


I met at least 1 person, I recommend this site to everyone!
My experience was positive but I didn't meet anyone on SelfieBBWs.
I didn't meet anyone and my experience was not great.
I didn't meet anyone, terrible experience, stay away!
I met at least 1 person, I recommend this site to everyone! 1 ( 10 % )
My experience was positive but I didn't meet anyone on SelfieBBWs. 1 ( 10 % )
I didn't meet anyone and my experience was not great. 6 ( 60 % )
I didn't meet anyone, terrible experience, stay away! 2 ( 20 % )
I met at least 1 person, I recommend this site to everyone! 1 ( 10 % )
My experience was positive but I didn't meet anyone on SelfieBBWs. 1 ( 10 % )
I didn't meet anyone and my experience was not great. 6 ( 60 % )
I didn't meet anyone, terrible experience, stay away! 2 ( 20 % )
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If you’re looking to hook up with single BBWs near you for casual encounters, SelfieBBWs may have caught your attention. Take a moment to see what other members have to say about their own experiences on this platform and whether or not they managed to hook up.
Here’s what others are saying about the SelfieBBWs dating site.
Are you simply looking for a quick hookup with no strings attached with a BBW? Check out our list of the 7 easiest sites you can use to get laid.
URL: Year of Establishment: 2014 Adult material on the lander: No Mobile App: No Whitelabel: Yes Target Group: Straight BBW Dating
Estimated monthly traffic: 21.000 Average Visit Duration: 00:04:01 Pages Per Visit: 19,29 Bounce Rate: 28,45% Website Authority: 34
Trial-Plan: Trial Membership 3 Days cost €8.09 If you do not cancel before the end of the trial period, you will be automatically enrolled in the recurring plan.
1 Month costs €31.80 You can pay for this plan with Credit Card and
This plan is recurring. If you do not cancel, before the end of the trial period, you will be automatically billed, when the trial ends. Plan: After Trial Membership This plan is recurring. You must cancel it to stop payments. 1 Month costs €31.80 You can pay for this plan with Credit Card and
Plan: Premium Membership This plan is recurring. You must cancel it to stop payments. 1 Month costs €27.23 3 Months cost €45.41 6 Months cost €63.55 You can pay for this plan with Credit Card and
If you’ve used SelfieBBWs, help the rest of the community out by leaving a comment below describing your experience.
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March 16, 2020 March 18, 2015 by dat1ngcop_adm1n

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Sitemap is quite a new dating site. It’s associated with many other fraudulent dating websites, many of which use spam to get you to sign up on This new dating website is owned and managed by the same people who run,, , and We invite you to continue reading and learn how this website is one of many other well-known online dating scams.
The first red flag is raised at the point where you are asked to upgrade to a paid subscription, so you can read the messages sent to you by attractive-looking women. Now, we know these kinds of websites are most likely to use fabricated profiles of women. Women’s dating profiles belong to the so called “Online Cuties”, which are not real at all and are only a mechanism to lure you into upgrading and paying for a subscription. You can see the letters “OC” (stands for Online Cuties) placed in little yellow stars and attached to every profile, which signifies that the profile is completely fake.
Basically, the “Online Cuties” are fake dating profiles of women, which the creators of the website had to manufacture. Why? -Simply because there are no real women on the website. Their goal is for you to think this deception is real, so they need to make it appear as if the website can connect you with actual women because then you will take your credit card out. Here is an excerpt from the terms and condition of
“Interactions originating from Online Cuties functionality could be computer generated or could be created by the Site or third party contractors hired by the Site.” and “You comprehend, acknowledge, and agree that the interactions, profile information, and content utilized by Online Cuties profiles do not originate from any actual Site member , but are present for educational, entertainment and Site monitoring purposes only. Any similarity between Online Cuties profile information or interaction to any real person is purely coincidental and fictitious. “
You may not even be talking to a real human at all and admits this in their terms and conditions page, and we quote:
“You further comprehend, acknowledge, and agree that, Online Cutie profiles may contact both free users and paid users with computer or human generated interactions for the purposes listed above. These interactions may be initiated to several users simultaneously or in a small time frame. Should a user respond to an interaction from an Online Cuties profile, said user may receive one or more human or computer generated replies from the Online Cuties profile.”
Yes, there is more to the story. The website hires partakers to interact with you and to pretend that the face you see on the photos is a real person. pays random people from third party companies to pretend they are female members of the site. So, this girl on the site that seems to be really into you is actually getting paid to pretend that she likes you.
Why? –So you can keep on paying for monthly membership subscriptions for as long as possible.
Don’t believe us? –We quote: “Staff of Site or third party contractors hired by the Site could operate multiple Online Cutie profiles and associated communications features.”
Addresses: Heywood House, South Hill Anguilla
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Phone Number: 844-399-9749 1-619-900-1607
Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been deceived or ripped off.

Adult Dating Site Reviews that Expose Scams
Snappy Snyder who wants to ansel his adams with a photogenic filly: “Hey Frankie. How do I get laid at”
Me: “ Real easy. You just need to get yourself acquainted with this top selfie technique. Follow these three steps and you’re golden. Step one, go and find yourself a camera. Digital, film, your phone, whatever. Any camera will do. Step two, do some arm stretches. Whatever kind works for you. Just get those arms warmed up. What’s that? Yes, of course this is important. You can’t risk cramping up in the middle of a goddamn selfie session, man! This isn’t amateur hour! Yeesh. Step three, grab your camera and hold it out in front of yourself with your freshly limbered arm. Perfect. Oh, real quick, before we continue, here’s a pro tip— Nay! Here’s the pro tip for taking selfies. You may want to write this down. Ready? Here it is: Make sure the lens is pointed toward you. Nice. Now click. It is in that instance, that moment of selfie perfection, that you realize that you fucking don’t!”
What I’m saying is, get used to playing with yourselfie because nobody is getting it on at SelfieBBWs.
But why, Frankie? What’s wrong with
Three things that, together, make a great game. A game where there’s always a chance to win.
Fake members, fake profiles, and fake emails.
Those are three things that you’ll find at SelfieBBWs. They aren’t part of a game at all, but you always end up losing with them.
Get a load of the “Fantasy Cuties” that are plastered all over SelfieBBWs.
Let me start things off with the most important thing you should take away from this SelfieBBWs review. Here it is:
Before you even think about signing up to a dating site, always, always, always make sure to read their terms and conditions.
The reason being reading the terms and conditions will allow you to see whether or not that dating site is a legitimate site, or if they are going to try and scam you out of your time and money. In other words, reading the terms first allows you to make an informed decision. One that can save you from an entirely avoidable giant headache.
And how, exactly, does reading something so incredibly mind-numbing as a site’s terms and conditions do that, you ask?
By showing you the truth about the site, that’s how.
Buried deep in the legal blah-blah-blah of the terms is where shady dating sites disclose all of their dirty tricks. Not because they want to, mind you. They don’t do it out of the kindness of their hearts. No, they do it so they don’t get in trouble with the law.
See, something a lot of people don’t realize is that by simply continuing to use a website, they have agreed to the terms of that website. Whether they actually read the terms or not is irrelevant.
I’ll tell you who does realize this though. Shady-ass websites. That’s why, even though they’d rather not, they don’t really give a fuck that they have to let you in on their little secrets in their terms. They know that pretty much nobody actually reads the terms of a site. They count on it. And they know that it doesn’t matter one way or the other anyway. They’re off the hook. They did what they had to do to be in the clear. Even though people are still getting scammed left, right, and center, they get to keep on raking in the dough from their deceitful practices.
It’s pretty fucking shitty is what it is.
Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter and take a look at SelfieBBWs terms to see some examples of what we’re talking about.
4.2. You comprehend, acknowledge, and accept that our Service, presented in the style of an online dating service, is an entertainment service. All content is provided for the entertainment and amusement of You.
Legit dating sites are not there “for amusement purposes only”. Remember that. Legit dating sites are there to help you find a fucking date. Geez.
Well, I’ll be. Would ya look at that. “Fantasy Cuties”. Here’s why I mentioned them before:
4.3. THIS SITE UTILIZES FANTASY PROFILES IDENTIFIED AS FANTASY CUTIES. You comprehend, acknowledge, and accept that some of the profiles listed on the Site may be operated by our Site or third party contractors and are fictitious.
Just to be clear, lemme point out the most important word in that hunk o’ junk: fictitious. As in, fake. As in, fake fucking profiles.
4.3.1. Interactions originating from Fantasy Cuties functionality could be computer generated or could be created by the Site or third party contractors hired by the Site.
Want to see more of that gong show? Feel free to go to their site and read the rest of the terms. That’s enough for me though. There’s more than enough evidence of impropriety there to send me in the exact opposite direction of their site.
Okay, okay. I wouldn’t actually do anything so drastic, but seriously, enough with the not believing. You’re killin’ me here.
Listen, when presented with facts—like the facts a little up this page about the fictitious profiles, for example—one does not choose to believe or not believe said facts. This is because they are, you know, facts.
Facts are not open for interpretation or dispute. They are literally things that are indisputably the case.
Now, I get that maybe it’s hard to believe that a site that presents itself as something legitimate could so blatantly give it’s users the giant finger, but unfortunately, it is what it is.
Go have another peek at the stuff we talked about earlier. The stuff that comes right from SelfieBBWs very own terms and conditions. Pay special attention to the bits about the fictitious profiles. Let it all really sink in. Trust me, the lightbulb will come on, and you can revel in the fact that you didn’t just get added to the suckers list. You absolutely do not deserve to be scammed out of your time or hard-earned cash. Nobody does.
So how the hell am I supposed to get laid?
Click here and check out the sites I’ve listed. Sign up to one of those sites and you’ll find loads of women who want to get laid. No bullshit attached. No scams.
Your absolutely right. the women on their are fake have counted sixteen profiles for one of the same photos. I have been on the site for three years and have not met anyone in person.The same goes for BBWdesire, curvy BBw, localmilfselfies and milfaholics .They are all operated by the same people.About a year ago I read a review by another male member.Who was told by one of the girls on their .That the ladies are paid for their photos based on the size of their breast. if you go to ponr sites like I do you will also find some of these photos used in profiles.Which confirms the sites are a fake
The shit these sites try and pull is crazy. One photo, sixteen profiles. Nuts.
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 Feb, 06 - 2015   13 comments   Reviews , Scams

"You comprehend, acknowledge, and agree that the interactions, profile information, and content utilized by Online Cuties profiles do not originate from any actual Site member, but are present for educational, entertainment and Site monitoring purposes only. Any similarity between Online Cuties profile information or interactions to any real person is purely coincidental and fictitious. "

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Uncategorized is owned and associated with a long list of dating scams that we have reported on and exposed as fraud. These sites include, , , and . Read the full investigation on below .

Unfortunately this dating service looks like it's following the same old tricks as other dating sites that we have expose from the same company. First off we took a look at the email messages that we received. So far we have received 4 messages from the site. However in order to read any of the messages we need to upgrade to a paid subscription as always with these scam dating sites. Upon further examination the women sending us these emails are "Online Cuties". An "Online Cutie" is a fabricated dating profile created by the dating site. It is not a real girl sending us the email messages. All the email messages we received were from "Online Cuties", making the emails completely fake and the women sending them 100% phony. The reason they do this is obvious. They want us to upgrade to a paid subscription, since we can't read any of the email messages unless we do upgrade. Unfortunately there's really no reason to upgrade since every female on the site is completely fake and they all have the "Online Cuties" logo attached to their profile, signifying that that profile is completely fictitious and has been created by the dating site.

All the messages are completely automated as the site admits in their terms and conditions page. We have we have included the most important part of the terms and conditions (section #4) for you to read below, regarding compensated employees and contractors paid to interact with you.

As we mentioned above all of the email messages we receive are from "Online Cuties". "Online Cuties" come with a yellow stars, you can see the evidence below circled in red. This signifies that the dating profile is completely fake and is an "Online Cuties" aka a fake profile.

In order for you to create even a free membership on this site you need to agree to the terms and conditions which also includes understanding that "Online Cuties" are fake profiles (see evidence below). As you can see from the evidence below every profile we looked at was in fact an "Online Cutie" making them completely useless. That means that every single profile that we viewed was fake and was created by the site. This site has no real women on it. If they actually had real BBW women on the site they wouldn't go to the work of creating fake female profiles. But since the site has no real women on it they need to make it appear as if the site has real women, when in fact it doesn't. The bottom line is that it's all about money and they need you to upgrade to a paid membership and no person would upgrade if there weren't any women on it. So they need to create fake profiles to fill the site up and make it appear as if the site has thousands of female members when the stark truth is they don't.

In their terms they admit to the use of fake profiles, it's not a secret. Read the most important part of their fake profile con below. or check the terms and conditions (section #4) on their web site.

You need to agree to getting tricked by fake women they call "Online Cuties". Before you can register. It states the following: "By clicking 'Next' I am 18 yrs +, agree to the terms & agree to the use & nature of online cuties , who may contact members for entertainment purposes"

"OC" aka "Online Cutie" logo circled in red.

"OC" aka "Online Cutie" logo circled in red.

Another problem is that employ and hire third party companies to pretend they are female members of the site! They actually pay people to pretend they are female members. So, the girl you're interacting with and sending emails to might actually be a real person but guess what she's not a real member of the site. That person is getting paid to pretend to like you, to trick you into upgrading to a paid membership and you keep you paying that monthly subscription as long as possible. This is all part of the "Online Cuties" agenda. You can find this information in the terms and conditions (section #4) of the site. We have included the most important parts of the terms and conditions for you to read below, regarding compensated employees and contractors paid to interact with you.

We don't suggest you use this site. From our experience, as well as hard evidence and facts this web site is running a con on men looking for BBW women.

If you want to search for real females, then look at these legit dating services .

I tried getting them to cancel my membership so that I don’t get ripped off for 34.00 a month since I already wasted 8.00 for a 3 day membership! I need some help to cancel it they never replied to me and I tried calling but they gave me an excuse that they’re doing a service upgrade so they can’t take my call! Please help!! This is my last day!!!
I used a prepaid greendot card, with $10 on it. Guess they aint getting their money. Go to your bank, or withdraw all your funds. Its pretty easy to get around…….just dont be married and cheating coz then I'm afraid you just got caught. Sorry dude.
i did a free profile for a week. then decided to try this out my bank card got declined . but i still got charged 5 times. I locked my bank card.. this site is bullshit and a major scam
hi david im steve. if ya figure out how to cancel this shit site. let me know.

Watch this video to cancel your account:

I felt and now I know I have been scammed out of $63. Give or take from I started seeing the same pics on other websites. Thank God I have a prepaid card.. I have been emailing some of these women that supposed to live close by and started wondering why I got no response. I
Huge Cocke
Spanking Mature Wife
Pics Of Bare Feet

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