Sensitive Nipples

Sensitive Nipples


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Medically reviewed by Dr. Sirisha Yellayi, DO — Written by Adam Rowden on September 30, 2020
There are many possible causes of sensitive nipples, most of which are benign. However, in rare cases, this symptom may be due to a severe condition that requires treatment.
People who have sensitive nipples may experience some or all of the following symptoms:
In this article, we discuss some causes of sensitive nipples.
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Runner’s nipple, or jogger’s nipple, can cause the nipples to become sensitive.
Runner’s nipple occurs due to friction and chafing — for example, if the nipples rub against ill-fitting clothing, particularly when running or doing other sporting activities.
Nipple sensitivity that occurs due to friction may lead to other symptoms, such as:
Applying topical ointments or moisturizers may help soothe the skin and reduce the symptoms.
People who know that they are sensitive to friction can also try several methods to prevent their nipples from hurting during exercise.
An allergic reaction can cause the nipples to become sore or sensitive. Many household products can cause an allergic reaction or irritate a person’s nipples. These products include:
Other symptoms that can occur if a person is experiencing an allergic reaction include:
A person can try using an over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory cream. If the symptoms do not improve, they should contact a doctor.
A person should also stop using any products that caused the allergic reaction or irritated the nipples.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the changes in hormone levels that occur throughout the menstrual cycle can cause breast pain. Healthcare professionals refer to this as cyclic breast pain.
These hormonal fluctuations may also cause premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the symptoms of which include tender, sensitive breasts.
According to the Office on Women’s Health (OWH), more than 90% of females say that they have experienced some symptoms of PMS.
Hormonal birth control and hormone therapy for menopause are other causes of hormone changes that can lead to breast pain and nipple sensitivity.
Symptoms of PMS and other menstrual hormone changes include:
The treatment for sensitive nipples due to hormonal changes will depend on the cause. However, some treatment options may include OTC pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, and hormonal treatment, such as hormonal birth control and hormone replacement therapy.
A person can try the following to help relieve PMS symptoms:
The OWH state that the breasts will increase in size and fullness during pregnancy.
Toward the end of the pregnancy, hormone changes cause the breasts to get even larger in preparation for breastfeeding. The nipples may darken and ache during this period, and they might become more sensitive.
Other symptoms that may occur alongside nipple sensitivity include:
According to the OWH, wearing a maternity bra that offers plenty of support can help prevent pain in the breast and nipples during pregnancy. People can also place pads in the bra to absorb any leakage.
According to La Leche League International, breastfeeding is a common cause of sensitive nipples. In many cases, this is due to the baby’s latching position.
If a baby latches poorly, the nipple may rub against their gum and hard palate, which can result in the nipple becoming sensitive and sore.
Sensitive nipples and nipple soreness that occur due to breastfeeding often go away once the person breastfeeding has found a good position, and the infant has latched onto the nipple comfortably.
A person can try one of the following methods to avoid or minimize sensitivity in the nipples during breastfeeding:
Sensitive or sore nipples may be a sign of an infection, such as periductal mastitis. An infected nipple can be sore, and if the issue persists, the person should visit a doctor.
Yeast infections can also cause nipple sensitivity and pain. In people with these fungal infections, the nipples may also appear flaky.
The main symptoms of an infected nipple are:
If the cause is a yeast infection, a person may experience:
Antibiotics can help treat an infected nipple.
If the cause is a yeast infection, a person may need to use topical antifungal medications.
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According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), in the United States, breast cancer is the most common cancer among females.
Breast cancer cells usually form a painless tumor, which typically feels like a hard lump with irregular edges. However, the lump can also be soft and round in some cases. Although it is uncommon, some people may find the tumor tender to the touch or even painful.
Most breast lumps are benign, meaning that they are not cancerous. However, it is important to see a doctor if any new lumps appear.
Although breast pain and nipple sensitivity are not usually symptoms of breast cancer, in some circumstances, they can be related.
Other symptoms of breast cancer include:
It is also possible for the cancer to spread to the lymph nodes beneath the arm or near the collarbone. A lump or mass in these areas can often appear before the lump in the breast is large enough to be noticeable.
Breast cancer treatments vary depending on the type and stage of the cancer, as well as the age and general health of the individual.
The main treatments for breast cancer are:
Paget’s disease is a rare type of breast cancer that involves the skin of the nipple and the areola. The ACS note that it usually affects only one breast.
A person with Paget’s disease will often also have tumors within the same breast. A healthcare professional can perform a biopsy to diagnose Paget’s disease. This procedure involves removing some of the breast tissue and sending it to a laboratory for examination.
Signs and symptoms of Paget’s disease include:
A surgeon may remove only the cancerous cells from the breast during breast-conserving surgery. However, a person may sometimes require a mastectomy, which is the removal of the entire breast.
After the surgery, a person with Paget’s disease will receive radiation therapy.
There are many common causes of nipple sensitivity. Most of these causes are relatively benign, and a person can treat them quickly and easily.
However, a person should visit a doctor if the issue persists or occurs alongside symptoms of more serious health conditions.
Last medically reviewed on September 30, 2020
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Medically reviewed by Dr. Sirisha Yellayi, DO — Written by Adam Rowden on September 30, 2020
Medically reviewed by J. Keith Fisher, M.D
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Experiencing the discomfort of sore nipples from time to time is an annoyance that most women have to put up with. Nipple pain can be caused from something as simple as chaffing or allergies to clothing, or it could be caused by an infection. Changes during the menstrual cycle can also cause nipples to become sensitive, tender, or hurt more than usual. Very often pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding complain that their nipples become very sore.
Unfortunately, painful nipples can also be accompanied with other symptoms that can add to your discomfort. Infections in the glands around the nipples can result in some discharge, or the area around the nipple can become dry and cracked. In some cases, you could have some nipple itching, tenderness, or notice that your nipples are red and swollen.
Most of the time, sore nipples are not a sign of anything serious, and are more of an irritation. Some home remedies to help alleviate the pain and discomfort of sore nipples include cold or warm compress, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, or tea tree oil. In rare occasions, sore nipples with some unexplained discharge could indicate a more serious condition that needs attention by a doctor.
In the article, you will find out the many reasons why your nipples hurt and what you can do to about it.
Nipple problems can also affect men; however more women suffer from sore and painful nipples. Nipples constantly rubbing against clothing can cause friction or allergic reactions and be a reason why nipples in both men and women become sore. There may also be some redness and signs of irritation around the nipple.
According to doctors from WebMD, soreness, bleeding, and itching can accompany many causes of nipple pain. Sometimes hormonal changes can cause the nipple to feel tender and more sensitive and the areolas to be larger. You may also feel a tingling sensation in the nipple or the surrounding area.1
Let’s look in more detail at the most common reasons why you might be experiencing nipple pain.
Friction is a common reason why men and women can have sore and sensitive nipples. Very often sore nipples caused by friction is called “jogger’s nipple.”
The journal Sports Medicine reported that nipple soreness caused by running, exercising, or taking part in other sports is common among athletes. This can happen if you wear a sports bra that doesn’t fit properly, or synthetic fabrics rub against your nipples.2
Doctors from WebMD say that constant rubbing against the nipple can also cause signs of irritation, dry nipples, and even bleeding.1
You can avoid getting sore nipples from jogging or working out if you wear the appropriate clothing made from natural materials. If your nipple is damaged and sore, you could try using nipple shields or applying a barrier cream to prevent nipple infections.
Hormonal fluctuations during your menstrual cycle affects your breasts and is often a reason for nipples hurting right before your period.
According to OB/GYN Dr. Traci Johnson, symptoms of painful and sore breasts are usually more noticeable just before your period. You may find that your breasts and nipples are more sensitive or tender than usual. The breast and nipple soreness should only last a few days into your period. If you notice any unusual discharge, you should speak to your doctor.3
If you are affected by other symptoms of PMS, then you can try some of these 12 helpful natural ways to relieve PMS. There you can find out how magnesium and vitamin B6 can help to reduce the severity of PMS symptoms. You can also relieve menstrual cramps with these natural ways.
Your nipples are very sensitive and can have an allergic reaction to soaps, fabrics, or other allergens. If you have noticed that your nipples are tender and itching after you changed your laundry detergent, soap, or moisturizer, the nipple discomfort could be from allergies. In this case, identifying and removing the allergen should solve the problem.
Breast sensitivity and soreness can happen if you become pregnant, and the nipple tenderness can increase during your pregnancy.
Doctors from the American Pregnancy Association report that hormonal changes cause your breasts to become more sensitive, and this is often felt particularly in the nipples. Other breast changes during pregnancy include darkening of the area around your nipples, and your nipple may stick out more and become larger.4
Some other signs of early pregnancy include cramping when implantation happens, a missed period, nausea and vomiting, increased Montgomery glands, and an increase in cervical discharge. If you think you are pregnant, you can find out here when is the earliest time to take a pregnancy test.
Breastfeeding can cause the breast tissue to become sensitive and sore and cause persistent nipple pain.
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health reported that many breastfeeding mothers complain of sore and tender nipples. This was a reason why almost 40% of women discontinued breastfeeding. Some of the reasons for nipple pain while breastfeeding are incorrectly placing the baby, infection, and inflammation.5
To help avoid sore and painful nipples while breastfeeding, the Journal de Pediatria reported that proper breastfeeding technique is essential. The nipples should be kept dry and you should use nursing pads.6
Nipple infections that cause pain during breastfeeding are also common. Bacterial infections or candidiasis can cause more nipple problems. This could result in breast and nipple itching, redness, and burning twinges in the breasts. Other complications to the nipples or breasts during breastfeeding could be inflammation or plugged nipple ducts.6
Mastitis can also cause the breasts and nipples to become red, tender, and sore due to infection in the breast tissue.
Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Suzanne Trupin says that mastitis often affects breastfeeding mothers. However, breast inflammation can occur in other women and post-menopausal women. The signs of mastitis are redness around the nipple spreading up the breast, fever and chills, and warmth of the breast.7
If you have signs of mastitis, you should see your doctor to get the right treatment to resolve the infection.
Inflammation of the breasts, that may or may not be caused by an infection, can cause nipple tenderness and nipple pain.
According to a report published in the journal Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, breast inflammation can be caused by mastitis, an abscess, or other infection. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, there may be nipple discharge, pain and swelling, and lesions on the areola.8
Nipple vasospasm can be a reason for painful nipple spasms that last for a few minutes or many hours.
According to doctors from the Herzl Family Practice Clinic, emotional stress, exposure to cold temperatures, or breastfeeding can cause nipple vasospasm. The pain in the nipple is caused as blood vessels contract. This results in throbbing and needle-like pains in the nipple. You also may notice that the nipple pain increases in the cold.9
If you suffer from chronic burning pain in your nipples, you should seek medical advice. However, doctors say that very often, a warm compress is enough to help relieve the pain.
Raynaud’s syndrome can be a reason for deep nipple pain in women who breastfeed.
Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that Raynaud’s syndrome in an autoimmune condition that results in constricted blood vessels in certain areas of the body. It can cause numbness in the fingers or toes, nose, lips, and even nipples. The affected body part, for example, the nipple, usually becomes sore as it warms up and blood flows to the nipple.10
The journal JAMA Dermatology reported that Raynaud’s syndrome of the nipple is sometimes a complication of breastfeeding, mastitis, or Candida infection.11
A candida infection of the nipple can cause nipple thrush and can make nipples sore and sensitive when breastfeeding
Cracked and dry nipples are often to blame for candida infections getting into the nipples. Doctors from the National Health Service say that candida fungus can affect both of your nipples and also your baby’s mouth. You may feel that the nipples are painful to touch or very tender after feeding. The nipple pain can be extreme and last for a few hours.12
Pain in just one nipple that is sore to touch could be caused by an abscess in the breast.
According to the journal Radio Graphics, breast abscesses that cause nipple pain are usually associated with some redness and heat around the affected area. Very rarely is a fever associated with a breast abscess. A breast abscess can also be a reason for nipple pain in men.13
Because any lump in the breast could be something more serious, you should have any new breast lumps checked out by a qualified doctor.
If you are suffering from tender and sore nipples that are cracked, it could be a sign of nipple eczema or dermatitis.
Eczema or various forms of dermatitis can cause red rashes that are sore, itchy, and may have blisters. Some forms of dermatitis are caused by irritants that affect the skin. Because the nipple is especially sensitive area, it is prone to getting irritated.
For example, the journal BMC Dermatology described a condition called “guitar nipple.” This is caused by constant rubbing of the musical instrument against the nipple area.14 Also, dermatitis is a common reason for nipple pain in breastfeeding mothers.5
To avoid outbreaks of eczema on your breast that cause your nipple to hurt and feel extremely sore, you should try to identify the source of the irritant. It is also good to avoid harsh soaps and keep your nipples well-moisturized.
Nipple piercing will cause sore nipples for a week or so after the piercing. However secondary bacterial wounds in the piercing wound could cause swollen nipples that are painful and ooze pus.
Nipple piercing can also cause other complications. The Journal of the American College of Surgeons reported that nipple piercings can cause breast abscesses. These are difficult to treat and cause very painful nipples. Sometimes, the breast abscess can appear as late as seven years after the piercing.15
Another reason that nipple piercing can cause excruciating nipple pain on your right or left nipple is if the jewelry tears. The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology reported that piercings in the nipple are especially prone to tearing.16
Paget’s disease is a rare type of cancer that can affect the nipple
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