Self Pics Gallery

Self Pics Gallery


Self Pics Gallery
The problem is that corporations are mainly concerned with making a profit, and they couldn’t care less if it means shutting down a popular media hosting service where hundreds of thousands of people store their personal photos and videos. Fortunately, we don’t need big corporations to create media galleries and share our memories with the whole world.
There are many self-hosted photo and video galleries that provide freedom-respectful software replacement to major media publishing services such as Flickr or Imgur. All you need is a web server and the ability to follow step-by-step instructions. If you think you have what it takes to install a self-hosted photo and video gallery, feel free to pick one from the list below so you can, once and for all, create a safe home for your memories and artistic creations.
Since 2005, hundreds of developers from around the world have been contributing to Zenphoto, trying to make this CMS for self-hosted, gallery-focused websites as good as it can be. Zenphoto supports all common image, video, and audio file formats, including .jpg, .gif, .png, .mp4, .m4a*, .flv, .mov, .3gp, .ogv, .webm, .mp3, .m4a, .fla, .webma, .oga, and several others.
With Zenphoto, you can upload files either using an easy-to-use admin interface or via FTP. You can search your media archive with Boolean expressions, and Zenphoto is able to dynamically create albums based on your searches.
What separates Zenphoto from other self-hosted media galleries is its support for blog pages. Instead of having to run a content management system such as WordPress in addition to a self-hosted media gallery, Zenphoto allows you to kill two birds with one stone and publish blog posts with embedded image galleries, comments, tags, and more.
Under the engine of Zenphoto is a highly customizable theme engine based on HTML5, CSS, and PHP. There are five themes included in the standard installation of Zenphoto, and dozens more are available from third-party developers. If you don’t like any existing Zenphoto theme, you can easily create one yourself or customize and an existing one.
Last but not least, Zenphoto can be extended with over 200 third-party extensions, which cover everything from media management to geotagging to language support. All of this makes Zenphoto our favorite self-hosted photo and video gallery, and, in the next section of this article, we describe how you can install it on your own server.
MediaGoblin is a decentralized alternative to Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, and other online media distribution platforms. Its life began in 2008 when a gathering was held at the Free Software Foundation in order to discuss the path that Internet communities should take. Since then, MediaGoblin matured into the feature-packed, extensible web platform for hosting and sharing many forms of digital media it is today.
MediaGoblin empowers content creators and artists with its open nature and nearly limitless extensibility. You can easily add a new media type or new authentication provider, write plugins, connect MediaGoblin to another platform’s API, and much more. If you like the idea of customization but don’t know where to start, MEdiaGoblin’s thriving community will welcome you in and help you get started.
Piwigo is an easily customizable photo gallery for the web that’s designed to be fast, free, and flexible. It’s designed to meet the needs of individuals and organizations alike, and its source code is available for anyone to study and modify.
At the core of Piwigo is a high-performance image processing engine that can classify thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos in record time. Photos can be added to Piwigo from multiple sources, including a web form, FTP client software, Adobe Lightroom, Google Picasa, and mobile applications.
Piwigo can automatically add a watermark on all photos, describe photos with tags, create a photo calendar using extracted Exif metadata, and resize photos for improved compatibility with various screen resolutions. Piwigo can be easily extended with plugins, and there are various themes provided both by the project community and the developers.
Lychee is an elegant self-hosted photo gallery that can be installed in a matter of seconds and used to share photos and albums with one click. By default, Lychee presents your content on a single-color dark background, making it the start of the show. The same no-frills approach to photo management has also been applied to sharing, uploading, bulk editing, and searching.
Lychee is completely open source, and anyone can modify it or use it as the foundation for a new project. To run Lychee, everything you need is a web-server with PHP 5.5 or later and a MySQL database. The official installation instructions are so simple that even complete beginners with very limited experience with self-hosting should be able to install Lychee in just a few minutes.
Koken is a Japanese word for a black-clad person who enters the theater stage to rearrange the set. The word is very fitting for this content management and website publishing software for photographers because it helps you achieve your artistic vision and present it to the whole world without drawing attention to itself.
Koken has a full-featured management interface that looks and feels like a desktop application but resides completely on the web. Apart from pictures, Koken also supports text and video content, allowing you to tell compelling visual stories using an intuitive WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) editor.
Many web hosting providers offer convenient install scripts for Zenphoto, making the installation process a matter of a single click. Of course, you can always install Zenphoto manually by completing the following steps:
If you’ve encountered any errors along the way, they most likely have something to do with the permissions for Zenphoto files and folders. Visit this page to learn more about the required permissions and how to change them.
With self-hosted photo and video galleries, you don’t have to rely on media hosting services and be at the mercy of their financial goals. Regardless of whether you’re a professional photographer or just someone who likes to share his or her memories and artistic creations with others, you can set up a self-hosted media gallery on a server and customize it to fit your needs perfectly.

David Morelo is a professional content writer in the technology niche, covering everything from consumer products to emerging technologies and their cross-industry application
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Looking for creative and fun self portrait ideas to surprise your subscribers? Here I’ve gathered 35 surreal and cool self portrait ideas for you when your inspiration is over.
The most wide-spread way of taking self portrait photography is selfies or photos taken with the help of a tripod and a remote control. If your self portraits seem boring, follow these 35 self portrait ideas to help you create eye-catching shots.
If you are interested in dreamy and magical self portrait ideas, incorporate fairy lights. They make the shots appear deep and add vividness to the whole scene.
Fairy lights may really diversify an ordinary self portrait. Raise the lights in front of the camera and check whether they aren’t covering it entirely to produce gorgeous bokeh.
One of the most creative portrait ideas is to take pictures through such objects as windows (for incredible reflections), bokeh filters (to make bokeh star- or heart-shaped) or cellophane (for a dreamy look). While photographing through a window, don’t stay straight in front of it.
One of the most popular current online trends is prism photography. For taking such unique self portraits, you need to use a glass prism to twist light to create colorful flare and reflections.
Just locate a glass prism in front of the camera and you will see an impressive rainbowy play of light on your face.
You will certainly get shining and interesting self portraits if you involve glitter. You may blow it in the direction of the lens or cover your body and face with it.
Be ready for the glitter to be all over your body and floor, which will require a long process of tidying up.
One of the most beautiful examples of creative self portrait photography is a picture of a human silhouette. Such images convey a really enigmatic and magnificent atmosphere.
To realize this idea, locate a bright lighting source in the background. When shooting outdoors, everything – from streetlamps to sun, moon or bonfire may serve as a lighting source.
Shooting yourself in motion is one of the most unusual self portrait ideas. Just set a slow shutter speed and do some action in front of the lens.
In case such a shot is taken off chance, the final result may look non-professional. However, if you do everything in a proper way, you will get a captivating and dynamic portrait.
For diverse and cool self portrait ideas, try using color gels. These are color filters which should be located in front of strobe lights or off-camera flashes.
I suggest mixing red and blue color gels on a dimmed background for a trendy look. Practically the same effect may be achieved with neon photography ideas.
Though the light is of tremendous importance, you may use the lack of it for your advantage to realize fantastic self portrait photography ideas. Add drama to your images by locating a shadow in the correct place.
Photograph in those parts where harsh lighting produces a patterned shadow on your face or body, for instance, near window blinds or under palm leaves. 
Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with common mirror selfies. However, don’t worry, as there exist cool portraits ideas involving mirrors.
One of them is to hold a small portable mirror at arm’s length and take a unique picture of yourself in the reflection. To add more creativity, you may use a broken mirror.
Play around with bright colors and turn yourself into a canvas. Just try to find a fine line between traditional portrait photography and painting. As a result, you will get a truly artful, colorful and bold self portrait.
To implement fun self portrait ideas, simply turn yourself into a totally different person. Self-portraiture is the best way to experiment with various looks that you would never imagine trying on. Do an unusual hairstyle, wear bright makeup, put on a colored wig and clothing. Be sure that such a picture will instantly get hundreds of likes.
Milk bath photography is definitely a cool trend worth trying for self-portraiture. The mix of translucent water with milk in a bath produces a wonderful scene and focuses directly on your face and body. Such self portrait ideas are challenging to realize, but the wow effect is guaranteed.
Many photographers choose their favorite color as the main idea of their shots. They just pick the color that conveys their personality best of all. For instance, it may be yellow.
Then take yellow clothing, hold a yellow object in your hand and locate yourself against a yellow background. Various tones will produce a marvelous effect and the portrait will show others who you really are.
To realize even more cool portrait ideas, shoot yourself underwater. Such pictures certainly seem terrific but remember that they are rather complicated to take.
Water completely alters the way color and light look in a shot, therefore you should really think the scene and composition over.
If you look for surreal self portrait ideas, realize this one. Pick a book or a magazine with the person on the cover and place it “instead” of your head in the frame. The result will be impressive, for sure.
Bring some magic to your shots with the help of levitation. Unfortunately, such creative self portrait ideas photography aren’t really widespread, mostly since they aren’t so easy to implement. Actually, the secret is in manipulating two or more pictures in a professional image editor.
For a memorable surrealist self portrait, take advantage of a refractive effect of glass and water to twist and distort your face. Feel free to play around with numerous glasses.
Simple yet creative self portrait ideas involve your camera lens. Just take off its rear and front cap. A short lens, for instance, a 50 mm prime one, will perfectly fit your hand.
Face your camera, hold the lens in front of you and take a picture. For a stunning result, you should be seen clearly in the center of the lens, so put a mirror in front of yourself.
Unique self portrait ideas involve using double exposure. The variations of such portraiture are endless. Shoot yourself displaying various emotions, blend yourself with a picture of your favorite animal or overlay your self portrait with a landscape or cityscape. The final images will surely stand out.
Shoot yourself in macro to put emphasis on a specific part of the body or facial feature. Such images will turn out really intimate and will differ from regular self portrait photo ideas.
It doesn’t matter if you take pictures inside or outside, even ordinary self portrait photography ideas can be easily boosted with the help of head accessories, for instance, flower wreaths, hats, etc. Such headwear doesn’t only enhance your look but adds more color and texture to the entire shot.
In case you are in the mood for creativity, make a flower crown incorporating ribbons, beads and branches.
Get away from regular eye-level photographing and locate a camera slightly lower or higher. Such a small change will make a significant difference in a captured composition and the emotions caused by your self portrait. Keep in mind that a chosen angle should correspond to the idea you are trying to reflect in your shot.
I am sure that not everybody will appreciate nude photography as self portrait ideas. However, this kind of shooting may be rather artful due to the combination of correct lighting and natural human’s body lines and curves.
You don’t have to be totally naked in case it makes you feel uneasy, you may just take off your top or beautifully hide your intimate parts and convey the sense of nudity.
One of the unique shooting composition rules is natural framing. However, it may serve as an idea for interesting self portraits. Use the objects in the composition to somehow distance yourself from them and make the viewers look immediately at you.
Among self portraits ideas with a captivating focal point, concealing one side of your face is a truly amazing one. You may hide yourself with the help of a variety of objects – the one which is important to you, tree leaves, curtains, your hands, hair, whatever you think will fit.
Pets are our best friends and they are cute. In case you have a dog, a cat or other pets, try adding them to your cool self portraits. The pet may not be happy sitting in one place for a long time, so you shouldn’t push it to do it and prepare
When walking down the street, look out for reflective surfaces for taking unique self portraits. It may be windows, puddles or metallic surfaces. The variety of such things is endless and they can really diversify your self-portraiture.
Whenever you shoot your reflection, not just yourself, you have an ability to fully control the camera and arrange the scene of a future image in a more effective way.
To add a festive mood to your self portraits, bring multiple balloons of any color. Involving balloons as portrait ideas adds a pop of color and special magic to your shots.
I suggest filling the whole space with ordinary balloons or purchase helium ones. Whatever you choose, outstanding pictures are guaranteed.
One of the most prominent self portrait photography series ideas is to imagine yourself an actor and display different emotions capturing each of them on camera.
Such a collage will be a wonderful addition to your model photography portfolio . In this way, the employers will see that you are capable of more than a neutral facial expression.
No matter what self portrait photo ideas you
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