Self Bondage Humiliation

Self Bondage Humiliation


Self Bondage Humiliation

A Few Short Tales of Trapped Females 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 (v.1) - Suzy's Day Off

Chapter 2 (v.1) - A Binding Contract

Chapter 3 (v.1) - That Sinking Feeling

Chapter 4 (v.1) - In a Tight Spot

Chapter 5 (v.1) - Kate’s Catch-22 Conundrum

Chapter 6 (v.1) - A Moment of Madness

Chapter 7 (v.1) - The Call of the Cuffs

Chapter 8 (v.1) - Melissa's Quality Time

Chapter 9 (v.1) - Nicki's Self-Bondage Mishap

Chapter 10 (v.1) - Unforeseen Circumstances

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Genre: Other | 

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(example of bad selection): This is bold
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text and this is normal text.

Nicki peered over her shoulder from her position at the top of the stairs and gazed through the banisters at the carpeted hall below. There, unmistakably, was the small silver-coloured metal object
that she had seconds earlier let slip through her fingers, and which now lay almost directly beneath her at a distance of approximately twelve feet. But those twelve feet might as well have been a
million miles as far as Nicki was concerned, as there was no way that she could now retrieve the key, and there was no-one that she could blame for her plight but herself.

It had all started when nineteen year old Nicki had become curious about an item that she’d stumbled upon that belonged to her father (who happened to be a police officer) on Saturday morning. Her
parents, together with her younger sister and brother, were away for the weekend and not due home until Sunday evening. Nicki, therefore, had the family home all to herself. On this spring morning,
with nothing specifically planned for either that day or the next, she had been rummaging through a cupboard that she very rarely needed to visit, when she chanced upon the shiny metal handcuffs,
complete with key. For several years now, Nicki had harboured thoughts that had been greatly troubling her; feelings that she had, until this moment, managed to suppress and keep buried deep within
her subconscious. These feelings, therefore, had predominantly lain dormant within her, yet continued to break into her conscious mind at irregular intervals. Now though, this discovery proved to
be the catalyst for these desires to force their way to the surface on a more permanent basis, and for her inhibitions to crumble. The deep longings she’d up to now managed to deny, or at least
keep in check, suddenly overwhelmed her and she shivered with excitement at the arousal that these conjoined bracelets of steel stimulated.

It was only now, as she examined her new-found playthings with awe and fascination, that she could finally admit to herself that the ideas that had thrilled her since her early teens were fantasies
about being bound, gagged, chained and held in helpless captivity by some evil fiend; only to be eventually rescued by some handsome knight in shining armour. And now, with the means to act out at
least some of these desires at her disposal, the urge to imprison herself in the metal bracelets was just too great to resist.

With trembling hands, Nicki tried the key in the locks and then, satisfied that she would be able to release herself again, she gingerly placed her left wrist into one of the waiting cuffs and
completed the entrapment of her hand. The clicking sound, as the ratchet mechanism shut fast, sent a thrill coursing up her spine. Quickly, she secured the other wrist in the vacant bracelet and
within seconds was walking around the room waving her manacled hands in front of her, in a mock struggle for a freedom that was neither forthcoming not desired.

After maybe three minutes or so, however, Nicki began to tire of this. What she craved now was a more daring, and therefore more exhilarating, way of shackling her wrists together. She let herself
out of the cuffs momentarily, before re-imprisoning herself again, this time struggling into their caress of steel with her hands behind her back. Once again she spent several minutes in this
fashion, wandering around the house in a state of high excitement; experimenting with little, normally mundane tasks such as opening doors and switching on the television.

Eventually though, this too proved unsatisfying in her increasingly aroused state. What she hungered for were not merely handcuffed wrists, but full-blown bondage.

Removing the cuffs again (which proved slightly more difficult than it had when her hands were in front of her), Nicki hurried out to the garden shed and swiftly located the two items she sought: a
reel of garden twine and a roll of heavy duty adhesive tape. Once back inside the house, she checked that all the doors and windows were shut and locked, as the last thing she wanted was for her
secret to be discovered. Going upstairs, she removed her clothes until she stood in just her bra and panties, before sheathing her slender legs in a pair of sheer black tights. She finished off the
ensemble by stepping into her highest heeled shoes, as she wanted to look as sexy as possible for the fantasies she had in mind. The next step was to strategically place a large mirror against the
wall on the landing, in order to be able to observe herself during her struggles. Satisfied that this was positioned at the correct angle to capture her bound up form from the best possible angle,
she was now ready to begin trussing herself up.

Firstly, Nicki unwound a length of the twine and tested its strength in her hands; smiling at the way it refused to stretch or snap. Cutting five long pieces from the reel (three of approximately
nine or ten feet in length, and two slightly longer), she sat on the floor with her back to the post at the head of the stairs. Without undue haste, so as to ensure that she secured all the
ligatures as tightly as she was able, Nicki bound her ankles to each other, then followed this by tying the second and third shorter lengths of twine, one just below her knees and the other just
above. All three bonds were executed in identical fashion; being wound around her legs several times, then cinched and tied at the front as tightly as she could manage. With this exercise now
complete, Nicki used the railings to lever herself up onto her feet and for a minute or two and hopped around on the landing; checking that no amount of friction would cause the twine to slip or
the knots to come undone. Happy that her legs were now inescapably tied, she returned to her starting point.

Next, Nicki took a pair of tights and rolled them up into a tight ball, which she then forced into her mouth until they filled the cavity beyond. She then began to seal the tights in by
covering her mouth with the thick, grey tape which, according to the packaging it came in, was waterproof and would stick to almost any surface with near permanence. Lifting her hair up, she began
to wind the tape around her lower face and neck. Several circumnavigations of her head later, she tore the tape from the reel and pressed the whole mass down to ensure it adhered to her skin,
taking extra care to make certain that there were no loose edges or corners that might be prone to peeling of their own accord. Looking in the mirror, Nicki observed a girl whose whole face from
just below the nose downwards was swathed in grey tape. She tried pushing with her tongue at the tights, but found that they could not be propelled forwards, as her lips were now well and
truly sealed. Experimental attempts to speak, or even scream, informed her that this was a very effective way of stifling sound.

The feel of the twine pressing into her legs, together with the strange sensation created by the clinging tape on her face, heightened Nicki’s resolve to complete her self-binding exercise as soon
as she could. Without a pause, she wrapped the first of the longer pieces of twine around her waist, also encompassing the post behind her. Pulling this bond as tight as she could get it, she tied
the final knot on her stomach. The final length of twine was used in similar manner, only higher up her torso. Starting below her breasts, she wound the cord around herself and the post three
or four times, before encircling a similar number of coils above her breasts. Once again, the final knot was secured at the front, which would be out of reach once she had her hands cuffed as she
planned. At this point, Nicki stopped momentarily to admire herself in the mirror. A tingling sensation rushed up her spine at the sight of her tethered legs and tape covered face; her shapely
figure trembling with the joy of it all. She was now almost at the final stage of her scheme.

Originally, she’d contemplated wearing a blindfold, but then a dilemma had presented itself. How would she be able to see herself in the mirror? On the other hand, her bondage wouldn’t seem
complete without some sort of sight restrictor in place. It was a toss-up, therefore, between watching herself writhe around, or remain sightless throughout. In the end she reached a compromise
between the two, both of which held a certain fascination for her. She would retain her sight, but cover her head with a pair of tights. That way, she could still see herself through the mesh,
albeit not as clearly as before, but would appear, in a sense, hooded. To this end, she pulled one leg of the tights - black to match the rest of her attire - over her hair and down as far as
her neck, with the foot and lower leg allowed to dangle down the back of her head. The other leg she wrapped loosely around her neck.

Now the time had come to apply the most important bond of all. Still trembling with the anticipation of what she was about to do, Nicki clicked one of the cuffs down onto her left wrist until she
was satisfied that it was tight enough to ensure that she wouldn’t be able to extricate her hand. Holding onto the key, she slipped her left hand through the railings and reached around behind the
post. At the same time, she placed her right hand around behind her until it met its counterpart. For at least two minutes she struggled without success to insert her right wrist into the empty
bracelet and push it shut. She hadn’t realized how difficult an operation this would be, but the thickness of the post served to restrict her arm movements and for a few gloomy seconds she feared
that maybe this final obstacle would prove impossible to overcome. She refused to give up however, and suddenly, with a stifled groan of triumph and delight, she heard the clicks that informed her
that she had been successful. Four further clicks of the ratchet ensured that this hand was now as trapped as the other. A quick jerk of her wrists and a twist of her hands confirmed it; her hands
were now chained closely together behind a solid four inch wooden post, with her fingers well out of reach of her other bonds.

Now there was one last tricky operation to be undertaken before Nicki was ready for the fun to commence. The key to her eventual freedom was still being held between the thumb and index finger of
her left hand. Her aim now was to transfer this tiny but oh so important object into the palm of her other hand. That way, if she kept her fist clenched tightly until such time as she required its
services again, the key couldn’t be dropped. Carefully, she pressed the sliver of metal into the palm of her right hand and prepared to grasp it, whilst simultaneously releasing it from the left.

The following event happened so fast that Nicki was never totally sure of the exact circumstances surrounding the catastrophe. Was she so excited at the prospects of what lay ahead that her shaking
hands were unable to coordinate correctly? Or had the battle to force the manacles shut around her wrists made her hands clammy to such an extent that she was unable to keep hold of the smooth
slippery surface of the key? She had no definite answer to this conundrum, but knew that one second it was there and the next it was gone, leaving her clutching at thin air. A brief interval
ensued, lasting only a fraction of a second but seeming much, much longer, before an almost inaudible dull sound from below signaled that Nicki’s worst fears had come to pass. For half a minute of
more she was in a state of denial; refusing to believe what had just transpired. Her fingers desperately searched the few square inches of carpet they could reach before this gave way to thin air
and the long drop to the ground floor below. Even once she’d admitted to herself that the key was no longer on the landing, the gravity of the event still failed to register fully. It was
only as the minutes ticked by, as Nicki stared through a meshed haze in the direction of the fallen object in the hallway below, that the full significance of the failed transfer of the key from
one manacled hand to the other became apparent, and she appreciated for the first time that she could neither get to the key, nor in any way get the key to come to her. In short, she was trapped.
Once the penny had finally dropped, and she had discarded all the other impractical ways of getting free that she briefly entertained in her spinning head, her initial outburst of sheer panic
bordered on the violent. Jerking and bucking her whole body, thrashing and straining at her bonds, slamming her wrists against the solid post, she laboured with increasing despair to extricate
herself from her dire predicament…..but wit
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