Sensual Mind

Sensual Mind


Sensual Mind
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Sensual Mind




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that is not a novel. M kelley should shame to call himself a writer Reply
I liked the cover page of the book but when I read the summary I felt I would be reading some history or science textbook. Sorry but can't bother downloading the book. Please do change the summary. Give something related to the name of the book. Reply
giving even one star is toooo much. i don't know how you can consider it as a novel while it is just a time table and places names. it was a torture to read even ten pages of it. i will keep in my mind not to download anything of this author. Reply
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"Sensual Mind" is a Romance Novella involving Dr. Marques Xavier Fontana, a UCLA Neurosurgeon and his wife Daphne Francine Fontana, Ph.D., a UCLA Clinical Psychologist. They reside in Brentwood, California. Their daughter, Floretta Sabrina Fontana attends Princeton University and studies Chemical & Biological Engineering. Luca Genovese resides in Le Mesa, California. He attends UCLA. He is a Finance undergraduate and M.B.A. student. His parents are Liam Genovese and Yvonne Genovese. They are both Stanford Graduates. Liam is a Mechanical Engineering Graduate and Yvonne is a Pharmacy Graduate. Floretta works for Cannon Corporation in Santa Monica, California. She is a graduate student of UCLA in Chemical Engineering.
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This love novella is about my true to life romance in Odessa, Ukraine in July 2003 & March 2004, with my x-fiancée, Oksana Alexandra Dovbyshenko. The story in...
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Sensual Mind Control - Make Them Want You

MLA Style Citation:

Frost, Greg "Sensual Mind Control - Make Them Want You."
Sensual Mind Control - Make Them Want You .
28 Sep. 2009
7 Sep. 2022 <­Mind-­Control-­-­-­Make-­Them-­Want-­You&id=2996616 >.

APA Style Citation:

Frost, G. (2009, September 28). Sensual Mind Control - Make Them Want You .
Retrieved September 7, 2022, from­Mind-­Control-­-­-­Make-­Them-­Want-­You&id=2996616

Chicago Style Citation:

Frost, Greg "Sensual Mind Control - Make Them Want You." Sensual Mind Control - Make Them Want You .­Mind-­Control-­-­-­Make-­Them-­Want-­You&id=2996616

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Greg Frost  |  

Submitted On September 28, 2009

One of the most potent tools that you have at your disposal to seduce someone is your mind and it is time that you realise this. The physical part of seduction is temporary and it does not last as long as the power of the mind. So what you need to do, is to actually master the art of mental seduction, and this article will list down some of the ways that you can actually use these subliminal seduction techniques for your own benefit. No longer will you have trouble seducing the member of the opposite sex and soon, they will be wanting you instead.
One thing that you need to do is to project yourself with confidence and this is where you need to practice a little self improvement. You need to get rid of any insecurities and any sort of fears that you have within you. You need to build yourself up as mental projection of someone who is confident and charismatic, because these two things often come hand in hand. What you need to do is to mentally charge yourself and be bold. Stop thinking so much and clear your mind, and focus on one thing and one thing only, which is the person you want, sitting right next to you.
Another thing that you need to consider is to actually learn how to use the power of seductive language and mental suggestion to seduce your prey. What you need to do is to actually use the power of subliminal suggestion that allows them to be hinted at the knowledge that they are the object of your sexual advances. What happens is that you need to use the power of the physical and the power of subtle suggestion. You can drop hints throughout the date and make them wonder, and be intrigues at the same time.
Also, you need to be a master of body language, and this is not only restricted to the power of reading his or her body language, but you also need to be able to use your own to get a response that is not literal. Bodies can often respond to one another, and this is a mental game like anything else. You can try to lean in, get close and see if you can evoke a response from them. Body language is the most important aspect of getting a modicum of arousal from the other party.
These are some of the things you need to know about when it comes to sensual mind control, and it would take you some times to have these come naturally to you. What you need to understand is that you need to know that the power of the mind is the most powerful thing in the world. It also spills over to the art of sensuality and seduction. Master this and soon your nights will be afire and you will be lonely no more. To find out more, read up a little on seductive mind control online.
Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field of subliminal technology and the director of which specializes providing a whole range of subliminal cds for self improvement. Grab your free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at
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Is sensual pleasure inherently bad for the mind?
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I've been reflecting and investigating what effect having sensual pleasure has on the mind. Its been spurred by two things I've come across:
From a pdf version of Ajahn Brahms The Jhanas
"The happiness generated by sensual excitement is hot and stimulating but also agitating and consequently tiring. It lessens in intensity on repetition. The happiness caused by personal achievement is warm and fulfilling but also fades quickly, leaving a sense of vacant hole in need of filling. But the happiness born of letting go is cool and very long lasting. It is associated with the sense of real freedom.
Moreover, the happiness generated by sensual excitement produces ever-stronger desire, like an addict needing an ever stronger dose, making the happiness unstable and tyrannical. The happiness caused by personal achievement produces more investment in being the control freak, encouraging the illusion of personal power. The controller then kills any happiness. The happiness of letting go inspires more letting go and less interference. Because it encourages one to leave things alone, it is the most stable and effortlessly long lasting. It is the most independent of causes. It is closest to the unconditioned, the uncaused."
"It is like a leper who is forced to live alone in the forest. His flesh is wracked by terrible pain day and night. So he digs a pit and makes a fierce fire, and he stands over it to seek temporary relief from his pain by toasting his limbs over the fire. It is the only way he can feel any comfort. But, miraculously, after a few years, his disease goes into remission, and he is able to return to a normal life in the village. One day he enters the forest and sees a group of lepers toasting their limbs over hot flames just as he once did. He is filled with pity for them, for he knows that in his healthy state he could never bear to hold his limbs over such fierce flames. If someone tried to drag him over the fire he would resist with all his might. He understands that what he once took to be a comfort, is actually a source of pain to one who is healthy."
The Buddha said, "Sense pleasures are like a pit of fire. They bring happiness only to those who are ill. A healthy person shuns the flames of sense desires."
And 3), most importantly, my own personal experience. I'm becoming more aware of what sensual pleasure is having on me. It seems that sensual pleasure has its own heaviness to it. It weighs me down, it is like a subtle burden. And it significantly alters the momentum of the mind. It makes me less focused and more pleasure-oriented. I'm beginning to both suspect and see directly that pleasure is unhealthy, or bad for you. Its like I'm seeing it to be more like super-sweet, like trying to drink pure coke-syrup. Its too much! Only, I have not known because I have got used to it.
My concern now is the old "what you put in is what you get out" problem. I'm beginning to recognize if I put a lot of sensual pleasure into the mind, I am only going to get out a lot of agitation, distraction and a growing sense of dissatisfaction. And the more I put in, the more I'll need to put in. Its also compounded by the fact that the mind seems to be like a resident addict. You get it started, just once, and it has the taste for pleasure linger for a long time. Just one taste and the mind seems to create an appetite that lingers. So the problem seems compounded.
I realize I haven't asked a question yet so here is what I am trying to find out: Have you had any direct insight into the effect of sensual pleasure? Do you recognize it as inherently bad? Has anyone else seen pleasure to be a heavy burden that amounts to pain? I'd be most interested if you've had direct insight into the nature of pleasure. Thank you!
Have you had any direct insight into the effect of sensual pleasure?
Yes. Sensual pleasures can be very addictive. It is easy, almost natural, to form habits of indulging in sensual pleasures.
Do you recognize it as inherently bad?
No. Sense pleasures themselves aren't bad. What's bad is clinging or grasping onto the experience of pleasure. At the coarsest level, we need to let go of that craving for pleasure. But at the deepest level, we have to let go of it completely and see it as empty.
It is easy, almost natural, to form habits of indulging in sensual pleasures.
Very good point. I wonder though, if this only happens because we are not witnessing the goings on in the mind.
You also said that what's bad is the clinging or grasping onto the experience of pleasure. I would like to look deeper into this: am I the one who is clinging, or is it the mind?
It's helpful to remember that we're talking about stimulating the 6 sense bases in order to produce physical, emotional, and intellectual pleasure. So "sense pleasure" isn't just physical pleasures like food and sex. It's also emotional pleasure like the excitement of seeing a loved one and intellectual pleasure like that which accompanies a good book. All three types trace to unstable, unreliable, and therefore ultimately unsatisfactory sensory stimulation. A temporary relief rather than a permanent cure. The permanent cure is total non-attachment: not even a trace of clinging to anything in this world as "me" or "mine." The critical practice for achieving non-attachment is mindfulness meditation in the forms of jhana and satipatthana. But proper views and proper conduct, as well as a degree of renunciation, form strong supports for the practice of mindfulness meditation and thus are included in the eightfold path.
With this context in mind it's much easier to tell how much sense pleasure to renounce. It is beneficial to renounce if the pursuit of sensory stimulation interferes with setting the mind at ease and practicing mindfulness meditation (as in the case of wasting time on the internet instead of practicing mindfulness). It is not beneficial to renounce if the rejection of sense pleasure interferes with setting the mind at ease and practicing mindfulness meditation (as in the case of weakening the body and mind through fasting). So the point is to engage in a way of life that sets the mind at ease and is conducive to mindfulness meditation. That is the middle way. You don't have to follow it, but if you wish to heal your suffering then it would be wise to. It's up to you.
I don't pretend to have it all figured out for myself, but hopefully this helped make things more clear.
Thank you for your input. I see what you are saying: there is a happy medium, which is conducive to awakening. Either one of the extremes will be a unnecessary challenge.
However one can look at perhaps closer still. Even if we grant that sensual pleasure is inherently bad, a little of the bad may be good. I think the key distinction though is recognizing what pleasure does to you, and what it is doing to you as you experience it. Then it is measured.
I'm still of the mind that sensual pleasure seems inherently bad. If it agitates, and gives the mind a appetite for which it blindly seeks to fill, then its going to create suffering. Even when we take this appetite factor out, there is still that heaviness to pleasure. The 2nd quote from above seems to imply that all sense pleasure is unhealthy to the mind.
So yes, I agree with you: a measured middle way approach is optimal, but that still doesn't rule out that pleasure is inherently bad or troublesome.
In ordinary day to day life, we are always experiencing input from the senses, and that input is either unpleasant, neutral or pleasant.
Most of the time our experience is close to neutral: we wake up, we're a little bit hungry which is slightly uncomfortable, we eat a breakfast which is slightly pleasant - it doesn't really spur reflection into the nature of feeling.
Anyway, hypothetically, even if sensual pleasure was inherently bad, you cannot escape it by getting negative about it.
Going around "sensual pleasures are a burden, sensual pleasures are bad :-( " is not the escape from sensual pleasures! It may be true that they are burdens, but negativity is not the correct response .
The reason I stress this point, is because I made the mistake of getting negative about sensual pleasures, and all that did was make me unhappy: I was careful to destroy happy moments with negativity, but I didn't destroy unhappy moments with positivity, basically I was just getting into negativity. Don't do this.
As long as you have a body, you're going to have to endure the senses and the pleasure and pain that comes with them. As a Buddhist, you should seek your pleasure skillfully.
One thing I've really gotten into this last year, is spending time out in nature. A beautiful view, the sounds of the birds; they are sensual pleasures, but they are much more conducive to peace and stillness than going to a movie or shopping.
My experience is that for example, going for a long walk in the woods makes my mind more peaceful, it's conducive to medita
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