Senior Python developer

Senior Python developer

Remote | 850k-90k euro gross per year


salary range: 85k-90k euro gross per year

English level: В2+

Monite lets neobanks and other FinTech SaaS platforms embed financial workflows like invoicing, payables automation, expense management, and accounting for their clients. Monite allows B2B platforms to offer a broad range of financial products to their customers, optimizing efficiency, quality, and user-experience, all while generating additional revenue. The company is backed by Third Prime, P72, founders of Klarna, Mollie and Nium, and execs from Plaid and PayPal.

We are looking for a talented and ambitious Senior Python developer with proven hands-on experience on coding complex software solutions, preferably based on the microservices architecture. 

Technical stack: Python 3.10 (FastAPI) , PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Kubernetes, Redis, MongoDB;

Ticketing and documentation systems: Jira, Confluence/Notion;

Communication: Slack, Google Meet, Google workspace suite;

Repository: Gitlab 4. CI/CD: Gitlab CI.

Experience and principles:

  • You have 5+ years of experience in Python
  • You are an experienced SQL databases user
  • You are not a stranger to Kubernetes and Docker
  • You know how to work with GitLab, CI/CD
  • You speak English fluently and you want to work in an international and dynamic environment (at least B2)
  • You have experience with microservices architecture development
  • You are a doer with a creative force and high attention to detail: strive for the highest quality with an iterative approach mindset
  • You are receptive to feedback, to be mentored and to mentor others. We're caring and make sure that everyone can grow. You will be empowered and you will empower others.


  • We offer an amazing work environment, we strive for performance, but always balance it with kindness and care;
  • We work from multiple locations (USA, Germany, Georgia, Poland, UK, Nigeria). We have a work from anywhere policy;
  • We value hard and soft skills. We are looking for passionate engineers, really interested in making our product better;
  • We value autonomy and a good balance of velocity vs quality;
  • We offer an attractive salary package;
  • We provide mentorship & courses;
  • The best opportunity to have an impact on a team growing fast.

Contact: @y_yakovleva

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