Sequence and series Example

Sequence and series Example

Question 1: If 4,7,10,13,16,19,22……is a

         sequence, Find:

 Ⓐ Common difference

 Ⓑnth term

 Ⓒ21st term

Solution: Given sequence is, 4,7,10,13,16,19,22……

Ⓐ) The common difference 


 = 7 – 4

= 3

) The nth term of the arithmetic sequence is denoted by the term An and is given by An = A₁ + (n-1)d, where “A” is the first term and d is the common difference.

An = 4 + (n – 1)3 

    = 4 + 3n – 3 

    = 3n + 1

c) 21st term as:  

An = A1 + (n-1)d

A21 = 4 + (21-1)3 

     = 4+60 

     = 64

Question 2: Consider the sequence 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024….. Find the common ratio and 9th term.


The common ratio 


    r= 4/1 

     = 4

The preceding term is multiplied by 4 to obtain the next term.

The nth term of the geometric sequence is denoted by the term Gn and is given by Gn = r^-¹G1

where a is the first term and r is the common ratio.

Here G1= 1, r = 4 and n = 9

So, 9th term is can be calculated as

     Gn = r^-¹G1

     G9 = (4)⁹-¹(1)

        = 4⁸ 

        = 65536

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3. The sum of three numbers which

   are consecutive terms of an A.P. is

   21. If the second number is reduced

   by 1 while the third is increased by 1,

   three consecutive terms of a G.P.

   result. The three numbers is

Ⓐ) 3,7, 11     Ⓒ)1,7,11

Ⓑ) 12, 7, 2    Ⓓ) a and b


Let the three numbers in A.P. is

A-B, A, A+B

B=reduce 1 or increase 1and A is require number.

   A-B, A, A+B

Given፦ (A-B)+A+(A+B) = 21

                  3a =21

                   a= 21÷3 


The numbers are፦7-B, 7,7+B

If the second number is reduced by 1 while the third number is increased by 1, the resulting numbers are 7- B, 6, 8+B

which are given to be in G.P


36= (7-B) (8 + B)

36= 56-B+B²


(B-5) (B+4)=0

B=-5, B=4

 When B=-5;

           7-B, 7,7+B




The numbers are 12, 7, 2 and

  When B= 4,

          7-B, 7,7+B



When d= 4, the numbers are 3, 7, 11.


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ሀሒሳብ በደንብ የሚገባቹ እጃችሁን ስታፍታቱ ነው ማለቴ የሒሳብ ጥያቄዎችን በተደጋጋሚ ስትሰሩ ነው ስለዚ በደንብ እንዲገባቹ ደሞ በ bot አማካኝነት quiz እናዘጋጃለን እናንተም ለሒሳብ ፍላጎት እንዲኖራቹ ጥያቄዎችን ስሩ ጥያቄዎችን አትምረጡ እናመሰግናለን

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