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By discovering how responsive your bodies are to certain sensations you and your partner can heighten your potential for sexual arousal. Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall describes an exercise to help you do just this.
Lie naked on a bed or wherever is comfortable. If you're brave enough, you can be blindfolded to heighten the experience.
The secret of success is to make sure you're lost in the moment. Allow yourself to feel every sensation to the full by thinking of nothing else. Remember to give feedback to the toucher.
Before you start, you could use an old-fashioned hairpin to find your partner's non-genital erogenous zones. Slowly run the hairpin over their body. Most of the time they'll only feel one point of contact, but on the highly sensitive erogenous zones, they'll feel both.
It's your job to provide a wide range of different stimuli for your partner to experience. Work from head to toe experimenting with a range of different objects and textures.
Try using a silk scarf or a soft blusher brush. Can your partner tell the difference between suede, leather and velvet? How about rubber or a feather? Now try touching with a massage roller or ball.
Experiment with different pressures and different strokes too. Heighten the sensory expectation by making random rather than predictable movements.
Remember to ask what feels good and what feels best.
When you've had enough, swap roles. But be warned - it could be a long night!
APA Reference Staff, H.
(2021, December 28). Sensual Touching Techniques, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2022, September 7 from

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD
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2022 HealthyPlace Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Site last updated September 7, 2022

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Hannah Gale Monday 11 Aug 2014 2:09 pm
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To the man wearing a hoodie with the EU symbol missing a star in Gordon… To the girl wearing a pink skirt and green sari at the London Rathayatra…
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You could be missing out on thousands of pounds of help with your childcare (yes, really!)
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There’s no denying that sexual preference is completely and utterly personal, right girls? What is weird to some is wonderful to others – while some of it is just plain harrowing all round. And however weird and wonderful your experiences so far, there’s someone else out there going through exactly the same thing. Well, almost.
Here’s a list of 25 of the most memorable moments that are likely to have featured in your sexual history so far. Enjoy!
1. That one guy that honestly believes thrusting his fingers in a way that means his fingertips touch your ovaries will give you an orgasm. Clue: It won’t.
2. Attempting to have sex in the bath. Sounds like something they do in films. In actual fact it results in 72 per cent of the soapy bath water splattered across your bathroom floor. And also, water doesn’t equal wet private parts. Who knew?
3. Having al fresco sex and losing your pants. Oh, and probably your dignity too.
4. Trying to have anal, realising it feels like how you imagined a rhinoceros attacking you would feel, stopping immediately.
5. Going to an Ann Summers party, trying on a sexy nurse outfit and buying a vibrator. Best. Friday. Night. Ever.
6. And consequently having your first orgasm. Oh, so that fuzzy feeling before wasn’t one?
7. Being invited to your first boy/girl sleepover and planning your pyjamas for 67 days beforehand. Then when the night comes getting to listen to your friend get fingered. Yay.
8. Making out with most of your female friends whenever you’ve had more than two pineapple Bacardi Breezers. You’re so messy and out there. Are you bisexual? Who knows.
9. Having someone (a parent) knock on your door while you’re trying out a position called The Backwards Spider Hanging Handstand. You *might* still have a dodgy elbow from trying to pull the duvet over your naked body quick enough.
10. Meeting a boy on holiday. Believing you’ll get married. And consequently still to this day keeping an over-eager eye on his Facebook page. Just because, y’know, holiday romances and that.
11. Believing that melted chocolate on a naked body is a good idea. It’s not FYI.
12. Having a hicky. Trying to cover said hicky with foundation. Failing. Getting told off. If I want a big gigantic purple bruise on my neck, I’ll have one, OK? It’s a sign of love.
13. Being as unsure about how to perform a decent blow job as you were about performing an algebra sum on the white board. It just sounded so darn difficult.
14. Driving somewhere in your car with the sole intention of having sex. Not being able to find anywhere secluded enough. Going home and eating pudding instead.
15. Watching porn and feeling like it was the seediest, most wrong, un-female thing to do ever. It wasn’t.
16. Convincing your boyfriend that if he has sex with you while you’re on your period, your bed won’t actually turn into some sort of harrowing murder scene. THERE ISN’T THAT MUCH BLOOD GUYS.
17. Dry sex. As in pretending to have sex while fully-clothed because you just weren’t ready to jump head-first into the big deed.
18. Attempting to have wild, amazing going-for-it sex… on a bunk bed. Or on one of those high cabin beds with a desk and futon underneath. Ideally at your mate’s house party.
19. When you’re all geared up and ready to go and he’s too drunk, and his dick is not doing anything except looking like a dead slug. FFS.
20. Drinking too much Strongbow at a festival, meeting a man with better face glitter than you and ending up in his tent. Your bum hurts the minute you lie on the floor, you smell funkier than a piece of Boxing Day brie, and everyone within a 10m radius can hear you. Cool.
21. Putting on a corset, French knickers, stockings and patent New Look heels. Believing you’ll feel like Pamela Anderson. Finding out you don’t. Wanting the ground to eat you whole.
22. Having to confirm to your GP that yes, you have been sexually active of late, and yes, that is probably why you have cystitis. NOW can you have the antibiotics, pretty please?
23. Squirting and being unsure about whether you’ve just genuinely ejaculated or whether you’ve just done a tiny baby wee. Eek.
24. Thinking for about 37 seconds, while drunk on a £5 bottle of white wine, that you could probably have a threesome. Then remembering that you’re not in Gossip Girl and continuing about your evening as normal.
25. And finally, nobody be sick but… having the sort of sex that makes you think, ‘yeah, it really is as good as Hollywood makes it look. I’ve done well here’.

Stay in touch

Hattie Gladwell Friday 22 Feb 2019 3:17 pm
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To the man wearing a hoodie with the EU symbol missing a star in Gordon… To the girl wearing a pink skirt and green sari at the London Rathayatra…
Wanting to help customers afford the essentials, Boots have priced their new line between 50p and £1.50.
You could be missing out on thousands of pounds of help with your childcare (yes, really!)
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Going from light summer evenings to dark winter nights can be very daunting.

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Sex is a wonderful thing. The feeling, the emotion, the passion, the intimacy.
Sure, lots of us have had awkward experiences , but we’ve also had amazing ones.
An incredible sexual experience doesn’t just mean intercourse. It means sexual intimacy in general – from kissing, to touching, to foreplay, to full-blown sex.
We all have our own ideas as to what makes an amazing sexual experience, and we spoke to 14 people who were happy to tell us theirs.
This guy’s best sexual experience was going down on a woman
‘My best sexual experience was licking out a woman for the first time. It felt great because I’d never felt or tasted anything like it and I was pleasing her in a completely different way.
‘It was nice to give oral instead of receiving it for once.
‘The feel of the vagina and the different things I could do was amazing. Favourite part is tongue f***ing.’
‘Best sexual experience: when my boyfriend asked ‘are you sure?’ before our first time. I realised in that moment that no one had ever actually asked me that before. Consent is sexy.’
‘I’ve only had sex once and it was a fairly random hookup abroad. I actually got more pleasure just from kissing an making out as opposed to the actual intercourse which we later had – that was still good but just the making out was amazing!
‘It’s the only time I’ve ever even been physically intimate with someone and I guess throughout my life before then I’d imagined a lot about what “sex” would be like, but had never really thought about kissing.
‘My mind was completely focused on that and nothing else, the world may as well have just come to a standstill. It was completely exhilarating.
‘So far I’ve never been able to experience that feeling again.’
‘She blindfolded me and tied my arms back’
‘My partner hated me having my eyes open, so blindfolded me and tied my arms back so I had no idea where she was going next.
‘She teased me all over before taking the driving seat and every touch, kiss and sensation was magnified so much because of the loss of one of my senses. This was over ten years ago and I’ve never forgotten it.’
‘My best experience was with a best friend’
‘Best experience was with a best friend of mine. It came after a breakup and I hadn’t been with anyone for over a year. It was incredible and we just connected. Nobody has come close since.’
‘Sex is now being rebuilt in my mind as a positive and emotionally fulfilling thing’
‘After two frightening experiences during sex including rape, I was struggling with the concept of penetration. My current partner and I took things very slow (I didn’t explain until after we started having penetrative sex why I was ‘funny’ about it) and he couldn’t have been more supportive.
‘Sex is now being rebuilt in my mind as a positive and
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