now's the time. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter will be spending most of the year β€” December 28, 2021 to May 10 and October 28 to December 20 β€” in your fifth house of romance, amplifying flirtation, fun, self-expression , and all the most effervescent aspects of love in your life. If you're single, your dating life is about to explode. Truly, you'll have your pick of matches β€” some of whom are just here for a good time but potentially a handful who could be around for a long, fulfilling time. And if you're attached, get ready to enjoy even more chemistry , spontaneity, and lighthearted moments with your S.O.

If any sign is all about hitting the road and jumping on long-distance flights as much as humanly possible, it's you, Sag, but with your ruler, lucky Jupiter, hunkering down in your fourth house of home life for most of the year β€” December 28, 2021 to May 10 and October 28 to December 20, specifically β€” you'll find there's a lot of happiness and fulfillment to be had from staying close to home. Snuggling up on the couch with your S.O. or Netflix and chilling at a potential partner's place could feel almost as awesome as a weekend in Barcelona. But the whole year won't be so snoozy, thanks to the expansive planet slipping into your fifth house of romance from May 10 to October 28. This is when you'll get a sneak peek of 2023, and you can rest assured it is going to be incredibly hot. If you're already in a relationship, this transit can infuse it with even more playfulness and adventure. And if you're single, you'll have your pick of potential partners. It could get downright overwhelming β€” but it's not like anyone complains about having too much fun, right? But heads up that you may have to contend with power struggles in relationships while go-getter Mars is retrograde in your seventh house of partnership from October 30 to January 12, 2023. As frustrating as this could be, take heart that committing to working through conflicts during this period will only serve to solidify your bond.

As 2022 kicks off, Venus, the planet of romance, will be retrograde in your sign , which could mean you're taking less action around your love life and pouring more energy into self-reflection. If you're single, you might be perfecting your app profiles, finessing how you're presenting what you're looking for so that it is absolutely in line with what you want in your heart of hearts. If you're attached, you'll be gaining more clarity around big-picture personal goals and how your S.O. can best support you moving forward. Once the love planet moves forward from January 29 to March 5, you'll be able to put whatever you've been dreaming up, meditating on, and discussing into action . Just prepare yourself for plenty of change around who you're connecting with and how you're showing up in your love and social life, because two eclipses hit your fifth house of romance β€” on April 30 and November 8 β€” and two hit your eleventh house of networking β€” on May 15 and October 25. Around these dates, you could feel particularly driven to own your voice and creative impulses. You could be more empowered to run with a new relationship style or pursue a long-held fantasy . You're learning now that you deserve nothing less than to be involved with someone who not only sees you but appreciates everything you bring to the table.

With lucky Jupiter spending most of the year in your second house of income, your hustle is on a whole new level β€” but this also means you'll have to be extra intentional about caring for yourself on a personal level. In fact, around April 30, the first solar eclipse of the year lights up your fourth house of home life, and around November 8, a lunar eclipse falls there as well. These will be moments in which you realize it's time to prioritize self-work and address old emotional wounds in order to find the most fulfillment from your intimate relationships. On a steamier note, go-getter Mars will spend an exceptionally long time in your fifth house of romance and self-expression late this year. For a sense of how this could play out, think back to March 3 to April 23, 2021. Now, from August 20 to October 30, the planet of action and sex will move forward in your fifth house, amplifying your ability to express yourself romantically and pursue your sexual needs. Whether you're ready to explore fantasies you previously believed were too unrealistic or you want to be more direct with your partner in the bedroom , this period will help you be bolder, more confident, and more assertive. Just know that when Mars goes retrograde there from October 30 to January 12, 2023, the vibe of your love life could get a lot more frenetic and unpredictable, so you'll do best to remain as open as possible to going with the flow.

Last year, expansive Jupiter dipped into your sign briefly, offering up a sneak peek of what you could expect this year: a well-deserved dose of optimism and fortune. Now, while lucky Jupiter moves through your sign from December 28, 2021 to May 10, and again from
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