Several types of video content for all stages of the sales funnel

Several types of video content for all stages of the sales funnel


Video marketing offers many opportunities to provide audiences with content throughout the consumer journey. These are videos that help answer questions, increase brand credibility and accelerate purchase decisions.

Generally speaking, there can be many, many types of video content. We'll look at 15 of them, broken down into a simple three-stage funnel, and show examples that prove there's always a place for emotional and inspirational video, regardless of the sales stage, distribution channel or selected video content type.

At the top of the funnel: the introduction stage

At the top of the sales funnel, our primary goal is to increase potential customers' awareness of the brand, products and services. Entertaining as well as informational content is best suited for this purpose.

Below are a few examples:

1. Presentation Video.

The purpose of a presentation video is to introduce the audience to the image, values, and ultimately the core of the brand. Using impactful visuals, sound and storytelling, video allows you to do this more effectively than any other communication channel.

2. Educational videos.

We all love to learn new things. And if a brand can find a way to make that learning quick and fun, it won't take long to see the results.

Being at the top of the funnel, a brand's target audience is often looking for new information - and that's the time and place for an educational video. Such a video offers potential consumers real value that they can apply to their daily lives.

3. Documentary Videos

Like educational videos, documentaries can teach audiences something new and valuable, but they are more focused on a specific story. Documentaries are something in between presentation and educational videos.

4. Entertainment Videos

Such videos are used to attract and entertain a potential audience. They provide a high emotional impact, as well as the "wow" effect that makes video content unforgettable.

5. Explanatory videos

Explanatory videos are a way to show a customer how something in your company works or how to do something more effectively. These videos are not only good for taking an expert position in the industry, but also for covering many important queries in search results.

And yes, these videos don't have to be serious and boring.

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The middle of the funnel: the interest stage

This stage is about creating a relationship with the potential consumers attracted in the previous stage. Having already gotten their attention, you need to help them get to know and like the brand.

6. Product videos

Product videos are one of the most popular marketing tools. That's because they are effective. They show how a product or service works in practice.

7. Corporate Film

A corporate film is a way to show the human side of the company and connect with the viewer on an emotional level.

You can show interviews with company employees, team building, corporate events, funny moments, and the like. There is a lot of room for creativity.

8. Video in the mailing list

Very often in the interest stage, brands use previously received contact information to send targeted content to users. What better way to grab their attention and surprise them than with a video? Using a call to action in such a video would be helpful.

9. Testimonials and case studies

Testimonial videos can be a versatile tool: in addition to building trust, they're also great for demonstrating product features.

10. Socially relevant advertising

Socially relevant ads are always very effective in terms of building a relationship with the audience. Brands can use such commercials to gain audience trust and create a positive image in the minds of their users.

11. 360° Video

360° video is an amazing way to share engaging stories, events and experiences with viewers. Reporting on events, interesting locations, behind-the-scenes footage, and product features are just some of the popular uses of 360° video by brands.

Bottom of the funnel: the decision stage

At this stage, potential customers are on the verge of making a purchase, they are ripe for the choice and there's only a little pushing left.

12. frequently asked questions

At this stage, customers are usually looking for answers to any remaining questions they may have. We need to get rid of their fears and iron out any last objections before they buy.

McDonald's Canada provides a great example of how video content can be used effectively to answer popular user questions. They created a separate site for this purpose, where you can ask a question or find the answer among those already published.

13. Instructions and demonstrations

Potential customers may have another important question: can the company help them after they purchased the product? Video tutorials can help answer that question.

But that's not all

14. Personalized Videos

Personalized video is one of the most popular tools today, not only at all stages of the sales funnel, but at all stages of the customer lifecycle. People love it when brands know their needs and interests, they love to feel special.

15. Video Appreciation

At the stage where a potential customer has already turned into a real customer, video marketing offers many opportunities. And the first thing to do is to thank your audience.

These were just 15 examples of using video marketing at different stages of the consumer journey. And the more interaction options you cover, and the more engaging and extraordinary your content is, the easier it is for your potential customers to go from getting to know your company to making a purchase decision, and on to becoming a loyal customer and brand advocate.


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