Selffuck Tips

Selffuck Tips


Selffuck Tips
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It seems likes you are interested to fuck your own ass. You might have think that it is really possible or not. Hey! Look, everyone has a different structure, shape of their body, and it is not always possible to fuck your own ass very easily. It might have risks too that injured your penis, and you may reach the hospital. So it is your responsibility to perform anything to your body by keeping the limitation of your body. Precaution is better than cure. Don’t damage your body just for pleasure. You can fuck your own ass easily if you follow and take safety at the same time. Let’s see how you really fuck your own ass.
A guy can fuck his own ass if his penis is flexible enough to insert without giving any extra pressure or effort. You have to assure that your ass is enough lubricated, and there is no poop then try to insert the penis slowly. You can also use sex toys like an anal plug to expand your anal.
You may feel pain while inserting the penis into your anal. Remember, you don’t have to push enough to damage your penis. Just perform this fucking activity very patiently.
In this blog, we’ll cover how to fuck your own ass and prevent any damage to your penis. You’ll also get to step-by-step procedure to fuck your own ass.
It’s called the anal self fuck? And also it’s easier than you assume. It simply takes method and decision! Let’s explore the possible ways to fuck your own ass without injuring your ass or your penis.
You can get a gay partner where you can fulfill your anal fantasy. You can check out our suggestion to get a gay partner. You just need to signup and answer a few quizzes.
Check out this gay cam site to learn how to fuck your own ass. You just need to signup and verify.
The first question you need to ask yourself that “Are you anally experienced?” In other words, have you stuck anything up before in your ass like fingers or dildos? Why is it important to play with your hole of your anal? It helps to get used to opening up. And you can get used to open with your fingers or dildo. After that, you can try to insert your dick in your ass. Make sure you are using enough lube. There are some essential tips you need to keep in mind before inserting the penis into your ass.
Note: You can use cucumber or anything clean with the right shape and hardness, but if you are a beginner, we strongly suggest using a dildo .
There are mainly three things you will need in order to fuck your own ass.
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The very first and crucial action in making love with your butt is understanding where it is. Your butt is generally fairly easy to discover, yet often it can be tricky. Initially, discover your genitals. As soon as you’ve situated your private parts, move your hands (without elevating them) around your back. You ought to really feel 2 fat deposits there. Yours may be either firm or squishy, depending on your level of physical health and fitness. These are referred to as “butt cheeks” by the medical community. Between these “butt cheeks” there should be a split. Really feel inside the fracture and someplace near the center, there must be an opening. Congratulations, you’ve found your butt!
Making sure there is no poop in the butt is one of the most vital actions in having an enjoyable time playing with it. You ought to have some room inside your butt. The majority of people have 7 to 9 inches before hitting the poop reserve storage tanks, as well as if you need this guide that should be ample area. The simplest means to do this is called an enema. This suggests passing warm water right into as well as out of the butt until it appears clean. I understand that could frighten several of you, however, felt confident it is not awkward.
In this age of modern sorcery, you can also administer one from your own residence. To accomplish this, you can acquire a home enema kit, in both disposable as well as reusable forms. A diet regimen high in fruits, as well as vegetables, can also keep points running smoothly.
Now that your butt is clean, you need to make it slippery to make sure that points can move in and out with marginal resistance and discomfort. If you do not do this and also are an unskilled buttfapper, you will likely injure yourself as well as your butt will be sad. There are a variety of materials you can utilize to lubricate on your own. Store-bought individual lubes are the best, though if you’re also reluctant you can use other family substances like cream, child oil, hand cream, etc. Do NOT utilize soap or hair shampoo. It will melt. Crisco also functions fairly well if you have nothing else offered.
Now comes the finest component! You’ll require to discover something to place in your butt. Sex toys like dildos and butt plugs are a great deal of fun, however, if you don’t have anyone of those, all is not shed! Take a look around your home as well as use your creative imagination! Simply makes certain to steer clear of things with sharp sides or a heartbeat, as well as points that are constructed from glass. But it is better to use sex toys to avoid any injuries because sex toy companies like ellaparadis care about your sensitive body parts. They use the safest material for soft sex toys. Their product is eco-friendly and body-safe.
If you fail at the first attempt to self fuck, don’t worry, and don’t be frustrated too. Below are some crucial steps to get you success after you failed last time:
Remember, not everyone can fuck his own ass, and there is no big issue, not everyone has a flexible penis that easily fit into his ass. You can try with someone who interested to fuck his own ass. Maybe you accept it or not, but this type of activity can be considered gay. Don’t be shy if you are interested to fuck your own ass, it clearly indicates that you are interested to fuck anal, no matter which anal, yours or someone else. You can try the guy who also wants the same. Find the guys interested to fuck from you or fuck you or check out from this awesome site where you find your gay partner very quickly, not only a gay partner but if you are interested in girls, you can get from here and you can do what you want from them. Just go and grab your partner 😉
When you have found something to place in your butt, go slowly and give yourself time to obtain used to the sensation and loosen up. If you are utilizing fingers, consider trimming your nails. Scratches harmed! Go up in size extremely progressively, as well as just when you prepare. Constantly make use of lubrication. While your butt will start to self lubricate after a few mins, it will certainly still need aid. Way too much is much better than insufficient. If you are making use of a condom make sure your lube is not oil-based, or it might break. For the gents and also trans women, prostate excitement can be very pleasurable. This is a gland you can really feel about a finger’s length know the wall surface of the rectum nearest the genital areas.
Selffucking is pretty amazing. The dual action is exquisite. And to actually cum inside your own ass as your asshole is pinching your cock at the same time is a whole other level of pleasure. Semi erect pull your cock around your balls and past your hole and with spit push midshaft where it meets your hole and it can slip inside. Once there you can rock back and forth quite easily. I love jizzing in my butt. Oh, I love sucking my cock just as much. One man army!
I have been working on fucking myself for about a week now and I have gotten the head in a little, but nothing more. Very frustrating at times. The thought is very erotic so hopefully before long I will get more of my cock in my ass.
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To make your anal and penis slippery.
To make the anal area expanded for some time to help insert the penis into your own ass.

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Learn how to get a hard-on AND bend it to your own ass. Good luck!!! BWA-ha-ha-ha....
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You asked for it, so here it is - a separate forum for solo sodomy. Stories, questions, tips, anything related to the glorious manly art of fucking yourself. If this is your first visit to the forums please read the "announcement" posting in the self-suck forum. You need to join the forum to post a message. Now lets get fucking!
How do you self fuck? I think our new members are asking this quite a bit and all of us have a different style of how to do this. I will post in a bit on how I do this, but I want other successful self-fuckers to reply and tell us their tips/hints/how-to's! i'll see if I can get this stickied so we have a post where members can look without going through pages upon pages of threads about SF without answering their "how do I..." questions!
How I do it is I kneel on the floor, with both knee's in front of me and my feet are behind my butt. I put my penis on the left side and under while semi-soft to semi hard (but not too hard) with my right hand and hold it there. I slide my left hand under my right hand and basically sit down till my hands hit the floor and use the floor for leverage and help to get it in. Note: I push in with my fingers near the back of the hole, while sliding them foward to try to get it in. You could also press directly on the hole, if well lubed and you are not nervous, and thats an easier way (uncut would probably have to do the sliding, which i mentioned first.)

That is how I do it, I find it the easiest position out of all of them that i've read about and a whole lot easier than the laying down position. The key here is >NOT< to be nervous or "mad" that you cannot get it in. If you can fit your fingers in and such, remember how relaxed you are when you do that, and try to calm yourself enough to try with your dick. What also helps is keeping your mind off it while you're trying, that's how I actually got mine in the very first time, it took my mind off it, thus I was not nervous.

Hope that helps, hope others post about this too!

Last edited by texastwister1950 on Sun May 24, 2009 11:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

Hey guys,

Your pics and clips have really inspired me. Will get my partner to take some pics of me sfing ASAP. Meanwhile, here's my method. Although originally I discovered sfing standing up, it works for me best when lying on my back. An easy chair works better than a bed or sofa, but any of these will do. I pull both balls to the right, pull my cock to the left and down, and with the help of lube insert the head into my hole. With an 8x5 cock that is never a problem, even when totally soft. (Best lube is saliva, next best is aloe gel. Anything too slippery defeats the purpose as the dick pops out as soon as I get it in.)

Where my experience differs from everyone else's here(as seen in the clips and various descriptions) is that my ass really takes over at this point. If I try to ram my cock in and out of the hole (as in Al's movies and other clips posted here) it's either too hard or too soft. Too hard, it pops out instantaneously. Too soft, and I can't use it as a fleshy dildo. But if I RIDE the cock with my hole, I can go for a fairly long time-- ten to twenty minutes-- in escalating ecstasy. This involves holding my dick in place while humping up and down with my ass, riding it.

Although the pleasure is spectacular, I have yet to cum this way. But then, I have yet to cum up my partner's hole either. After decades of jacking, I've gotten so habituated to the feel of my hand that it's very hard to cum any other way.

You guys have changed my sex life. Used to fuck myself every month or two, but have been banging my hole very day since seeing all your hot pics and posts. I've some SO CLOSE to creaming my hole, thinking "Al can do it, that Wisconsin twink can do it, that Canada daddy can do it, (etc.) so I'm gonna spray cum up my hole too." So far, no luck, but I jack my dick to huge explosions after a self fuck session. If I didn't allow myself to cum by hand, surely within a week or so I'd get a self-cumload just like you guys. But that takes a certain amount of self-discipline.

Sooner or later,

Your fan in the Carolina Triad
hye Kwalker,

even with relaxation, i do not succeed sf. What is the size of your dick ? me 6.29 inches (hard).
damned, I have to try again and again.
Well it's been a while since I posted anything here, and in place of me repeating some very good tips and instructions.. simply go to my previous post and you will learn a lot.. I will post pics of my last 24 hour orgasm.. which I finished yesterday, a MOST enjoyable date with my cock.. and of course it did involve me using the chrome ball stretcher... I couldn't go more than a few hours without it.. fingers get cramped. hands get tired. and of course the abrasive factor, of rubbing your cock for long periods is eliminated with the ball strecher as well. I fucking love it.. I have used it for over 20 years safely and with a HUGE degree of satisfaction.. I have shot enough cum through that most excellent toy to fill up several large oil tankers.. or so it seems anyway. You can't argue with a butt load of Cum..Nor, the feeling of getting a blow job from wihin.. Oh and for those not endowed with at least 5 inches or more.. the ball strecther is your gateway to success in s.f ing.

Good Luck guys and ask away for any advice.. I have a PHD in FUCK.. and thousands of pics and vids to trade..

Now go do the right thing.. and GO FUCK YOURSELF...
Jack22 wrote: Well it's been a while since I posted anything here, and in place of me repeating some very good tips and instructions.. simply go to my previous post and you will learn a lot.. I will post pics of my last 24 hour orgasm.. which I finished yesterday, a MOST enjoyable date with my cock.. and of course it did involve me using the chrome ball stretcher... I couldn't go more than a few hours without it.. fingers get cramped. hands get tired. and of course the abrasive factor, of rubbing your cock for long periods is eliminated with the ball strecher as well. I fucking love it.. I have used it for over 20 years safely and with a HUGE degree of satisfaction.. I have shot enough cum through that most excellent toy to fill up several large oil tankers.. or so it seems anyway. You can't argue with a butt load of Cum..Nor, the feeling of getting a blow job from wihin.. Oh and for those not endowed with at least 5 inches or more.. the ball strecther is your gateway to success in s.f ing.

Good Luck guys and ask away for any advice.. I have a PHD in FUCK.. and thousands of pics and vids to trade..

Now go do the right thing.. and GO FUCK YOURSELF...
Well mate I don't understand how exactly the chrome ball stretcher works...?
nwnccpl wrote:
Although the pleasure is spectacular, I have yet to cum this way. But then, I have yet to cum up my partner's hole either. After decades of jacking, I've gotten so habituated to the feel of my hand that it's very hard to cum any other way.
Kwalker wrote: How I do it is I kneel on the floor, with both knee's in front of me and my feet are behind my butt. I put my penis on the left side and under while semi-soft to semi hard (but not too hard) with my right hand and hold it there. I slide my left hand under my right hand and basically sit down till my hands hit the floor and use the floor for leverage and help to get it in. Note: I push in with my fingers near the back of the hole, while sliding them foward to try to get it in. You could also press directly on the hole, if well lubed and you are not nervous, and thats an easier way (uncut would probably have to do the sliding, which i mentioned first.)

That is how I do it, I find it the easiest position out of all of them that i've read about and a whole lot easier than the laying down position. The key here is >NOT< to be nervous or "mad" that you cannot get it in. If you can fit your fingers in and such, remember how relaxed you are when you do that, and try to calm yourself enough to try with your dick. What also helps is keeping your mind off it while you're trying, that's how I actually got mine in the very first time, it took my mind off it, thus I was not nervous.

Hope that helps, hope others post about this too!
I found that if I hollowed out a ball (soft rubber etc.) that Ihave to work at gettiing my cocck pullrd through abougt 1" through then strechining then inserting will keep mw cock in me until I wan't to pull out.
So you're pulling your cock partly through a hole in the ball and then pushing the ball in and using it to hold your cock in place? Sounds kind of like the way dogs can get stuck when they're fucking because the "knot" on their cocks get stuck inside

Can you post some pics or video to show us how you're doing this?

Hey guys, this seems really amazing and I'd love to do it too but I can't seem to get my cock inside, i can pull the head over my hole and all so it's not about length. I just can't seem to get my hole to open up enough for it. If I push it against the hole too long or too hard I just get sore and soft. Any tips on how to get it in or how to loosen up my hole? I used some lube but saliva seems to work better so far. I'd really like to do this. If you guys can help me I'll post some pics of me doing it for you.

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