Serbian Prime Minister Interview Uncut

Serbian Prime Minister Interview Uncut


Serbian Prime Minister Interview Uncut
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January 31, 2013 9:30 PM Updated 10 years ago
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BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia’s prime minister, who was flashed by a model without underwear masquerading as a television interviewer, has launched an investigation into how he became the target of the prank, an aide said on Thursday.
The video of Ivica Dacic being interviewed by a brunette former model from Croatian Playboy, who uncrosses her legs in a scene reminiscent of actress Sharon Stone in the film “Basic Instinct”, has been viewed 2.7 million times on YouTube.
“The whole case will be fully investigated,” Dacic’s national security adviser, Ivica Toncev, was quoted as telling the Serbian daily Blic.
“This was Serbia being mocked, not the prime minister. The prime minister’s office will not let this go unpunished,” said Toncev. His office did not respond to requests for comments on the interview or the investigation.
The episode, set-up and filmed by a private Serbian production company, was not aired and the trailer for its prank television show Nemoguca Misija (Mission Impossible) was removed from its website.
The interviewer, who wore a low-cut, short silky dress for the encounter, said Dacic was a “real man”.
“I have only good words for the prime minister,” Blic quoted 35-year-old Branka Knezevic as saying.
“He is strong and sturdy, a real man for that position. He’s exactly who should lead the country.”
The prank drew on a scene in the 1992 film in which Stone, without underwear, crosses and uncrosses her legs to unsettle her police interrogators.
Serbs were divided over the clip which commentators said reflected the dubious mix of politics and low-brow pop culture in Serbia, a phenomenon that emerged during the wars and sanctions of the 1990s as federal Yugoslavia collapsed.
“He handled it well,” said 28-year-old Belgrade clerk Dejan Perovic. “He’s a man, and no man could remain emotionless in such a situation.”
Pensioner Olga Mijatovic was less impressed.
“It was contemptible,” she said. “It was humiliating both for Dacic and the country and he should have banned it immediately and dismissed his entire public relations team.”
Dacic, 47, is also Serbia’s interior minister and was formerly the spokesman for late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic during the bloody 1990s collapse of Yugoslavia.
Writing by Matt Robinson; Editing by Jon Boyle
All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays.

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Basic Instinct Prank on Serbian Prime Minister (7 pics + video)

№1 Author: Dousen (1 Feb 2013 01:49) Total user comments: 22


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№2 Author: Jimmy Johnson (1 Feb 2013 01:52) Total user comments: 5518


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№3 Author: Hypertension (1 Feb 2013 04:07) Total user comments: 1195


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"This was Serbia being mocked, not the prime minister." He said. no no no ... I was being mocked for that fu***** "CENZURISANO!"
№4 Author: OldOllie (1 Feb 2013 06:43) Total user comments: 2136


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Well, I looked, but apparently there are no uncensored versions of this. :11:
№5 Author: mahedi (1 Feb 2013 08:41) Total user comments: 10772


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№6 Author: quackers (1 Feb 2013 11:06) Total user comments: 4830


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№7 Author: (1 Feb 2013 18:29) Total user comments: 6


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№8 Author: johnny Reynoso (1 Feb 2013 23:08) Total user comments: 3712


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№9 Author: stratus (1 Feb 2013 23:18) Total user comments: 1


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he is evil ugly man. his political father is slobodan milosevic, biggest war criminal in europe after ww2, and his party destroyed serbia.
№10 Author: kryptor (1 Feb 2013 23:53) Total user comments: 4840


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№11 Author: bRte (2 Feb 2013 00:16) Total user comments: 10


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@stratus This person reformed that party. And now, he stands much, much better. Open Your eyes. Milosevic and this guy doesnt have anything in common. Except name of political party.
№12 Author: dargor (2 Feb 2013 10:43) Total user comments: 262


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№13 Author: deepacidcow (2 Feb 2013 17:27) Total user comments: 1285


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№14 Author: choochwhocharlie (3 Feb 2013 21:07) Total user comments: 2136


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Posted in RANDOM     1 Feb 2013     16035     4

He could probably smell her before the peek... .
Yey, prostitution on national TV. Great going.
Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s prime minister, saw more than he bargained for when he was treated to a “Basic Instinct” type moment during a recent interview. The interviewer, a former Croatian Playboy model, was actually an actress in this elaborate prank, which involved her flashing the prime minister while not wearing underwear.

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