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1. Capable of perceiving with a sense or senses: Aristotle held that animals have a sensitive soul, but only humans have a rational one.
2. Responsive or capable of responding to a chemical stimulus or substance. Used especially of a cell, tissue, or organism.
a. Susceptible to slight differences or changes in the environment: a plant that is sensitive to rapid changes in temperature; heat-sensitive enzymes.
b. Readily altered by the action of an agent: film that is sensitive to light.
c. Registering slight differences or changes of condition. Used of an instrument.
a. Easily irritated: sensitive skin.
b. Predisposed to inflammation as a result of preexisting allergy or disease: People with celiac disease are sensitive to gluten.
a. Aware of or careful about the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others: The book is a sensitive treatment of a troubled friendship.
b. Easily hurt, upset, or offended: Teenagers tend to be especially sensitive about their appearance.
6. Fluctuating or tending to fluctuate, especially in price: sensitive stocks.
7. Of or relating to secret or classified information: sensitive defense data; holds a sensitive position in the State Department.
2. One held to be endowed with psychic or occult powers.
[Middle English, from Old French sensitif , from Medieval Latin sēnsitīvus , from Latin sēnsus , sense ; see sense .]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Physiology) having the power of sensation
2. responsive to or aware of feelings, moods, reactions, etc
3. easily irritated; delicate: sensitive skin .
4. affected by external conditions or stimuli
6. (Physiology) of or relating to the senses or the power of sensation
7. capable of registering small differences or changes in amounts, quality, etc: a sensitive instrument .
8. (Photography) photog having a high sensitivity: a sensitive emulsion .
9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) connected with matters affecting national security, esp through access to classified information
10. (Stock Exchange) (of a stock market or prices) quickly responsive to external influences and thus fluctuating or tending to fluctuate
11. (Commerce) (of a stock market or prices) quickly responsive to external influences and thus fluctuating or tending to fluctuate
[C14: from Medieval Latin sēnsitīvus, from Latin sentīre to feel]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses.
2. readily or excessively affected by external influences.
3. responsive to the feelings of others.
4. easily hurt or offended.
5. Physiol. having a low threshold of sensation or feeling.
6. especially responsive to certain agents, as light: sensitive photographic film.
7. highly secret or delicate; requiring prudence: sensitive diplomatic issues.
8. constructed to measure small degrees of change: a sensitive thermometer.
9. marked by high radio sensitivity.
10. a person who is sensitive.
11. a person with psychic powers; medium.
[1350–1400; Middle English sensitif(e) < Middle French sensitif < Medieval Latin sēnsitīvus ]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Requiring special protection from disclosure that could cause embarrassment, compromise, or threat to the security of the sponsoring power. May be applied to an agency, installation, person, position, document, material, or activity.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
She was a sensible girl and did not panic.
He is quite sensitive about his weight.
A sensitive child can get very upset by people arguing.
It would not be very sensitive to ask him about his divorce.
His experiences helped him become less selfish and more sensitive .
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
psychic - a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception
responsive - readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion; "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience"
sensible , sensitive - able to feel or perceive; "even amoeba are sensible creatures"; "the more sensible parts of the skin"
susceptible - (often followed by `of' or `to') yielding readily to or capable of; "susceptible to colds"; "susceptible of proof"
insensitive - not responsive to physical stimuli; "insensitive to radiation"
responsive - readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion; "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience"
insensitive - deficient in human sensibility; not mentally or morally sensitive; "insensitive to the needs of the patients"
aware , cognisant , cognizant - (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception; "was aware of his opponent's hostility"; "became aware of her surroundings"; "aware that he had exceeded the speed limit"
conscious - knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts; "remained conscious during the operation"; "conscious of his faults"; "became conscious that he was being followed"
sensitive - responsive to physical stimuli; "a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive skin"; "sensitive to light"
painful - causing physical or psychological pain; "worked with painful slowness"
classified - official classification of information or documents; withheld from general circulation; "thousands of classified documents have now been declassified"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
2. delicate , tender , fragile , raw , painful , sore , easily damaged gentle cosmetics for sensitive skin
3. susceptible to , vulnerable to , responsive to , reactive to , sensitized to , easily affected by My eyes are overly sensitive to bright light.
4. touchy , defensive , paranoid , neurotic , uptight (informal) , twitchy (informal) , chippy (informal) , thin-skinned , oversensitive , easily upset , easily offended , hyper-sensitive , easily hurt , umbrageous (rare) Young people are very sensitive about their appearance. touchy tough , insensitive , callous , hard , hardened , uncaring , thick-skinned , unfeeling
5. tricky , difficult , delicate , thorny , touchy , ticklish Employment is a very sensitive issue.
6. secret , private , confidential , classified , hush-hush (informal) He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
حَسّاس حَسَّاس مُرْهَف الحِس، ذو ذَوْقٍ رفيع
hörundsár tilfinninganæmur viîkvæmur, næmur
jautriai reaguojantis turintis subtilų meninį skonį
emocionāls izjusts jutīgs jūtīgs smalks
1. (= emotionally aware, responsive ) [ person ] → sensible ; [ story, novel, film ] → lleno de sensibilidad to be sensitive to sth → ser sensible a algo, ser consciente de algo
2. (= touchy ) [ person ] → susceptible to be sensitive about sth: young people are very sensitive about their appearance → a los jóvenes les preocupa mucho su aspecto he is deeply sensitive to criticism → es muy susceptible a las críticas
3. (= delicate ) [ issue, subject ] → delicado ; [ region, area ] → conflictivo this is politically very sensitive → esto es muy conflictivo or muy delicado desde el punto de vista político
4. (= confidential ) [ document, report, information ] → confidencial
5. (= easily affected ) [ skin ] → delicado , sensible ; [ teeth ] → sensible
6. (= highly responsive ) [ instrument ] → sensible ( Phot ) [ paper, film ] → sensible ( Fin ) [ market ] → volátil to be sensitive to light/heat → ser sensible a la luz /al calor
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= easily upset ) [ person ] → sensible She's very sensitive → Elle est très sensible . to be sensitive about sth He is very sensitive about it → C'est un point très sensible chez lui. He is very sensitive about his weight → Son poids est un point très sensible chez lui.
(= aware of others' feelings ) [ person ] → sensible ; [ remark ] → aimable to be sensitive to sth → être sensible à qch The teacher must be sensitive to each child's needs → L'enseignant doit être sensible aux besoins de chaque enfant .
(= delicate ) [ skin, eyes ] → sensible to be sensitive to sth → être sensible à qch
(= controversial ) [ issue, topic ] → sensible
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(emotionally) person → sensibel , empfindsam ; (= easily hurt) → empfindlich ; (= understanding) → einfühlsam ; novel, film, remark → einfühlend ; to be sensitive about something → in Bezug auf etw (acc) → empfindlich sein ; she is very sensitive to criticism/these things → sie reagiert sehr empfindlich auf Kritik /diese Dinge
(physically) instruments, part of body, leaves, plants → empfindlich ; (Phot) emulsion, film → lichtempfindlich ; (= delicate) balance, adjustment → fein ; (fig) topic, issue → heikel , prekär ; sensitive to heat/light → wärme-/lichtempfindlich ; his wound is sensitive to touch → seine Wunde tut weh, wenn man sie berührt ; he has access to some highly sensitive information → er hat Zugang zu streng vertraulichen Informationen ; his visit comes at a sensitive time → er macht diesen Besuch zu einem schwierigen Zeitpunkt ; just how sensitive are these figures? → inwiefern sind diese Zahlen als vertraulich zu behandeln ?
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
sensitive [ˈsɛnsɪtɪv] adj ( person, tooth, instrument, film ) sensitive (to) → sensibile (a) ; ( delicate, skin, question ) → delicato/a ; ( easily offended ) → suscettibile he is very sensitive about it → è meglio non toccare quel tasto con lui
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
1. ( usually with to ) strongly or easily affected (by something). sensitive skin; sensitive to light. sensitief حَسّاس чуствителен sensível citlivý empfindlich følsom ευαίσθητος , ευπαθής sensible , delicado tundlik حساس herkkä sensible רגיש संवेदनशील osjetljiv (túl) érzékeny peka viðkvæmur, næmur sensibile 感じやすい 민감한 jautrus jutīgs sensitif gevoelig følsom , ømfintlig , sart wrażliwy حساس، حسي sensível sensibil (la) нежный; чувствительный citlivý občutljiv osetljiv känslig, ömtålig อ่อนไหว; เสียหายได้ง่าย duyarlı , hassas 敏感的 чутливий, сприйнятливий حساس nhạy cảm 敏感的
2. ( usually with about or to ) easily hurt or offended. She is very sensitive to criticism. sensitief حَسّاس обидчив susceptível citlivý sensibel følsom ευαίσθητος , εύθικτος susceptible ülitundlik زود رنج herkkä sensible פגיע कोमल osjetljiv kényes perasa hörundsár sensibile 敏感な 예민한 jautriai reaguojantis jūtīgs; viegli aizvainojams sensitif; mudah tersinggung gevoelig nærtakende , fintfølende wrażliwy , drażliwy حساس susceptível sensibil (la) обидчивый citlivý občutljiv, dovzeten osetljiv känslig รู้สึกเจ็บปวดหรือโดนดูหมิ่นได้ง่าย içli , alıngan 容易受傷的,容易生氣的 вразливий; той, що гостро реагує جذباتی dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi cái gì 易受伤害的,容易生气的
3. having or showing artistic good taste. a sensitive writer; a sensitive performance. sensitief مُرْهَف الحِس، ذو ذَوْقٍ رفيع прецизен sensível citlivý feinfühlig følsom ευαίσθητος , αισθαντικός sensible peen, kultuurne با احساس herkkä plein de sensibilité רגיש संवेदनशील dojmljiv, čuvstven igényes bercitarasa tilfinninganæmur sensibile ; raffinato 感受性豊かな 섬세한 jautrus, turintis subtilų meninį skonį, meniškas smalks; emocionāls; izjusts yang peka gevoelig uttrykksfull , følsom wrażliwy با احساس sensível plin de sensibilitate восприимчивый citlivý občutljiv osećajan känslig, uttrycksfull มีรสนิยมทางด้านศิลปะ duygulu , hassas 藝術品味高的 той, що має тонкий художній смак فن کا ذوق رکھنے والا có sự thông cảm 艺术感觉好的
sensitief بِحَساسِيَه чуствително sensivelmente citlivě sensibel følsomt ευαίσθητα con sensibilidad tundlikult با نازكدلي herkästi avec sensibilité בִּרגִישוּת भावुकता से osjetljivo érz(ékel)ően; érzékenyen secara peka af næmi con sensibilità 敏感に 민감하게 jautriai jūtīgi; smalki; emocionāli dengan sensitif gevoelig følsomt z wrażliwością, z wyczuciem په حساسيت سره com sensibilidade cu sensibilitate чувствительно citlivo z občutkom osetljivo känsligt อย่างไวต่อความรู้สึก hassasiyetle 敏感地 вразливо حساسیت سے nhạy cảm 敏感地
sensitiwiteit حَساسِيَه обидчивост sensibilidade citlivost die Sensibilität følsomhed ευαισθησία , αισθαντικότητα sensibilidad tundlikkus نازكدلي herkkyys sensibilité רגישות सूक्ष्मग्राहिता osjetljivost, senzibilitet érzékenység; fogékonyság kepekaan næmi, viðkvæmni sensibilità 感じやすさ 과민, 민감성 jautrumas jūtīgums; smalka uztvere; emocionalitāte kepekaan gevoeligheid ømfintlighet , uttrykksfullhet wrażliwość حساسيت sensibilidade sensibilitate чувствительность citlivosť občutljivost osetljivost känslighet ความไวต่อความรู้สึก hassasiyet 敏感 чуйність; чутливість حساسی tính nhạy cảm 敏感
sensitiwiteit حَساسيَه чуатвителост sensibilidade citlivost die Sensibilität følsomhed ευαισθησία sensibilidad tundlikkus حساسيت herkkyys sensibilité רגישות सूक्ष्मग्राहिता osjetljivost, osjećajnost érzékenység sifat perasa næmi, viðkvæmni sensibilità 感受性 민감도, 감수성 jautrumas jutīgums kepekaan zinnelijk følsomhet حساسيت، نازكتيا sensibilidade sensibilitate чувствительность citlivosť občutljivost osetljivost känslighet การไวต่อความรู้สึก hassasiyet 敏感性 чутливість; вразливість حسیت کا درجہ tính nhạy cảm 敏感性
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
sensitive adj sensible; ( person, empathetic ) sensible; ( person, easily hurt ) susceptible; ( subject, delicate ) delicado; a test sensitive for ..una prueba sensible para... sensitive to her needs .. sensible a sus necesidades... He's so sensitive ..Es tan susceptible... a sensitive subject ..un tema delicado
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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