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My permanent Shackles

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I posted the pics of my shackles on my IAm page and have recieved numerous messages from people that are curious about them So I wanted to submit the story about them so that others can know the story behind them.

I was 18 when I had them put on by a very very dear friend of mine.

I had seen many pictures of women in other countries with permanent jewelry before,but none in the United States. I always thought to myself how that is a step way beyond what piercing could ever give me.

I had a few piercings at that time, nipples, tongue, lip, septum, my bridge, my genitals and was stretching my ears.

I have played around with bondage a little and found that it interests me but that finding a partner worth sharing that with was incredibly hard.

So most people I talk to think that I had the shackles put on by a Master and that I am someones slave. That is not the story even though I am reminded of the expierience of them being put on, and of my friend that helped me create and put them on, every time I look at them.

So in a sense I am bonded to him for ever and that doesnt bother me.

Now I wanted them to look girlie, nothing bulky, and too noticable. I just couldnt find anything that would work just right, and my friend came over one day, and said he had just gotten back from an antique yard. He put in front of me a long piece of shiny metal 1/2" wide and slightly rounded on both sides. It was purfect.

He told me the pieces came off a 1930's bi wing plane they were the cross beams that hold the wings on. To me that was really awesome I will have antique shackles. SO it was a done deal now, so he took a cast of my ankles about 4-5 inches tall and made a mold. then cut the metal in two pieces and molded it around the molds he had made of my ankles. Then filed the ends so that they met up perfect it looked like if you were to hold one hand face up and then lay'd the other on top face down they met up and made a thickness the same size of the rod. then he took a piece of stainless steel tubing and flattened it we were ready then to put the shackles on.

he opended the prebent shackle and places it sround my ankle, then slid the tube over. After that he used a welding mixture and put it on the metal and inside ithe tube. Then we put a huge c clamp on the shackle because it would not stay together, with a towel to protect the shiny shackle. One on each leg. I remained like this for a full 24 hours to allow the welding compound to dry.

I have to admitt I really enjoyed trying to walk around my house with the C clamps on my ankles. I also think my friend enjoyed watching me hobble around the house.

After 24 hours the compound was dry and we removed the clamps and the towel, there were a few scratches so I used a dremmel to polish them.

At first they bothered the back of my leg where the foot bends. They caused blisters but after the blisters went away there was a calous so the discomfort was small. I have a hard time finding tall boots that I can wear now also but most boots they fit in as long as I push the shackle up away from my ankle inside the boot.

I really like the fact that I chose to use a more discrete look for them because I can wear heels and a very nice dress and go out and even classy ladies will ask me about them because they find them beautiful. The women that do approach me have their own permanent mods that are commonly over looked and accepted in the mainstream... permanent toe rings. So in my mind I feel this type of adornment could be accepted and in my life has been.

On rare occasion I will have someone from the BD/SM world approach me and ask about them.. In hopes.

I have never used them for bondage purposes not saying if I met the right person I would'nt it just has not happened.

I have seen other shackles since mine but noone has had them on as long as I have. It has been 11 years now I am very proud of that actually. Most shackles I have seen since have been riveted or have screws and look very bulky I'm a ladie and I wanted something beautiful to adorn a ladie.

I have had problems with them but nothing that is so uncomfortable that I would ever take them off. they could be removed but not without great effort.

I love them they are unique and I do feel honored to be one of very few people in the world to wear true permanent adornments.

I hope this explains enough about my shackles and my expierience having them. If anyone has any other question feel free to contact me.

submitted by: Anonymous on: 25 Dec. 2006 in

Corsetry and Binding

Artist: William+J+Meyer+III

Studio: Home

Location: Denton%2CTX

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I had spent the week quietly in my cell, being as obedient as I possibly could. 
I was assigned two Lady Guards all that week, both Ms Mindy and Ms Susan. Prisoners awaiting caning were especially desperate and frantic to escape, and would sometimes try to scratch or kick their guards, especially as the punishment day drew near. So Ms Grange assigned two guards for the final few weeks before a caning. Ms Susan stood back, just behind the yellow line, with her strap at the ready, whilst Ms Mindy attended to me. Ms Susan was ready to help Ms Mindy, if it became necessary. But I gave them no trouble. It would clearly have been futile. I could not escape. Any resistance would have just got me another strapping or caning. I knew that.
Ms Mindy was extremely strict with me all that week. She strapped me hard for the slightest error. And if I made no error, she still strapped me! She kept my ass red and sore, all week. I so dreaded the strap!
Shortly after my feeding time, my cell door opened.
With my nose pressed to the wall, I heard Ms Mindy's steps and two other sets of footsteps enter my cell. It sounded like they were dragging a heavy wooden object, I heard the scraping of wood on concrete.
I kept my nose pressed to the wall.... perfectly in position. The last thing I wanted was another strapping. My ass was still red hot from the strapping I had got thirty minutes before.
'That ass looks very sore! And he's keeping position well. You have him well trained, Mindy' I heard a female voice say cheerfully. I did not recognize the voice.
'Do you need more of the strap, prisoner?' called Ms Mindy.
‘Please, no, Madame…please’ I moaned.
'Yes, very well trained' said one the unknown voice. "His ass is looks so sore already.....the cane is going to make him yell, for sure! Is he going to be gagged?"
I clenched my teeth. ‘Oh God!’ I thought. ‘Please don't give me the strap again !!!! I had done nothing to deserve it! The sadistic bitches!!!!’
But I was at their mercy. As long as I was on my chain, obedience was my only possible defense against the strap! If only I could get off this chain!!!
'No, Ms Grange likes to hear them yell, when they feel the cane. He won't be gagged' said Ms Mindy.
‘Now...lift up your ass, prisoner, Get it right up, as high as you can’ Ms Mindy ordered.
I obediently got off my knees and straightened my legs, so my ass raised up as high as I could go.
I felt a wooden trestle slid under my upraised stomach.
'Let yourself down, slowly....down on to the trestle, prisoner'
 I let myself slowly down, and felt a leather-padded wooden beam under my stomach.
'Relax your legs.....let me move your ankles, prisoner'
I felt my ankles lifted off the floor, and spread apart. I lay supported on the trestle. I felt straps being cinched tight around each ankle. Then straps were tightened around my lower thighs, then around my wrists, then my upper arms.
I obediently opened my mouth. Ms Mindy put her strap between my lips.
“Hold that! Don’t you dare drop it! And if I see any teethmarks on it, when I take it out, you’ll be very, very sorry!”
 Ms Mindy passed a wide, heavy strap around my waist. 'Breath out, boy!' She pulled the waist strap fully tight, and buckled it securely. It could not have been tighter. Then, she tightened both my thigh straps another notch. My buttocks were stretched over the bench, held securely by the waist and thigh straps. I could not move my ass at all, I realized. I could tighten my ass muscles, but not move at all.
Ms Mindy saw me tightening my buttock muscles. She laughed. 
"Just relax, boy. The straps will ensure you can't move your ass when you feel the cane. Ms Grange likes her prisoners' asses tightly strapped down. She insists on straps at the waist and the thighs. She's very particular about accurate placement of strokes" she said kindly “Its for your own good really”.
She took her strap from my mouth, then pushed my face into a leather mask, and fastened straps around my head. The mask had holes for my mouth and nose, but none for my eyes. Then a strap went around my neck, and my head was pulled hard down to the trestle.
I was now strapped tightly across the trestle, my ass raised high, my arms and legs spread and strapped. My head was strapped down facing the end wall of the cell. My chain dangled loosely from my collar down to my ringbolt. I could not have been more exposed, more helpless.
I heard more footsteps and the sounds of more wood on concrete....'we'll need one more chair…there are five Ladies coming' I heard one say.
At last I heard the Ladies' steps recede amongst their laughter, and the cell door closed and bolted.
I experimentally strained at the wide leather straps. Just as Ms Mindy had promised, the waist and thigh straps prevented me from moving my ass, not even an inch. I was strapped so that I could move nothing at all, except for my hands and feet, which hung free in the air. I waved my hands wildly, and found nothing but empty air and the hard, smooth oak of the bench I was strapped to. I strained to touch the floor with my feet.... my toes could not quite touch the floor.
I was more helpless than I could ever remember! My face was strapped into the leather facemask, and I could see nothing.
I lay quiet, breathing slowly. Although I could not move, I was very comfortable...the smooth wood and leather was much more comfortable then the coarse straw!
I thought of the Ladies who would soon come to watch me being caned. At the thought, my cock began to harden. I realized that I was strapped in a position so that any erection would be obvious to all the Ladies who sat behind me. The thought made my cock harden even more!
I was left strapped across the trestle for hours. Three or four I think. It was hard to tell. Time goes so slow when there is nothing to see, and nothing to do.
At last I heard the doorbolts being pulled and several Ladies’ footsteps entered, too many to count. I could see nothing. There were many Ladies voices, talking and laughing. I lay quietly across the trestle, my ass to the door, strapped in position. I knew that my hard cock was completely obvious.
I heard some excited laughter as they came in and saw me. A few clapped their hands. A lot of chatter, some laughter, a lot of animated conversation. The sound of scraping of chair legs on concrete floor of the cell, as they adjusted their chairs for the best view.
I heard Mrs Grange call out. Her footsteps approached. I recognized her step. Ladies voices were raised to greet her.
I heard her come up close behind me. She walked slowly. I remembered that she had needed a walking cane to help her walk.
'Hello Mr Crowne' she said loudly. She wanted the watching Ladies to hear her. 
'Have you enjoyed your time here so far? We've been very gentle with you so far, just some gentle strapping! Which you well deserved! But today, I will take you to a new level. Today, I'm going to give you a real punishment! A nice, hard caning!'
I felt her hand gather my balls... then pass to my hard cock. 'Pooh....You smell smell of sweat and straw! But that's not unexpected, after six months on a chain, I suppose!' 
'And you are sexually excited I really are such an animal! It was very appropriate that your wife had you chained!'
I felt Ms Grange’s gloved hand leave my cock, and move gently over my buttocks.
'Madame Mindy has warmed your ass up with her strap, I see. Its a bit red. But that's nothing compared to what I'm going to give you now. Believe me. You will find this is something....special'.
'Have you been caned before, Mr. Crowne? Did your wife ever cane you?'
'No Madame, never the cane, just gentle spankings. She mostly enjoyed teasing me while I was chained'. 
'Excellent! I like having inmates who have never experienced a hard caning. It's such fun to give a man his first hard caning! I love to hear them howl as I cane them! Since they can’t move, they can only howl! It’s so delicious!'
'I will tell you my methods…… you will suffer more if you know what’s coming to you!’
'In my Institute, the strap is used for poor performance, and caning is reserved for deliberate disobedience. For a first offense, the punishment is 36 strokes of the cane. One stroke every 30 seconds, no faster, no slower'. 
'I use a 30” 7/16” diameter rattan cane, soaked in cold water for 48 hours and dried for 6 hours'.
'I require inmates to count each of the first six strokes, aloud, in a nice clear voice, and also say “Thank you Madame” . If the prisoner fails to do this properly, within 10 seconds, the stroke is repeated. I am completely strict about this rule, so don’t forget to count! I do not require my prisoners to count after the first six strokes. I’ve found it’s impractical. They are always screaming too much by then'.
‘I do not gag my prisoners during caning, because I enjoy hearing them yell as I cane them. I get the most amusing begging and howling from some prisoners! The quiet ones often yell the best. You seem the strong silent type, but that sort of man often howls really well. I am looking forward to making you howl!’
‘So during caning, the rule about speaking is suspended. You may say anything you wish whilst you are being caned. That’s mainly because you simply won’t be able to stay quiet. But also, I'm always interested to hear what a man says under the cane…some come out with the most rude and surprising things. It really makes me blush sometimes!’
“However, if you do say anything that annoys me, I may add additional strokes to your punishment! So be careful!”
'I place the first eighteen strokes standing at your left side. I place the strokes closely spaced. I have had a lot of practice at caning men, and I'm very accurate and precise. The strokes will cover your buttocks, starting from just below the tailbone. I don’t cane the thighs unless the sentence is for a much larger number of strokes. You only have 36, so they will all be on your buttocks. .
'This will be a new experience for you. But I've done this many times. You will think that you can't take it.....but you will! That's why you are strapped down!'
‘I take a 15-minute break after the first eighteen strokes, because I like to have a cigarette and a glass of wine at that point.' 
‘Then... I will give you the second set of eighteen. The second set of eighteen will be given from the opposite side, and will be placed across the same area as the first set. The second set always hurts much worse, since the strokes will cover the area already red and sore from the first set.’
‘You will remain strapped down throughout your punishment. Your straps will only be released after you have received your full number of strokes. There is no mercy, and no appeal. You may beg all you want, but it won’t make any difference. As you probably have guessed, Mr. Crowne, I am a true sadist, as are all the Ladies here, so no amount of begging will do you any good! You will get your full sentence, all 36 strokes, no matter how much you beg’.
‘The other inmates will hear this. I have had all their cell doors opened, just for this, so they will be able to hear you howling. They are safely chained to their cell walls, of course. The sounds they will hear will be an excellent reminder to them, of their own precarious position here!’
‘Now it's time, Mr. Crowne. It's time for your caning to start. Are you ready?’

Arrival At The Institute
I Enter The Institute
Legal Arrangements Concluded
I Am Taken To My Cell
Chained Up
My First Day In My Cell
My Second Day In My Cell
My Third Day In My Cell
Six Months Later
The Trestle
My First Eighteen Strokes
The Second Eighteen Strokes
After Caning
I Finally Realise There Is No Release
My Sentence Continues
My Second Chance
Locked Up Again
Same Again
A Caning By Miss Spiteful
Always On The Bare
A Visit To Greenwich
At My Lady's Pleasure
Ball Shackle Story
I Met Claire In A Coffee Shop
Judicial Bastinado
Judicial Punishment
Kevin's Poem
Long W
Cherry Kiss Porn
Mia Davina
Maserati Cecilia Lion

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