Selfmade Fick mit Toys

Selfmade Fick mit Toys


Selfmade Fick mit Toys
Sexspielzeug selber machen: DIY-Toys fürs Bett

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Fitness-Apps liegen im Trend: Sie geben dem Sportliebhaber vor, wie viel und wann er zu trainieren hat. Ein boomendes Geschäft, von dem die Pornoplattform „Pornhub“ nun offenbar auch profitieren will – mit einer Sex-App, die die schönste Nebensache der Welt zum effektiven Work-out macht.
Sie haben den schönsten Tag Ihres Lebens hinter sich gebracht? Fast, denn es steht noch die Hochzeitsnacht an – und die ist ein echtes Highlight für Frischvermählte. Damit sie kein Reinfall wird und unvergesslich bleibt, finden Sie hier Tipps für Unterwäsche und ein verführerisches Ambiente.
Guter Sex hängt von dem richtigen Ambiente ab. Feng Shui, die daoistische Harmonielehre aus China, hält ein paar hilfreiche Tipps für die Gestaltung des Schlafzimmers parat – und mit denen soll’s im Bett so richtig knistern.
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Bei einem Seitensprung ist die heimische Matratze eher ein unfreiwilliger und vor allem verschwiegener Komplize. Doch nun soll sich die Bettauflage auf die Seite des oder der Gehörnten stellen. Wie das funktioniert, erfahrt ihr im Folgenden. Doch pssst – damit es klappt, darf der Partner nichts davon erfahren.
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Einen Dildo im Internet bestellen oder im Sexshop kaufen, das kann jeder und ist außerdem ganz schön teuer. Wer Sexspielzeug selber machen möchte, braucht nicht viel handwerkliches Geschick, sondern nur ein paar gute Ideen. Doch sind DIY-Toys wirklich zu empfehlen?
Wer Sexspielzeug selber machen möchte, kann den einfachen Weg gehen und ein Kondom über eine Banane, Gurke oder einen Maiskolben ziehen oder sich einen Dildo aus Wachs basteln. Der ist allerdings etwas aufwendiger. Kompliziert ist das aber längst nicht, denn hierfür brauchen Sie nur ein Kondom und ein paar brennende Kerzen. Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein? Das gilt auch für dieses besondere Sextoy, denn ein bisschen Geduld müssen Sie schon haben, bis das Spielzeug die gewünschte Form und Größe hat. 
Und so geht’s: Nehmen Sie, je nach Größe des gewünschten Dildos, drei oder vier Kerzen zur Hand. Zünden Sie eine Kerze an und lassen Sie das Wachs in das Kondom tropfen. Sobald das Spielzeug die richtige Größe erreicht hat, schneiden Sie das Gummi ab. Aber aufgepasst: Vor der Benutzung sollte unbedingt wieder ein Kondom übergezogen werden.
Sexspielzeug selber machen – ganz cool: Auch Ideen für Eisdildos sind nicht neu. Sie versprechen im Sommer eine Erfrischung der ganz besonderen Art. Hierfür füllen Sie einfach Wasser in ein Kondom, verknoten dieses, legen es ins Eisfach und warten, bis es gefroren ist.
Preis und Einfachheit der Selfmade-Methode hin oder her – es bleibt die Frage: Sind DIY-Toys wirklich zu empfehlen oder gar gesundheitsschädlich? Fest steht: Ganz ungefährlich ist die Anwendung nicht, denn bei Gegenständen, die nicht zum Einführen in den Intimbereich gedacht sind, besteht immer ein Verletzungs- oder Infektionsrisiko.
Wer nicht auf den Spaß verzichten möchte, sollte zumindest immer ein Kondom verwenden, um zu verhindern, dass Wachs oder chemische Mittel, mit denen Obst und Gemüse oft gespritzt sind, in den Körper gelangen. Das ist Ihnen zu heikel? Dann sollten Sie das Geld in ein professionelles Sextoy  investieren, denn das lässt sich nicht nur länger verwenden, sondern vibriert mitunter sogar. Wer untenrum nicht erfrieren möchte, sollte im Übrigen auf das Einführen von Eisdildos – selbst mit Kondom – ebenfalls verzichten, denn dass frostige Temperaturen nicht unbedingt gesund sind, liegt wohl auf der Hand.
Ein guter Kompromiss: Machen Sie die Waschmaschine an und setzen Sie sich darauf – dieser natürliche Vibrator ist for free, birgt aber so gut wie keine Verletzungsgefahr, sofern Sie sich nur draufsetzen und nicht rein. Tipp: Wenn Ihnen das zu hart ist, legen Sie einfach ein weiches Kissen oder eine Decke auf die Maschine und nehmen darauf Platz.
Fazit: Wenn kein passendes Sextoy zur Hand ist oder Sie keine Lust auf gekaufte Ware haben, können Sie ein Sexspielzeug selber machen. Aber denken Sie bei DIY-Toys immer an die Hygiene, da diese ansonsten zur Gefahr werden können.
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Vibrating, Prostate Massaging and Fleshlight-Like Homemade Sex Toys for Men
This article will explain which objects can be used as homemade sex toys for men - from toothbrushes and shoelaces to feather dusts and molding kits
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You can choose to either hold the bubble wrap together or use duct tape for a tighter roll.
Again, using a condom over your wooden spoon is recommended. It will provide lubrication and prevent any cuts or tearing.
Also note that different hair ties have different elasticity and some may be looser than others. If you find one that is too loose, either purchase a different one or fold it over for a tighter constriction.
This is a great foreplay exercise for when you want to prolong the sensation.
Prostate: Functions, diseases, and tests
The prostate gland contributes prostatic fluid to semen. Common problems include an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. Find out more.
Are Cock Rings Safe? 17 FAQs About Benefits, Risks, Use, and More
Cock rings help trap blood in and around the penis during arousal. This can make your erection harder — and slightly larger. It can also delay orgasm and, when you’re ready, result in an intense climax. Curious? Here’s how to find the right fit and other tips for safe use.
2022. All rights reserved.
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All men masturbate and there’s nothing to be ashamed about it. And while your hand may do the job just fine, if you can make it more exciting, why not do so?
If you’re looking for a different, more intense experience, why not try your hand at crafting a homemade sex toy for men? There are many different ways to go about this, and chances are you have most of the materials already. We’ll walk you through how to make a homemade sex toy for men including vibrating options, masturbation devices, and even cock rings. The next time you’re looking for a bit of pleasure, you’ll have plenty of options. 
When an ordinary masturbation toy just isn’t enough, it’s time to add a vibration element to your experience. While these may be a bit more involved, the end result will be pure ecstasy. 
We can’t stress this enough but if you use an electric toothbrush, it needs to have a brand new head to it. You cannot use an old toothbrush head and you certainly can’t go between using it for your teeth and your anal pleasure. Your teeth are full of bacteria, and so is your toothbrush. Even if you wrap up your electric toothbrush, there is still a risk of that bacteria causing an infection is a very sensitive area. 
You will also want to place a condom over your electric toothbrush. While the feel of the bristles moving may be a great sensation, it can cause abrasion on your sensitive skin. A condom will add a layer of protection and as long as you use a thin condom, you’ll still be able to feel everything. 
While more commonly used for clitoral stimulation, men can take advantage of an electric razor, and they are more likely to own one, too. Just, please, be sure to remove your blade from your razor. This seems obvious but you would be surprised at how many people jump into a task before thinking clearly. 
You can use the (bladeless) electric razor around the base of your penis and experiment with different pressure points. You can even rim it around the entrance of your anus. 
Those that want to go the extra mile in crafting a DIY vibrating sex toy may want to invest a bit of money in the process. Amazingly, the Clone-A-Willy and Balls Vibrator Molding Kit allows you to make a mold out of any penis. This could be yours, if you so wish, or a partner. It is perfect if you have a partner in a long-distance relationship but still want to be close with them. 
There are many children’s vibrating toys that can be used for nefarious purposes. Think of the once-popular Tickle-Me Elmo. Just be sure to purchase a new toy and do not simply use a child’s already loved toy.
You can hold yourself against the toy, or move it around as needed. You may want to think about using a condom during this process to eliminate a mess at the end. 
There are many, many different devices you can craft that enhance your masturbation sessions. All are meant to try to closely replicate the feeling of penetration. 
While the term refers to masturbation devices made in prison, you can use this idea at home. Take a towel and wrap it up. Then, place a latex glove through the hole. Thread the glove and then spread the opening back around the towel. The result should be a very firm contraption with a hole in the middle. 
You can use lube with your fifi or try it out with just the latex glove to see what feels best. 
Everyone has a roll of toilet paper in their home and this is an excellent masturbation device. It’s best to use a half roll as this will allow you to grip it better. 
To craft your device, start by removing the inner cardboard tube as this will provide too much chafing. Then, you want to insert a latex glove. This will provide a barrier against the paper so there isn’t too much scratching. Finally, place lube inside the glove for a better sensation. 
You can use common PVC pipe from a hardware store. Just cut it to a preferable length, lube up and please yourself.
To make use of sponges, you will need a few objects. First, you will need a tube such as a plastic bottle or a Pringles can. If you are using a bottle, cut off the top but make sure the edge isn’t jagged. 
Find some sponges and stuff them into the can. You may have to cut them off to fit all in. Be sure to pack the sponges in for maximum pleasure and leave a small hole in the middle. The hole does not have to be too wide as the sponges will compact further with pressure. 
Place a latex glove into the middle of the hole and add some lube. You can then insert your penis and grip the side of the can or bottle for movement. If you don’t have a latex glove, you can also use a condom. 
Chances are you have a box of cornstarch in your pantry and in just a few steps, you can craft your very own homemade sex toy. 
Start by mixing ¼ cup of cornstarch with 100 ml of water. Stir until it is dissolved into the water. Then, add another 100 ml of water and give it a good mix. 
Place the mixture into the microwave for 1 minute. When you take it out, it should be a gel-like consistency. Gently hollow out a hole, put don’t make the hole go all the way to the bottom of the container. If the mixture is too runny and isn’t setting, pop it in the microwave for another 30 seconds. 
Place the cornstarch container into your fridge and leave for an hour. After this, it should be a solid mass, although with a rubbery feeling. Slide the mixture out of the jar. It should hold together. Then, go and have some fun. 
An old staple, couch pillows work for a reason. They are easy to find, easy to use, and provide enough resistance for a great experience. 
Start by making sure your pillows are clean. You don’t want to ruin the experience and use old, gross pillows. Then, to avoid a huge mess, you will want to use a condom. While you can forego this step, you may find the resulting clean-up to be a pain. Once firmly wrapped, simply position yourself between the pillows. You may have to adjust or use your hands for increased pressure. 
While we don’t suggest using a fancy guest towel, make sure it is clean and the fluffier, the better. Roll your towel up nice and snug. Then, push a latex glove through the opening. Add some lube to the glove and you can insert yourself into the hole. A tighter wrapped towel will add more pressure and provide an easier way to grip the bundle. 
A texture perfect for a lot of purposes, bubble wrap is an excellent homemade masturbation device. Take a layer of bubble wrap and roll it into a bundle. You may want to test it out to see if the material creates too much chafing. If so, either put on a condom or push a latex glove into the opening.
Pool floaties are meant to go around the arms of children to keep them floating in water. You can use floaties for masturbation toys as they have a small enough hole inside of them. The plastic floaties are made up of can be a bit hard, so it’s best to use either a latex glove or a condom. This will increase the slippery feeling and ensure you don’t get a painful rash from the friction. 
While there are a lot of foods you can use for DIY sex toys for men, watermelon is convenient and has the perfect texture. Start by cutting off the top of a watermelon. Then carve out a small, long hole. You may need to widen the hole slightly as while the watermelon will compact slightly, you don’t want it to be uncomfortable.
Again, you can try placing your penis into the watermelon on its own, or if the sensation is a bit off, use a condom. Hopefully it goes without saying, but once you are done with the watermelon, please don’t eat it. 
Ice packs are not actually made out of ice, but a gel material that makes it easier to freeze. You can harness this gel for your own purposes. 
Start by taking an ice pack and opening it up. While you may be able to use the pack itself, if the shape doesn’t permit it, you will need to put the gel substance into a different, wider container. You can certainly try to masturbate with just the gel but for less mess, try using a condom. For a more powerful sensation, try using the gel when it is still cold. You may need to take breaks when doing this, but it may be a sensation you come to enjoy. 

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Prostate: Functions, diseases, and tests
The prostate gland contributes prostatic fluid to semen. Common problems include an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. Find out more.

sits just below your bladder but you can actually feel it through the thin wall of your rectum. Stimulating your prostate gland can result in some very pleasurable experiences. However, always be careful when sticking anything inside your body. There are enough horror stories about hospital visits and you don’t want to be caught in an embarrassing situation. 
There’s a reason so many health officials use a banana to demonstrate how to put on a condom. While most likely larger than a penis, it is firm and when used correctly, can certainly take the place of one.
If you ware going to insert a banana into your anus, there are a few safety measures to consider. First, we recommend placing a condom over it. Not only will this provide a more lubricated feeling but it will protect your vulnerable insides from the rough texture of the banana peel. 
Using a banana is also not recommended for anyone who does not have experience with anal play. Bananas are large and unless you have experience with either a penis or an anus dildo inside of you, they should be approached with caution. 
While not all hairbrushes are up to this task, if you have one with a long, thin handle, you can definitely use it as a household sex toy. Again, though, there are certain safety issues to consider. 
Make sure there are no cracks in the hairbrush. Having it break off is the last thing you want. If the hairbrush is made from a flimsy plastic material, it may be best to try something sturdier. 
We also suggest using a condom with the hairbrush for an extra layer of protection against abrasions. 
Those that are new to anal play may be curious, but it’s important to start slowly. Don’t go reaching for that flashlight and instead grab a felt pen. They have the perfect length and are also thin enough for easier insertion.
With a felt pen, as long as you are using the bottom part, you can simply lube it up a bit. However, if you want to, you can also fit a condom over it, first. If you aren’t using a condom, just be sure to wash it with warm soapy water both before and after. 
A good old wooden spoon can work wonders for reaching your prostate gland. Make sure the spoon isn’t too old, as you don’t want it to break off. You may also want to purchase a new one for this express purpose. It can be quite embarrassing if someone is over and reaches for your spoon to actually cook with it. 
Ok, we are definitely not suggesting that you use an actual pearl necklace in this section. Real pearl necklaces are expensive and there’s a good chance the one you go to use isn’t actually yours. It’s definitely not nice to take another person’s pearl necklace and use it for your own masturbation session. 
You can find an imitation pearl necklace for a very reasonable price and this might be the better option. The one thing you will definitely want to do first, however, is to inspect all the individual beads. Make sure they are connected and there is no risk of them falling apart. Remember, you do not want to have to go to the hospital and explain what has happened. 

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Are Cock Rings Safe? 17 FAQs About Benefits, Risks, Use, and More
Cock rings help trap blood in and around the penis during arousal. This can make your erection harder — and slightly larger. It can also delay orgasm and, when you’re ready,
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