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Related tags: Explore dissociative Related tags: You Know? I found her in a tree, once. Dappled light inked her pretty with the shadows of leaves, and her fingers faintly tapped the rhythm of a bright hymn on the burdened limb. The sun made a silhouette of her waving arm, and I breathed for the first time in hours. Though she was only a few dozen feet up, she looked down at me as though she was ages and miles away. I was the concerned party, sure my sister was gonna wander herself into traffic or a running crick one of these da. Maleficent is beautiful in the way of car crashes at sun set and rainbows of glossy oil spills in the ocean. She is a girl with mottled green beer-bottle eyes and crescent cheekbones glossed with moonshine. Her hair cascades down her back like murky sewer water past the crags of her shoulder blades and settles among the mountain range along her vertebrae. And I am her puppet, her shell. I am seventy-three pounds of her existence of zero. She is perfection while I am nothing but a dented, broken reject doll in the corner of a warehouse, my voice box set on a warped repeat of lies: Hide Media Preview Submit Comment. Add Media. Style Skin: Upload Files.

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