Sensual Love Ormonde

Sensual Love Ormonde


Sensual Love Ormonde
Jacomo Aura, te Paradox su bili popularniji parfemi u Beogradu pocetkom 2000. Ne i najpopularniji, ali su bili tu negde. Ako neko pomirise ovaj parfem, a da je donekle upoznat sa niche paremima,verovatno bi pomislio da je ovo neki entry level niche parfem.Amber, paculi i mosus mu daju niche...
Ovako su otprilike mirisale porno zvijezde 90-ih nakon tri sata snimanja. Puno mošusa, pomalo unisex, cvjetno, lagano slatkasto...Ludilo od mirisa. Klasik.
Meni je ovaj parfem, puno bolji po hladnom vremenu. Tada zaista utjelovljuje nekakav ženstveni kristal, dok se ljeti zaista "razlije i rastopi", postane kao sokić Trajnost je slabija, ali svježe slatke note i led mi jako prijaju. Daje clean, uplifting a opet damski i ženstven dojam :)
Ovo mi se čini kao parfem koji bi nosila ona Filipa Budicin iz Zabranjene ljubavi (hrv. serija). Ženstven, girly, rane 2000e... Na mojoj koži ne mirise previse dobro... Ali mi je zanimljiv.
Miris dna majčine torbice, žena u najboljim godinama... Ako netko zna gdje bih ga mogla kupiti (RH), javite :) Mail:
Meni je prva asocijacija ovog parfema snena jesen. Ima mrvicu neke znojave, zrnate note koja mi nije odbojna, ali ne ne znam da li bih ju odabrala. Nije blind buy
Izbor mirisnih nota, naročito prvotnih nije nikako moj već godinama. Kada se pojavio, bio me oduševio na prvu. Ima punoću, originalnost, moć transformacije. Kao poljubac u bradu muškarca, koja vas privlači a ipak bocka. Nosim ga kad se osjećam samopouzdano, izabrala bih ga za boss lady parfem....
Iz muškog ugla - ovo je jako ženstven parfem. U dry-down-u veoma erotičan (za ljubitelje slatkih parfema). Veoma je jak na početku, pa ga treba naneti malo, ne preterivati. Kasnije ima baš nežan i ženstven miris (i dugo traje). Meni se lično izuzetno dopada.
Kao prvo, ovo nema veze sa "štalom i životinjama" (ko je pomenuo štalu, taj u životu štalu video nije). Veoma je jak u početku, oseti se tamjan baš baš... nakon par sati je fenomenalan, muževan. Nanositi ga sat dva - pre izlaska iz kuće. Preporuka za kupovinu, svakako.
Najprostiji primer kako note koje se prikazuju i nemaju baš mnogo veze sa samim mirisom. Ne kažem da je ovaj body mist Amber Romance loš, već da apsolutno nema nikakve veze sa tom kiselom višnjom koju sam toliko željno čekala sa osetim, kao ni sa samim nazivom. Ovde osetim samo kremastu vanilu i...
Postoji onaj osećaj početkom jeseni kada vam je potrebno još leta. Pogotovu kada se zna da smo bombardovani raznom literaturom koja nam govori da moramo uživati u sadašnjem trenutku. Neki ljudi ne mogu. Neko tek kasnije povlači sećanja, neko se unapred raduje, a onda neki...
Kao stan u kojem je sve posloženo, ali tako da se i dalje vide pokreti života i čuju inspirirajući i smisleni razgovori. Vladaju pastelne boje s razigranim detaljima kako monotonija ne bi došla u napast. Gosti ugađaju talentom za slušanje i pripovijedanje uz neizostavan dašak empirizma. Ukras od...
Tanka je linija što spaaaaja i raazdvaaajaaa… Ima prepoznatljivu crtu iz obične Bottege. Međutim, ovde je baš uloženo truda i prešišao je prvenca. Nekada davno, prijatelj mojih roditelja radio je u salonu nameštaja. Šetajući po kvartu, nekad smo svraćali kod njega da mu se javimo. Još kad bismo...
Od parfema kojeg sam potpuno ignorirala, dođem do oduševljenja. Ne znam šta mi je uradio, ali otkako sam ga ovoga ljeta osjetila na slučajnoj prolaznici, potpuno sam promijenila dojam o njemu. Danas sam ga prvi put testirala na svojoj ruci, call me crazy but, meni je ovaj parfem ekstremno...
Ja sam žensko ali muškarac mora ovako dobro da mi miriše. Ovo budi zver u meni kada omirišem muškarca a da miriše ovako. Ludilo! 🤤🔥
Dostupan u BG parfimerijama već neke 2 nedelje, niđe veze sa EDT/EDP/Night inačicama. Više naginje Obsession familiji nego Eternity
Hvala draga Sandrina na iscrpnim izvještajima i prelijepim kadrovima s ovog i ostalih događanja tijekom godina. Pozdrav ostatku ekipe i uživajte i za nas koji smo s vama samo u mislima.
Meni posle one Good Girl cipele više ništa nije užas. Ova bočica mi je čak dopadljiva, makar na fotografiji, videćemo uživo...
Onda ok. Mislim da pisala za prvu kolekciju Jo Malone kod Zare, i bas si napisala cenu od 4000 dinara, ili sam ja to video u nekoj Zarinoj prodavnici kod nas, pa sam se zato uplašio ove cene. Opet, ne znam na koju foru može tako. Skoro sam kupio Vibrant Leather od 60 ml, koga sam platio 1590...
Probala sam ga nedavno i iskreno jedva ga cekam kupiti! :) Bas se nekako veselim tome! Svakako da to treba jos malo bolje istestirati, ali na prvi njuh me odusevio! Jako volim original White Tea, nosila sam ga duuugo vremena. Iako je trajnost takvim parfemima kratka, tko voli taj parfem mogao bih...
Želim, želim, želim... Premda ga još nisam pomirisala! Nadam se da će biti na pola puta između Alien Goddess i Alien Essence Absolue. Baš mu se veselim.
Divna reportaža. Zamišljam sve te mirisne kompozicije. Makar nek mi maštu osveže u ovim vrelim danima...
Sve je tu: prozračnost, jednostavnost, understatement. Treba li što više?
Prvi utisci su jak u otvaranju sapunjast posle pola sata do sat vremena dolazi do izrazaja ljubicica osete se te zelene note svez zanimljiv parfem cist…Moze se nositi i na poslu.To su moji prvi utisci za sada…Topla preporuka za prolece a za leto jos nisam siguran dok ga dobro ne testiram.
Koliko sam razumeo odsad ce svi njihovi parfemi biti u ovim bocicama.
Jako lep miris , svez , ostar, prijatan , zacinski na momente.. oseti se taj miris lubenice , zelene jabuke , svez miris lista lavande.. pa na momente i sladak verovatno ta nota mosusa ..
Prvi ženski Baldessarini, svi (muški) do sad su mi bili odlični... Voljala bih da dođe u naše drogerije, da ga probam.
Šta se dešava sa YSL? Ukinuli su mnoge starije parfeme, onaj Bleu electrique već posle nepunih godinu dana, a sada izlazi još jedan flanker. Ako neko ima neke informacije, ne bi škodilo da napiše.
Ajme, sreća! Mnogo se nadamo, ne očekujemo malo ni obično :)
Hehe. Prva pomisao na fotografiju je da su pozajmili lik one devojke iz Nacionalne klase što nije položila prijemni na FDU :)
Zašto se zove homme, a unisex je? Kao da nije bila dovoljna konfuzija sa Dior homme 2020 i original.
Kad imaš sina teenagera,onda se oko kuće motaju teenagerice,pa ti se još ko njegovoj mami srdačno javljaju,jer znaju da zbog njegove mame kao rođendanske poklone dobivaju parfeme… Pa da ne bude opet Victoria Secret(koje su im uvijek in),ovaj put maših se za ovu Christinu Aguileru…jer cure mlade...
Pocivaj u miru, maestro. Hvala za moj signature-Alien essence Absolu, kao i za sva remek dela koja su obelezila jednu celu parfemsku epohu..
Glasajte samo za najvažnije sastojke koje vi osetite u ovom parfemu.
Ocena parfema 3.85 van 5 sa 54 glasovi
Sensual Love od Ormonde Jayne je cvjetni voćni miris za žene. Sensual Love je predstavljen 2016. Gornje note su Liči, Crna ribizla i Šumsko voće; srednje note su Ruža, Osmantus i jasmin; bazne note su Vanilija, Mahovina i Kedar.
Fragrantica® Trend je relativna vrednost koja pokazuje interesovanje članova Fragrantice za ovaj miris tokom vremena.
Postani član ove online zajednice da bi mogao/la dodati svoje komentare. Registrujete se ovdje .
Parfemi: 74,424
Komentari na Parfeme: 104,680
Ukupno članova: 43,154 Trenutno na sajtu: 150

New Russian Love Collection at Ormonde Jayne
Ormonde Jayne’s wonderful new perfume collection is inspired by Russian nights and launches on Thursday 10th of November, with a themed Russian evening in store from 5.00pm. There will also be 20% off everything on the night, with the first 10 guest to purchase on the evening receiving a secret gift .
What is Passionate love? Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling and desire for something or someone. It’s something more encompassing than mere lust, it is romance with commitment. A feeling of unusual excitement at a deeper level.
Passionate Love – Eau de Perfume, a celebration, an outpouring of floral passion. It is a perfume of tremendous elegance, a composition of great artistry.
The top note is composed of warm neroli, underlined with a faint scattering of nutmeg and coriander seed. A floral abundance rests in the heart of the perfume, magnolia, freesia, rose, carnation, jasmine, osmanthus and violet – a showstopper of a perfume. Wear it, love it and surrender yourself to Passionate Love
Sensual Love, a perfume with an effervescent insistence, unleashing tantalising tones of delicious ripe fruits on a lush bouquet of flower-strewn fields
Its approach is slightly more youthful than her sister, more flirtatious, more of a dazzling cocktail, mesmerizing, sparkling and tangy.
Ripe, juicy, sun warmed fruits – lychees, berries and cassis are married with elegant flowers, chiefly osmanthus, jasmine and rose. Added vanilla softens and gives roundness to green notes of cedar wood and moss.
Sensual Love has an immediate and unique appeal, supremely feminine. It’s going to be a night to remember!
Ormonde Jayne
12, The Royal Arcade
Tel: 0207 499 1100
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Which Fragrances do you wish to add to your wardrobe?

63 results found matching your criteria.

Ambre Royale


Ormonde Jayne (2016)

Cuir Impérial


Ormonde Jayne (2018)

Isfarkand Elixir


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Jardin d'Ange


Ormonde Jayne (2017)

Jardin d'Ombre


Ormonde Jayne (2016)

Montabaco Cuba


Ormonde Jayne (2022)

Montabaco Flor


Ormonde Jayne (2022)

Montabaco Intensivo


Ormonde Jayne (2013)

Montabaco Ivoire


Ormonde Jayne (2022)

Montabaco Verano


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Nawab of Oudh


Ormonde Jayne (2012)

Nawab of Oudh Intensivo


Ormonde Jayne (2015)

Ombres Intensivo


Ormonde Jayne (2021)

One.5 Parfum


Ormonde Jayne (2017)

Ormonde Elixir


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Ormonde Woman


Ormonde Jayne (2002)

Osmanthus Elixir


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Passionate Love


Ormonde Jayne (2016)

Qi Intensivo


Ormonde Jayne (2015)

Royal Elixir


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Sensual Love


Ormonde Jayne (2016)

Ta'if Elixir


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Ta'if Extrême


Ormonde Jayne (2018)

Ta'if Intensivo


Ormonde Jayne (2019)

Tsarina Intensivo


Ormonde Jayne (2015)

Vanille d'Iris


Ormonde Jayne (2015)

Loving perfume on the internet, since 2000.

Montblanc Legend Night by
Escada Show Me Love by
An excellent, intriguing with the aroma that is bright and mellow, sunny and sweet, and one-of-a-kind. It has a lively sweet flowery aroma that swiftly fades to a dry powdery strange scent like nuts. This provides personality, attractiveness, and temperament. At first, I noticed sandalwood and...
This one is really hard to describe, it's powdery but warm and enveloping to begin with and quite bright and fruity, the violet is sweet and it's suede like. As it dries, it becomes almost nutty and more powdery. It's then unsweetened and lipstick like, more like a face powder in a...
Smells to me like the residue in a metal ashtray where wet cigarette ash has dried to that sort of black, peaty, crust (a smell I know). A bit of the gunpowder vibe as well (like capgun smoke) That's all I get, so sadly either my skin or my nose are not up to appreciating this one. If I...
I am not a big fan of floral scents, but I have been on the lookout for a good natural-but-spicy one with rose for a while. I almost thought I found it in Baie Rose 26, which opens up like the most natural, fresh and sun warm rose from my grandmothers garden, with just the right amount of pepper...
This is one of my favorites for fall and winter ! Its a spice bomb for sure, the ginger really comes through hard at the beginning But calmes down after a little while. Its a cozy, spicy, round sweet scent. I just love it! And I get compliments all the time ❤️🍂
Bland and boring. Office scent. Removing this from my wishlist.
I just picked up an older bottle with the metal cap and charms. My first bottle was the Elizabeth Arden reformulation. After wearing the original version I can say that it is indeed far superior from the bottle itself to the performance as well. It lasts it projects and smells great. The...
This is the epitome of a perfect green fragrance. The Chanel Parfums don't have a huge projection, they are extremely intimate and personal, you have to allow people to smell it on you. It is said that Coco Chanel wore this perfume a long time before its official release, it was created just...
This the exact, almost photo-realistic, sweet and honey like scent of a bouquet of blooming, nectary and pollen-full lilacs/syringa from very-very close. This is what u smell when you literally push your nose in to the bouquet of the blossoms. ( forget the green aspects!) It recalls old childhood...
Nothing gentle about this! Way too strong, I am quite conservative with my scents; unless you wear this on your waist, under your clothes, or behind the knee if wearing a skirt/shorts. Just 1 spray. I had a scent on paper in my opened purse, and I could smell it because of the booziness. This is...
The listed notes very much tell the story here. I think this has that lightly powdery but spicy smoothness that I associate with Chanel. It's quite peppery and sharp to begin. As it dries it becomes more rosy and then more liquid detergent like, it makes me think of bubbles, that does fade...
This is very similar to Dolce Gabanna the One. Incredibly seductive but chill smell. Doesn't hold long tho. Shame because it is more expensive than explorer and the other Legends. W those I would just respray since they are cheap enough to do so. (even tho I don't since they all have...
I really enjoy the scents profile of this fragrance, especially a warm night out. but I wouldn't recommend this to be a date night frag as it's kinda too loud for a date night frag, but if it works for you then go ahead and wear it at any occasion. Verdict: I see people who are around...
Feel similar to nishane hacivat with out the pineapple.
Unique experience. I love it. Definitely worth to try. Not a blind buy!
I love original Follow - it is the only coffee fragrance I’ve worn that smells like actual black coffee, there is darkness and bitterness and it gives you that feel that you’ve entered an esspresso bar in the morning. This new release sounds more run-of-the-mill coffee frag with sugar, sweetness...
It is a very nice and yummy fragrance, i have worn it already few times, and it is perfect for our northern european weather at this moment. Smells delicious, and i really-really like it. Thinking about getting a full bottle. Candy love and Fairy love did not impress me at all, but this one has a...
Hi all in this amazing world of fragrances. Just wanted to find out if perhaps anyone knows if this amazing fragrance has been discontinued by azzaro? Really an amazing boozy amber that to me is better than Bentley intense at least on my skin. God bless from South Africa.
Moon Bloom - be still my heating heart! Gardenia Petale - true to gardenia but far too fleeting. Gardenia Passion - my first love as far as gardenia is concerned. A la Nuit - simple jasmine perfection. Un Matin d'Orage - so gorgeous!! Essence
Sensual Cherry
Tom Ford Private
Masturbating Orgasm On Cam

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