Sensual Experience

Sensual Experience


Sensual Experience

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Words as Feelings, is an interesting article at The article describes the connection between specific words and sensual experience. While focusing primarily on the origins of language, the article introduces some interesting ideas that relate directly to the physical act of reading aloud. Specifically, the article addresses ways in which we communicate experiences to each other.
It’s really interesting because as we read scripture aloud, we’re interested in the experiences described in the text and the language that’s used to communicate those experiences to listening audiences. We pay attention to word choice and then use those words to create vocal imagery – sound paintings — to bring this experience to life for the audience.
The article, by Sally Davies, begins with the familiar onomatopoeias. These are words that mimic specific noises. Next, she introduces us to the idea of ideophones. These are words that are “ especially vivid and evocative of sensual experiences.” These are the words we highlight as a part of text analysis when preparing to read aloud in church. Look for words like love, dream and demon. Look for words that resonate in the chest, vibrate on the lips, or are shaped with the tongue to convey experiences. Look for words that transport or enthrall us.
Then, what I REALLY like are the references to research that explore relationships between specific words, vocalization, gesture and facial expression to achieve maximum effectiveness in communication.
Reading aloud is a physical act. We actively breathe, speak and project our voices. We communicate information to listening audiences using specific words pertaining to our own experiences with, and the experiences of others from, the Bible. These are words that have evolved and were selected to communicate specific human experiences. The words used in the Bible are not arbitrary. Words that “resemble” their meaning are selected for a reason.
The Bible isn’t simply a book of laws. As we read, we’re not reciting rules, or guidelines or telling cautionary tales. The Bible is infused with emotional and sensual experiences. The Bible includes the language which best communicates those experiences (in any language.) By sensual, of course, I don’t mean sex (Or mainly. Song of Solomon .) I mean physical sensation, including fear, pain, hunger, awe, relief, laughter and comfort, etc. The Bible communicates the full experience of living in a world inhabited by the living God. As readers, we express all of these things with our voice. Our voices find power and authority through physical engagement and the active use of specific words.
The Bible chooses words that — like ideophones — communicate added nuance and meaning when spoken aloud. We use those words and related “vocal gestures” to communicate emotional (internal) and sensual (external) sensation. When we read aloud, we can turn even common words into ideophones that resonate with audiences and fully realize the word of God.
The article notes how remarkable it is that we can share sensual experience “across time and space” through sounds alone. But to do that we can’t read in a neutral, detached voice. The Bible is not neutral. It demands engagement.
As you read, find specific words that work like ideophones and speak them with energy. Amplify those words with [appropriate and well-modulated] gesture and facial expression to communicate joy, suffering, passion, forgiveness and the experience of grace. That’s how we begin to fully engage with the text, how we engage our audience with the text, and together how we engage in transformative experiences.
Recently, I came upon a blog post by Scot McKnight at Christianity Today. The piece is titled: When the Bible Ain’t Pretty. I was excited because the post pretty perfectly illustrates why I think Lay Readers should put meaning aside when they read scripture aloud. Sounds strange. But it’s true. First, it’s always great when […]
WHAT? I was a little shocked when I re-read the Gospels for the first time as an adult. Wait a minute…really? Do we believe that really happened? Miracles seem natural to children. The miraculous is everywhere. Picture books have miraculous endings. Myths have heroes undertaking heroic adventure. Miraculous beasts bring fantasy to life. Miraculous inventions […]
    The Pew Research Center recently published an updated report, In US, Decline of Christianity Continues at a Rapid Pace. This annual report tracks the continuing decline in religious affiliation and church membership in the US. The fasted growing group in the US is now “none” when it comes to religion. Christians in particular are […]
    Church attendance in the U.S. is declining. Fewer people identify as religious and fewer of those who still do attend church. Don’t take my word for it. See this poll from Gallup. This shift is also clearly generational. The universal panacea for generational disaffection and engagement today? More Tech! So, we are overwhelmed with […]

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The Living Experiment — With Dallas Hartwig and Pilar Gerasimo

The Living Experiment — With Dallas Hartwig and Pilar Gerasimo

Episode 33: Sensuality

Episode 33: Sensuality

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We are sensual creatures who experience our world in large part through sensory experiences and urges. Yet we live in a world where sensuality is alternately prohibited and commoditized, subverted and obsessed about. Is it any wonder most of us are confused about how to get our sensual needs met in healthy ways? Here, we address those challenges, and some of their potential solutions.
The Living Experiment — With Dallas Hartwig and Pilar Gerasimo
This week on The Living Experiment , we’re talking about Sensuality — what that word really means, and the important, underappreciated role that sensual experience plays in our health and happiness.
We live in a culture that often distorts sensuality — glorifying sex and promoting certain forms of consumer-oriented decadence, but limiting our appreciation of our own inherently sensual natures.
So here, from the biological benefits of sensual of pleasure to the difficulties we have in talking about it in polite company, we take a look at what’s known about sensuality and where it fits into our lives.
Find or create a situation where you can experience some form of sensual touch that isn’t sexual.
Decide to have a positive sensual experience right now, wherever you are.
We launched The Living Experiment podcast with no business model, no sales funnels, and no marketing plan. And we’re glad we did!
Now, we’re in love with doing the podcast and we’re excited to make it sustainable for the long haul. We welcome your thoughts on how we might best do that.
We’d love your thoughts on how we can do all of that better.
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Please note that while neither this episode nor its show notes includes any graphic or explicit sexual content, they do, at occasional intervals, reference sensual experiences. Some of the links within this section may also take you to sites through which you may discover more explicit content. Please explore at your own discretion.

Multidimensional Living Blog

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Time, Space and the Pandemic

Energy Awareness and the Pandemic

The Role of Force in the 21st Century

The Dawn of Authenticity

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When was the last time you allowed yourself to experience life in a fully sensual way? In our culture we often equate “sensual” with “sexual”, thus robbing ourselves of one of the best things about being human in a physical world. Although good sex is certainly sensual, great sensual experiences don’t have to be sexual. They can be experienced everyday, in every venue, in every situation. 
Great sex is sensual because it activates all our physical senses as well as our emotions. It takes us outside ourselves and outside of time. While it is a physical experience, it also takes us outside the physical into another dimension where we can experience both the physical and the energetic at the same time..
When we have good sex, we step out of time. The past and the future fall away. We experience our senses in the immediacy of the now. The present is everything. The past doesn’t matter and the future doesn’t exist (which is why sex can often lead to trouble down the road). Fully awakening our physical senses in “no-time” activates our energetic senses as well.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could have similar sensual experiences all the time?
For me, art has become a delicious and immediate way to generate these feelings whenever I want and where ever I am. When I allow myself to become fully immersed in the beauty around me, time slips away. Even just looking at beautiful pictures, photos or scenery, or listening to music stimulates all my senses. Music activates my imagination and I see colors, shapes and scenes in my head. My body wants to move and participate fully in the experience. Colors have sounds and sounds have color. Visual art has an energy of its own that simulates the harmony and syncopation of pleasurable sounds. When sight and hearing are activated, taste and smell become more sensitive and join in as well.
Even greater sensual experiences come when I am actually engaging in an creative pursuit. Taking my camera (iphone) with me as I walk the dog in the woods makes me extra attuned to all the beauty and potential artistic creation around me. I know that as a photographer, it is my responsibility to find the hidden loveliness in the apparently ugly, the remarkable in the apparently mundane, and the creative possibilities among the ordinary scenes of life. As I discover all these hidden gems and capture them on my camera, time evaporates, the dog is forgotten (he never goes far), and I travel in other dimensions, lost in the timeless ecstasy of allowing my soul to speak from the inside of my camera, and delight in its own creative expression.
When I handle fabric, I experience the same deep sensual connection with the texture of the cloth, the three dimensionality of the quilting and the visual dance of light play on geometric shapes. The patterns I create have a musical component that has its own rhythm and melody. The quilt I am creating has an individual energy that generates subtle smells and tastes to accompany the other senses.
And then there’s cooking, (and eating what you create)!.
Again, time stands still. When I am called away, back to the physical realm, I am amazed by what has elapsed. Sometimes its hours which feel like minutes. Sometimes its minutes which feel like hours. The energy dimension is not governed by time, and when entered, does not conform to the expectations of physical life.
This can be one of the reasons we so seldom allow ourselves to have truly sensual experiences. Time governs our lives, gives us structure and meaning. It can be scary to step outside of time.
The fact that the sensual is linked to sex can also be intimidating. Maybe it will get us in trouble. Maybe we don’t deserve to be this ecstatic. Allowing ourselves to be sensual won’t get us into trouble, and we DO deserve to luxuriate in these incredible feelings whenever we want.
Ironically, the best way to truly experience the sensuality of the physical world is to step out of time into the energy dimension. In our everyday life we are usually focused on anything but the present moment. Constantly dwelling on the past and future robs us of the ability to be present with all our senses. Using our senses for only survival information (is the stove too hot,? is a storm cloud coming?) diminishes the gifts they have for us.
This is a fairly simple technique that you can use to experience for yourself what stopping time feels like.
 1. Sit in a comfortable position and allow your body to relax.
2. Begin to take deep, slow breaths.
 3. As you progressively slow your breathing, pay particular attention to the experience of being in between the out-breath and the in-breath. Breathe in, pause, and then out. Breathe in, pause, and then out.
 4. Then hold your breath for as long as you can before breathing in again.
 You will feel alert but very relaxed while at the same time experiencing a profound stillness. The longer you can comfortably stay in the space between out-breath and in-breath, the greater the experience of sacred connectedness in no-time.
 5. Once you have experienced this state of Cosmic timelessness through breathing, begin to focus on your physical senses. Become aware of the depth and texture of your breath.
Notice the smell in the air and how your mouth tastes. If your eyes are closed you may see colors or shapes. You may hear sounds or music, but even if you don’t, pay attention to every one of your senses and how it feels to be acutely aware of what each is offering to you, no matter how subtle.
 6. Once you can stop time and engage all your senses at once, begin to add music or visual beauty to the equation, either as a spectator or participant.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book , “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, in local bookstores, and on my website , .
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Hi Bev! It is getting cool at night and while I am saddened to see summer end I am excited about the prospect of getting my
microplush sheets back on my bed. I don’t care about thread count any longer, I just want to slip between these super soft and warm sheets. Even when I first get into bed the sheets won’t be cold, so I’ve abandoned my electric mattress cover. I’ve converted 5 people at least to using them. They have to be added to other fantastic sensual experiences.
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While the mystical, magical and mysterious may intimidate some people, many more are curious and awestruck when the energy realm makes itself known. Reorganizing our perception of reality to incorporate energetic experiences empowers us in ways that seem astonishing and unbelievable. Exploring the magical realm of energy gives us a whole new way to understand ourselves, our relationships, and everything around us.
Welcome to the world of Transformational Expansion.
I have no words to express my gratitude and love for what you have done for me. Through your love, patience, tenderness, knowledge, compassion and sense of humor you were able to help me find myself and my happiness for the first time in my life. . . . I honestly believe you will enrich anybody’s life that you touch.” —Traci F.

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