Sensual Fantasy

Sensual Fantasy


Sensual Fantasy
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Do you think that the zodiac signs do not affect our se* life? It is just the opposite, because not only can we get good or bad in terms of bed expectations and preferences, but what we dream about has a strong relationship with our character....
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your favorite sensual fantasy according to your zodiac sign
your favorite sexual fantasy according to your zodiac sign
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think that the zodiac signs do not affect our se* life? It is just the opposite, because not only can we get good or bad in terms of bed expectations and preferences, but what we dream about has a strong relationship with our character. Check how your zodiac sign can give you the greatest pleasure, and get to know your partner's innermost erotic fantasies!
Aries You like it when the path to the goal is long, difficult and requires patience. You often fantasize about a slow str*ptease performed by a sensual lover or partner You dream of crazy se* without any inhibitions.
Your innermost fantasies revolve around experiments and games - in your imagination you are eager to try warm-cold games with ice and... wax. It is an extreme stimulation of the senses that suits you. The fantasies that this zodiac sign has involves food items rubbed on the skin of the partner or simply placed there and you know the rest! Only the idea of having someone to lick the melted chocolate brings chills to the people born under this zodiac sign and quite frankly to everyone else!
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Gemini’s are the social butterfly. They are smart, open-minded and easy- going. They are life and soul of the party and no one cannot be bored with them. They are distinguished by their skills in having fun, storytelling and the desire to share their impressions with others. Gemini always has new ideas. They are cheerful and energetic. You may consider them as the best companions from all zodiac signs. As a Twins, you are used to giving and receiving double pleasure, so in your fantasies, one lover in bed is not enough. You dream about se* in a triangle and have a great time at it.
Cancers are home-lovers who attach themselves to people and things. They are very family men and love to take care of others. They like to be useful and socially active, also called born diplomats. Tradition is also important for them, they are sentimental and often focus on the past. Their most attractive feature is the warmth that beats them from their inside like a home fire. Often you imagine yourself in different roles, you like to dress up and fantasize about playing erotic scenes. Ideally, those in which you break the rules, but at the same time control the situation.
To read about Leo's sensual needs, click on NEXT page!
Leos distinctive feature of this zodiac sign is temperament. Leos are full of energy, frolic and irrepressible; they love life and always want to be in the spotlight. They are also proud, like to be admired and adored, but in their actions, they engaged themselves totally. They are idealists who believe in their ideas and creativity, are enthusiastic and full of natural charm. Your zodiac sign is full of energy and joy, you love having fun, that's why there is always a lot of se* toys in your sensual fantasies. Every kind and destination, you want to try them all.
Virgos have a very attractive mind and intelligence is their se*y trait. Among this zodiac sign, we find the most laureates of Nobel Prize and outstanding scientists. They are perfectionists who love to segregate, arrange and plan. They are very involved, supportive and accurate people, sometimes even meticulous. They are communicative and care about appearance and aesthetics. One of your main features is the love of order and logic. It is no different in your sensual fantasies - you dream to conduct and control your partner or... partners. You make decisions and discipline those who do not follow the rules.
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Libras are thoughtful and objective in their evaluations. They seek for justice, harmony and balance. They are great mediators because they always try to choose the most appropriate and right solution. They also have a sense of taste and style. That is why Libras are good designers and artist, too. Every day perfectly balanced, finding a golden mean between reason and emotions in fantasies, you become your opposite and you dream about... se* with a stranger. An accidental lover acts like a magnet on you.
Scorpions are ambitious, courageous and persistent. But first and foremost, what attracts others to them the most is that they are mysterious. They have a complex interior, sometimes dark side; they are emotional and they like magic or mysticism. They have strong psychic, are not afraid of failure, and if they believe in something, they are fighting for it till the end. They are ready for the greatest sacrifices. Your rich se* life, sensuality and huge libido translate into your erotic fantasies - in the imagination you always dominate, you entrap a helpless partner.
To read about your zodiac sign, if you haven't already, click on NEXT page!
Sagittarius' have a lot of spontaneity and kindness that charm their surroundings. They are interested in what happens around, they are socialists, who like to help others. They are honest, sincere, have a great sense of humor and love to have fun or adventurous. Sagittarius' are also free-spirited who appreciates their freedom and independence, likes to be in motion. In your fantasies often appears... a vibrator. It's best if its power and location are controlled by your partner - you like to be pleasantly surprised.
Capricorn is the most peaceful of all zodiac signs; serious and careful. They are very diligent and practical, they strive for the goal irrespective of the difficulties and failures. Capricorns are determined, patient and tactful, they often keep a distance, and do not like to show weakness. They seek to gain an advantage, whether in a professional or personal relationship. You are a person who likes to have everything under control and probably because in your innermost sensual fantasies is the other way around - you are submissive and do what your partner tells you. You want someone to lead you, and sometimes even... command.
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People who were born under Aquarius sign are original, creative and full of new ideas. They love crazy, undiscovered concepts and the ability to create something new. They are supporters of innovation for the good of society. But Aquatics like also their own freedom and independence. They are loving but also very stubborn in their actions and opinions and it is hard to convince them to change their mind. You are the type of leader, you are characterized by courage and willingness to take risks. You dream about se* outdoors, in the water, but it's not about a calm, sunny beach, but about a rough ocean, dangerously high waves and the risk that someone will see you.
Pisceans are very sensitive, emotional people. They are not indifferent to human misfortune and always try to help. As a rule, they are joyful and loving; they are great listeners, so they are liked and invited to companionship. Pisces born people also have a very developed intimacy and imagination and are creative and inventive. You are an artistic soul, and your sensual fantasies always connect in some way with the creation process. You imagine how intensely you paint a picture when suddenly your calm interrupts the appearance of a mysterious lover. Passionate se* among colorful paints is the fulfillment of your dreams.
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Women’s Top 15 Most Common Fantasies

Bianca Lallitto
Jun 17, 2017

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We all have fantasies. Some of them are highly romantic, like being swept away by Prince Harry to join the Royal Family in England. Others are darker, more risqué. We don’t always like to admit to having these fantasies, women especially, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have them. Would you feel comfortable telling your friends that you fantasize about being handcuffed to a bed post while someone coats your body in molasses? You probably never found the right time to mention it. Perhaps we wouldn’t find our fantasies so unusual if we realized how common they actually are.
Sex researchers have wondered the same thing. Several research studies have focused on what women fantasize about. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine , entitled “What Exactly Is an Unusual Fantasy?”, wanted to determine which sexual fantasies are common among women. The researchers asked women living in Quebec to answer the Wilson’s Sex Fantasy Questionnaire. 799 women completed the questionnaire, of which the majority were heterosexual. The fifteen most common fantasies as reported by these women are listed below.
Keep one thing in mind as you scroll through this list: for many of the fantasies most commonly reported by women, the majority of women didn’t want the fantasy to actually come true. For example, most women who fantasized about being dominated sexually didn’t want to be dominated in real life. Sometimes a fantasy is just a fantasy.
This may come as a surprise to some, but 42% of women fantasize about watching two women make love. Does this mean that women’s sexual orientations are more fluid than men’s? Have women been bitten by the bi-curiosity bug? Not necessarily. According to research, women in general are less category specific than men when it comes to arousal. This means that various sexual stimuli can arouse them, including watching bonobo monkeys mating. Women’s arousal in these cases is often limited to their genital responses, and does not match their statements about what arouses them. For example, even if a woman is heterosexual and states that she dislikes watching two women making love, she’ll become genitally aroused when watching a video of this. Just another quirk of the female body.

Sales of whips and chains must be spiking, because more and more women are fantasizing about taking on a dominating role in the bedroom. Around 47% of women fantasize about dominating someone sexually. BDSM practices have always existed, but their popularity seems to have become more mainstream of late. Couple that with the reversal of stereotypical gender roles in society, and you have a recipe for women experimenting with sexual domination. Or at least imaging themselves dominating someone sexually. Remember, not all women who fantasize about domination in the bedroom want to actually dominate another person in the bedroom.

It seems that a fairly large percentage of women fantasize about having a romantic encounter with someone they don’t even know. Nearly 49% of women indicated that they fantasize about having sex with an unknown person. This brings a whole new meaning to the term “stranger danger”. Hooking up with a stranger sounds thrilling, at least in our minds. I’ve seen countless movies where women sleep with men they barely know, experiencing the most passionate encounter of their lifetime. In reality, women who decide to hook up with a stranger are more likely to end up with an STD, or worse, in the clutches of a serial killer. I think it’s safe to assume that many women who fantasize about stranger sex don’t actually want to partake in it.

It should come as no surprise that women fantasize about sleeping with a celebrity. Nearly 52% of women copped to fantasizing about having sex with a star or well-known person on the Sex Fantasy Questionnaire. Hooking up with a movie star, famous author, or member of a popular band distinguishes a woman from the rest of her sex. It’s as if some of the celebrity’s fame rubs off on you; you feel marked as special for the rest of your life. Beliefs like this one explain why rock bands have so many groupies. A woman’s star fantasy doesn’t even have to include falling in love with the star, marrying him and having kids with him. Just going to bed with him, even for one night, is enough.

In keeping with the theme of BDSM, 52% of women fantasize about being tied up by someone in order to obtain sexual pleasure. This is where the bondage in BDSM comes in. What is it about giving up control that turns women on so much? Is it in our genes to be submissive in the bedroom? Science says that women, like most female mammals, are wired to be aroused by sexual submission. Consequently, women are attracted to dominant men. It’s an ancient sexual preference that still haunts us today. Hence the plethora of submissive fantasies. Just wait; there are more of them to come.

Threesomes are fun, but orgies are better. At least according to women’s fantasies. Around 57% of women fantasize about having sex with more than three people at a time. These group sex fantasies include both men and women. It’s easy to see why an orgy might be mentally appealing. In our fantasies, we can imagine ourselves surrounded by the naked bodies of highly attractive people, giving and receiving pleasure for days. In reality, it can be hard to find one person who we’re attracted to enough to sleep with, let alone four people or more. If you doubt what I say, then watch the movie A Good Old Fashioned Orgy . You’ll see what people who participate in group sex really look like.

There’s something tantalizing about the thought of being caught having sex in public. Many women agree; 57% of them fantasize about making love openly in a public place. According to this result, at least half of women have a secret thirst for sensation seeking, whether they act on that thirst or not. Hooking up with someone in the vicinity of prying eyes can be daring, exhilarating, and just a tad fetishistic. Whereas many women would be mortified to be caught with their pants down in public, these same women eagerly imagine it in the safety of their own bedrooms. If only I wouldn’t get caught , they muse.

Once again, BDSM rears its controversial head in women’s fantasies. While many women fantasize about dominating someone sexually, more of them (nearly 65% to be exact) fantasize about being dominated sexually. With novels and movies like Fifty Shades of Grey flooding pop culture, it’s no wonder that women conjure up images of being subdued by Christian Grey types. Oh, and remember how women are wired for sexual submission? Add these two factors together and suddenly women’s submissive fantasies don’t seem so strange. Even feminists have admitted to indulging in these fantasies. How anti-feminist of them.

We’ve all done it, fantasized about another man while having sex with our boyfriends or husbands. The proof is in the statistics, because 66% of women fantasize about having sex with someone that they know who is not their spouse. Maybe it’s the UPS delivery man who brings your orders from Amazon to your door every Friday. Or maybe it’s your hot neighbour who mows the lawn without his shirt on. One thing’s for sure: it isn’t your husband. Affairs are exciting, at least on TV they are. There’s even a whole show dedicated to an affair (aptly titled The Affair ). But affairs are tricky in real life, which is why women don’t necessarily want their fantasies to come true.

Giving pleasure to one’s partner is in itself a pleasurable thing. It certainly appears so, at least, when 68% of women fantasize about pleasuring their partner. It can feel like an accomplishment to know that you can elicit such desire in a romantic partner. It gives a woman a sense of power, of control, to be able to arouse a man. Yes, women like to give up control to men in the bedroom, but sometimes we like to take it back. Especially when we want a new pair of shoes. Imagining giving our partners pleasure also satisfies our instinct to nurture. Women: we’re nothing if not giving.

Receiving pleasure is just as
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