Consciousness - Realising Self, Swadharma

Consciousness - Realising Self, Swadharma


Helping yourself, you help the world. You are in the world - you are the world. You are not different from the world, nor is the world different from you. - Sri Ramana Maharishi

Consciousness, The Absolute, in simplest understanding is - ‘you are the cosmos and the cosmos is you’ - Tat Tvam Asi; superficial duality has a deeper level of total unity. The ancient Vedic wisdom implies that the ‘material’ and the ‘conscious’ are aspects of the same transcendent reality.

In Vedic thought, brain, mind and consciousness are three related but different factors.

Consciousness or chit is the light of awareness that is universal.

Mind or manas / chitta is embodied consciousness.

Brain is the physical vehicle of the mind or embodied consciousness.

Consciousness can function even without mind or brain. It is an all-pervasive universal.

Consciousness is something very real and most powerful. It is the very presence of awareness in which we live, out of which body and mind function with a fraction of its power.

Consciousness is always there in the background for us to discover and bring wonder into all that we do. We live in an ocean of consciousness. Yet we do not understand the true nature and extent of our consciousness or how it interfaces with, supports and transcends body and mind. We live at the surface of a deeper ocean of consciousness and may not be aware of its unbounded depths.

A fundamental evolutionary change, must come into every Being, because without it our problems will multiply and we shall become increasingly superficial and have yet greater miseries. To bring about this deep transformation at the core, surely we have to inquire about consciousness.

Most of us try to change through effort and force ourselves through a discipline of our liking without understanding the total process of consciousness. Since liking is part of the mind, a lower level of consciousness (awareness), there can be no fundamental change, though there may be superficial adjustments.

What is important is to realize or experience the falseness of our forcible effort to change. In our SC sessions, we inculcate one to understand the existential process; comprehension of oneness and separation with equal clarity; necessity of continuing higher transformation to move beyond mere comprehension to a will to act.

Taittirıya Upanisad, explains about the five different sheaths or levels that enclose the individual’s Self, which are the Impact Areas of SaiGuruKodiDharma.

The physical body (annamaya kosa) - Livelihood

Energy sheath (pranamaya kosa) - Health care

Mental sheath (manomaya kosa) - Global Peace

Intellect sheath (vijnanamaya kosa) - Education

Bliss sheath (anandamaya kosa) - Self Consciousness

Perfect bliss is Brahman. Perfect peace is of the Self. That alone exists and is consciousness. - Sri Ramana Maharishi

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