Senior Frontend Developer

Senior Frontend Developer

Remote | up to $5000 gross

12Go Asia (IT)

Salary: up to $5000 gross


- Build and maintain existing products;

- Write reusable, testable, and efficient code;

- Write unit tests;

- Permanent progressive refactoring — parts of the system you touch should be left in a better state than before;

- Optimize application performance.

Preferred Qualification:

- 5+ years of experience building web interfaces;

- 2+ years of experience building, maintaining, and optimizing high-load NodeJS applications;

- Excellent proficiency in JavaScript and TypeScript;

- Excellent proficiency in HTML and CSS, as well as LESS preprocessor;

- Excellent skills in working with Git;

- Expert knowledge of Vue3 and Nuxt;

- Deep understanding of how Server Side Rendering works;

- Ability to profile, analyze, and optimize web pages;

- Ability to work with Docker containers;

- Good understanding of Microdata and SEO principles;

- Good understanding of CWV score and best practices to improve it;

- Good written and spoken English.

 Nice to have:

- Experience with Storybook;

- Basic knowledge of PHP;

- Knowledge of Atomic Design principles.

We offer:

- Remote work

- Opportunity for rapid growth inside the company

- Good salary depending on the experience.

- Social benefits: gym, studies allowance, insurance 

- Work with a well-motivated, fast, and ambitious team.

 For further inquiries: @hr_aleksandra_molka

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