Sensual Phrase

Sensual Phrase


Sensual Phrase


As a budding poet and lyricist, Aine is on her way to an audition one fateful afternoon. Absentmindedly stepping into the street, she barely avoids getting struck by an oncoming vehicle. Not only is the cute teenager lucky to be alive, but her brush with death turns out to be a date with destiny. The driver of the car just happens to be Sakuya, the charismatic and fabulously handsome lead singer for a band called Lucifer. In short order, Sakuya and his crew compose a song using Aine's lyrics. The tune proves popular with the band's fans and Sakuya decides he wants a relationship, both professional and personal, with Aine. There's only one small requirement: The lyrics Aine writes must be erotically charged. And guess what? Sakuya fully intends to introduce the young and inexperienced girl into the world of sensual delights. Does Sakuya actually care for Aine, or is she just another sexual conquest for him? Will Aine fulfill her dreams and become a professional lyricist, or has she simply sold her soul to Lucifer?

Really really nice work.
I had already read things by this author and that's part of what brought me to read this (actually, I pretty admire Mayu Shinjou), and she didn't let me down at all. It was also better than I expected.
The storyline is very nice, quite original and well developed, always keeping the reader's interest up, even if a bit too complicated (many and many short archs all crossed together, which causes a bit of confusion, if not used to this sort of style).The caracters' psycology is well built, the characters are (almost) always coherent with themselves. I don't really like the kind of perfect human being that she used as main male character, but that's probably just me who preferes more realistic ones.There are just a few other flaws which I could point out, but they're minor and regarding the story, so I'll just let them slide.
Her drawing skills weren't still at their best, but it's understandable, since it' a manga from 15 years ago. Even now I don't like her style at all, if I have to admit it, but I've seen many worst ones.
Overall, I think that's a really good manga, even if a bit too long for my tastes. Maybe I'm even going to buy it if I find it, who knows~
So, hey, read it folks!

the reason the scoring is so low for me is because dont get me wrong the story is great but it feels rushed at some point while other are well done and make you yearn for something. what i cant stand about this is there are plots that start and end so quickly, you cant care about or feel emotion for what is happening or even finish shedding a tear before you turn to the next page and boom the plot is over and in that same page a new one starts while i realize that there is a bigger plot it all ties to it would be nice to be able to care for a page or two longer till everything magically gets resolved.
Story: Kaikan Phrase was one of the most polarizing manga's I have ever read.. (the anime was an absolute disaster) The story Kaikan Phrase provides is unique in the sense that this is not your typical run of the mill Romance. It's not your typical rockstar falling in love with a girl and they have a happily ever after, kaikan phrase goes in depth it shows the struggles Aine goes through while being in love with Sakuya. From the first time they start dating all the way to the point where she was raped, it shows the bond being formed between Aine and Sakuya all the while giving detail to the life they're living and what is around them. 
Art:  If I'm being honest I love the art in kaikan phrase there are times where I look at Aine and say omg she looks sooooo cute right now and just stay on that page for a few seconds. The art can be better (and once again the anime's art was just pathetic and disgusting) but even though I say it can be improved I did very much like the styling of the characters. 
Characters: If there was an option for 100/10 on the characters I would choose just that, each and every character was developed very nicely throughout the series even by using the side stories. We were able to learn each important and even some minor characters backrounds and stories and what each character means going forward. Kaikan Phrase perfectly was able to capture and develop characters.
Overall:  Overall the story was amazing (do not watch the anime it is horrible) and is absolutley worth reading, kaikan phrase is one of my top 5 favorite mangas all time and I've read many many manga that I consider to be really good, so take a flyer on kaikan phrase it is defiently worth the read.
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Happy Birthday, Beyoncé! (Sunday, Sep. 4th)
Santa, the drummer of CLIMB, has just left the band after finding his girlfriend in the arms of a friend. Along with Yuki, the lead guitarist, they start their own band called "Lucifer, The Fallen Angel," and set out to find new band-mates. Recruitment is not easy, however, and on a search to find a vocalist the duo runs across a promising bass guitarist and a local hotel's piano player and singer who has been wowing patrons daily. With little time to spare, can the two round up the talent they desire, or will Sakuya let his anti-social personality hold him, and his newfound band, back?
StoryFangirls, hold on to your panties as five beautiful bishounen boys are
ready to take to the stage to serenade their adoring worshippers! At
least, that is what I prepared for as I launched into the latest
good-looking hunk-fest from my hard drive. Expecting the usual issue
with many shows aimed at females - that the story holds about as much
depth as a teaspoon - I found something inexplicable that kept me
coming back for more.
Starting with the breakup of a band, Kaikan Phrase chronicles the journey of the newly formed Lucifer (or Λucifer for
those paying attention to the band posters and terrible subtitles) and
the struggles the members face to not only debut, but also climb to the
top of the charts. Immediately, there is a sniff of Beck, as
old rivalries rear their ugly heads to impede the success of the newly
formed five. Toss in the politics of a multi-national production
company, then add a dash of over-zealous coincidences, and the
inevitable struggle through adversity becomes extremely predictable.
About half way through the series, the exaggerated coincidences
continue as Sakuya bumps into a high school girl called Aine, a
feckless bint with a penchant for walking in front of moving vehicles.
Romance blossoms between the two, and this is probably what sets the
fan girls loins stirring as they imagine themselves wrapped in the arms
of the dashing singer. The lacklustre relationship essentially consists
of Aine being a whiny brat, and her beloved picking up the mess behind
her. Call me cold hearted, but the slightly more adult edge of the show
was ruined by a blaze attempt at love.
For a 44 episode series, there isn’t really a lot that happens. Sources
tell me that the manga is very different from the anime, and most fans
of Kaikan seem to prefer the written word. Personally speaking, as someone who is
completely fresh faced to the title, I found the drama a little bland
and the suggested romance a complete disappointment. However, the
writers’ love of cliff-hangers had me coming back for more, even though
there was nothing particularly gripping happening in the story-line.AnimationOne issue I have with music based anime is the awkwardness of the main
vocalists. It’s difficult to explain, but the lips never seem to convey
the realism or emotion of a singer. Kaikan cunningly avoids
this trap by frequently covering Sakuya’s mouth with the microphone as
he belts out Lucifer’s latest track. Unfortunately, this genius move is
shadowed by the rest of the band bobbing around with moves that can
only be described as “special”, sporting the same elated look my dog
gets as he spots a stinky pile of cow poo to roll in. The rest of the
visuals are fine, but they become dull as scenes are routinely recycled
– something emphasised by the fact each character must reek to high
heaven from the severe lack of costume change in the first half of the
show. Also worth noting is a certain fight scene – not wishing to spoil
the action, I will just say I have not laughed so hard for a while as
the terrible choreography and dreadful animation detracted from a
poignant moment.SoundFor a band named Lucifer, death metal or industrial rock are the first
things that spring to mind, not the lukewarm J-pop that spews forth.
Maybe Cherub or Wet Blanket would have been a more appropriate choice.
Showcasing Sakuya’s vocal talents, the same three or four melancholy
emo tracks are repeated over, and over, and over, and.... you get the
picture. A little more variety would have been welcome, especially with
the solo hits that were talked about and never actually played in the
The voice acting is surprisingly good, except for the horrific Engrish.
Each character’s seiyuu matches their personality well, and has enough
of a diverse vocal range to match the melodic charm of the band.CharactersHaving watched a significant number of shounen-ai series, I have come
to recognise the over-used personalities that seemingly find their way
into each title. From the cold and aloof, to the unquestionably camp,
the boys from Lucifer come straight from bishounen-101. The sexy, blue
eyed Sakuya may be mysterious, but his stubborn indifference to the
rest of the band becomes boring very quickly. Sadly, it feels as if his
“lead singer” status makes him the show's central focus, and little
time is left for development of the rest of the group.
Atsuro’s struggle with his parents disliking his life choices is far
too similar to that of Yuki, and the sappy resolution was doubly bad
because of this. Both boys could have been showcased to a higher degree
and the story made much more successful if more time was spent telling
the story of the rock bad-boys. Adding the feminine touch, Aine feels
like the token girl in the group dynamic. A sniff of romance remains
just that, and the young schoolgirl is destined to remain forever needy
for the single kiss and occasional bear-hugs from Sakuya.OverallAlthough I wanted to give Kaikan a much lower score overall, I
feel there is something about it that deserves more than an amateur
review bashing. Although I am unable to put my finger on it, the
storyline had me coming back for more, and the terrible animation
during the musical scenes put a smirk on my face. Even the music starts
to pervade into the play/repeat part of your brain. Definitely a show
with eye-candy for girly girls (which I am not), guys will probably be
turned off by the lack of action or real drama. Bottom line: Don’t
expect the musical focus of Beck or the dramatic flair of Nana, and Kaikan Phrase won’t disappoint (too much).
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Aine Yukimura is an Ordinary High School Student with rather low self-esteem, who is good only in one subject at school: Japanese. Her dream is to become a song writer, and as practice she writes some very raunchy lyrics for a song and goes to the post office to send them for a contest.

On the way there, Aine is almost run over by a car. The driver is Sakuya Ookuchi, lead singer from a band named Λucifer that is known for its sexy music (Aine herself isn't exactly a fan, but she knows how famous they are). He grabs a hold of the lyric sheets and takes them with him... and, after singing the song on-stage in front of a bewildered and confused Aine, manages to convince the girl to become the songwriter for the group. Aine reluctantly accepts, unaware that her life will take a turn for either the worse or the best, as she and Sakuya become involved in a very tormented and complicated relationship: not only the poor girl is completely unprepared for the bitterness of fame, but Sakuya turns out to be extremely screwed up...

According to The Other Wiki , Sensual Phrase (快感♥フレーズ; Kaikan Furēzu) is a shōjo manga series created by Mayu Shinjo . The manga was published by Shogakukan in Shōjo Comic between 1997 and 2000, and collected in 18 bound volumes. It was adapted as a 44-episode anime television series by Studio Hibari, a CD drama, and as a series of novels.

To promote the anime, two real-life bands were formed: Λucifer, the band the story focuses on, and e.MU, a rival band. Both bands continued after the anime ended before disbanding. Within the series, Λucifer’s original name is Lucifer, which is changed to Λucifer (using the Greek letter lambda) when the band decides to go international.

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