Senior Women Masturbating

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Communities > Women's Health > Masturbation at 64 by different methods

I am 64 and widowed and I masturbate at least one a day with my hands to satisfy my desires. I would like to use a sex toy. At my age, is this acceptable? Could there be some biological reason why a sex toy should only be used between certain ages?
When I was younger, I used sex toys, but not in quite a while. I am somewhat fearful that as I am older, I might accidentally do damage that would not have occured when I was younger.

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My hubby stop having sex with me, due to his COPD. So I care of me only.Apparently masturbating yourself is a great exercise to lose belly fat.

Who knew?  How often do you have to do that to lose belly fat?  

Wouldn't that be great? But if it were totally true, most guys I know would have washboard abs.

Go for it. You can get vibrators and all sex toys mailed to you. I am older than you and always use them. Dont forget the lube if dryness is a problem....

I recently started masturbating once a while Doe, I have never use any sex toy before , sometimes I feel am naive in the act. I really want to spark up my sexual life.

Hello,  the best book I have read on women's self pleasuring is by Joan Price,  she covers it very thoroughly at all ages,  its priceless, I thought i pretty well knew all the sex data till I picked up her book,  wow did I have some catching up to do, she also has a blog,  I happen to be a male I will be 68 this month and I still enjoy masterbation/self pleasuring,  keep up the fun'  

I am 66 and masturbate frequently! I have found that besides the obvious please factor - it is a wonderful pain reliever! I have horrible back and neck pain - ths "method" works wonders! Better than pain medication!

There is a really popular one called a "Pocket Rocket."  A friend went into a women's bookstore to buy one for his girlfriend (they are in their 50s) and was amazed and a little abashed to find them out in a basket on the front counter. :)  I guess they are just so well liked that there is no point in tucking them on a shelf.  Have fun!!!!

Well I did it. I bought a sex toy, a vibrating dildo. I used it and it is wonderful!! I now masturbate numerous times a day. I am 64 and say why should only the young girls have fun. I could not be happier.

Many healthy adults way into their 80's 90's have sex, whether with a partner or by  masturbation-- HEY GO FOR IT!
Find a method that works for you! If you have any health concerns or disablilities Im sure there  are things out there for you!

Sorry Blondie- I wasn't speaking about children, ref -sex at any age. If you are adult and responsible. I should have probably used the word masturbation.

You ladies are wonderful! You have eased my fears. I am going out to tomorrow to buy a sex toy and will enjoy every moment of using it! Hell if I live to 100, I will still use it.

I thank you all.

Actually, masturbation is totally normal and very healthy at any time, early childhood through old age.

I think it's awesome that you're regularly sexually active and interested in toys. As a matter of fact, if you're not having vaginal intercourse, insertable toys can help prevent your vagina from atrophying. Extra healthy and fun ;-)

Aug 06, 2020

I DISAGREE with the ANY AGE part.  Make sure you are old enough 20 and up is plenty old enough to me. To the original poster - Hey if you want a sex toy - GO FOR IT!!!!

There is no age limit go for it!  Go for one that suits you. There are now so many to choose from with ticklers and all. Sex is for everybody at any age. Enjoy yourself!

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John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO Jun 08

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO 12/20

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO 04/18

Didn't find the answer you were looking for?

STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.

Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.

Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.

Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.

Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.

From skin changes to weight loss to unusual bleeding, here are 15 cancer warning signs that women tend to ignore.

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A new survey reveals exactly what they’re thinking about when they’re getting off…
Ever wondered what a woman fantasizes about when she masturbates ? Well, if you have, you’re in luck, because a massive new survey by one of the world’s biggest sex toy retailers, LoveHoney , found out what goes on in the mind of a woman when she’s getting herself off.
The survey, which had 4,500 respondents, found that 59 percent of men and 65 percent of women masturbate on a regular basis, even if they’re in a loving and committed relationship. 
Now, while some might worry that feeling the need to masturbate instead of having sex with your partner is a sign that the relationship is falling apart, let me assure you that it’s totally fine. Everyone needs some me-time.
Anyway, as you already know, when you masturbate, you fantasize about certain things to help you get in the mood. Right? Right. Everyone fantasizes.
Interestingly, the survey found that the top fantasies during masturbation were basically the same for both men and women, and mainly involved current partners. Aww. So sweet. Respondents reported that their number one fantasy while masturbating was simply thinking about sex with their partner – for 69 percent of men, and 60 percent of women.
Sadly, things turned sour at the second most popular fantasy, as 58 percent of men and 48 percent of women reported fantasizing about a sexual encounter with an ex. So, if your girlfriend masturbates, there’s a pretty solid possibility that she’s fantasizing about her ex. Yikes. Try not to think about that too much.
The third most popular fantasy, for 57 percent of men and 43 percent of women, was found to be erotica and porn, followed by roleplay and BDSM in fourth and fifth place, accounting for about 30 percent between the genders.
Moreover, the survey revealed that the majority of respondents don’t think masturbating makes sex with their partner feel any less enjoyable, so that’s good news. In fact, 21 percent of men and 34 percent of women actually think rubbing one out makes sex even better . So take that , anti-masturbation advocates!
“Fantasies allow monogamous couples to get all the pleasure of ‘new’ sex without the pain of broken hearts and relationship,” sex and relationships expert, Tracey Cox, told Playboy . 
“Masturbating comes with a whole slew of benefits and it is normal to do even when in a relationship. A good way to ease you and your partner’s nerves about masturbation is through mutual masturbation. It is a great way to show each other what you like at the same time.”
So yeah. We already know masturbating is pretty awesome and makes you happy and healthy, but hearing this just makes it better. Well, except for the fantasizing-about-her-ex thing. That’s not awesome. 

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