Self Bdsm Stories

Self Bdsm Stories


Self Bdsm Stories
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Before I get into this bondage story illustration business, allow me to give you some background information about myself.  Back in the days before I got into creating and producing bondage photography art, I found my release in penning erotic bondage stories.  Made quite a name for myself on IRC as a bondage story telling scribe in the imaginary world of on-line Gor.  Kajira flocked to my cyber room which pissed off more than a few "Masters", especially those of the warrior class.  Much to my delight I must add.    Pushed my belly away from the keyboard, got off my pretentious ass, (still pretentious but as least I'm not sitting on it any more) turned in my pyjamas for street clothes and put that chapter of my life far, far behind me.  My on-line nick was and still is Masato which is what the M in Uncle M stands for.  I might add that I was famous for never quite completing a story which was done on purpose to create some suspense and give my work a sort of cliff hanger twist.  "The Long Lesson"… part one… part two is no exception.  Now...onto the illustration part of this journal. I crossed paths with a like minded bondage artist here on dA who creates some pretty cool bondage drawings.  He takes the time to dream up a little story for each drawing which adds a lot of life to the drawings.  In our exchanges this artist made it known to me that he has a bit of a fetish for a certain type of footwear on a model and that bondage photos of this nature were a rare find indeed.  Simple, inexpensive, attractive, easy to find and totally in keeping with my style of photography bondage.  What the hell...lets make this guy happy I thought so I have set things up for our very next shoot.  Fair is fair, I'm dealing with a gentleman of honour and I asked that he do an illustration from one of my stories and suggested The Long Lesson.  I'll be damned...he was not only well aware of the story but had it committed to memory.  Stunned the hell out of him too when he realized that I am the author.  This artist friend of mine is   3may5sq1 … his first illustration for the story is complete.  Please read my comment on this piece.  3may5sq1 has put a lot of work and effort into getting the drawings as true to life as possible.  Not a bad likeness of my wife at all.  Drop by and have a look...put this guy on your watch list if you already have not.  you are not going to want to miss his instalments.  Oh....go and read the story.  Cheers!

Good question. Unfortunately I am still not out of the woods yet with this cancer thing. I'm loath to make my personal health woes public but I let that pussy cat out of the bag awhile ago. Good news is the radiation therapy got the vast majority of a mass the size of a mans forefinger. Shows my body responds positively to treatment. Bad news is there was a bit of a tumour left over and they found more cancer. This is cancer the "magical" scanning machine apparently missed or the people reading the original scan were not paying enough attention to detail. I'm going with the latter. Not to worry, this all has been caught early enough t
Enough of this cancer talk....let's get onto something a lot more positive and fun shall we. Over the years I have gotten to know quite a few of you though our connection here on dA. A lot of good natured and fun bantering but honest and sincere at the same time. The chances of me ever meeting up with most or any of the lovelies for some bondage fun is remote at best. I get that. However, that doesn't stop me from making a bucket list does it? I'm going to share, one bucket item (NO, I don't consider anybody an "item" but this is the best descriptive word that I can come up with at the moment) my little fantasy "bondage play" scene with
Way past time for a bit of an update on myself. On a positive note, I'm not only still very much alive and kicking but on the mend albeit slowly. I successful completed my 6 weeks of treatment which was 6 weeks ago now. The thing with radiation therapy is it's accumulative and the body is still radiating itself 6 weeks after the last radiation treatment. Think of being under a heat lamp for a period of time then shutting off the lamp. What ever is under that lamp keeps on cooking. My type of cancer was painless so I was bloody lucky to have noticed something was amiss early and acted on it. My troubles or issues is dealing with all the
It's certainly been awhile since I have posted anything of significance here on dA and not without reason. I'm loath to post bad or negative news especially when the news is of a personal nature. Double if the news concerns a serious health issue. After much thought I am going to make an exception for my dA followers only. Late January I was diagnosed with cancer of an unknown origin. Picture a fire with an unknown source. Fire fighters can control the fire and eventually put it out but dammit where did it start and what caused it? Kind of important information to have if you want to ensure the fire doesn't flare up again somewhere els
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I didn't know you were into Gor. Maybe you need some kajirae photoshoots!

Copyright 2009 - All rights
At first, the boys first did not know what to make of it.
They had a big laugh, and then got me on a seat, which made me squeal and curse,
and I couldn’t even wipe the tears from my eyes. We drove out to a little shed,
where they all had a closer look at my costume, with much groping at my corset,
my chastity belt, and the hooves. Oh, how the boys liked to lift up my
petticoats and stare at the crotch band of my belt! They pounded on it, tugged
at it, and asked if I could notice anything, which, of course, I didn’t. I’d
better not tell them about the leotard, which still had its go at my clit,
rubbing me insane. 
Of course, all of them had their go at the combination
lock, turning some of the wheels like a wheel of fortune, which never gave a
win. My hands stayed cuffed, where they were, and so did my belt of steel,
protecting my virtue.
Finally, they looked at my funny spider-necklace. “And what
is this? A symbol of a kind??” Dave asked, simultaneously squeezing my boobs
under their stiff cuffs, thus thrusting them deeper into the sharp spikes on the
“Ouch!! It is nothing, it is…” I wanted to take a deep
breath, but I hadn’t been able to take one for the last two hours or so.
“Please, Dave, let me out of this corset! It’s killing me!” 
He and Tom had another look at the locking mechanism. They
tugged at both padlocks, but they didn’t give. “Sorry, Dan, no chance. We can’t
get at the laces; I’m afraid, you are stuck in it until your dad lets you out
again. What did you say, this necklace was for?” 
I bit my lips. And then I heard Karen’s voice from behind
me, now with her hands at the ‘necklace’: “Don’t you know that, Tom? Shall I
show you what it is?” 
I bit my lips even harder. That f….. old cow!! She already
nestled at my neck, and soon held the contraption up against my lips. “See, it
goes into the mouth of our little pony! Right here… now, open up, little pony…
more, MORE… yes, that’s right… just a little bit more yet, there you go… and now
she may bite down on it, see, and I’ll secure these straps around her neck, like
this…can’t bite you any more like this!” 
The boys were looking at me, hands in their pockets, and I
could see why. I wanted to work the spider gag – for that’s what it was – out of
my mouth, but I couldn’t. I never knew these things were that effective. 
And there was yet another thing I did not know. I did not
know that ponies can kneel. Karen had pushed an old cushion in front of me and
then simply kicked the back of my knees to make me kneel down, as simply as
that. There I was, on my knees, stiff like a broom, due to my locking-corset,
now with the black petticoat billowing all around me. And with my mouth wide
open. And the boys right in front of me. 
They did not know what to make of it!! That was the best
part of my Halloween adventure last night! So inexperienced they were! Karen put
the leash into Tom’s hand. “Come on, our little pony girl needs feeding, doesn’t
Poor boy! He still had no idea what to do, even though I
could see it very clearly right before my face. Only when Karen had a grope at
his member, did he seem to understand. 
Well, the rest is…ohm… private. Both boys thought I would
need to be fed, but I’m not going to say more about it.
Soon after, they all had put on their masks, and left me
standing behind, outside this shed, leashed to a hook in the wall. I still had
this awful thing in my mouth and I daren’t move, as there was a motion detector
connected to strong projector. This shed was not out of town, you know, and
could be seen from the road. So there I stood for about an hour and a half,
squeezed in by this crushing locking corset, which could not be removed before
Dad came with the key; hobbled in heavy pony hooves with real horseshoes
underneath, and protected by a solid chastity belt, the key to which was around
my neck, but too far up to reach the lock, as I could not bend in my stiff
corset. My hands were still cuffed to the belt, and my fingers were playing with
the many layers of my enormous starched petticoat, which was about all I could
Time went by; from time to time a cat came and had a sniff,
unfortunately setting the projector off, exposing me to the world, at least the
world of our little town.
 When I came home after midnight), my parents had gone to
bed already. I found a key and a note on the kitchen table: “Hi Daniela; we hope
you had a nice evening out with your friends. We are very tired, so we are off
to bed early. See you in the morning! The keys are on the table! Hugs, Mom and
There was one key only, which was the one to my handcuffs.
I could not find any other key though, so I thought it would be better to leave
things as they were, and I went upstairs – clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop –
wondering if ponies were allowed to sleep in a real bed – if I could sleep at
all, still in that locking corset and chastity belt, with the crotch of my black
leotard still rubbing me where it was best…

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